sharepoint 2010 GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl not working - api

version: Sharepoint 2010
Hosted by Apps4rent
with sharepoint 2013 i was able to get folders and files using _api/Web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('') API call
But with sharepoint 2010 instance if i try _api/Web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('') this API it gives 404 error.
Please correct me if i am doing wrong here

Yes. SharePoint 2010 does not support REST API but you can use listdata.svc service.
Refer below code. This should work for you:
'$filter=endswith(Path, 'folder1')'
Here we are trying to get the files present inside the specific folder(i.e. folder1) of document library(i.e. DocLibTest2)
DocLibTest2 is name of document library.
folder1 is name of folder present inside DocLibTest2
Reference :

SharePoint 2010 not supported to use Rest API in browser directly,please use JSOM to call it:
<script type="text/javascript">
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getFilesInFolder, 'sp.js');
var files;
function getFilesInFolder() {
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
var folder = web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/test/Shared%20Documents');
files = folder.get_files();
context.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnSuccess), Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnFailure));
function OnSuccess()
var listItemEnumerator = files.getEnumerator();
while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var fileUrl = listItemEnumerator.get_current().get_serverRelativeUrl();
function OnFailure(sender, args) {
alert("Failed. Message:" + args.get_message());


Using CefSharp with introp to embed in Microsoft Access Form

I have built new C# class library (user control) using CefSharp (it compiles with no errors) to use it in ms access form but when I try to embed in the form i get the following error:
and did not get error all the times, sometimes works fine, and when I try to embed in excel and I get this error:
I developed this library using:
Visual Studio 2013
Dot Net Framework 4.5.2
CefSharp 53.0.0
and this is the main part of my code:
public void InitBrowser()
var settings = new CefSettings();
string assemblyFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
if (!Cef.IsInitialized)
settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = Path.Combine(assemblyFolder, "CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe");
if (Cef.Initialize(settings))
browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("url");
browser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
What is the problem in this scenario?
Thanks in advance.

How to get users/group list on active directory in .net core 2

Working on a project, where all users are created in active directory under a domain.
What I want is get all users that are in the domain, is this possible?
I am new to active directory, using .net core2.0.
Any suggestions and guidance is appreciated.
There is an implementation of System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement for .NET Core 2, published by the .Net Foundation. See the nuget reference here
This will allow you to make calls like this:
using (var ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "MyDomain")){
var myDomainUsers = new List<string>();
var userPrinciple = new UserPrincipal(ctx);
using (var search = new PrincipalSearcher(userPrinciple)){
foreach (var domainUser in search.FindAll()){
if (domainUser.DisplayName != null){
Exact what i was looking for...
You can use the Microsoft Graph API to interact with the data users in the Microsoft cloud(Including AAD).
Link here

Google Sheets API v4 receives HTTP 401 responses for public feeds

I'm having no luck getting a response from v4 of the Google Sheets API when running against a public (i.e. "Published To The Web" AND shared with "Anyone On The Web") spreadsheet.
The relevant documentation states:
"If the request doesn't require authorization (such as a request for public data), then the application must provide either the API key or an OAuth 2.0 token, or both—whatever option is most convenient for you."
And to provide the API key, the documentation states:
"After you have an API key, your application can append the query parameter key=yourAPIKey to all request URLs."
So, I should be able to get a response listing the sheets in a public spreadsheet at the following URL:{spreadsheetId}?key={myAPIkey}
(with, obviously, the id and key supplied in the path and query string respectively)
However, when I do this, I get an HTTP 401 response:
error: {
code: 401,
message: "The request does not have valid authentication credentials.",
Can anyone else get this to work against a public workbook? If not, can anyone monitoring this thread from the Google side either comment or provide a working sample?
I managed to get this working. Even I was frustrated at first. And, this is not a bug. Here's how I did it:
First, enable these in your GDC to get rid of authentication errors.
-Google Apps Script Execution API
-Google Sheets API
Note: Make sure the Google account you used in GDC must be the same account you're using in Spreadsheet project else you might get a "The API Key and the authentication credential are from different projects" error message.
Go to where you will acquire authorization tokens.
On Step 1, choose Google Sheets API v4 and choose scope so you have bot read and write permissions.
Click the Authorize APIs button. Allow the authentication and you'll proceed to Step 2.
On Step 2, click Exchange authorization code for tokens button. After that, proceed to Step 3.
On Step 3, time to paste your URL request. Since default server method is GET proceed and click Send the request button.
Note: Make sure your URL requests are the ones indicated in the Spreadsheetv4 docs.
Here's my sample URL request:
I got a HTTP/1.1 200 OK and it displayed my requested data. This goes for all Spreadsheetv4 server-side processes.
Hope this helps.
We recently fixed this and it should now be working. Sorry for the troubles, please try again.
The document must be shared to "Anyone with the link" or "Public on the web". (Note: the publishing settings from "File -> Publish to the web" are irrelevant, unlike in the v3 API.)
This is not a solution of the problem but I think this is a good way to achieve the goal. On site I found how to update spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. This is an example with GET method. I will try to show you POST method with JSON format.
How to POST:
Create Google Spreadsheet, in the tab Tools > Script Editor paste following script. Modify the script by entering the appropriate spreadsheet ID and Sheet tab name (Line 27 and 28 in the script).
function doPost(e)
var success = false;
if (e != null)
var JSON_RawContent = e.postData.contents;
var PersonalData = JSON.parse(JSON_RawContent);
success = SaveData(
// Return plain text Output
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Data saved: " + success);
function SaveData(Name, Age, Phone)
var dateTime = new Date();
// Paste the URL of the Google Sheets starting from https thru /edit
// For e.g.: SPREADSHEET ID---/edit
var MyPersonalMatrix = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(" SPREADSHEET ID---/edit");
var MyBasicPersonalData = MyPersonalMatrix.getSheetByName("BasicPersonalData");
// Get last edited row
var row = MyBasicPersonalData.getLastRow() + 1;
MyBasicPersonalData.getRange("A" + row).setValue(Name);
MyBasicPersonalData.getRange("B" + row).setValue(Age);
MyBasicPersonalData.getRange("C" + row).setValue(Phone);
return true;
return false;
Now save the script and go to tab Publish > Deploy as Web App.
Execute the app as: Me,
Who has access to the app: Anyone, even anonymous
Then to test you can use Postman app.
Or using UWP:
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(#"");
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptEncoding.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue("utf-8"));
string endpoint = #"/macros/s/---YOUR SCRIPT ID---/exec";
PersonalData personalData = new PersonalData();
personalData.Name = "Jarek";
personalData.Age = "34";
personalData.Phone = "111 222 333";
HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(personalData), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.PostAsync(endpoint, httpContent);
if (httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string jsonResponse = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//do something with json response here
catch (Exception ex)
public class PersonalData
public string Name;
public string Age;
public string Phone;
To above code NuGet Newtonsoft.Json is required.
If your feed is public and you are using api key, make sure you are throwing a http GET request.In case of POST request, you will receive this error.
I faced same.
Getting data using
Method: spreadsheets.getByDataFilter has POST request

windows 8 modern ui apps - access to data

Where can i find folder with installed modern ui apps? Im developing some app which uses .txt files to store information (win8 doesnot support datebase on arm - facepalm) but they seem to not work properly - thats why i want to access them.
That is not the correct way of doing things in Metro. I assume you mean db files, or txt files. Simply access the local text file from the project folder.
Here is a great tutorial on how you would go about doing so:
An example:
private async void ProjectFile()
// settings
var _Path = #"Metro.Helpers.Tests\MyFolder\MyFolder.txt";
var _Folder = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation;
// acquire file
var _File = await _Folder.GetFileAsync(_Path);
Assert.IsNotNull(_File, "Acquire file");
// read content
var _ReadThis = await Windows.Storage.FileIO.ReadTextAsync(_File);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello world!", _ReadThis, "Contents correct");

Creating a SharePoint 2010 page via the client object model

I am attempting to create pages in a Sharepoint 2010 pages library via the client object model but I cannot find any examples on how to do it. I have tried two approaches:
The first is to treat the Pages library as a list and try to add a list item.
static void createPage(Web w, ClientContext ctx)
List pages = w.Lists.GetByTitle("Pages");
//ListItem page = pages.GetItemById(0);
ListItemCreationInformation lici = new ListItemCreationInformation();
ListItem li = pages.AddItem(lici);
li["Title"] = "hello";
As expected, this failed with the error message:
To add an item to a document library, use SPFileCollection.Add()
The next approach I tried was to add it as a file. The problem is that the FileCreationInformation object is expecting a byte array and I am not sure what to pass to it.
static void createPage(Web w, ClientContext ctx)
List pages = w.Lists.GetByTitle("Pages");
FileCreationInformation file = new FileCreationInformation();
file.Url = "testpage.aspx";
file.Content = new byte[0];
file.Overwrite = true;
The piece of code above will add an item in the Pages library but opening the file brings up a blank page which I cannot edit. From reading various topics, I suspect that it may only be possible to add pages via server side code. Any thoughts?
The problem is that the
FileCreationInformation object is
expecting a byte array and I am not
sure what to pass to it.
You could you whatever method you want to get the page contents into a string (read it from a file, create it using a StringBuilder, etc) and then convert the string to a byte array using
First of all, Publishing API is not supported via Client Side Object Model (CSOM) in SharePoint 2010. But you could consider the following approach that demonstrates how to create a publishing page using SharePoint 2010 CSOM.
How to create a publishing page using SharePoint 2010 CSOM
public static void CreatePublishingPage(ClientContext ctx, string listTitle, string pageName, string pageContent)
const string publishingPageTemplate = "<%# Page Inherits=\"Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.TemplateRedirectionPage,Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c\" %> <%# Reference VirtualPath=\"~TemplatePageUrl\" %> <%# Reference VirtualPath=\"~masterurl/custom.master\" %>";
var pagesList = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
var fileInfo = new FileCreationInformation
Url = pageName,
Content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(publishingPageTemplate),
Overwrite = true
var pageFile = pagesList.RootFolder.Files.Add(fileInfo);
var pageItem = pageFile.ListItemAllFields;
if (!ctx.Site.IsPropertyAvailable("ServerRelativeUrl"))
pageItem["PublishingPageLayout"] = string.Format("{0}_catalogs/masterpage/ArticleLeft.aspx, ArticleLeft",ctx.Site.ServerRelativeUrl);
pageItem["PublishingPageContent"] = pageContent;
using (var ctx = new ClientContext(url))
ctx.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");
CreatePublishingPage(ctx, "Pages", "Greetings.aspx", "Welcome to SharePoint!");