How to convert a saved_model.pb to EvalSavedModel? - tensorflow

I was going through the tensorflow-model-analysis documentation evaluating TensorFlow models. The getting started guide talks about a special SavedModel called the EvalSavedModel.
Quoting the getting started guide:
This EvalSavedModel contains additional information which allows TFMA
to compute the same evaluation metrics defined in your model in a
distributed manner over a large amount of data, and user-defined
My question is how can I convert an already existing saved_model.pb to an EvalSavedModel?

EvalSavedModel is exported as SavedModel message, thus there is no need in such conversion.
EvalSavedModel uses SavedModelBuilder under the hood. It populates the estimator graph with several placeholders, creates some additional metric collections. Later on, it performs simple SavedModelBuilder procedure.
Source -
P.S. I suppose you want to run model-analysis on your model, exported by SavedModelBuilder. Since SavedModel doesn't have neither metric nodes nor related collections, which are created in EvalSavedModel, it's useless to do so - model-analysis just simply couldn't find any metric related to your estimator.

If I understand your question correctly, you have saved_model.pb generated, either by using tf.saved_model.simple_save or tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilderor by estimator.export_savedmodel.
If my understanding is correct, then, you are exporting Training and Inference Graphs to saved_model.pb.
The Point you mentioned from the Guide of TF Org Website states that, in addition to Exporting Training Graph, we need to Export Evaluation Graph as well. That is called EvalSavedModel.
The Evaluation Graph comprises the Metrics for that Model, so that you can Evaluate the Model's performance using Visualizations.
Before we Export EvalSaved Model, we should prepare eval_input_receiver_fn, similar to serving_input_receiver_fn.
We can mention other functionalities as well, like, if you want the Metrics to be defined in a Distributed Manner or if we want to Evaluate our Model using Slices of Data, rather than the Entire Dataset. Such Options can be mentioned in eval_input_receiver_fn.
Then we can Export the EvalSavedModel using the Code below:


Multi-column input to ML.PREDICT for a TensorFlow model in BigQuery ML

I trained a TensorFlow classifier and created it as a model in BigQuery ML using CREATE MODEL. Now I would like to use ML.PREDICT to batch predict using this model. I get the error "Invalid table-valued function ml.predict Column inputs is not found in the input data to the PREDICT function."
Here's my query:
select * from ml.predict (
model test.digital_native_classifier_kf,
(select * from dataset_id.features_table_id)
In the BigQuery documentation, they give an example for a TensorFlow model with a single column aliased as input so the TensorFlow input_fn can accept it. However, this classifier accepts hundreds of features. How do I specify the query passed to ML.PREDICT so it uses all the columns in my features table?
After you load the model into BigQuery ML, click on the model in the BigQuery UI and switch over to the "Schema" tab. This should tell you what features (column names) the model wants.
It is possible that when you created the TensorFlow/Keras model you did not assign names to the input nodes. Then, the feature names might have been auto-assigned to something like int1 and float2.
Alternately, run the program saved_model_cli on the model (it's a python program that comes with tensorflow) to see what the supported signature is
saved_model_cli show --dir $export_path --all
After some research, Auto ML encodes the input Tensors as Prensors which is a serialized string format shoved into a Tensor.
This means that you can't import the AutoML model from GCS directly into BQML the way you would import a TensorFlow model that explicitly encoded the different inputs as a json struct.
So, in order to import an AutoML model into BigQuery ML, the BigQuery engineering team would need to add support for something like model_type='automl' in addition to model_type='tensorflow'.
At the moment multi-column is not possible, from the AutoML Beginners guide:
One column from your dataset, called the target, is what your model will learn to predict. Some number of the other data columns are inputs (called features) that the model will learn patterns from. You can use the same input features to build multiple kinds of models just by changing the target.
Also found this feature request to Multi-target AutoML Tables Request

Loading a model from tensorflow SavedModel onto mutliple GPUs

Let's say someone hands me a TF SavedModel and I would like to replicate this model on the 4 GPUs I have on my machine so I can run inference in parallel on batches of data. Are there any good examples of how to do this?
I can load a saved model in this way:
def load_model(self, saved_model_dirpath):
'''Loads a model from a saved model directory - this should
contain a .pb file and a variables directory'''
signature_key = tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
input_key = 'input'
output_key = 'output'
meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load(self.sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING],
signature = meta_graph_def.signature_def
input_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].inputs[input_key].name
output_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].outputs[output_key].name
self.input_tensor = self.sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(input_tensor_name)
self.output_tensor = self.sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(output_tensor_name)
..but this would require that I have a handle to the session. For models that I have written myself, I would have access to the inference function and I could just call it and wrap it using with tf.device(), but in this case, I'm not sure how to extract the inference function out of a Saved Model. Should I load 4 separate sessions or is there a better way? Couldn't find much documentation on this, but apologies in advance if I missed something. Thanks!
There is no support for this use case in TensorFlow at the moment. Unfortunately, "replicating the inference function" based only on the SavedModel (which is basically the computation graph with some metadata), is a fairly complex (and brittle, if implemented) graph transformation problem.
If you don't have access to the source code that produced this model, your best bet is to load the SavedModel 4 times into 4 separate graphs, rewriting the target device to the corresponding GPU each time. Then, run each graph/session separately.
Note that you can invoke multiple times concurrently since releases the GIL for the time of actual computation. All you need is several Python threads.

Tensorflow Hub Image Modules: Clarity on Preprocessing and Output values

Many thanks for support!
I currently use TF Slim - and TF Hub seems like a very useful addition for transfer learning. However the following things are not clear from the documentation:
1. Is preprocessing done implicitly? Is this based on "trainable=True/False" parameter in constructor of module?
module = hub.Module("", trainable=True)
When I use Tf-slim I use the preprocess method:
inception_preprocessing.preprocess_image(image, img_height, img_width, is_training)
2.How to get access to AuxLogits for an inception model? Seems to be missing:
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import tensorflow as tf
img = tf.random_uniform([10,299,299,3])
module = hub.Module("", trainable=True)
outputs = module(dict(images=img), signature="image_feature_vector", as_dict=True)
The output is
dict_keys(['InceptionV3/Mixed_6b', 'InceptionV3/MaxPool_5a_3x3', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_6c', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_6d', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_6e', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_7a', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_7b', 'InceptionV3/Conv2d_2a_3x3', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_7c', 'InceptionV3/Conv2d_4a_3x3', 'InceptionV3/Conv2d_1a_3x3', 'InceptionV3/global_pool', 'InceptionV3/MaxPool_3a_3x3', 'InceptionV3/Conv2d_2b_3x3', 'InceptionV3/Conv2d_3b_1x1', 'default', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_5b', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_5c', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_5d', 'InceptionV3/Mixed_6a'])
These are excellent questions; let me try to give good answers also for readers less familiar with TF-Slim.
1. Preprocessing is not done by the module, because it is a lot about your data, and not so much about the CNN architecture within the module. The module only handles transforming input values from the canonical [0,1] range into whatever the pre-trained CNN within the module expects.
Lengthy rationale: Preprocessing of images for CNN training usually consists of decoding the input JPEG (or whatever), selecting a (reasonably large) random crop from it, random photometric and geometric transformations (distort colors, flip left/right, etc.), and resizing to the common image size for a batch of training inputs. The TensorFlow Hub modules that implement leave all of that to your code around the module.
The primary reason is that the suitable random transformations depend a lot on your training task, but not on the architecture or trained state weights of the module. For example, color distortions will help if you classify cars vs dogs, but probably not for ripe vs unripe bananas, and so on.
Also, a batch of images that have been decoded but not yet cropped/resized are hard to represent as a single tensor (unless you make it a 1-D tensor of encoded strings, but that brings other problems, such as breaking backprop into module inputs for advanced uses).
Bottom line: The Python code using the module needs to do image preprocessing (except scaling values), for example, as in
The slim preprocessing methods conflate the dataset-specific random transformations (tuned for Imagenet!) with the re-scaling to the architecture's value range (which the Hub module does for you). That means they are not directly applicable here.
2. Indeed, auxiliary heads are missing from the initial set of modules published under, but I expect them to work fine for re-training anyways.
More details: Not all architectures have auxiliary heads, and even the original Inception paper says their effect was "relatively minor" [Szegedy&al. 2015; ยง5]. Using an image feature vector module for a custom classification task would burden the module consumer code with checking for aux features and, if found, putting aux logits and a loss term on top.
This complication did not seem to pull its weight, but more experiments might refute that assessment. (Please share in a GitHub issue if you know of any.)
For now, the only way to put an aux head onto is to copy&paste some lines from (search "Auxiliary head logits") and apply that to the "Inception_V3/Mixed_6e" output that you saw.
3. You didn't ask, but: For training, the module's documentation recommends to pass hub.Module(..., tags={"train"}), or else batch norm operates in inference mode (and dropout, if the module had any).
Hope this explains how and why things are.
Arno (from the TensorFlow Hub developers)

How to smoothly produce Tensorflow auc summaries for training and test sets?

Tensorflow describes writing file summaries to visualize graph execution.
I envision three stages:
training the data (with optimization)
measuring accuracy on the training set (no optimization)
measuring accuracy on the test set (no optimization!)
I'd like all stages in the same script, as in the evaluate function of the wide_and_deep tutorial, but with the low-level API. I'd like three different graphs for stats like loss or AUC, one for each stage.
Suppose I use one session, and in each stage I define an AUC summary op:
# define auc
auc, auc_op = tf.metrics.auc(labels, predictions)
# summary scalar to track it
tf.summary.scalar("auc", auc_op, family=family_name)
# merge all summaries for evaluation and later writing
summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step_num)
There are three graphs, but the first graph has all three runs on it, and the second graph has the last two runs (see below). What's worse, each stage starts from the previous state. This makes sense, because all the variables from the previous stages are still around.
I could use a different session for each stage, but that would throw away the model as well.
What is the smooth way to handle this?
I'd like to just clear some of the summary variables. I've tried re-initializing some variables, looked at related questions, read about name scope and variable scope and tried not to re-use variables for AUC, read about variables and sharing, looked into pruning nodes (though I don't understand it), etc. I have not made it work yet.
I am using the low-level API. I saw something like this in the high-level API in _eval_metric_ops, but I don't understand how they 'clear' the different stages. With name_scope?
Do I have to save and load the model into a new session just for this, or is there some clean way to graph each summary separately?
The metric ops will be local variables, so you could run tf.local_variables_initializer() in your Session, which will reset all of your metrics. You could also look through the local variables collection for those with "auc" in the name if you wanted to be a bit more discerning. The high-level way to do this would be to use an Estimator, which will manage metrics for you.

Using tensorflow input pipline with GAN

I want to build a conditional GAN with tensorflow and use input pipline for loading my dataset. The problem is that in each iteration I want to the use same data batch for training both generative and discriminative models, but because their training operators are fetched in different runs they will receive different batches of data. Is there any solution for that or should I use a feed_dict?
One way to use the same data is to use a on the generator and discriminator train ops so they are trained jointly, and set use_locking=True on your optimizers to prevent pathological race conditions. Note that there still will be some stochasticity due to the fact that TensorFlow runtime won't guarantee that either the generator or the discriminator will consistently be trained first.
This idea is already implemented in TensorFlow's TFGAN library in get_joint_train_hooks, although it uses hooks instead of grouping the training ops (the "joint" refers to the fact that the discriminator and generator are trained jointly, rather than sequentially).