invalid_request error on AWS Cognito Custom UI Page - amazon-cognito

when going to the custom AWS Cognito UI Page:
am getting the following error:
An error was encountered with the requested page.
View error

O-Auth options need to be check as shown in the following picture

You need the following in the App client Settings of your user pool:
Enable Cognito User Pool as "Identity Provider".
Allowed "OAuth Scopes" should have openid enabled.

In my case, it appears there was some issue with verifying the phone number. So switched back to email.
This document is good for checking everything.
Unless the SMS Sending setup is not complete, do not choose the Email or Phone option. Email or phone actually falls back to phone number only. Read the warning messages.

TLDR: If you use an AWS User Pool with Cognito App Client and have an Application Load Balancer that is exposed via a custom DNS entry (e.g., which has to be secured via SSL), use this custom domain for the Cognito App Client's callback URL (i.e. instead if the random DNS name created by AWS.
I had the same error and this issue solved it for me. I used a User Pool with a Cognito App Client and as callback URL I first used the DNS name that AWS created for it (<load balancer name>-<random number>.<region>, i.e. "callbackUrl": "https://<load balancer name>-<random number>.<region> I also created a DNS record for a custom domain to expose the load balancer to the internet and secured it via SSL. As a result, the certificate was not valid for the URL created by AWS, but only my custom domain. The Cognito App Client was thus trying to access the URL with the invalid SSL certificate and returned the error.


What is the Authorized Javascript Origin for a webapp powered by Google Script?

I'm building a webapp with the Google Script engine. Te application uses the Sign in With Google button to log in, so I need a project with a Credential in the Google Cloud Platform which asks me to introduce a domain in the Authorized JavaScript Origin field. Domains of the kind used to work but now they appear to be forbidden.
Google Cloud Platform Credentials
Since the app is hosted by Google Script platform, I've tried the URI, but it does not work. It keeps on saying:
Not a valid origin for the client: has not been registered for client ID Please go to and register this origin for your project's client ID."
error: "idpiframe_initialization_failed"
Does anybody know anything about this issue?
There was a discussion about this on a bug reported on Google's Issue Tracker - this has become disallowed due to security concerns. There is, therefore, no current way to use an Apps Script Web App as a JavaScript origin at all.
More Information:
The bug report in question:
Fail to Add * into Authorized JavaScript origins
An investigation was conducted as there was seemingly no public information about the change. On March 31st 2021, a Googler eventually responded, explaining the reason for the change and closed the issue as intended behaviour:
Current policies for use of OAuth 2.0 require apps to use secure JavaScript origins and redirects on domains that you own. While the use of certain shared domains is allowed (e.g. Firebase apps running on *, the use of * as OAuth origins or redirect URIs is blocked in order to ensure the security and privacy of user accounts.
Documentation has been updated at Redirect URI validation rules and JavaScript origin validation rules has been updated in order to reflect this:
Host domains cannot be “”.

Cannot add cognito authentification to aws load balancer (ELB)

I am trying to add a cognito auhtentification to my load balancer following
When I setup the authentification process, I have only the "oidc" type, but I expect a "cognito" type :
When I try the rest api, I have the same problem
Action type 'authenticate-cognito' must be one of 'redirect,fixed-response,forward,authenticate-oidc'
cognito is not available.
Am i missing some permissions ? I am an AmazonCognitoPowerUser
I had the exact same issue on region eu-west-3 and it's probably a bug at Amazon that costed me a day of my life.
Good thing is you can actually configure Authenticate OIDC to behave exactly like Authenticate Cognito:
Issuer:[pool-id] (make sure to use pool-id and not pool-name)
Authorization endpoint: https://[pool-name]
Token endpoint: https://[pool-name]
User info endpoint: https://[pool-name]
The other info to fill should be straightforward.
Make sure to select your scope(s) in the advanced settings and to allow HTTPS outbound traffic on your load balancer security group.
The Callback URL of your App client in Cognito should be:
https://[CNAME]/oauth2/idpresponse if using a custom domain to access your final app
https://[DNS]/oauth2/idpresponse if using the load balancer DNS name to access your final app
I had the same issue, I was on eu-west-3,
By switching in eu-west-1 or us-east it works perfectly,
I guess the option isn't fully deployed yet

Apache pre authentication page using api

I have kind a puzzle-headed task and i don't know where should i start.
We have a web app that is in our local net. We want to give access to this
app from the outside using apache.
Basically we want pre-login page on apache that will send user credential using api to our app and receive answer with OTP, which user can write in pre-login page inputbox, send again and in case off success apache will redirect user to standard apps login page.
Can apache do that?
Sort of: you can put an authenticating proxy in front of your app that will propagate the established user identity to the backend. See e.g.:

How to change redirect_uri for Azure AD

I've got Azure ServiceFabric web-app (AspNetCore 3) hosted over reverse proxy (NGinx). The app use AzureAD (in company) authentication. I've Registered App for the AD and setup Redirect Urls. After publishing the APP and configuring DNS and reverse proxy I tried to authorize to my app but failed with error
AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application: '...-...-...-...-...'.
I snifed the request and found that it redirects to the internal IP but not domain name
It seems that I've looked everywhere but I cannot stil found where I can specify redirect url manually (only CallbackPath).
Does anyone solve the issue?
Update 1.
Add screenshot from Azure Portal
Update 2
Mannually add to the Redirect Url, get a new exception
AADSTS500117: The reply uri specified in the request isn't using a secure scheme.
I wonder whether I have to make my ASF cluster secured to allow AD Authorization? It seems to me strange due to I want to secure traffic to reverse proxy only.
This error will occur when there is a mismatch of redirect URI being sent in the request to AAD while fetching the token and the one registered with the Application Registration Object in AAD portal.
In App Registration blade of AAD and look for the redirect URI section present under "Authentication" section of the registered application and update the redirection
URL. Please refer to the screenshot below:
The Reply url you are using in your code is which is different from reply url defined in Azure AD i.e., Please update the reply url in code or in AAD.

AAD Reply Url Issue with https

We have an on-prem core app that leverage AAD for authentication, the app is setup to run in both:
In Azure AD the reply url for the application is setup as
http://domainserver/app/signin-oidc & https://domainserver/app/signin-oidc
When using http url, the sign-in process works fine, however in https mode, we get the following error:
AADSTS50011: The reply address ‘https://domainserver/app/signin-oidc’
does not match the reply addresses configured for the application:
appguid . More details: not specified
The reply https url is setup in AAD for the App exactly as it appears in the error message, so I’m not sure why it says it’s not matching.
One reason I can think of is that the SSL certificate used for https is a local domain signed certificate, and somehow it’s causing the error. But I’m not sure if that’s the case since AAD is just responsible to redirect back to the specified url, should not really care or know about the validity of the SSL.
Here is the image showing the setting url, the redirect url and the error message url matches exactly. You just have to trust me the part that's blocked out are also the same. :)
Anyone got any ideas why this happens?
Protocol matters. Azure AD will treat and as different reply URLs. However Azure can only let your put in multiple Reply URLs in a same domain. There is a case solution may be helpful to you:
Issue: Using the Azure AD authentication option to sign into the Skype for Business (SfB) Web SDK and you are seeing an AAD error page . The error page should have this message:
"AADSTS50011: The reply address 'https://...' does not match the reply
addresses configured for the application <...>"
You need to configure the main domain name where you're hosting your app as a reply URL in the AAD registration for your app and pass it as the redirect_uri when redirecting to AAD to allow the user to sign in.
You should be using code like this to redirect the user to enter her credentials to sign into Azure AD:
var href = '';
href += client_id + '&resource=' + window.location.href;
window.location.href = href;
Note In the code above that we are using window.location.href as the value of the redirect_uri query parameter in forming the URL of the AAD endpoint where the user will sign in. This parameter tells AAD to redirect the client browser and the access token obtained by signing into AAD back to the page we're currently on - the main app page. However, AAD will only redirect the access token to URLs that are specified as Reply URLs in the app registration in AAD.
Follow these steps to check your configured Reply URLs and add additional ones:
Sign into with an account that's an administrator on your tenant.
Navigate to Azure Active Directory in the left side bar > App registrations > Your app > All settings > Reply URLS.
Type the domain name where you're hosting your app and click Save.
This solution is from this document.
According to your screenshot, your Reply URI is different:
is not in your Reply URL list,
in your Reply URL list is
Go to change them as same URL .