How to use setBodyContent(HttpBodyContent) in Katalon - api

I have been trying to update our test management API once the Katalon test has completed running.
We are using Adaptavist Test Management in JIRA. I am not trying to update the Katalon JIRA add-on by the way.
The API call, for Adaptavist, needs to be a POST and have a body message of items like the example {"projectKey": "FVS", "testCaseKey": "FVS-T1", "status": "Pass", "environment": "DEV"}
I would eventually replace these items with the Katalon test result variables as appropriate.
I have created a Service Call in the Object Repository which deals with auth settings, this works fine if I test the request in the editor with these sample values.
When I come to add the script in the Test Case itself I am struggling to get it to work, let alone replace the variables with the actual values.
I current have this :
//run test
//update JIRA
RequestObject getJIRAUpdateObject = (RequestObject)findTestObject('Web Service
Calls/Update JIRA')
String vsRequestBody = '{"projectKey": "FVS", "testCaseKey": "FVS-T1",
"status": "Pass", "environment": "DEV"}';
body = getJIRAUpdateObject.setHttpBody(vsRequestBody)
I also have the following additional imports
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ResponseObject
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.RequestObject
Now in the script editor, I am told that setHttpBody is now depreciated in Katalon version 5.4+ (I am using 5.4.1) and I should use setBodyContent(HttpBodyContent) instead, but when I look at the API documentation for this, I cannot work out the syntax of how I am supposed to use this instead.
Does anyone know how I should change the code, or have examples of how I need to change the above code to use this new method ??
Any help is much appreciated.

As answered on the Katalon forum:
In your case, the body content is text body then the suitable implementation should be:
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.impl.HttpTextBodyContent //for text in body
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.impl.HttpFileBodyContent //for file in body
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.impl.HttpFormDataBodyContent //for form data body
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.impl.HttpUrlEncodedBodyContent //for URL encoded text body
setBodyContent(new HttpTextBodyContent(your_text))
(API docs for HttpBodyContent implementation.)


Jmeter- Create HTTP request body using JSR223 Pre-processor

I am trying to dynamically create HTTP Request body for a POST by using JSR223 Preprocessor. Below is the code that I tried. But it is not working. Request body is populating as empty. Can anyone help?
def arg= new HTTPArgument("", dataToBePosted, null, true);
I also tried
Take a look at jmeter.log file, it might be the case you have a problem in your Groovy code, i.e. I fail to see dataToBePosted declared/initialized anywhere
Even if it is good it won't survive first iteration, I would suggest using Arguments class instance instead
Example code:
def data = new org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments()
def body = new org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.HTTPArgument('', 'dataToBePosted', '', false)
and demo:
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

FIX Protocol Testing on Jmeter?

Hello Everyone I just want to ask is there's a way we can execute FIX Protocol testing using Jmeter? Currently were using a tool and I just want to convert using Jmeter. Your response is highly appreciated. Thankyou
Current Tool:
Note: The Request data uses also the JSON format
Expected Result: I want to convert this request/response via Jmeter.
I'm not aware of any existing plugins, however you can use a Java client library like QuickFIX/J and write the code for sending messages using JSR223 Sampler and Groovy language
Code examples can be found in the user manual, here is an example for sending the message just in case:
import quickfix.*;
Message message = new Message();
// BeginString
message.getHeader().setField(new StringField(8, "FIX.4.2"));
// SenderCompID
message.getHeader().setField(new StringField(49, "TW"));
// TargetCompID, with enumeration
message.getHeader().setField(new StringField(56, "TARGET"));
// MsgType
message.getHeader().setField(new CharField(35, 'F'));
// OrigClOrdID
message.setField(new StringField(41, "123"));
// ClOrdID
message.setField(new StringField(11, "321"));
// Symbol
message.setField(new StringField(55, "LNUX"));
// Side, with value enumeration
message.setField(new CharField(54, Side.BUY));
// Text
message.setField(new StringField(58, "Cancel My Order!"));
Alternatively you can create your own plugin for JMeter to make scripts creation and execution easier and faster

Acessing a database using zeep

I am trying to programmatically retrieve information from a database(BRENDA) using Zeep.
The following is the code.
import zeep
import hashlib
wsdl = ""
password = hashlib.sha256("xx".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
parameters = "xxx," + password + ",ecNumber*{}#organism*{}#".format("", "Homo sapiens")
client = zeep.Client(wsdl=wsdl)
km_string = client.getKmValue(parameters)
However, I get the following error
AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'getKmValue'
Could someone help me with this?
The above code works fine while using SOAPpy library in python 2. However, I couldn't successfully install SOAPpy in python 3, therefore I tried Zeep.
The sample code that shows SOAP implementation is available here
We fixed the webservice. It should work, now. Please have a look at the SOAP documentation on our website.
not the resolution but some hints.
1) with zeep you need to put .service between client and the name of the method. the correct syntax is client.service.getKmValue(parameters) (take a look at documentation)
anyway for zeep, getKmValue doesn't exists (but it exists on the wsdl schema and SoapUi see it).
you can also try py-suds,
but for some reason i obtain a 403 calling the wsdl.
from suds.client import Client
import hashlib
client = Client("")

How to build Query Parameter using Spring Traverson

I have a Spring Data Rest webservice with QueryDSL Web Support enabled so I can query any of the fields directly like below;
And I was using Traverson to access this service but traverson is not generating the query parameter as above; below is my code (I have tried both withTemplateParameters() and withParameters() in Hop level)
Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<String,Object>();
parameters.put("cinfo1", "0127498374");
PagedResources<Tbpinstance> items = traverson
Any Help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Traverson needs to know where to put those parameters. They could be path parameters, or they could be query parameters. Furthermore, Traverson navigates the service from the root, so the parameters might need to be inserted somewhere in the middle, and not in the final step only.
For these reasons the server needs to clearly tell how to use the parameters. Traverson needs a HATEOAS-"directory" for the service. When Traverson HTTP GETs the http://localhost:9000/api document, it needs to contain a link similar to this:
"_links" : {
"product" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:9000/api/prod1007{?cinfo1}",
"templated" : true
Now it knows that the cinfo1 parameter is a query parameter and will be able to put it into its place.
#ZeroOne, you are entirely correct, that is what the response from the server should look like. Currently spring-hateoas does not support responses that look like that (I expect it will in the future as I have seen comments by Oliver Gierke indicating that spring-hateoas is going through a major upgrade).
As at the time of writing, to generate responses from the server as you describe, we have used spring-hateoas-ext mentioned in You can find code at
This is a 'drop in replacement' for spring-hateoas' ControllerLinkBuilder.
Here is the maven dependency we use (but check for the latest version).
<!-- Drop in replacement from spring-hateoas ControllerLinkBuilder -->
Here's the import we use in our ResourceAssemblers.
import static de.escalon.hypermedia.spring.AffordanceBuilder.*;

Integrating RFT Test framework to work with RQM

I designed a framework in RFT where the test cases are written in spreadsheet specifying the data source, object and keyword and a driver script which processes through all this data and routes it to the appropriate method for each test step all in a spreadsheet. Now I want to integrate this with RQM so that each of my test cases in the spreadsheet is shown as passed/failed in RQM. Any ideas?
You could implement now an algorithm to read those testcases in the spreadsheet and pass them to RQM as attachments with logTestResult.
For example:
logTestResult( <your attachment> , true );
And if you are already connected to RQM the adapter will attach files that you indicate automatically to RQM. So, at the end you will see step by step the results and if the script ends correctly RQM will show you the script as "passed".
Thanks for the answer Juan. I solved this by passing the testcase name from Script Argument part of RQM and fetching the arguments in my starter script as shown below:-
public void testMain(Object[] args) throws Exception
String n=args[0].toString();
logInfo("Parameter from RQM"+n);
ModuleDriver d=new ModuleDriver();
Since I have verification points setup for each of the steps in my test cases the results get reported based on each of those verification points in RQM which is what i needed.