GROUP by ITEM number and the sum of Quantity to Stock - sql

I am trying to get my head into space on how I can GROUP by the item number and add the qty to stock.
My current code is:
SELECT dbo.InventoryItems.ItemNo, dbo.InventoryItems.DescriptionMed AS Description
, SUM(dbo.InventoryItems.QtyToStock) AS QtytoStock, dbo.Locations.LocationCode
FROM dbo.InventoryItems INNER JOIN dbo.Locations
ON dbo.InventoryItems.LocationID = dbo.Locations.LocationID
GROUP BY dbo.InventoryItems.ItemNo, dbo.InventoryItems.QtyToStock
, dbo.InventoryItems.DescriptionMed, dbo.Locations.LocationCode
HAVING (dbo.InventoryItems.ItemNo LIKE 'CL10%')
and I am getting the below result:
But my expected output is:
CL1000 will just be in two rows with their sum.
Please help!
ItemNo Description QTYtoStock LocationCode
CL1000 Square Seat Legs 4 CREST
CL1000 Square Seat Legs 93 DZ
CL1002 Square Low Back Sofa 5 DZ

You clearly just need the right GROUP BY:
SELECT ii.ItemNo, ii.DescriptionMed AS Description,
SUM(ii.QtyToStock) AS QtytoStock, l.LocationCode
FROM dbo.InventoryItems ii INNER JOIN
dbo.Locations l
ON ii.LocationID = l.LocationID
WHERE ii.ItemNo LIKE 'CL10%'
GROUP BY ii.ItemNo, ii.DescriptionMed, l.LocationCode;
All the unaggregated columns (or expressions) should be in the GROUP BY. QtyToStock is being aggregated, so it is not appropriate.
Further advice:
Use table aliases. These should be abbreviations for the tables, so they are easy to follow.
Qualify column names with the shortened aliases. Much, much easier to write and read.
The HAVING clause is on a GROUP BY key. This is better handled (usually) using WHERE. The WHERE will reduce the number of rows that need to be aggregated, which is usually a performance win.


Difference between HAVING and WHERE in SQL

I've seen in other questions that the difference between HAVING and WHERE in SQL is that HAVING is used post-aggregation whereas WHERE is used pre-aggregation. However, I am still unsure about when to use pre-aggregation filtering or post-aggregation filtering.
As a concrete example, why don't these two queries yield the same result (the second sums quantity prematurely in a way that squashes the GROUP BY call)?
Using WHERE to obtain number of condo sales of each real estate agent.
SELECT agentId, SUM(quantity) total_sales
FROM sales s, houses h
WHERE s.houseId = h.houseId AND h.type = "condo"
GROUP BY agentId
ORDER BY total_sales;
Attempted use of HAVING to obtain the same quantity as above.
SELECT agentId, SUM(quantity) total_sales
FROM sales s, houses h
GROUP BY agentId
HAVING s.houseId = h.houseId AND h.type = "condo"
ORDER BY total_sales;
Note: these were written/tested/executed in sqlite3.
The simple way to think about it is to consider the order in which the steps are applied.
Step 1: Where clause filters data
Step 2: Group by is implemented (SUM / MAX / MIN / ETC)
Step 3: Having clause filters the results
So in your 2 examples:
SELECT agentId, SUM(quantity) total_sales
FROM sales s, houses h
WHERE s.houseId = h.houseId AND h.type = "condo"
GROUP BY agentId
ORDER BY total_sales;
Step 1: Filter by HouseId and Condo
Step 2: Add up the results
(number of houses that match the houseid and condo)
SELECT agentId, SUM(quantity) total_sales
FROM sales s, houses h
GROUP BY agentId
HAVING s.houseId = h.houseId AND h.type = "condo"
ORDER BY total_sales;
Step 1: No Filter
Step 2: Add up quantity of all houses
Step 3: Filter the results by houseid and condo.
Hopefully this clears up what is happening.
The easiest way to decide which you should use is:
- Use WHERE to filter the data
- Use HAVING to filter the results of an aggregation (SUM / MAX / MIN / ETC)
WHERE filters rows from the database. Then, if the query has aggregation, aggregation is ran based on the aggregate functions and GROUP BY clause in the query. After that point, HAVING is applied to filter the grouping results. The only filtering that HAVING allows is filtering on GROUP BY columns or calculated aggregates.
I must assume that you're using MySQL for your example query since, as other answers have noted, your HAVING clause doesn't make sense and MySQL has some default behaviors which are occasionally problematic and confusing.
First, learn to use proper, explicit, standard JOIN syntax.
Second, your query should look like:
SELECT s.agentId, SUM(s.quantity) as total_sales
FROM sales s JOIN
houses h
ON s.houseId = h.houseId
WHERE h.type = 'condo'
GROUP BY s.agentId
ORDER BY total_sales;
Your version of the query should generate an error in any reasonable database, because the HAVING clause has columns that are neither GROUP BY keys nor aggregation functions.
Additional notes:
The delimiter for a string is single quotes. If you use double quotes, things may not work as you expect.
You should qualify all column references, especially when your query references more than one table.
JOIN conditions belong in the ON clause, not in a WHERE clause.
Filtering on h.type after the aggregation makes no sense. If it did work, the sum() would include non-condos because the filtering is happening too late.

SQL joining two tables with different levels of details

So I have two tables of sales, budget and actual.
"budget" has two columns: location and sales. For example,
location sales
24 $20000
36 $100300
40 $24700
Total $145000
"actual" has three columns: invoice_number, location, and sales. For example,
invoice location sales
10000 36 $5000
10001 40 $6000
10002 99 $7000
and so forth
Total $110000
In summary, "actual" records transactions at the invoice level, whereas "budget" is done at the location level only (no individual invoices).
I'm trying to create a summary table that lists actual and budget sales side by side, grouped by location. The total of the actual column should be $110000, and $145000 for budget. This is my attempt at it (on pgAdmin/ postgresql):
SELECT actual.location, SUM(actual.sales) AS actual_sales, SUM(budget.sales) AS budget_sales
FROM actual LEFT JOIN budget
ON actual.location = budget.location
GROUP BY actual.location;
I used LEFT JOIN because "actual" has locations that "budget" doesn't have (e.g. location 99).
I ended up with some gigantic numbers ($millions) on both the actual_sales and budget_sales columns, far exceeding the total actual ($110000) or budget sales ($145,000).
Is this because the way I wrote my query is basically asking SQL to join each invoice in "actual" to each line in "budget," therefore duplicating things many times over? If so how should I have written this?
Thanks in advance!
Based on your description, you seem to have duplicates in both tables. There are various ways to solve this problem. Here is one using union all and group by:
select Location,
sum(actual_sales) as actual_sales,
sum(budget_sales) as budget_sales
from ((select a.location, a.sales as actual_sales, null as budget_sales
from actual a
) union all
(select b.location, null, b.sales
from budget b
) ab
group by location;
This structure guarantees that each value is counted only once, regardless of the table.
The query looks fine to me. However, it is difficult to find out why the figures are wrong. My suggestion is that you do the sum by location separately for budget and actual into 2 temporary tables, and later put them together using LEFT JOIN.
Yes, you're joining the budget in once for each actual sales row. However, your Actual Sales sum shouldn't have been larger unless there were multiple budget rows for the same location. You should check for that, because it doesn't sound like there should be.
What you need to do in a case like this is sum the actual sales first in a CTE or subquery, then later join the result to the budget. That way you only have one row for each location. This does it for the actual sales. If you really do have more than one row for a location for budget as well, you might need to subquery the budget as well the same way.
Select Act.Location, Act.actual_sales, budget.sales as budget_sales
SELECT actual.location, SUM(actual.sales) AS actual_sales
FROM actual
GROUP BY actual.location
) Act
left join budget on Act.location = budget.location
Gordon's suggestion is good, an alternative using WITH statements is:
WITH aloc AS (
SELECT location, SUM(sales) FROM actual GROUP BY 1
), bloc AS (
SELECT location, SUM(sales) FROM budget GROUP BY 1
SELECT location, a.sum AS actual_sales, b.sum AS budget_sales
FROM aloc a LEFT JOIN bloc b USING (location)
This is equivalent to:
SELECT location, a.sum AS actual_sales, b.sum AS budget_sales
FROM (SELECT location, SUM(sales) FROM actual GROUP BY 1) a LEFT JOIN
(SELECT location, SUM(sales) FROM budget GROUP BY 1) b USING (location)
but I find WITH statements more readable.
The purpose of the subqueries is to get tables into a state where a row means something relevant, i.e. aloc contains a row per location, and hence cause the join to evaluate to what you want.

How do I use the MAX function over three tables?

So, I have a problem with a SQL Query.
It's about getting weather data for German cities. I have 4 tables: staedte (the cities with primary key loc_id), gehoert_zu (contains the city-key and the key of the weather station that is closest to this city (stations_id)), wettermessung (contains all the weather information and the station's key value) and wetterstation (contains the stations key and location). And I'm using PostgreSQL
Here is how the tables look like:
s_id[PK] standort lon lat hoehe
10224 Bremen 53.05 8.8 4
stations_id[PK] datum[PK] max_temp_2m ......
10224 2013-3-24 -0.4
loc_id[PK] name lat lon
15 Asch 48.4 9.8
loc_id[PK] stations_id[PK]
15 10224
What I'm trying to do is to get the name of the city with the (for example) highest temperature at a specified date (could be a whole month, or a day). Since the weather data is bound to a station, I actually need to get the station's ID and then just choose one of the corresponding to this station cities. A possible question would be: "In which city was it hottest in June ?" and, say, the highest measured temperature was in station number 10224. As a result I want to get the city Asch. What I got so far is this
SELECT name, MAX (max_temp_2m)
FROM wettermessung, staedte, gehoert_zu
WHERE wettermessung.stations_id = gehoert_zu.stations_id
AND gehoert_zu.loc_id = staedte.loc_id
AND wettermessung.datum BETWEEN '2012-8-1' AND '2012-12-1'
ORDER BY MAX (max_temp_2m) DESC
There are two problems with the results:
1) it's taking waaaay too long. The tables are not that big (cities has about 70k entries), but it needs between 1 and 7 minutes to get things done (depending on the time span)
2) it ALWAYS produces the same city and I'm pretty sure it's not the right one either.
I hope I managed to explain my problem clearly enough and I'd be happy for any kind of help. Thanks in advance ! :D
If you want to get the max temperature per city use this statement:
SELECT gz.loc_id, MAX(max_temp_2m) as temperature
FROM wettermessung as wm
INNER JOIN gehoert_zu as gz
ON wm.stations_id = gz.stations_id
WHERE wm.datum BETWEEN '2012-8-1' AND '2012-12-1'
GROUP BY gz.loc_id) as subselect
INNER JOIN staedte as std
ON std.loc_id = subselect.loc_id
ORDER BY subselect.temperature DESC
Use this statement to get the city with the highest temperature (only 1 city):
SELECT name, MAX(max_temp_2m) as temp
FROM wettermessung as wm
INNER JOIN gehoert_zu as gz
ON wm.stations_id = gz.stations_id
INNER JOIN staedte as std
ON gz.loc_id = std.loc_id
WHERE wm.datum BETWEEN '2012-8-1' AND '2012-12-1'
ORDER BY MAX(max_temp_2m) DESC
LIMIT 1) as subselect
ORDER BY temp desc
For performance reasons always use explicit joins as LEFT, RIGHT, INNER JOIN and avoid to use joins with separated table name, so your sql serevr has not to guess your table references.
This is a general example of how to get the item with the highest, lowest, biggest, smallest, whatever value. You can adjust it to your particular situation.
select fred, barney, wilma
from bedrock join
(select fred, max(dino) maxdino
from bedrock
where whatever
group by fred ) flinstone on bedrock.fred = flinstone.fred
where dino = maxdino
and other conditions
I propose you use a consistent naming convention. Singular terms for tables holding a single item per row is a good convention. You only table breaking this is staedte. Should be stadt.
And I suggest to use station_id consistently instead of either s_id and stations_id.
Building on these premises, for your question:
... get the name of the city with the ... highest temperature at a specified date
SELECT, w.max_temp_2m
SELECT station_id, max_temp_2m
FROM wettermessung
WHERE datum >= '2012-8-1'::date
AND datum < '2012-12-1'::date -- exclude upper border
ORDER BY max_temp_2m DESC, station_id -- id as tie breaker
) w
JOIN gehoert_zu g USING (station_id) -- assuming normalized names
JOIN stadt s USING (loc_id)
Use explicit JOIN conditions for better readability and maintenance.
Use table aliases to simplify your query.
Use x >= a AND x < b to include the lower border and exclude the upper border, which is the common use case.
Aggregate first and pick your station with the highest temperature, before you join to the other tables to retrieve the city name. Much simpler and faster.
You did not specify what to do when multiple "wettermessungen" tie on max_temp_2m in the given time frame. I added station_id as tiebreaker, meaning the station with the lowest id will be picked consistently if there are multiple qualifying stations.

sql SUM value incorrect when using joins and group by

Im writing a query that sums order values broken down by product groups - problem is that when I add joins the aggregated SUM gets greatly inflated - I assume its because its adding in duplicate rows. Im kinda new to SQL, but I think its because I need to construct the query with sub selects or nested joins?
All data returns as expected, and my joins pull out the needed data, but the SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value returned is much higher that it should be - SQL below
SELECT so.Company_id, SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value, co.company_name,
agents.short_desc, stock_type.short_desc AS Type
JOIN company AS co ON co.company_id = so.company_id
JOIN invoice AS inv ON inv.Sorder_id = so.Sorder_id
JOIN sorder_item AS soitem ON soitem.sorder_id = so.Sorder_id
JOIN STOCK AS stock ON stock.stock_id = soitem.stock_id
JOIN stock_type AS stock_type ON stock_type.stype_id = stock.stype_id
JOIN AGENTS AS AGENTS ON agents.agent_id = co.agent_id
co.last_ordered >'01-JAN-2012' and so.Sotype_id='1'
GROUP BY so.Company_id,co.company_name,agents.short_desc, stock_type.short_desc
Any guidence on how I should structure this query to pull out an "un-duplicated" SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value much appreciated.
To get an accurate sum, you want only the joins that are needed. So, this version should work:
SELECT so.Company_id, SUM(inv.item_total) AS Value, co.company_name
company co
ON co.company_id = so.company_id JOIN
invoice inv
ON inv.Sorder_id = so.Sorder_id
group by so.Company_id, co.company_name
You can then add in one join at a time to see where the multiplication is taking place. I'm guessing it has to do with the agents.
It sounds like the joins are not accurate.
First suspect join
For example, would an agent be per company, or per invoice?
If it is per order, then should the join be something along the lines of
JOIN AGENTS AS AGENTS ON agents.agent_id = inv.agent_id
Second suspect join
Can one order have many items, and many invoices at the same time? That can cause problems as well. Say an order has 3 items and 3 invoices were sent out. According to your joins, the same item will show up 3 times means a total of 9 line items where there should be only 3. You may need to eliminate the invoices table
Possible way to solve this on your own:
I would remove all the grouping and sums, and see if you can filter by one invoice produce an unique set of rows for all the data.
Start with an invoice that has just one item and inspect your result set for accuracy. If that works, then add another invoice that has multiple and check the rows to see if you get your perfect dataset back. If not, then the columns that have repeating values (Company Name, Item Name, Agent Name, etc) are usually a good starting point for checking up on why the duplicates are showing up.

left join not doing as expected with sum and group by

This is all going to have to be pseudo as I am on my phone and have no internet access right now as I have just moved but its bugging the crap out of me. This also means I can't do code blocks please bear with me: I'll try.
I have a table with amounts in it, and I have a table with labels. I want to sum the amounts in the first table grouped by the labels. The problem is, if there are no records for a label existing in the table with the amounts then I don't get a record in the result set for that label. I need a record there with nulls for the amount tables field. Here is what some sample data might look like:
Columns: id, tpa, amt, link_to_label_table
1, GTL, 2000, 1
2, GTL, 1000, 1
Columns: link_to_amount_table, label_name
1, Label1
2, Label2
Select at.tpa, sum(at.amt) as amt, lt.label_name
From Amount_table as at
Left join Label_tabl lt on lt.link_to_amount_table = at.link_to_label_table
Where at.tpa = 'GTL'
Group by lt.label, at.tpa
Now this returns:
GTL, 3000, Label1
I tried selecting from the labels table then left joining the amount table and it still didn't give my desired results which are:
GTL, 3000, Label1
Null, Null, Label2
Is this possible with the sum and group by? The fields being grouped by have to be there otherwise you get an error.
This is in DB2 by the way. Is there any way possible to get this to return the way I need it? I have to get the labels; they are dynamic.
On the face of it, you want to have your labels table as the dominant table and the amounts table as the one that is outer joined.
SELECT a.tpa, sum(a.amt) as amt, l.label_name
FROM Label_table AS l
LEFT JOIN Amount_table AS a
ON l.link_to_amount_table = a.link_to_label_table
GROUP BY l.label, a.tpa
You have a condition Amount_table.tpa = 'GTL'; it is not entirely clear why you have that, but presumably it is significant with more data in the tables. There are (at least) two ways you can incorporate that condition into the query (other than the one you chose - which eliminates the rows where a.tpa is null).
SELECT a.tpa, sum(a.amt) as amt, l.label_name
FROM Label_table AS l
LEFT JOIN Amount_table AS a
ON l.link_to_amount_table = a.link_to_label_table
AND a.tpa = 'GTL'
GROUP BY l.label, a.tpa
SELECT a.tpa, sum(a.amt) as amt, l.label_name
FROM Label_table AS l
FROM Amount_table
WHERE tpa = 'GTL') AS a
ON l.link_to_amount_table = a.link_to_label_table
GROUP BY l.label, a.tpa
A decent optimizer will produce the same query plan for both, so it probably doesn't matter which you use. There's an argument that suggests the second alternative is cleaner in that the ON clause is primarily for joining conditions, and the filter condition on a.tpa is not a joining condition. There's another argument that says the first alternative avoids a sub-query and is therefore preferable. I'd validate that the query plans are the same and would probably choose the second, but it is a somewhat nebulous decision based on a mild preference.
You were so close on your second try. Change WHERE to AND. This has the effect of applying at.tpa='GTL' to the JOIN instead of applying it to the filter so you don't filter out the NULLs.