How do I insert data only if it matches a certain condition from one table to another table in Rails? - sql

I'm somewhat of a begginer to SQL and migrations in general, so it's possible my approach is completely wrong here, but bear with me ;)
I have a Company model that has attributes for SMTP mailing configuration (like smtp_address and smtp_port), which are optional.
However, I now need my User model to be able to have an SMTP configuration as well, so I created a SMTPConfiguration model with attributes address, port, and a polymorphic association to smtpable. This model will belong either to the User or Company model
What I'd like to do now is migrate the data I already have in the companies table over to the SMTP configurations table, which sounds pretty straightforward, except I want to create a new SMTPConfiguration ONLY if the Company actually has the smtp_address and smtp_port set. If smtp_address and smtp_port are not present, the Company should not have a belonging SMTPConfiguration.
This would be fairly easy to do using Ruby conditions and ActiveRecord, but from what I've read inserting rows individually with ActiveRecord can be reaaally long for large databases, so it is a much better idea to use raw SQL. Turns out I suck at SQL :( .
I've searched on StackOverFlow quite a bit, and using this and this, I came up with something like
execute <<-SQL
INSERT INTO smtp_configurations (address, port, smtpable_id)
SELECT (c.smtp_address, c.smtp_port,
FROM companies c
WHERE c.smtp_address <> NULL
This wouldn't work since it doesn't set created_at, updated_at and smtpable_type, but to be honest I'm out of ideas. Could the activerecord-import gem be of any use?
I am using Rails 5.1.4 and Postgres 10.3

Try next code in your migration:
created_at = Time.current.to_s(:db)
insert_clause = <<-SQL
INSERT INTO smtp_configurations(
FROM companies c
WHERE (c.smtp_address IS NOT NULL) AND (c.port IS NOT NULL)
UPDATED: Changed code for plain Rails.


How to write an SQL NOT EXISTS query/scope in the Rails way?

I have a database scope to filter only latest ProxyConfig version for particular Proxy and environment.
This is the raw SQL that works very well with MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle:
class ProxyConfig < ApplicationRecord
scope :current_versions, -> do
where %(NOT EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM proxy_configs pc
WHERE proxy_configs.environment = environment
AND proxy_configs.proxy_id = proxy_id
AND proxy_configs.version < version
You can find a simple test case in my baby_squeel issue.
But I find it nicer not to use SQL directly. I have spent a lot of time trying out different approaches to write it in the Rails way to no avail. I found generic Rails and baby_squeel examples but they always involved different tables.
PS The previous version used joins but it was super slow and it messed up some queries. For example #count produced an SQL syntax error. So I'm not very open on using other approaches. Rather I prefer to know how to implement this query exactly. Although I'm at least curious to see other simple solutions.
PPS About the question that direct SQL is fine. In this case, mostly yes. Maybe all RDBMS can understand this quoting. If one needs to compare text fields though that requires special functions on Oracle. On Postgres the case-insensitive LIKE is ILIKE. It can be handled automatically by Arel. In raw SQL it would require different string for the different RDBMS.
This isn't actually a query that you can build with the ActiveRecord Query Interface alone. It can be done with a light sprinkling of Arel though:
class ProxyConfig < ApplicationRecord
def self.current_versions
pc = arel_table.alias("pc")
The generated SQL isn't identical but I think it should be functionally equivilent.
SELECT "proxy_configs".* FROM "proxy_configs"
SELECT 1 FROM "proxy_configs" "pc"
WHERE "pc"."environment" = "proxy_configs"."environment"
AND "pc"."proxy_id" = "proxy_configs"."proxy_id"
AND "pc"."version" > "proxy_configs"."version"

When an user views all articles, see their own articles first

we have two models
user have many articles
i need When an user views all articles, see their own articles first.
my idea
make two query
first query return articles related to query
Article.where(user_id: user_id)
second query
Article.where.not(user_id: user_id)
and merge result
second Idea
get all articles and select method in ruby
but i need best way make this
i use Ruby On Rails 6.1 and Ruby 3
You could run one query but sort the articles with SQL depending on if they have a matching user_id:
Article.order(Arel.sql("CASE user_id WHEN #{user_id} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END"))
Note: order does not support multiple arguments and input sanitization out of the box. Use this only, when you are sure that the user_id contains only a valid user id, for example, be using instead of user_id
In Rails 7 there will be a new method called in_order_of which would allow writing the same functionality like this:
Article.in_order_of(:user_id, user_id)
More programmatic approach
articles = Article.arel_table
case_statement =[:user_id])

Reference an arbitrary row and field in another table

Is there any form (data type, inherence..) of implement in postgresql something like this:
datareferenced table_row_column_reference,
logged boolean
The referenced data may be any row field from the database. My objective is implement something like this without use Procedural Language or implement it in a higher layer, using only a relational approach and without modify the rest of the tables. Another feature may be referencial integrity, example:
-- Table foo (id, field1, field2, fieldn)
-- ('bar', '2014-01-01', 4.33, Null)
-- Table log (datareferenced, logged)
-- ({table foo -> id:'bar' -> field2 } <=> 4.33, True)
DELETE FROM foo where id='bar';
-- as result, on cascade, deleted both rows.
I have an application build onto a MVC pattern. The logic is written in Python. The application is a management tool, very data intensive. My goal is implement a module that could store additional information per every data present in the DDBB. Per example, a client have a serie of attributes (name, address, phone, email ...) across multiple tables, and I want that the app could store metadata-like for every registry from all the DDBB. A metadata could be last modification, or a user flag, etc.
I have implemented the metadata model (in postgres), its mapping to objects and a parcial API. But the part left is the most important, the glue. My plan B is create that glue in the data mapping layer as a module. Something like this:
address= person.addresses[0]
address.saveMetadata('foo', 'bar')
-- in the superclass of Address
def saveMetadata(self, code, value):, code, value)
-- in the metadata adapter class:
def save(self, entity, code, value):
sql = """update value=%s from metadata_values
where code=%s and idmetadata=
(select id from metadata_rels mr
where mr.schema=%s and mr.table=%s and
mr.field=%s and mr.recordpk=%s)"""%
(value, code,
def read(self, entity , code):
sql = """select mv.value
from metadata_values mv
join metadata_rels mr on
where mv.code=%s and mr.schema=%s and mr.table=%s and
mr.field=%s and mr.recordpk=%s"""%
self.class2data[entity.__class__]["field"], )
return self.mapper.execute(sql)
But it would add overhead between python and postgresql, complicate Python logic, and using PL and triggers may be very laborious and bug-prone. That is why i'm looking at doing the same at the DDBB level.
No, there's nothing like that in PostgreSQL.
You could build triggers yourself to do it, probably using a composite type. But you've said (for some reason) you don't want to use PL/PgSQL, so you've ruled that out. Getting RI triggers right is quite hard, though, and you must apply a trigger to the referencing and referenced ends.
Frankly, this seems like a square peg, round hole kind of problem. Are you sure PostgreSQL is the right choice for this application?
Describe your needs and goal in context. Why do you want this? What problem are you trying to solve? Maybe there's a better way to approach the same problem one step back...

Rails .joins doesn't load the association

My query:
#county = County.joins(:state)
.where("counties.slug = ? AND states.slug = ?", params[:county_slug])
.select('states.*, counties.*')
From the log, the SQL looks like this:
SELECT states.*, counties.* FROM "counties" INNER JOIN "states" ON "states"."id" = "counties"."state_id" LIMIT 1
My problem is that is doesn't eager load the data from the associated table (states), because when I do, for example,, it runs another query, although, as you can see from the log, it had already queried the database for the data in that table as well. But it doesn't pre populate #county.state
Any idea how i can get all the data from the database in just ONE query?
I think you need to use include instead of joins to get the eager loading. There's a good railscasts episode about the differences: , in particular:
The question we need to ask is “are we using any of the related model’s attributes?” In our case the answer is “yes” as we’re showing the user’s name against each comment. This means that we want to get the users at the same time as we retrieve the comments and so we should be using include here.

Rails way to reset seed on id field

I have found the "pure SQL" answers to this question. Is there a way, in Rails, to reset the id field for a specific table?
Why do I want to do this? Because I have tables with constantly moving data - rarely more than 100 rows, but always different. It is up to 25k now, and there's just no point in that. I intend on using a scheduler internal to the Rails app (rufus-scheduler) to run the id field reset monthly or so.
You never mentioned what DBMS you're using. If this is postgreSQL, the ActiveRecord postgres adapter has a reset_pk_sequences! method that you could use:
I came out with a solution based on hgimenez's answer and this other one.
Since I usually work with either Sqlite or PostgreSQL, I've only developed for those; but extending it to, say MySQL, shouldn't be too troublesome.
Put this inside lib/ and require it on an initializer:
# lib/active_record/add_reset_pk_sequence_to_base.rb
module ActiveRecord
class Base
def self.reset_pk_sequence
case ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name
when 'SQLite'
new_max = maximum(primary_key) || 0
update_seq_sql = "update sqlite_sequence set seq = #{new_max} where name = '#{table_name}';"
when 'PostgreSQL'
raise "Task not implemented for this DB adapter"
Client.count # 10
Client.create(:name => 'Peter') # this client will have id=1
EDIT: Since the most usual case in which you will want to do this is after clearing a database table, I recommend giving a look to database_cleaner. It handles the ID resetting automatically. You can tell it to delete just selected tables like this:
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncation, :only => %w[clients employees])
I assume you don't care about the data:
def self.truncate!
connection.execute("truncate table #{quoted_table_name}")
Or if you do, but not too much (there is a slice of time where the data only exists in memory):
def self.truncate_preserving_data!
data ={|r| raise "Record would not be able to be saved" unless r.valid? }
connection.execute("truncate table #{quoted_table_name}")
This will give new records, with the same attributes, but id's starting at 1.
Anything belongs_toing this table could get screwy.
Based on #hgmnz 's answer, I made this method that will set the sequence to any value you like... (Only tested with the Postgres adapter.)
# change the database sequence to force the next record to have a given id
def set_next_id table_name, next_id
connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
def connection.set_next_id table, next_id
pk, sequence = pk_and_sequence_for(table)
quoted_sequence = quote_table_name(sequence)
select_value <<-end_sql, 'SCHEMA'
SELECT setval('#{quoted_sequence}', #{next_id}, false)
connection.set_next_id(table_name, next_id)
One problem is that these kinds of fields are implemented differently for different databases- sequences, auto-increments, etc.
You can always drop and re-add the table.
No there is no such thing in Rails. If you need a nice ids to show the users then store them in a separate table and reuse them.
You could only do this in rails if the _ids are being set by rails. As long as the _ids are being set by your database, you won't be able to control them without using SQL.
Side note: I guess using rails to regularly call a SQL procedure that resets or drops and recreates a sequence wouldn't be a purely SQL solution, but I don't think that is what you're asking...
Disclaimer: I don't know much about rails.
From the SQL perspective, if you have a table with columns id first_name last_name and you usually insert into table (first_name, last_name) values ('bob', 'smith') you can just change your queries to insert into table (id, first_name, last_name) values ([variable set by rails], 'bob', 'smith') This way, the _id is set by a variable, instead of being automatically set by SQL. At that point, rails has entire control over what the _ids are (although if it is a PK you need to make sure you don't use the same value while it's still in there).
If you are going to leave the assignment up to the database, you have to have rails run (on whatever time schedule) something like:
to whatever sequence controls the ids for your table. This will get rid of the current sequence, and create a new one. This is the simplest way I know of you 'reset' a sequence.
Rails way for e.g. MySQL, but with lost all data in table users:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('TRUNCATE TABLE users;')
Maybe helps someone ;)
There are CounterCache methods:
I used Article.reset_counters Article.all.length - 1 and it seemed to work.