console log using selenium certain messages are getting truncated abruptly - selenium

I am trying to validate the browser console messages via selenium api certain messages are getting truncated abruptly and all these messages begin with some icon.
So for example expected messages is this “xyz-ENa50707a1661440e4a3070d8206797cf4.min.js?cb=1523503349:15 icon Rule "xyz" fired.” but what i am getting is "“xyz-ENa50707a1661440e4a3070d8206797cf4.min.js?cb=1523503349:15 icon".
my code is like
LogEntries logEntries = driver.manage().logs().get(LogType.BROWSER);
for (LogEntry entry : logEntries) {
System.out.println(new Date(entry.getTimestamp()) + " " + entry.getLevel() + " " + entry.getMessage());
Any suggestion.
even System.setOut(printStream); not able capture full string in message.


Catching snakemake runtime errors with onerror

I'm working on a bioinformatics pipeline and one of the rule is to perform genome assembly using SPAdes (
rule perform_de_novo_assembly_using_spades:
bam = input.bam
spades_contigs = directory(_RESULTS_DIR + "assembled_spades/")
out_dir = _RESULTS_DIR + "assembled_spades/"
command = " -t " + str(threads) + " --12 " + input.bam + " -o " + out_dir
shell(command + " || true")
... More rules
onsuccess: print("Pipeline completed successfully!")
onerror: print("One or more errors occurred. Please refer to log file.")
The problem is sometimes for some problematic input files SPAdes can fail, resulting in my workflow being terminated. Therefore I added " || true " to the shell command to run SPAdes (according to this post: What would be an elegant way of preventing snakemake from failing upon shell/R error?) so that workflow will continue despite SPAdes failing. However right now my pipeline will run and still gives the "Pipeline completed successfully!" onsuccess message at the end. Ideally I want to it to print the onerror message "One or more errors occurred. Please refer to log file." Is there a way to make my workflow continue to the end despite SPAdes giving a runtime error and snakemake catching the error so that it displays the onerror message at the end?

jira api - how to update fields on a jira issue that is closed/published

the following code works fine on a jira issue that is in open. but when this is tried on a closed/published issue i get error. wanted to see if this is even possible to be done? manually on closed/published jira issue, we can update those fields
Client client = Client.create();
WebResource webResource = client.resource("");
String data1 = "{\r\n" +
" \"fields\" : {\r\n" +
" \"customfield_10201\" : \"Value 1\"\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
String auth = new String(Base64.encode("user" + ":" + "pass"));
ClientResponse response = webResource.header("Authorization", "Basic " + auth).type("application/json").accept("application/json").put(ClientResponse.class, data1);
Error received
Http Error : 400{"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"customfield_10201":"Field 'customfield_10201' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."}}
There is probably a restriction that doesn't allow the value of that field to be changed once the issue is marked as complete.
Try opening that completed issue via the web interface and changing the field's value; if you can't do it via the web interface, then you can't do it the REST API.

PLC4X:Exception during scraping of Job

I'm actually developing a project that read data from 19 PLCs Siemens S1500 and 1 modicon. I have used the scraper tool following this tutorial:
PLC4x scraper tutorial
but when the scraper is working for a little amount of time I get the following exception:
I have changed the scheduled time between 1 to 100 and I always get the same exception when the scraper reach the same number of received messages.
I have tested if using PlcDriverManager instead of PooledPlcDriverManager could be a solution but the same problem persists.
In my pom.xml I use the following dependency:
I have tried to change the version to an older one like 0.6.0 or 0.5.0 but the problem still persists.
If I use the modicon (Modbus TCP) I also get this exception after a little amount of time.
Anyone knows why is happening this error? Thanks in advance.
Edit: With the scraper version 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT I continue having this problem.
Edit2: This is my code, I think the problem can be that in my scraper I am opening a lot of connections and when it reaches 65526 messages it fails. But since all the processing is happenning inside the lambda function and I'm using a PooledPlcDriverManager, I think the scraper is using only one connection so I dont know where is the mistake.
try {
// Create a new PooledPlcDriverManager
PlcDriverManager S7_plcDriverManager = new PooledPlcDriverManager();
// Trigger Collector
TriggerCollector S7_triggerCollector = new TriggerCollectorImpl(S7_plcDriverManager);
// Messages counter
AtomicInteger messagesCounter = new AtomicInteger();
// Configure the scraper, by binding a Scraper Configuration, a ResultHandler and a TriggerCollector together
TriggeredScraperImpl S7_scraper = new TriggeredScraperImpl(S7_scraperConfig, (jobName, sourceName, results) -> {
LinkedList<Object> S7_results = new LinkedList<>();
S7_results.add(results);"Array: " + String.valueOf(S7_results));"MESSAGE number: " + messagesCounter);
// Producer topics routing
String topic = "s7" + S7_results.get(1).toString().substring(S7_results.get(1).toString().indexOf("S7_SourcePLC") + 9 , S7_results.get(1).toString().length());
String key = parseKey_S7("s7");
String value = parseValue_S7(S7_results.getLast().toString(),S7_results.get(1).toString());"------- PARSED VALUE -------------------------------- " + value);
// Create my own Kafka Producer
ProducerRecord<String, String> record = new ProducerRecord<String, String>(topic, key, value);
// Send Data to Kafka - asynchronous
producer.send(record, new Callback() {
public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata recordMetadata, Exception e) {
// executes every time a record is successfully sent or an exception is thrown
if (e == null) {
// the record was successfully sent"Received new metadata. \n" +
"Topic:" + recordMetadata.topic() + "\n" +
"Partition: " + recordMetadata.partition() + "\n" +
"Offset: " + recordMetadata.offset() + "\n" +
"Timestamp: " + recordMetadata.timestamp());
} else {
logger.error("Error while producing", e);
}, S7_triggerCollector);
} catch (ScraperException e) {
logger.error("Error starting the scraper (S7_scrapper)", e);
So in the end indeed it was the PLC that was simply hanging up the connection randomly. However the NiFi integration should have handled this situation more gracefully. I implemented a fix for this particular error ... could you please give version 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT a try (or use 0.8.0 if we happen to have released it already)

How to make a clickable link that executes a command with bukkit

I'm trying to make a bukkit plugin and I can't seem to find any documentation on this but I've seen it done, How would I input commands into a chat message that a user could click on to execute a command on the server like "/motd" in the form of a clickable link like a URL
if (commandLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("cmd") {
player.sendMessage("Pick a command: " + </motd> + ", " + </mail> );
replacing "" and "" to output something like this:
Pick a command: MOTD, Mail
and clicking them would execute the command to the server as them. How would I do this?
You could do it like this:
IChatBaseComponent comp = ChatSerializer
.a("{\"text\":\"" + "Choose one: " + "\",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"" + "MOTD" + "\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"" + "/motd" + "\"}}]}");
PacketPlayOutChat packet = new PacketPlayOutChat(comp, true);
((CraftPlayer) <player>).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
This would send them a message showing:
Choose one: MOTD
and when the user clicked MOTD, it would run the command /motd as the player. Here's a little breakdown of what we're actually doing:
IChatBaseComponent comp = ChatSerializer
.a("{\"text\":\"" + "<Ignored Message> " +
"\",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"" + "<Message that will be clicked>" +
"\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"" +
"<Command to be run when message is clicked>" + "\"}}]}");
PacketPlayOutChat packet = new PacketPlayOutChat(comp, true);
((CraftPlayer) <player>).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
The above code will send the player:
<Ignored Message> <Message that will be clicked>
and when the player clicks <Message that will be clicked>
they will run the command <Command to be run when a message is clicked>, and because it does not start with the command prefix, /, it will force them to chat <Command to be run when a message is clicked>.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, you can only put one click event per message, so you would have to do something like this:
Choose one:
So you would have to do, where the variable player is the player:
player.sendMessage("Choose one:");
IChatBaseComponent comp = ChatSerializer
.a("{\"text\":\"" +
"\",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"" + "MOTD" +
"\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"" +
"/motd" + "\"}}]}");
PacketPlayOutChat packet = new PacketPlayOutChat(comp, true);
((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
IChatBaseComponent comp2 = ChatSerializer
.a("{\"text\":\"" +
"\",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"" + "Mail" +
"\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"" +
"/mail" + "\"}}]}");
PacketPlayOutChat packet2 = new PacketPlayOutChat(comp2, true);
((CraftPlayer) player).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(packet2);
When MOTD is clicked, /motd will be run by the player, and when Mail is clicked, /mail will be run.
Just as a side note, you will need to include craftbukkit in your build path, along with bukkit to do this
Or you could simply just do this (I did my own, You can edit it)
/execute #a ~ ~ ~ tellraw #p ["",{"text":"Click this to die","color":"dark_red","bold":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/kill #p"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Kills you!"}]}}}]
run_command can be replaced with Open URL too.
You can replace dark red with any colour too. You can replace true with false for bold if you want, /kill #p can be replaced with a command (Or a https:// link if you do Open URL, show_text can be replaced with Show Item, Show entity, or Show Achivement. Text & Kills you can be replaced with the different thing (eg, Show entity) (Entity replaces text)
I found a website if your stuck! Good day :)

How do I show Error Message using Managed Custom Actions with Windows Installer

I am writing a managed custom action. I am using the DTF Framework from Windows Installer Xml to wrap the managed dll into a usable CA dll. The CA does what it is supposed to, but I am still having trouble with error handling:
Dim record As New Record(1)
' Field 0 intentionally left blank
' Field 1 contains error number
record(1) = 27533
session.Message(InstallMessage.Error, record)
The above code produces the following text shown in the MSI log:
MSI (c) (C4 ! C6) [13:15:08:749]: Product: TestMSI -- Error 27533. The case-sensitive passwords do not match.
The error number refers to the code contained in the Error table within the MSI. The Message shown above is correct.
My problem is: Why does Windows Installer NOT create a dialog notifying the user about the error?
MSI can do this, but you need to OR in some extra values for the messageType argument.
Record record = new Record();
record.FormatString = string.Format("Something has gone wrong!");
InstallMessage.Error | (InstallMessage) ( MessageBoxIcon.Error ) |
(InstallMessage) MessageBoxButtons.OK,
record );
See this thread from the wix-users mailing list for more details.
I have run into the same problem, according to Wix: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML by Nick Ramirez, the log and message methods don't work when a custom action is called from a UI control.
If you want a dialog to show up that contains the message, you must do it yourself.
Here's some code I use to do error handling in managed custom actions that run SQL.
It shows a messagebox if the installation is operating with a full UI.
It's in c# but hopefully you'll get the idea.
private void _handleSqlException(SqlException ex)
StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
errorMessage.Append("A SQL error has occurred.");
for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++)
errorMessage.Append("Index #" + i + "\n" +
"Message: " + ex.Errors[i].Message + "\n" +
"LineNumber: " + ex.Errors[i].LineNumber + "\n" +
"Source: " + ex.Errors[i].Source + "\n" +
"Procedure: " + ex.Errors[i].Procedure + "\n");
if (session["UILevel"] == "5")