Instant App link in SMS does not work - android-instant-apps

I have created an Instant App that works perfectly when I click its link in an email. When I send the same link in an SMS and click it, the default-url is displayed. I am using AS3.2 Canary 9. Has anyone seen the same thing?

This depends of the message app of your phone. Sometimes the message app have an internal web view to manage the urls. In this case the link is directly open in web browser.
If the link is open in the default browser, you should go in this browser app settings and check the links already set as manage by this browser. Or clear the cache of the browser. if it s still not working, go in :
Settings -> Google -> Instant app, then disable an enable it again.
if it s still not working, make it sure by rebooting the device.


Branchio Universal Deeplink redirecting to safari and shows popup to launch the application even app is installed in iOS 13.3.1

Even though the Application is installed in the iPhone, tapping Branchio universal deep-link redirecting to safari and shows a popup to launch the application.
Expected: if the application is already installed, tapping deep link should launch the application.
Pre- requests:
OS: iPhone iOS 13.3.1
Release build in Appcenter
Set custom URL to (Appcenter)
Generate the Universal deeplink
Steps to reproduce:
Generate the Universal deep-link
Using the deep-link install the application
Again Tap on the same deep-link will redirect to Safari and popup alert with CANCEL and OPEN options
Tap OPEN in safari to launch the application
This is an expected behaviour where Apple prompts the user first time if to open the app. Only if universal links are implemented, it does not ask for the second time. Our AASA validator tool ( shows the AASA file to validated correctly but while testing on the install page of your redirected website, it is showing a 404 error. So, we are unable to replicate this on our end to check further.
Could you please share your app store link so as to help us out here.
Also, would request to check our documentation here ( ) so as to confirm if the device is receiving the generated AASA files. This is a known issue with Apple for iOS 13.x+ where the AASA files do not get ingested into the device and causes the link redirection to show a prompt or a fail.

Whatsapp share link does not work in safari

I'm using this approach:
It works like a charm, but when I'm trying to use it in Safari (both desktop and mobile), then quite strange things happen.
On desktop, origin link is somehow replaced with whatsapp://send?text=123. And then Safari displays error page about wrong protocol.
On mobile, correct page is opened by origin link, but also alert appears saying "can't open page because url is wrong". I can close that alert, can click on "send" button, but then page is opened, instead of prompting to login to whatsapp and redirecting to chat.
Does anybody know what's going on here and whether it can be fixed?
We usually differ link at desktop view and mobile view to offer support for safari and other browser.
for desktop view we use
for mobile, we follow whatsapp best practice
Tested on
Chrome for mac
safari for mac
android chrome
Ps: not tested when mac have whatsapp desktop app, but it will still work in the safari itself. so it should be ok
Official Sharing Documentation For WhatsApp. They say to use their URL. Okay! So let's try it out! For me, I get an error message...
However, these seem to work great for me!
If you are interested in watching a project that keeps track of these URLs, then check us out!:

Getting error using Firebase popup authentication in Word add-in

I was already using Firebase for authentication for other (related) projects and would like to stick with it.
Using Firebase with a Word add-in seems challenging. On Windows you're stuck with IE11 and on Mac (crucial for me) the browser used to load a taskpane is webkit, not the default browser.
I can get authentication on Windows to work just fine if I use signInWithRedirect (Google and Facebook).
But this won't work on Mac. Using signInWithRedirect opens a new tab in the default browser, which doesn't share cookies/data with the webkit browser the add-in actually uses.
When I switch to signInWithPopup, I get:
There is no application set to open the URL about:invalid%23zClosurez.
On Windows I get a popup IE11 window, for a split second, and it contains about:invalid%23zClosurez for a URL.
I have appdomains called out in my add-in XML manifest:
Any help appreciated. Worst case I drop to using manual registration, via Firebase, for Mac, but seems unfortunate to have to give up.
Just documenting for anyone finding this later.
I couldn't figure out how to use Firebase social login when creating an add-in for Mac. Every authentication window opened in the default browser, not the webkit engine used by Word on Mac. Sticking with manual login worked.
IE11 is always finicky when using localhost. I test elsewhere, then push files live and then try IE11 and social + manual login (via popup) works just fine.
I found the following resources from Microsoft docs that made this easier for me:
Basically you need to make a call to open up a dialogue box:
{height: 30, width: 20, displayInIframe: true}
Then you can make your own page that does a login flow and passes a message (likely a credential of some kind) back to your plugin via the messageParent method:
From there you can do the following to sign in with the credential provided in your add-in:
Also, be very careful with how you construct the URL of the dialogue box. I lost hours not knowing that the _host_Info param from the origin URL would mess stuff up (I was constructing my new URL from the origin URL). Figured it out in this github issue:

FirebaseSimpleLogin not working in Windows 8 app

I asked a question earlier about if it was possible to use Firebase in a Windows 8/WinJS app. #MichaelLehenbauer told me that I just needed to add the following line to my code in order to fix a bug in firebase.js:
This worked great and allowed me to read and write to my Firebase. However, now I am trying to get auth working in Windows 8 and running into many issues. I am trying to use the Facebook login but when I call auth.login("facebook"), my app loses focus and a new tab in the modern Internet Explorer app (not the desktop app) is opened with the typical Facebook login prompt. If I put in my credentials and hit login, nothing happens. I need to go back to my app but then it fires up a new IE tab and the process starts again. Instead of opening a new IE tab, Firebase should internally be opening an in-app dialog like seen in the top image here.
So, since I couldn't get the Firebase Facebook login working in WinJS, I tried doing the Facebook login myself and then create Firebase users using the email/password auth. However, when I run:
auth.login("password", {
email: "",
password: "password"
I get the following warning (which is the same warning I received from firebase.js befoore Michael suggested to me to force web sockets):
APPHOST9601: Can’t load <[my_firebase]&transport=jsonp&>. An app can’t load remote web content in the local context.
I'm not sure if this is another web sockets issue or not, but it looks like FirebaseSimpleLogin is just not working very well in Windows 8 apps. Are there any workarounds to these problems? Even better, is there any plan to provide full support out of the box with Windows 8?
Windows 8 is now supported out of the box with Firebase Simple Login.

windows authentication and iOS7

We are developing a web application in and HTML5 (+ offline feature) and we are using “Add to desktop” button to create the desktop application.
Before access main screen, we have a windows authentication screen, so people can connect using their domain credentials.
In safari, we have almost no problem. It's the expected behavior when we are online. For the offline mode, safari needs to keep an active tab with the website loaded to allow offline access to it, otherwise safari does not find website – even if it’s cached with cache manifest...
In the desktop application (using “Add to desktop” button), the authentication popup on the main page does not appears. When I trace the HTTP requests, I can see 2 requests with a return status of 401. When I look into the logs, safari sandbox throw an exception (twice tries then abort operation)... The screen remains blank.
any ideas anyone or any fix is planned to correct this problem ?
Thanks in advance for any advices.
It's a problem with iOS 7. Windows Authentication only works in "Private Mode" or in another browser such as Chrome or Puffin. However, there isn't a workaround currently available to save an app to the home screen. Here's a thread on the Apple forums about this same issue:
The new iOS 7.03 fixes this issue.