Tensorflow object detection api mis classifying objects - tensorflow

I followed a simple tutorial to train a custom object detector.
I got my loss up to 0.6, however my issue is that the detected will classify other objects as what I've trained it with. For example in my case it classifies a dog as macarooni and cheese.
What am I doing wrong ?

I faced exactly the same issue, where the model "remembered" the previous objects. There is a new configuration in the config file that is was not implemented when the video was made.
Inside the ssd_mobilenet_v1_pet.config file you have to specify the path to the checkpoint where the training will start, so it will have all the weights from the previous training, this config is fine_tune_checkpoint, below that there is from_detection_checkpoint so it will use the specified checkpoint, after that there is load_all_detection_checkpoint_vars which is set to true by default, but must be false if you want the model to "forget" the objects that it was trained on.
The problem is that load_all_detection_checkpoint_vars will load and fix all the weights, including the ones in the final layers not just the lower layer ones, so it will remember the classification and detection from past objects and misclassify with the new ones, since your *.pbtxt has different classifications. If you set it to false it will load the data and learn new weights for the final layers based only on your training set.


Feed image data without class label

I am trying to implement image super resolution using SRGAN. In the process, I used DIV2K dataset (http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/DIV2K_train_HR.zip) as my source.
I have worked with image classification using CNN (I used keras.layers.convolutional.Conv2D). But in this case we don't have class label in my data source.
I have unzipped the file and kept in D:\Unzipped\DIV2K_train_HR. Then used following command to read the files.
img_dataset = tensorflow.keras.utils.image_dataset_from_directory("D:\\unzipped")
Then created the model as follows
model = Sequential()
model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')
model.fit(img_dataset,batch_size=32, epochs=10)
But I am getting error : "Graph execution error". I am unable to find the root cause behind this error. Is this error appearing as the class label is missing (I think as per code DIV2K_train_HR is treated as one class label)? Or is this happening due to images don't have one specific size?
Note: This code does not match with SRGAN architecture. I am new to GAN and trying to move ahead step by step. I got stuck in the first step itself.
Yes, the error message is because you don't have labels in your dataset.
As a first step in GAN network you need to create a discriminator model: given some image it should recognize if it is a real or fake image. You can take images from your dataset and label them as 1 ("real images"). Then generate "fake images" by down-sampling and up-sampling images from your dataset and label them as 0. Train your discriminator model so that it can distinguish between original and processed images.
After that, you create generator model. The generator model takes a down-sampled version of the image as an input and creates an up-sampled version in original resolution. GAN model combines generator and discriminator models by passing output from generator to discriminator. The target label is 1, i.e. we want generator create up-sampled versions of images, which discriminator can't distinguish from the real ones. Now train GAN network (set 'trainable' to false for discriminator model weights).
After your generator manages to produce images, which discriminator can't distinguish from the real, you take them, label as 0 and train discriminator again. Then train generator again etc.
The process continues until discriminator can't distinguish fake images from the real ones anymore (i.e. accuracy doesn't exceed 0.5).
Please see a simple example on ("Generative Adversarial Networks"):
This code is explained in ch. 17 in book "Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow (3rd edition)" by Aurélien Géron.

variational autoencoder with limited data

Im working on a binary classificaton project, and im using VAE (variational autoencoder) to handle the imbalance between the 2 classes by generating new samples for the minority class.
the first class (majority class) contains 20000 samples, and the second one (minority class) contains 500 samples.
After training VAE model on the minority class, i generated new samples for this class and add them to the training set, then i trained two classification models, a model on trained on the imbalanced data (only training set) and the second one trained with training set + data generated by VAE). The problem is the first model is giving results better than the second(f1-score, Roc auc...), and i thought that maybe the problem was because of the limited amount of data that the VAE was trained on.
Any help please.
Though 500 training Images are not good enough to generate diversified images from a VAE, you can still try producing some. It's better to take mean of latents of 10 different images (or even more) and pass it through the decoder ( if you're already doing this, ignore it. If you're doing some other method, try this).
If it's still not working, then, I suggest you to build a Conditional VAE on your entire dataset. In conditional VAE, you train VAE using the labels so that your models learns not only reconstruction but also what class of image it is reconstructing. This helps you to generate an Image of any particular class.

Training Tensorflow only one object

Corresponding Tensorflow documentation I trained 3 objects and get result (It can recognize these objects). When I show other objects (not the 3 ones) it doesn't work correctly.
I want to train only one object (example: a cup) and recognize only this object. Is it possible to do via Tensorflow ?
Your question doesn't provide enough details, but as I can guess your trained the network with softmax activation and Categorical or SparseCategorical cross entropy loss. If my guess is right, such network always generates prediction to one of three classess, regardless to actual data, i.e. there is no option of "no-one".
In order to train network to recognize only one class of objects, make the only one output with only one channel and sigmoid activation. Use BinaryCrossEntropy loss to train your model for the specific object. Provide dataset that includes examples with this object and without it.

Tensorflow Object-Detection API - How does the Fine-Tuning of a model works?

This is a more general question about the Tensorflow Object-Detection API.
I am using this API, to be more concrete I fine-tune a model to my dataset. According to the description of the API, I use the model_main.py function to retrain a model from a given checkpoint/frozen graph.
However, it is not clear for me how the fine-tuning is working within the API. Does a re-initialization of the last layer happen automatically or do I have to implement something like ?
In the README files I did not find any hint concerning this topic. Maybe somebody could help me.
Training from stratch or training from a checkpoint, model_main.py is the main program, besides this program, all you need is a correct pipeline config file.
So for fine-tuning, it can be separated into two steps, restoring weights and updating weights. Both steps can be customly configured according to the train proto file, this proto corresponds to train_config in the pipeline config file.
train_config: {
batch_size: 24
optimizer { }
fine_tune_checkpoint: "PATH_TO_BE_CONFIGURED/model.ckpt"
fine_tune_checkpoint_type: "detection"
# Note: The below line limits the training process to 200K steps, which we
# empirically found to be sufficient enough to train the pets dataset. This
# effectively bypasses the learning rate schedule (the learning rate will
# never decay). Remove the below line to train indefinitely.
num_steps: 200000
data_augmentation_options {}
Step 1, restoring weights.
In this step, you can config the variables to be restored by setting fine_tune_checkpoint_type, the options are detection and classification. By setting it to detection essentially you can restore almost all variables from the checkpoint, and by setting it to classification, only variables from the feature_extractor scope are restored, (all the layers in backbone networks, like VGG, Resnet, MobileNet, they are called feature extractors).
Previously this is controlled by from_detection_checkpoint and load_all_detection_checkpoint_vars, but these two fields are deprecated.
Also notice that after you configured the fine_tune_checkpoint_type, the actual restoring operation would check if the variable in the graph exists in the checkpoint, and if not, the variable would be initialized with routine initialization operation.
Give an example, suppose you want to fine-tune a ssd_mobilenet_v1_custom_data model and you downloaded the checkpoint ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco, when you set fine_tune_checkpoint_type: detection, then all variables in the graph that are also available in the checkpoint file will be restored, and the box predictor (last layer) weights will also be restored. But if you set fine_tune_checkpoint_type: classification, then only the weights for mobilenet layers are restored. But if you use a different model checkpoint, say faster_rcnn_resnet_xxx, then because variables in the graph are not available in the checkpoint, you will see the output log saying Variable XXX is not available in checkpoint warning, and they won't be restored.
Step 2, updating weights
Now you have all weights restored and you want to keep training (fine-tuning) on your own dataset, normally this should be enough.
But if you want to experiment with something and you want to freeze some layers during training, then you can customize the training by setting freeze_variables. Say you want to freeze all the weights of the mobilenet and only updating the weights for the box predictor, you can set freeze_variables: [feature_extractor] so that all variables that have feature_extractor in their names won't be updated. For detailed info, please see another answer that I wrote.
So to fine-tune a model on your custom dataset, you should prepare a custom config file. You can start with the sample config files and then modify some fields to suit your needs.

Tensorflow Object Detection API Detects Old Classes as My Custom Object

I am triying to create a custom object detector with Tensorflow Object Detection API. I followed the API documentation,and many other tutorials. I am using pre-trained faster rcnn model and default config file values (i edited "PATH TO BE CONFİGURED" areas correctly)(my label map has only one item and its id is 1). After training with 6660 training examples, results are not perfect but its okay for my test images. The main problem is when i test the model with different images that doesn't contain my custom object, it detects other objects as my custom object. Especially, if the object is in coco dataset(my model pre-trained on coco dataset) like car, knife, laptop etc. model detecting their location and tagging them as my custom object. Is this a bug or am i missing something ?
My config file, label map,test code and files ı used for creating tf records are in here : https://github.com/mstferis/tensorflow_object_detection
total loss graphic in tensorboard
with this model i take these outputs. It detects handguns (thats what i want) but it also detects other objects as handgun.
false example 1
false example 2
false example 3
true example 1
true example 2
*Note (Update): Finally I added pictures of other classes to my training set and labeled them just as my custom object. Now model predicts less false positives. But i still couldn't find what was wrong before.