I would like to convert PDF to Post Script - pdf

I would like to convert PDF to Post Script or else is there any possible to generate post script from RDLC report in C#.net
How can I achieve this?

Ghostscript and Poppler can both take PDF as input and produce PostScript, I suspect other libraries can do so as well. Have you tried Google ?


Create a downloadable pdf of pytest report in python

I need a report generated after pytest test is executed.I used allure report and pytest html report also but I am unable to get pdf as they are only providing me the html format even though their report presentation is remarkable. Is there any substitute for that so that I could get the same but in pdf format just as in Java we can get report in pdf
I'm currently working on something quite similar to this question.
This answer provides a helpful way to access test results while running pytest.
My technique is to get the results organized in a dict and then generate a markdown file I feed to pandoc through subprocess.
Update: this technique works fantastically.

Conversion from PDF to TIFF file using XSLT

Is it possible to convert PDF to TIFF file using XSLT? Can someone point out some artcile or code i can refer regarding the image conversion using xslt.
No, it is not possible using just XSLT. XSLT is for transforming XML to other textual structures (usually XML, HTML, or plain text). Using XSL-FO, you can output a PDF from XML data - but that is a one way process as far as XSL-FO is concerned. Apache FOP does support outputting to TIFF instead of PDF, but again this is a one way process.
Assuming you could get a PDF -> XML conversion working (a quick google suggests such libraries exist, but it's unclear what they'd actually provide), it would be possible to use XSLT to transform that XML into something Apache FOP could render into a TIFF file, but at that point you'd really be better off investigating a direct PDF to TIFF conversion library (perhaps with an OCR library).
Possible? Maybe (but likely not). The real question is why do you even want to try to create a TIFF file from a PDF file using XSLT?
You do not need XSLT.
You want a raster image processor like Ghostscript (or many others). It can convert PDF (and Postscript) to other image formats like TIFF.
The only way to do that is to call a conversion service, e.g. aspose.com or to create another service externally to the DataPower box.
There might be some Node.js modules that could do it running in GatewayScript (GWS) (if you are on firmware 7+) but I believe they are all dependent on external binaries to function and that won't work in GWS.

Import PDF Fields into Database

I'm trying to import fields from a fill-able PDF into a sql databse.
I can't seem to find an answer online:
What's the best way to import/read data from pdf files?
Insert a PDF file into Core Data?'
So I'm wondering does anyone know how to extract data from a fill-able PDF into a database(or excel from which it can be imported into a database)
Data from fillable pdf's can be exported into an .FDF file, which is a text file. pdftk is a command-line utility that will allow you to extract the data programmatically. You will then need to write a custom parser to pull the data out of the .FDF file.
It won't be a lot of fun, but it should be do-able.
You can use pdftk. I used it and it's great works like a charm. Lot's of coding though. You can get back at me if you need any help

create one pdf from multiple ppt files

Someone knows how can I create one pdf file from multiple ppt files ?
Whether it to write script or computer program. However if it can be done with some program it will be the best.
I searched the web for something like this but I didn't get any results.
If you want to convert the PPT/PPTX files to PDF and then join those converted PDF files into a single PDF using either .NET or Java, you may try Aspose.Slides and Aspose.Pdf.Kit components.
Aspose.Slides allows you to convert the PPT/PPTX files to PDF and Aspose.Pdf.kit allows you to join the PDF files into a single PDF. Please see if this solution can work for your scenario.
Disclosure: I work as developer evangelist at Aspose.

output PDF using DocumentFormat.OpenXml

is there a way to output PDF using DocumentFormat.OpenXml?
Aspose Words for .Net might do the trick for you, though.
Also, http://www.textcontrol.com/en_US/ seems like a comprehensive tool, but I have not used it.
Try PDFsharp for export to PDF: its open source and works