can gcc make test if a defined symbol exists in a source file - testing

Is it possible for gcc make to test if a define exists in one of the source files ie.
#echo is equal to 3
#echo is not equal to 3

I've looked at this and to expend on the suggestion from the comment, you could do the following. Not elegant, probably not the best available solution, but it works:
echo -ne "#if 1==MYVAL\n0\n#else\n1\n#endif\n" | cpp -P -imacros test.h
Or to call it through gcc or g++:
echo -ne "#if 1==MYVAL\n0\n#else\n1\n#endif\n" | \
gcc -Xpreprocessor -P -E -imacros test.h -
These would return shell style 0 (true for MYVAL defined in test.h and being 1) or 1 on stdout which you could test for in make / shell.
You may also want to strip all blank lines appending | grep -v '^$'.
To elaborate a bit more on the above. I create (echo) as simple file that I run through the preprocessor which check for equality on given macro and results in 0 or 1 being in the output. -P for cpp, because it's not really a C file and we do not need any of the extra bits in the output. -imacros means retain the macros defined in that file, but discard any output generated by processing it.
It should also be noted, if you'd have any conditional definitions needed to consider any defines passed to the compiler, you would need to pass them to this cpp run as well.
Also note whether you test.h being your header file you know should include the macro defintion. Or main.c being a source file including that (and other) headers doesn't really matter / yields the same result (whatver the value was when cpp was done with the file read and (pre)processed for -imacros.


Use value from C/C++ macro in CMake

What is the easiest way to get the value of a C/C++ macro into a CMake variable?
Given I check for a library libfoo with the header foo.h. I know foo.h contains the macro #define FOO_VERSION_MAJOR <version> where version is an integer or string value. To extract the major version of the found library, I want to use the value from this macro.
As a bonus, if the macro is not found, this could indicate a version older then a specific version introducing the version macro.
I'd go with file(READ ...) to read the header followed by string(REGEX ...) to extract desired define.
Example code:
file(READ "foo.h" header)
string(REGEX MATCH "#define FOO_MAJOR_VERSION [0-9]+" macrodef "${header}")
string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" FooMajorVersion "${macrodef}")
With try_compile and the right pragma it is possible to output the value of a pre-processor macro during compile time. CMake can parse the output to get the desired value.
CMake snippet:
try_compile(result "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"
SOURCES "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/foo-version.cpp"
string(REGEX MATCH ": [0-9]+" fooversionshort "${fooversion}")
string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" FooMajorVersion "${fooversionshort}")
#include "foo.h"
/* definition to expand macro then apply to pragma message */
#define VALUE_TO_STRING(x) #x
#pragma message(VALUE(FOO_MAJOR_VERSION))
int main()
return 0;
Actual value from the variable, which might be calculated.
Output of macros is only support by some newer compilers.
Parsing of output might break for untested compilers, as the format changes from compiler version to compiler version.
Kind of complicated code, verbose code which is difficult to read.
The macro expansion can be extracted by using the C preprocessor.
I used this method to extract specific typedef's without needing to know the exact location of the define in the file hierarchy.
Let say that we have this macro defined somewhere in foo.h
You need to create a helper file helper.c with this content
#include "foo.h"
Note that I used a specific pattern __READ_FOO_MAJOR__ that I will use later as the pattern for a grep command
And from CMakeLists.txt you have to call the C (C++, etc..) preprocessor and filter its output like this
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
COMMAND bash "-c" "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -E ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/helper.cpp | grep __READ_FOO_MAJOR__ | awk '{ print $4}'"
Note that awk '{ print $4}' extract the 4th word on the selected line.
When running cmake we get this result
The short shel pipeline used is built with Unix system V base commands and should run everywhere.

Make a module out a bunch of .f source files

I downloaded some Fortran source code which contains around 50 or so .f files. Each .f file contains one subroutine or function. I'd like to conveniently stuff all of these into a Fortran module .mod file. Is there any way of doing this with gfortran (besides painstakingly writing out each sub/func prototype inside a module definition)?
This is more of a formatted comment than an answer, but you could try writing a source file something like this
module this_will_end_in_tears
include 'subroutine1.f'
include 'subroutine2.f'
include 'subroutine2.f'
end module this_will_end_in_tears
If, as I suspect, the .f files contain fixed-form source, then you had better make sure the module is also in fixed-form.
I expect, as you may have guessed, that this will not compile the first time you try it, but it might (just might) save you a little time over doing the job right by, as you put it, painstakingly writing out each sub/func ...
Oh, and lest any of the Fortran-lovers out there cringe at this suggestion, note that I'm not saying it's a good way to proceed, just that it might save you a little time.
Good luck.
I made this bash script that takes two parameters 'the module name' and 'the file extension' then builds a module file. It's presently made for fixed-format. All the source files must be present in the same directory as the script. Of course you can modify it to be more flexible.
echo -e " MODULE $name\n" > $modsrc
echo -e " implicit none\n" >> $modsrc
echo -e " contains\n" >> $modsrc
for i in *.f;
if [ "$i" != "$modsrc" ]; then
echo -e " include '$i'\n" >> $modsrc
echo -e " END MODULE $name\n" >> $modsrc
I usually tackle things by compiling even .f90 code as -fixed. Then usually add in INTENT and IMPLICIT NONE. Almost always I have D-Lines for debug which seems to work easiest for me with -fixed form. Later adding in alignment pragmas and OpenMP reduction clauses and related vector stuff.

include processed prepocessor directives into `g++ -E' output

I'm having some preprocessing mishap while compiling a 3rd party library with g++.
I can see in -E output that a certain header wrapped with #ifndef SYMBOL is being bypassed. Apparently, that symbol has been defined somewhere else.
But I cannot see where because processed directives are not present in the -E output.
Is there a way to include them (as comments, probably)?
No, there is no standard way to get preprocessed directives as comments.
However, you could use g++ -C -E and the line numbers (output in lines starting with #) and the comments (which are then copied to the preprocessed form).
And you might also use the -H option (to get the included files)
The closest thing I found is the -d<chars> family of options:
-dM dumps all the macros that are defined
-dD shows where they are defined (dumps #define directives)
-dU shows where they are used (in place of #if(n)def, it outputs #define or #undef depending on whether the macro was defined)
Adding I to any of these also dumps #include directives.
The downside is only one of the three can be used at a time and they suppress normal output.
Another, less understandable downside is -dD and -dU do not include predefined macros.

make targets depend on variables

I want (GNU) make to rebuild when variables change. How can I achieve this?
For example,
$ make project
$ make project
make: `project' is up to date. it should, but then I'd prefer
$ make project IMPORTANTVARIABLE=foobar
make: `project' is up to date.
to rebuild some or all of project.
Make wasn't designed to refer to variable content but Reinier's approach shows us the workaround. Unfortunately, using variable value as a file name is both insecure and error-prone. Hopefully, Unix tools can help us to properly encode the value. So
# GUARD is a function which calculates md5 sum for its
# argument variable name. Note, that both cut and md5sum are
# members of coreutils package so they should be available on
# nearly all systems.
GUARD = $(1)_GUARD_$(shell echo $($(1)) | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
#echo "Rebuilding foo with $(IMPORTANTVARIABLE)"
#touch $#
touch $#
Here you virtually depend your target on a special file named $(NAME)_GUARD_$(VALUEMD5) which is safe to refer to and has (almost) 1-to-1 correspondence with variable's value. Note that call and shell are GNU Make extensions.
You could use empty files to record the last value of your variable by using something like this:
#echo Remaking $# because IMPORTANTVARIABLE has changed
touch $#
touch $#
After your make run, there will be an empty file in your directory whose name starts with IMPORTANTVARIABLE. and has the value of your variable appended. This basically contains the information about what the last value of the variable IMPORTANTVARIABLE was.
You can add more variables with this approach and make it more sophisticated using pattern rules -- but this example gives you the gist of it.
You probably want to use ifdef or ifeq depending on what the final goal is. See the manual here for examples.
I might be late with an answer, but here is another way of doing such a dependency with Make conditional syntax (works on GNU Make 4.1, GNU bash, Bash on Ubuntu on Windows version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)):
1 ifneq ($(shell cat config.sig 2>/dev/null),prefix $(CONFIG))
2 .PHONY: config.sig
3 config.sig:
4 #(echo 'prefix $(CONFIG)' >config.sig &)
5 endif
In the above sample we track the $(CONFIG) variable, writing it's value down to a signature file, by means of the self-titled target which is generated under condition when the signature file's record value is different with that of $(CONFIG) variable. Please, note the prefix on lines 1 and 4: it is needed to distinct the case, when signature file doesn't exist yet.
Of course, consumer targets specify config.sig as a prerequisite.

How to get fully expanded variables out of configure?

I created a file like this:
the purpose of this is to print every available environment variable the configure script creates using set, so I do this:
user#host:~$ autoconf
user#host:~$ ./configure
which prints a bunch of variables like
So far so good.
The problem is:
I want to expand the variables like ${prefix}/share - but piping
everything to a file and executing it using bash doesn't work, because bash complains about modifying read-only variables like UID and expansion itself doesn't seem to work either.
I tried using a makefile for this where expansion works, but it complains about newlines in strings, like in the above output the line IFS=' causes an error message Makefile:24: *** missing separator. Stop.
Does anyone have an idea how to get a fully expanded version of configure's output?
The Autoconf manual (I cannot recall or find exactly where) recommends to "manually" do such a kind of variable substitution from within a (or .am if you happen to use Automake):
$(SED) \
-e 's|[#]prefix#|$(prefix)|g' \
-e 's|[#]exec_prefix#|$(exec_prefix)|g' \
-e 's|[#]bindir#|$(bindir)|g' \
-e 's|[#]datarootdir#|$(datarootdir)|g' \
< "$<" > "$#"
du "$datarootdir"