Change main screen of "SingleScreenApp" in React Native Navigation - react-native

I'm a newbie in React Native and I want to test react-native-navigation by wix
I have a SingleScreenApp with a drawer. See below :
screen: {
screen: 'example.HomeScreen',
title: 'Home',
navigatorStyle: {},
navigatorButtons: {}
drawer: {
// optional, add this if you want a side menu drawer in your app
left: {
screen: 'example.LefMenu',
passProps: {},
disableOpenGesture: false,
fixedWidth: 500
style: {
drawerShadow: true,
contentOverlayColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)',
leftDrawerWidth: 50,
rightDrawerWidth: 50
type: 'MMDrawer',
animationType: 'door',
disableOpenGesture: false
passProps: {},
animationType: 'slide-down'
To have a menu-like behavior, I want to change the main screen of the SingleScreenApp (by clicking a button or other interaction).
I insist that I want to change/remplace the main screen, not pushing or showing a modal.
Should I start another SingleScreenApp with a root screen different screen ? Should I use "resetTo" method ?
What is the best in term of performance ?
Thanks a lot !

You do want to use resetTo(). This will pop any currently-pushed screens and replace the current root screen with the new one.


How to get the Modal effect using react-navigation?

I am trying to replicate Popup behaviour(Modal) using react-navigation. I am able to replicate some parts of it but I am not able to generate the complete result. I have to put the tabBar in the Background of the screen. I don't want to hide it. I am using Navigation it gives me some significant advantages over Modal.
I have tried using tabBarVisible: false but it hides the tabBar completely. I am using mode: 'modal' to have the modal behaviour and using TouchableHighlight to close the Modal if pressed on the empty part of the screen. I am not able to overlap the tabBar like the images I have attached below.
This is my code:
const SpaceTabNavigator = createStackNavigator({
Spaces: {
screen: SpacesTab
applianceList: AppliancesList,
applianceConfig: ApplianceConfig
initialRouteName: 'Spaces',
headerMode: 'none',
navigationOptions: {
headerVisible: false,
mode: 'modal',
transparentCard: true,
cardStyle: {
opacity: 1
const TabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigator({
Dashboard: {
screen: HomeTab,
Spaces: SpaceTabNavigator,
Moods: MoodStackNavigator,
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true
const DrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator(
TabNav: TabNavigator
contentComponent: Drawer
Can you please suggest a way around it?
Here is the result I have achieved yet: The achieved Result
Here is the result I want: This is the result I want
Step - 1 : Make the modal transparent by using the 'transparent' prop from the modal.
Step - 2 : Give the modal margin bottom lets say 50 to render it above the tab bar.
This shall do it

React navigation unable to navigate to just pervious screen after navigating multiple screens

Navigate: Screen 'StoreCategories' --> Screen 'QRScanner'
Back press while at Screen 'QRScanner' redirect to Screen 'StoreCategories' working perfectly
Navigate: Screen 'QRScanner' --> Screen 'Options' and
Navigate: Screen 'Options' --> Screen 'QRScanner' again
Click on back while at Screen 'QRScanner' redirect to Screen 'StoreCategories' again
Not redirecting to its previous Screen 'Options'.
Everything happens with default back functioning in react-navigation, I am not using any custom function for back functioning.
How can I resolve it and navigate to just previous from redirection happens rather than already cached screen in react-navigation(V2)?
const StackNavigator = defaultRoute =>
CustomerLogin: {
screen: CustomerLogins
MerchantLogin: {
screen: MerchantLogin
Profile: {
screen: Profile
OtpVerification: {
screen: OtpVerification
StoreOffers: {
screen: StoreOffers
StoreCategories: {
screen: StoreCategories
QRScanner: {
screen: QRScanner
MerchantHome: {
screen: MerchantHome
CustomerHome: {
screen: CustomerHome
ThankYou: {
screen: ThankYou
Detail: {
screen: Detail
Options: {
screen: Options
PayOnline: {
screen: PayOnline
PayCash: {
screen: PayCash
PayTm: {
screen: PayTm
Token: {
screen: Token
AddDiscount: {
screen: AddDiscount
CustomerHistory: {
screen: CustomerHistory
Webview: {
screen: Webview
Direction: {
screen: Direction
initialRouteName: defaultRoute
The way the current React-Navigation's navigate function works is a bit different then how they work previously. Currently if you navigate to a screen that is already in the screen stack, the system would go back to that screen (removing the other screens between the current screen and that screen will be remove) instead of simply adding a new screen to the stack.
If you want to use the old system style, you can use push instead of navigate. This would simply add to the stack instead of going back to the last one (if exist in the stack).
So rather than use
const {navigate} = navigation;
navigate(nextScreen, params);
you use
const {push} = navigation;
push(nextScreen, params);
if You want to navigate to back screen, you can use this code:
by navigate to Main it will redirect to initial route of Main and it seems to be A

Make a specific screen transparent react navigation

I am trying to make a specific screen have a transparent background using react navigation but I only want this behaviour on this specific screen. I am stuck because I have tried the following approach:
export const MainNavigator = StackNavigator({
ScreenOne: {
screen: ScreenOne
ScreenTwo: {
screen: ScreenTwoNavigator
ScreenThree: {
screen: ScreenThreeNavigator,
}, {
headerMode: 'none',
mode: 'modal',
cardStyle: {
opacity: 0.1,
However, this results in the opacity being applied to all the screens. I have also tried removing the opacity from this and instead setting it within the ScreenThreeNavigator, which contains only the single screen that i wish to have as transparent. This had no impact whatsoever. I have also tried setting the background color of the View for this screen as transparent but this also did not work.
I was able to resolve the problem by instead taking this approach and not using a separate screen:
Add an overlay to a react-navigation navigator

react-native:react-navigation can't get simple transition working

I am using a StackNavigator from react-navigation. I want a simple card slide animation to occur in my component. The current transition is one where the second screen slides up from the bottom. I want the standard slide effect(which is supposed to be the default in the first place).
The StackNavigator is created as follows:
const Stack = StackNavigator(
Phone: {
screen: Phone,
Code: {
screen: Code
mode: 'card',
headerMode: 'none',
cardStyle: {
backgroundColor: "transperent"
And this is the navigationOptions I used in the components:
static navigationOptions = {
header: {
visible: false,
I created a little snack, with the expo app, of your code. If you are developing on iOS, it will slide in from the right.

React Native (Android) - Stacknavigator above other view

I'm beginning in React Native development.
I've spend many hours on something but I'm still blocked.
I have a "header" view and under the view, a Stack navigator and inside a tab navigator.
When I open the stack navigator (with the Login Button), I would like to put the new view above the "header", without hiding him to avoid ugly effect when the new view appears.
Here an example when I put a negative margin top on the stacknavigator, but it stays behind the header
Is there any other way to do this properly ?
For information, I've started from the React Native boilerplate "Pepperoni App Kit", added my custom header before the AppNavigator, and hidden the headers on the Tab navigator.
Instead of having header under View, you should have use headerMode:'screen' option with StackNavigator. You can control the visibility of header under each sub navigator using the navigation options.
Here is sample snippet
export const Root = StackNavigator(
Tabs: {
screen: HOViewPager,
navigationOptions: {
title: "Title",
header: <Header />,
login: {
screen: Login,
navigationOptions: {
headerMode: "none",
header: null,
imageoverlay: {
screen: HOImageOverlay,
navigationOptions: {
headerMode: "none",
header: null,
mode: "modal",
headerMode: "screen",