Running psql with pgAdmin4 - sql

I try to open a csv file in PGadmin4 with COPY.
However it does not work.
The permission is denied and suggests me to use \copy from pgsql.
I tried to replace COPY by \copy, did not work.
I guess that pgsql must be run another way. I saw there ,example with \copy, that it run with a shell file .sh. However I'm using Windows.
How to run pgsql request ?
Thank you

Try Import/Export option in pgAdmin4 to import your CSV data into Table.

I answer you on my own question page. Yes, psql is the SQL Shell program and you could start it from the Postgresql folder (from where you start pgAdmin). You do not need of psql if you use pgAdmin.


How do I import a SQL dump into pgadmin 4 using postgresql?

I have a SQL dump that I need to import using postgresql into pgadmin4, however when I run the command, the schema gets created but none of the data comes with it, I have the database set up in pgadmin4. This is my first time using postgresql and pgadmin so I know I have to be missing something.
The SQL dump file was sent to me directly, I did not use pg_dump to migrate anything, the file is in my downloads and I need to plug it in to pgadmin.
I need this SQL dump because I need to log into several portals locally for a large project.
On Windows, using postgres version 14, I've tried several ways from other solutions on stack overflow, first using the command line in both bash and powershell
This here is the command I was told to use that should add the tables and data for the app from a coworker, and it worked fine for him.
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin>psql -h localhost -U postgres -d the_database -f PATH_TO_YOUR_DOWNLOADS\data_dump.sql
This command will create the schema in the pgadmin database but no data comes with it. (I know the data is missing because I cant use my dummy logins to get into the project)
Second, I tried using the built in restore and backup methods in pgadmin and both of those end in an error
`Process failed Restoring backup on the server 'PostgreSQL 14 (localhost:5432)
Third I tried using the query tool and link the sql file that way, but when I hit execute I get an error there as well.
Using the query tool, when I link the download file, I can see the data in the Query, but it is not in the database.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "2"
LINE 3285: 2 Some Test 2020-11-13 07:42:29.356827 2020-11-13 04:32:...
SQL state: 42601
Character: 87447
Any advice?
Do I need the SQL file formatted in any certain way?
I just need the data to be imported into pgadmin4 database WITH my schema.

Is there an alternative way to import data into Postgres than using psql?

I am under strict corporate environment and don't have access to Postgres' psql. Therefore I can't do what's shown e.g. in the SO Convert SQLITE SQL dump file to POSTGRESQL. However, I can generate the sqlite dump file .sql. The resulting dump.sql file is 1.3gb big.
What would be the best way to import this data into Postgres? I also have DBeaver and can connect to both databases simultaneously but unfortunately can't do INSERT from SELECT.
I think the term for that is 'absurd', not 'strict'.
DBeaver has an 'execute script' feature. But who knows, maybe it will be blocked.
EnterpriseDB offers binary downloads. If you unzip those to a local drive you might be able to execute psql from the bin subdirectory.
If you can install psycopg2 or pg8000 for python, you should be able to connect to the database and then loop over the dump file sending each line to the database with cur.execute(line) . It might take some fiddling if the dump file has any multi-line commands, but the example you linked to doesn't show any of those.

Why can I not import data from CSV file to the table?

I have an interesting challenge. I am learning how to use COPY function in SQL. I need to import a data from .CSV to the table (PostgreSQL server). But every time when I try to do this I get this message:
ERROR: could not open file "/Users/olenaskoryk/Desktop/us_counties_2010.csv" for reading: Permission denied
HINT: COPY FROM instructs the PostgreSQL server process to read a file. You may want a client-side facility such as psql's \copy.
SQL state: 42501
My query is:
COPY us_counties_2010
FROM '/Users/olenaskoryk/Desktop/us_counties_2010.csv'
As you see I am working on Mac.
I assume that PostgreSQL is not running locally on your computer. That's why the server can't read your local file.
You may want to do this through a psql session using the \copy command.
$ psql your_db_connection_url
psql (10.5)
Type "help" for help.
db=# \copy us_counties_2010 FROM '/Users/olenaskoryk/Desktop/us_counties_2010.csv' WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER);
Psql's \copy command uses COPY FROM STDIN under the hood, passing the contents of the local file through standard input to the server, circumventing the limitation of the server not being able to read the local file.
The HINT is relevant. The SQL server is not running as you, and does not have the right to read your file.
Give it permissions (which may require giving permissions to containing directories), or put in in a universally readable place. (like perhaps a TEMP directory.)

How do I transfer an Postgres SQL Function from a 9.3 DB to another computer with same version?

I have a working function that was created and want to just transfer it to another newly installed Postgres DB.
I have checked around and seeing command line options which seems kinda of dry for a common task?
Is there a module import / export option?
I have exported the function into a .sql file from the database, so just looking for an import option.
I know very little about Postgres :)
How did you export it? If it exported as sql into a file named file_name.sql, you would just do:
psql -f file_name.sql
With whatever additional parameters are needed to connect to the correct server and database.

choosing where to save sqlite database

This is probably a simple question, but I could use some help. I am trying to build a small database for an application that will only be run on my computer so I want to create a local database.
To do this I am trying to use sqlite. I can use the command prompt to make what seems to be a database by using the sqlite3 databaseName; functionality, but I do not know where it is being stored.
I need to be able to find the database to access it through the application I am experimenting with. I already know all of the basic sql and such for creating the database tables and data, but I cannot figure out how to simply make the database connection.
is there a way to specify where the database .db file will be stored, and why can I not find the file it seems to be making?
Using sqlite3 shell? Some help using sqlite3 -help:
Usage: sqlite3 [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]
If FILENAME is not supplied, shell uses an temporary database.
If you start shell without supplying a filename, you may save temporary database at any time using:
sqlite> .backup MAIN "folder\your_file.extension"
Or you can ATTACH an existing database an use SQL methods:
sqlite> ATTACH DATABASE "path\stored.db" AS other;
sqlite> INSERT OR REPLACE INTO other.table1 SELECT * FROM this_table1;
sqlite> DETACH other;
For doing such things , you can use Sqlite Manager , you'll get it as a Firefox addon. It's excellent in creating / Managing Sqlite database.
Thanks everyone for answering, but it turns out my issue was much simpler than I thought.
I was trying to name the database after already starting the shell.
I was supposed to create the database from command line by doing sqlite3 name.db
But I was trying to use that command within the sqlite shell so nothing was being created.