If I enter 5 I want to display 5% but it is rendering as 500%. How can I display?
<kendo-numerictextbox [decimals]="2" [format]="'p'" [(ngModel)]="Percentage"></kendo-numerictextbox>
<kendo-numerictextbox [decimals]="2" [format]="'# \\%'" [(ngModel)]="Percentage"></kendo-numerictextbox>
i want to create an app that have 2 FlatList:
For example:
Header with 2 choises "TOP 10" , "TOP20"
if i click "TOP 10" i want to see the list with top10, if i click "TOP 20" i want to see a list with top20.
Can someone help me please?
I would really like to change the default display size for images on my products pages. My theme has them taking up half the page width and it just washes out the page. Is there an easy way to do this?
Also, any advice on if you think it is a good idea would be appreciated, it really annoys me but maybe it's just me!
My site is https://brantees.com/products/wheat-field-grain-creative-artistic-unisex-tee-shirt
First of all check if there's an option for that in the Customizer.
If not -- you'll have to go into the product template and edit it.
The div with the image is a column defined as
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 clearfix product--images">
col-lg-6 means it takes up 6 columns out of 12 on a large screen.
col-md-6 -- 6 out of 12 on a medium screen.
col-sm-12 -- 12 out 12 (the whole width) on a mobile screen.
You can change these numbers, but if you decrease numbers in the left columns -- increase them in the right if you want the two columns to take up 100% of the page width.
In my website, I have got 2 select dropdown list Client and Staff.
I have got roughly 100 Clients and 350 Staffs.
Populating dropdown list is very slow. for example for the staff dropdown list takes around 40sec and little less for Client. basically it takes 1 minuted to load the page.
First I used ViewData
ViewData["EmployeeList"] = new SelectList(employeeRepository.Employees.,"EmployeeID", "FullName");
<select asp-for="EmployeeID" class="form-control col-sm-12" asp-items="ViewBag.EmployeeList"></select>
Then I changed it to ViewModel
EmplSelectList = new SelectList(employeeRepository.Employees, "EmployeeID", "FullName")
<select asp-for="ClientID" class="form-control col-sm-12" asp-items="Model.ClientSelectList"></select>
This didn't improve much.
Does anyone know a better way to solve this issue? Please.
Thanks advance for help.
[here i have 2 scenarios, 1) first is image one. there i have 4 cards in a each row(that will change based on screen size 4->2->1). it is in respective classes like col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12, i have only one html markup to render the card, many cards are displaying dynamically based on back end data.
2) on clicking button in a each card, their respective extra details will come up in bottom to that in complete row.
here problem is since it is in column class, that extra details occupying only that much space(like parent div), i want that in single row. 1)http://i.stack.imgur.com/d8xEC.jpg 2) http://i.stack.imgur.com/N8ewg.jpg]1
because it's too long, i created a fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/gxyud676/1/
I'm not too happy with that solution, as it is not responsive.
my first thought was to just use the bootstrap collapsable features to use the cards as collapsible triggers, and place the preview markup outside the rows.
but this approach would open the preview on a xs screen always below the 4th element:
CARD 2 <-- clicking
my fiddle solution was then to detect the screen size (hence the number of used cols) and to move the preview markup to the correct position.
another way could be to duplicate the preview markup on the correct positions (for card 1 there is the preview with class "col-xs-12 visible-xs" just after the card, and the same object with "col-sm-6 col-md-6 visible-sm visible-md" after an evenly positioned card and with "visible-lg" after the current row)
it's more complicated than I initially thought :-/
How can I add a percentage textbox with decimal and percentage sign using Telerik RadControls?
I mean Telerik MaskedTextBox or Telerik NumericTextBox?
Which one and how?
I wrote the aspx code below :
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="RadNumerictxtPercent_Taliya" runat="server"
Type="Percent" Width="60px" EnableEmbeddedSkins="False" Skin="BlackByMe" ValidationGroup="C"
MaxValue="20" MinValue="0">
<NumberFormat DecimalDigits="2" ZeroPattern="n %" />
but I can not increase and decrease percentage (decimal area) using keyborad!
Also it seems there is a problem about percentage sign in that aspx code!
How can I fix them?
thanks in advance
You need NumberFormat-DecimalDigits="2"
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="RadNumericTextBox1" runat="server" Type="Percent"
Width="60px" NumberFormat-DecimalDigits="2" MaxValue="20" MinValue="0">