Count different values of 0 from a MySQL query - sql

I'm trying to make this query:
SELECT monthPosted,
COUNT(sumaAbas) as abasNum,
SUM(sumaAbas) as abas,
COUNT(usdAmount) AS totalNum,
SUM(usdAmount) AS total
FROM DatosSpend
WHERE negotiableProcGl='Y'
GROUP BY sector
The problem I'm getting here is that the COUNT(usdAmount) is counting all values also having a 0 in it.
How can I ignore the count of values=0?

Aggregate functions ignore nulls. You could use a case expression to convert 0s to nulls and thus skip them. E.g.:
SELECT monthPosted,
COUNT(sumaAbas) as abasNum,
SUM(sumaAbas) as abas,
SUM(usdAmount) AS total
FROM DatosSpend
WHERE negotiableProcGl = 'Y'
GROUP BY sector

You can just simply exclude the 0 values in the WHERE clause:
WHERE negotiableProcGl='Y' AND value != 0
Where value is your column name


How do I count distinct to exclude a value?

Below is the different scales in a POS system. I am trying to count the number of distinct scales that are not 'MANUAL WT'.
This is what I have, but it is returning 2 and not 6.
count (distinct (case when d.SCALE_IN_ID != 'MANUAL WT' then 1 else 0 end)) as Num_Scale
select count(distinct case when scale_in_id <> 'MANUAL WT' then scale_in_id end) cnt
from mytable
The problem with your original query is that the case expression turns values to either 0 and 1, and then the aggregate function computes how many distinct values are returned: since values are all 0s or 1s, there are only two distinct values (or one in edge cases): hence the result that you are getting.
A simple WHERE clause will do:
select count(distinct scale_in_id) Num_Scale
from tablename
where scale_in_id <> 'MANUAL WT'

GROUP BY with COUNT condition

I have a result set such as:
Code No
1 *
1 -
1 4
Now i basically want a query that has 2 columns, a count for the total amount and a count for those that dont have numbers.
Code No_Number Total
1 4 5
Im assuming this needs a group by and a count but how can i do the 2 different counts in a query like this?
This is what i had so far, but i am a bit stuck with the rest of it
Sum(Case when No IN ('*', '-', '') then 1 else 0 end) as Count
I think you basically just need GROUP BY:
SUM(Case when No IN ('*', '-', '') then 1 else 0 end) as Count,
COUNT(*) as total
Well, this took a moment :-), however here it is...I have used a CASE statement to create and populate the No_Number column; the database gives the row in the original table a value of 1 if the original table value is a number or gives it a NULL and discards it from the COUNT if not. Then when it makes the count it is only recognising values which were originally numbers and ignoring everything else..
If the result set is in a table or temp table:
COUNT(Code) AS Total
FROM <tablename>
If the result set is the product of a previous query you can use a CTE (Common Table Expression) to arrive at the required result or you could include parts of this code in the earlier query.

SQL to count rows in a group where a column is equal to a particular value

I have a table with columns CMDNAME, TIME, and FAILED. There are a number of rows with the same CMDNAME value. The TIME column is just a timestamp for the transaction. The FAILED column is either "Y" or "N".
I want my result to be, for each distinct value of CMDNAME, the ratio of rows with FAILED='Y' to the total number of rows (for the same CMDNAME value).
I can get sort of close with the following:
select CMDNAME, FAILED, count(*) groupCount from TABLE group by CMDNAME, FAILED
That gives me two rows for each unique CMDNAME value, one with the "N" count and one with the "Y" count. I could use this, with some intermediate computation, if I can't figure out the more direct way to compute it.
One way to do it is using the count window function.
select distinct CMDNAME,
1.0*count(case when failed = 'Y' then 1 end) over(partition by CMDNAME)
/count(*) over(partition by CMDNAME) as groupCount
from TABLE
or using conditional aggregation.
select CMDNAME,
1.0*count(case when failed = 'Y' then 1 end)/count(*) as groupCount
from TABLE
group by CMDNAME
count, like many aggregate functions, skips nulls. You could use this property and count a case expression that reports only the failed='Y' rows:
SELECT cmdname,
COUNT(*) AS all_rows
COUNT(CASE failed WHEN 'Y' THEN 1 END) AS only_failures,
COUNT(CASE failed WHEN 'Y' THEN 1 END) / COUNT(*) AS failure_ratio
FROM mytbale
GROUP BY cmdname

Sum distinct records in a table with duplicates in Teradata

I have a table that has some duplicates. I can count the distinct records to get the Total Volume. When I try to Sum when the CompTia Code is B92 and run distinct is still counts the dupes.
Here is the query:
count(distinct a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then 1 else 0 end) as B92_Sum
FROM artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event a
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
group by 1
order by 1
Is There a way to only SUM the distinct records for B92?
I also tried inner joining the table on itself by selecting the distinct notification id and joining on that notification id, but still getting wrong sum counts.
Your B92_Sum currently returns either NULL, 1 or 2, this is definitely no sum.
To sum distinct values you need something like
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end)
If this column_to_sum is actually the notif_id you get a conditional count but not a sum.
Otherwise the distinct might remove too many vales and then you probably need a Derived Table where you remove duplicates before aggregation:
--no more distinct needed
count(a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end) as B92_Sum
select repair_week_period,
from artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
-- only onw row per notif_id
qualify row_number() over (partition by notif_id order by ???) = 1
) a
group by 1
order by 1
#dnoeth It seems the solution to my problem was not to SUM the data, but to count distinct it.
This is how I resolved my problem:
count(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then a.notif_id else NULL end) as B92_Sum

How to count the rows which contains non zero values in sql

SELECT round(COUNT(dmd_1wk),2) AS NBR_ITEMS_1WK
FROM table;
Field dmd_1wk has so many zeros in it. How do I Count the non zero values?
It sounds like you just need to add a WHERE clause:
round(COUNT(dmd_1wk),2) AS NBR_ITEMS_1WK
FROM table
WHERE dmd_1wk <> 0;
If you want the count of both non-zero and zero values, then you can use something like:
round(COUNT(case when dmd_1wk <> 0 then dmd_1wk end),2) AS NBR_ITEMS_1WK_NonZero,
round(COUNT(case when dmd_1wk = 0 then dmd_1wk end),2) AS NBR_ITEMS_1WK_Zero
FROM table;
Method 1: Case Statement. This may be useful if you need to continue to process all rows (which a where clause would prevent).
SELECT count(case when dmd_1wk = 0 then 0 else 1 end) as NonZeroCount FROM MyTable
Method 2: Where Clause.
count(1) as NonZeroCount
dmd_1wk <> 0
I'd like to offer another solution using NULLIF since COUNT won't count NULL values:
FROM table;
And here is the Fiddle.
Good luck.
Methinks bluefeets answer is probably what you are really looking for, as it sounds like you just want to count non-zeros; but this will get you a count of zero and non-zero items if that's not the case:
ROUND(SUM(CASE NVL(dmd_1wk, 0) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 2) AS "Zeros",
ROUND(SUM(CASE NVL(dmd_1wk, 0) != 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 2) AS "NonZeros"
FROM table
Although there is no point in rounding a whole number, I've included your original ROUNDs as I'm guessing you're using it for formatting, but you might want to use:
TO_CHAR(SUM(...), '999.00')
as that's the intended function for formatting numbers.
You can filter them.
SELECT round(COUNT(dmd_1wk),2) AS NBR_ITEMS_1WK
FROM table
WHERE dmd_1wk <> 0;