How to get the content of a document in documentum - documentum

I am new to documentum,can anyone suggest me how to get the content of a document in documentum. I am using the following code
document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId("some document id"));
I am getting the following error:
DfSysObjectException:: THREAD: main; MSG: [DM_SYSOBJECT_E_INVALID_PAGE_NUM]error: "Invalid page number = 0 for 0000868416 sysobject. Maximum page count is 0."; ERRORCODE: 100; NEXT: null
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObjectException.newInvalidPageNumberException(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.ContentManager.verifyPageExists(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.ContentManager.getContentNoPermissionCheck(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.ContentManager.getContent(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.ContentManager.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContentEx3(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContentEx2(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContent(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfDocument___PROXY.getContent(
Can any one please help me with the above error and Is it the right way to get the content of a document with
Thanks in advance


Why is a DOORS Module sometimes null when trying to edit the Module via DXL?

I'm new to DXL programming language in IBM DOORS. However, I think I have managed to do many interesting things: create Modules, create Objects, create Links, delete Objects etc.
However, I have a very specific problem regarding "null" Modules. I've just written null between "" because the modules exist and they are referenced with a correct name.
When doing this:
Module m1 = edit("1. MY_MODULE", false)
An error like this appears:
enter image description here
You could not understand what does that mean as it is spanish. Basically states this: "Module null parameter in the first position of the argument." That means that the "m1" is null, as the parameter for save() method is null.
The point is that it is an error which appears only sometimes. It seems that the Module is null as it has been previously opened and DOORS does not close properly.
Is there any way, any method...whatever to avoid this error?
I assume that the script cannot find the module when another folder is active.
Module m1 = edit ("/myproject/myfolder/mysubfolder/1. MY_MODULE", false)
There might be many reasons that the module can't be opened in edit mode. For example: User do not have write access OR Module is being used by other user, etc.
However, you can get around the error with the below code snippet:
Module m = edit('My_module', false)
if(!null m) {
//execute program
else {
//do something
I hope this helps.
How does your script work? do you open the same module again and again and sometimes get the error or do you open lots of modules and for some of them it works and for others it doesn't? In the latter case, perhaps you misspelled the path. You could add some sanity checks like
string fullPathToMod = "/myproject/myfolder.."
Item i = item fullPathToMod;
if null i then error "there is no item called " fullPathToMod
if "Module" != type i then error "there is an item, but it's not a module, it's a " type i
This is how the Code is structured:
void checkModule(string folderPath, string mName, Skip list, int listSize, int listLastIndex, string headers[], string heading[], string headerKey, bool uniqueKey, string combinedKey[]){
if (module mName){
Folder f = folder(folderPath)
current = f
Module m = edit(folderPath""mName, false)
current = m
Object o = first(m) // error sometimes: Se ha pasado un parametro Module null en una posición de argumento 1
if (o == null){
loadModule(m, list, listSize, listLastIndex, headers, heading)
} else {
updateModule(m, mName, list, listSize, listLastIndex, heading, headerKey, headers, uniqueKey, combinedKey)
if (lastError() != ""){
print "Error: " lastError() "\n"
} else {
print "No module " mName ".\n"
Exactly it breaks in line:
current = m
But as said, only sometimes, not always.
BTW, I'm executing this script via Batch, via Java code. One curious thing is that if I close DOORS, and execute the script it does execute correctly. It is as if it needs to be closed in order to edit modules correctly.
I pressume current can be used more than once with different types of Items. I guess it should not be wrong, but it breaks saying (more or less):
Null value passed to DXL commmand (current Module).
Obviously, it means that m is null, but I cannot see any reason for that.

GOOGLE DOCS API Invalid requests[0].updateTextStyle: Index 4 must be less than the end index of the referenced segment, 2.",

I've created a document using Google Docs API, but when I try to modify its options or add text, it gives me this error:
The thing is if I open the document and click enter many times ( to make many lines) then execution and modification works. Can anyone help me?? What do I need to do to not get this error?
String text1 = "hola, llegó papa";
List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
requests.add(new Request().setInsertText(new InsertTextRequest()
.setLocation(new Location().setIndex(25))));
BatchUpdateDocumentRequest body = new BatchUpdateDocumentRequest().setRequests(requests);
BatchUpdateDocumentResponse response = service.documents()
.batchUpdate(idDoc, body).execute();
Here the method to create doc:
private static void createDoc(Docs service) throws IOException {
Document doc = new Document()
.setTitle("TEXTO CAMBIADO");
doc = service.documents().create(doc)
System.out.println("Created document with title: " + doc.getTitle());
idDoc = doc.getDocumentId();
It is very late for answer but it can help to others.
May be this answer can help you. someone has answered here
Also you have to write backword to get the last inserted text at the starting of doc.
I just found another way to write text at end of doc. You don't need to set the location, just do this way..
public void insertText(Docs docsService) throws IOException {
List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
requests.add(new Request().setInsertText(new InsertTextRequest()
.setText("Name : {{NAME}}\n")
.setEndOfSegmentLocation(new EndOfSegmentLocation())));
requests.add(new Request().setInsertText(new InsertTextRequest()
.setText("\nDOB: {{DOB}}\n")
.setEndOfSegmentLocation(new EndOfSegmentLocation())));
requests.add(new Request().setInsertText(new InsertTextRequest()
.setText("\nMobile: {{MOBILE}}\n")
.setEndOfSegmentLocation(new EndOfSegmentLocation())));
BatchUpdateDocumentRequest body = new BatchUpdateDocumentRequest().setRequests(requests);
BatchUpdateDocumentResponse response = docsService.documents()
.batchUpdate(Constants.DOCUMENT_ID, body).execute();

Documentum error : [DM_SESSION_E_RPC_ERROR]

I am trying to get the content of all the documents (current version) from a documentum source using the following code
IDfSysObject document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId(eachFileMetadata.get(some document id).toString()));
ByteArrayInputStream docContent = document.getContent();
I am getting the following error:
DfIOException:: THREAD: Thread-585; MSG: [DM_SESSION_E_RPC_ERROR]error: "Server communication failure"; ERRORCODE: 100; NEXT: null
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfIOException.newCommunicationFailureException(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.netwise.AbstractNetwiseRpcClient.receiveMessage(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.netwise.NetwiseDocbaseRpcClient.getBlock(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.DocbaseConnection.getBlock(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.RawPuller.getBlock(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.BlockPuller.nextBlock(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.PullerInputStream.getNextBuffer(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.PullerInputStream.ensureBufferHasData(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContentEx3(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContentEx2(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContent(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfDocument___PROXY.getContent(
the above error occured when I am trying to get the content of a document,can anyone please help me??

Unable to update unidata from .NET

I've been attempting for the last couple of days to update unidata using sample code as a basis using .NET without success. I can read the database successfully and view the raw data within visual studio. The error reported back is a out of range error. The program is attempting to update the unit price of a purchase order.
{" Error on Socket Receive. Index was outside the bounds of the array.POD"}
[IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniFileException]: {" Error on Socket Receive. Index was outside the bounds of the array.POD"}
Data: {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}
HelpLink: null
HResult: -2146232832
InnerException: null
Message: " Error on Socket Receive. Index was outside the bounds of the array.POD"
Source: "UniFile Class"
StackTrace: " at IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniFile.Write()\r\n at IBMU2.UODOTNET.UniFile.Write(String aRecordID, UniDynArray aRecordData)\r\n at ReadXlsToUnix.Form1.TestUpdate(String PO_LINE_SHIP, String price) in c:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\ReadXlsToUnix\ReadXlsToUnix\Form1.cs:line 330"
TargetSite: {Void Write()}
failing Test Code is:
private void TestUpdate(string PO_LINE_SHIP,string price)
UniFile pod =null;
UniSession uniSession =null;
//connection string
uniSession = UniObjects.OpenSession("unixMachine", "userid", Properties.Settings.Default.PWD, "TRAIN", "udcs");
//open file
pod = uniSession.CreateUniFile("POD");
//read data
//locking strategy
pod.UniFileLockStrategy = 1;
pod.UniFileReleaseStrategy = 1;
if (pod.RecordID == ""){
//replace existing value with one entered by user
pod.Record.Replace(4, (string)uniSession.Iconv(price, "MD4"));
pod.Write(pod.RecordID,pod.Record); //RecordId and Record both show correctly hover/immediate window
//pod.Write() fails with same message
catch (Exception err)
MessageBox.Show("Error" + err);
Running on HP UX 11.31 unidata 7.2 and using UODOTNET.dll
Any help greatly appreciated.
This is the write record version and have also tried writefield functionality with same error.
Rajan - thanks for the update and link. I have tried unsuccessfully to read/update my unidata tables using the U2 Toolkit. I can however read/update a file I have created within the same account. Does this mean there is a missing entry somewhere VOC, DICT for example.

Google Authorization Client 404 Error

I am trying to authorize a google account with this code, and the client.js file does not work The error is in line 2.
there is // in line two which i think registers as a comment?
var gapi=window.gapi=window.gapi||{};gapi._bs=new Date().getTime();(function(){var f=null,g=window,h="push",i="replace",k="length";var m=g,r=document,u=m.location,w=function(){},x=/\[native code\]/,A=function(a,b,c){return a[b]=a[b]||c},C=function(a){for(var b=0;b<this[k];b++)if(this[b]===a)return b;return-1},D=function(){var a;if((a=Object.create)&&x.test(a))a=a(f);else{a={};for(var b in a)a[b]=void 0}return a},E=A(m,"gapi",{});var F;F=A(m,"___jsl",D());A(F,"I",0);A(F,"hel",10);var G=function(){var a=u.href,b;if(F.dpo)b=F.h;else{b=F.h;var c=RegExp("([#].*&|[#])jsh=([^&#]*)","g"),e=RegExp("([?#].*&|[?#])jsh=([^&#]*)","g");if(a=a&&(c.exec(a)||e.exec(a)))try{b=decodeURIComponent(a[2])}catch(d){}}return b},I=function(a){return A(A(F,"H",D()),a,D())};var J=A(F,"perf",D()),L=A(J,"g",D()),M=A(J,"i",D());A(J,"r",[]);D();D();var N=function(a,b,c){var e=J.r;"function"===typeof e?e(a,b,c):e[h]([a,b,c])},P=function(a,b,c){b&&0<b[k]&&(b=O(b),c&&0<c[k]&&(b+="___"+O(c)),28<b[k]&&(b=b.substr(0,28)+(b[k]-28)),c=b,b=A(M,"_p",D()),A(b,c,D())[a]=(new Date).getTime(),N(a,"_p",c))},O=function(a){return a.join("__")[i](/\./g,"_")[i](/\-/g,"_")[i](/\,/g,"_")};var Q=D(),R=[],S;S={a:"callback",g:"sync",e:"config",c:"_c",d:"h",l:"platform",i:"jsl",TIMEOUT:"timeout",f:"ontimeout",k:"mh",j:"u"};R[h]([S.i,function(a){for(var b in a)if(,b)){var c=a[b];"object"==typeof c?F[b]=A(F,b,[]).concat(c):A(F,b,c)}if(b=a[S.j])a=A(F,"us",[]),a[h](b),(b=/^https:(.*)$/.exec(b))&&a[h]("http:"+b[1])}]);var T=decodeURI("%73cript");Q.m=function(a){var||"";a=a[0];var c;if(!(c=!a))c=0<=a.indexOf("..");if(c)throw"Bad hint";return b+"/"+a[i](/^\//,"")};
var U=function(a){return a.join(",")[i](/\./g,"_")[i](/-/g,"_")},W=function(a,b){for(var c=[],e=0;e<a[k];++e){var d=a[e];d&&0>,d)&&c[h](d)}return c},aa=/^[\/_a-zA-Z0-9,.\-!:=]+$/,ba=/^https?:\/\/[^\/\?#]+\.google\.com(:\d+)?\/[^\?#]+$/,ca=/\/cb=/g,da=/\/\//g,X=function(a){var b=r.createElement(T);b.setAttribute("src",a);b.async="true";(a=r.getElementsByTagName(T)[0])?a.parentNode.insertBefore(b,a):(r.head||r.body||r.documentElement).appendChild(b)},Z=function(a,b){var c=b||{};"function"==
typeof b&&(c={},c[S.a]=b);var e=c,d=e&&e[S.c];if(d)for(var j=0;j<R[k];j++){var l=R[j][0],n=R[j][1];n&&,l)&&n(d[l],a,e)}e=a?a.split(":"):[];if(!(d=c[S.d]))if(d=G(),!d)throw"Bad hint";j=d;l=A(F,"ah",D());if(!l["::"]||!e[k])Y(e||[],c,j);else{d=[];for(n=f;n=e.shift();){var q=n.split("."),q=l[n]||l[q[1]&&"ns:"+q[0]||""]||j,v=d[k]&&d[d[k]-1]||f,y=v;if(!v||v.hint!=q)y={hint:q,b:[]},d[h](y);y.b[h](n)}var B=d[k];if(1<B){var z=c[S.a];z&&(c[S.a]=function(){0==--B&&z()})}for(;e=
d.shift();)Y(e.b,c,e.hint)}},Y=function(a,b,c){var e=a.sort();a=[];for(var d=void 0,j=0;j<e[k];j++){var l=e[j];l!=d&&a[h](l);d=l}a=a||[];var n=b[S.a],q=b[S.e],d=b[S.TIMEOUT],v=b[S.f],y=f,B=!1;if(d&&!v||!d&&v)throw"Timeout requires both the timeout parameter and ontimeout parameter to be set";var e=A(I(c),"r",[]).sort(),z=A(I(c),"L",[]).sort(),H=[].concat(e),V=function(a,b){if(B)return 0;m.clearTimeout(y);z[h].apply(z,p);var d=((E||{}).config||{}).update;d?d(q):q&&A(F,"cu",[])[h](q);if(b){P("me0",
a,H);try{$(function(){var a;a=c===G()?A(E,"_",D()):D();a=A(I(c),"_",a);b(a)})}finally{P("me1",a,H)}}n&&n();return 1};0<d&&(y=m.setTimeout(function(){B=!0;v()},d));var p=W(a,z);if(p[k]){var p=W(a,e),s=A(F,"CP",[]),t=s[k];s[t]=function(a){if(!a)return 0;P("ml1",p,H);var b=function(){s[t]=f;return V(p,a)};if(0<t&&s[t-1])s[t]=b;else for(b();(b=s[++t])&&b(););};if(p[k]){var K="loaded_"+F.I++;E[K]=function(a){s[t](a);E[K]=f};a=c.split(";");a=(d=Q[a.shift()])&&d(a);if(!a)throw"Bad hint:"+c;d=a=a[i]("__features__",
U(p))[i](/\/$/,"")+(e[k]?"/ed=1/exm="+U(e):"")+("/cb=gapi."+K);j=d.match(da);l=d.match(ca);if(!l||!(1===l[k]&&ba.test(d)&&aa.test(d)&&j&&1===j[k]))throw"Bad URL "+a;e[h].apply(e,p);P("ml0",p,H);b[S.g]||m.___gapisync?(b=a,"loading"!=r.readyState?X(b):r.write("<"+T+' src="'+encodeURI(b)+'"></'+T+">")):X(a)}else s[t](w)}else V(p)};var $=function(a){if(F.hee&&0<F.hel)try{return a()}catch(b){F.hel--,Z("debug_error",function(){g.___jsl.hefn(b)})}else return a()};E.load=function(a,b){return $(function(){return Z(a,b)})};L.bs0=g.gapi._bs||(new Date).getTime();N("bs0");L.bs1=(new Date).getTime();N("bs1");delete g.gapi._bs;})();
404 means you are trying to reach a page that does not exist. So make sure your URL is correct for the service you are looking for.