Query to return the amount of time each field equals a true value - sql

I'm collecting data and storing in SQL Server. The table consist of the data shown in the Example Table below. I need to show the amount of time that each field [Fault0-Fault10] is in a fault state. The fault state is represented as a 1 for the fields value.
I have used the following query and got the desired results. However this is for only one field. I need to have the total time for each field in one query. I'm having issues pulling all of the fields into one query.
Distinct [Fault0]
,datediff(mi, min(DateAndTime), max(DateAndTime)) TotalTimeInMins
FROM [dbo].[Fault]
Where Fault0 =1
group by [Fault0]

Assuming you want the max() - min(), then you simply need to unpivot the data. Your query can look like:
SELECT v.faultname,
datediff(minute, min(t.DateAndTime), max(t.DateAndTime)) as TotalTimeInMins
FROM [dbo].[Fault] f CROSS APPLY
(VALUES ('fault0', fault0), ('fault1', fault1), . . ., ('fault10', fault10)
) v(faultname, value)
WHERE v.value = 1
GROUP BY v.faultname;


Difference of values in the same column ms access sql (mdb)

I have a table which contains two column with values that are not unique, those values are generated automatically and I have no way to do anything about it, cannot edit the table, db nor make custom functions.
With that in mind I've solved this problem in sql server, but it contains some functions that does not exist in ms-access.
The columns are Volume and ComponentID, here is my code in sql:
with rows as (
select row_number() over (order by volume) as rownum, volume
from test where componentid = 'S3')
select top 10
rowsMinusOne.volume, coalesce(rowsMinusOne.volume - rows.volume,0) as diff
from rows as rowsMinusOne
left outer join rows
on rows.rownum = rowsMinusOne.rownum - 1
Sample data:
Expected results:
I have solved the part of the coalesce by replacing it with NZ, I have tryed to use the DCOUNT to solve the row_number (How to show the record number in a MS Access report table?) but I reveive the error that it cannot find the function (I am reading the data by code, that is the only thing I can do).
I also tryed this but, as the answer says I need a column with a unique value which I do not have nor can create Microsoft Access query to duplicate ROW_NUMBER
SELECT TOP 10 Table1.ComponentID,
DCount("*","Table1","ComponentID = 'S3' AND Volume<" & [Volume])+1 AS Seq, Table1.Volume,
Nz(Table1.Volume -
(SELECT Top 1 Dup.Volume FROM Table1 AS Dup
WHERE Dup.ComponentID = Table1.ComponentID AND Dup.Volume<Table1.Volume
ORDER BY Volume DESC),0) AS Diff
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.ComponentID)="S3"))
ORDER BY Table1.Volume;
This will likely perform very slowly with large dataset.
Alternative solutions:
build query that calculates difference, use that query as source for a report, use textbox RunningSum property to calculate sequence number
VBA looping through recordset and saving results to a 'temp' table
export to Excel

In StreamAnalytic Query how to join data from same input

I have some json data(InputFuelCon) being processed by a stream analytics query. I want to join the input with itself..i.e when I look at one value in the input, I need to look at another value in that same input..how can I do that..
The format of the json is something like
Running the following gives rows but 0 as the value
WITH DataInput1 AS
DATA.Fqn AS fqn,
DATA.Value AS value,
DATA.time AS time
Tag.ArrayValue.Fqn AS fqn,
VQT.ArrayValue.V AS value,
VQT.ArrayValue.T AS time
FROM MetsoQuakeFuelCon AS TimeSeries
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(TimeSeries.[timeSeries]) AS Tag
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(Tag.ArrayValue.vqts) AS VQT
WHERE DATA.fqn like '%EngineFuelConsumption'
DataInput2 AS
DATA.Fqn AS fqn,
DATA.Value AS value,
DATA.time AS time
Tag.ArrayValue.Fqn AS fqn,
VQT.ArrayValue.V AS value,
VQT.ArrayValue.T AS time
FROM MetsoQuakeFuelCon AS TimeSeries
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(TimeSeries.[timeSeries]) AS Tag
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(Tag.ArrayValue.vqts) AS VQT
WHERE DATA.fqn like '%ShaftsRunning' and DATA.Value like '1'
DataInput as (
select I1.Fqn AS fqn,
cast(I1.Value as bigint)/30 AS value,
,DATEPART(hour,I1.Time ),00,00,00 ) AS time
from DataInput1 I1 JOIN DataInput2 I2
I1.Time=I2.Time and
select * from DataInput
DataInput1 and DataInput2 if run by themselves, give one record each and with sql experience, the datainput join on the timestamp should give the result, but it doesn't. I don't understand how DATEDIFF(MINUTE,I1,I2) BETWEEN 0 AND 1 works but if I remove it, then there is an error. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
please find some answers below. Let me know if you have any further question.
Why your query doesn't return data with this sample:
I looked at the data and query and the following statement implies you have strict equality on the value "Time": I1.Time=I2.Time. However in your sample, the time is different for the 2 entries, so that's why there is no result.
The DATEDIFF statement doesn't relax any of the equality requirements in the JOIN statement.
By removing the line "I1.Time=I2.Time and" you will see a result for your sample. In that case it will join records arriving within a minute. Note that if you have more than 1 record arriving within the same minute, you will see more than 1 joined result with this logic. Also you may want to use application timestamp to compare the timestamp in the data, and not the arrival time of the message.
More info about DATEDIFF:
JOIN in Azure Stream Analytics are temporal in nature, meaning that each JOIN must provide some limits on how far the matching rows can be separated in time.
In your case since there is no explicit TIMESTAMP, the arrival time will be used.
Then, the JOIN condition will be applied, and in your example there is no data matching the condition.

Eliminating Entries Based On Revision

I need to figure out how to eliminate older revisions from my query's results, my database stores orders as 'Q000000' and revisions have an appended '-number'. My query currently is as follows:
SELECT DISTINCT Estimate.EstimateNo
FROM Estimate
INNER JOIN EstimateDetails ON EstimateDetails.EstimateID = Estimate.EstimateID
INNER JOIN EstimateDoorList ON EstimateDoorList.ItemSpecID = EstimateDetails.ItemSpecID
WHERE (Estimate.SalesRepID = '67' OR Estimate.SalesRepID = '61') AND Estimate.EntryDate >= '2017-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND EstimateDoorList.SlabSpecies LIKE '%MDF%'
ORDER BY Estimate.EstimateNo
So for instance, the results would include:
From this, I need to eliminate 'Q120455-10' because of the presence of '-11' for that order, and 'Q123456' because of the presence of the '-1' revision. I'm struggling greatly with figuring out how to do this, my immediate thought was to use case statements but I'm not sure what is the best way to implement them and how to filter. Thank you in advance, let me know if any more information is needed.
First you have to parse your EstimateNo column into sequence number and revision number using CHARINDEX and SUBSTRING (or STRING_SPLIT in newer versions) and CAST/CONVERT the revision to a numeric type
SUBSTRING(Estimate.EstimateNo,0,CHARINDEX('-',Estimate.EstimateNo)) as [EstimateNo],
CAST(SUBSTRING(Estimate.EstimateNo,CHARINDEX('-',Estimate.EstimateNo)+1, LEN(Estimate.EstimateNo)-CHARINDEX('-',Estimate.EstimateNo)+1) as INT) as [EstimateRevision]
You can then use
APPLY - to select TOP 1 row that matches the EstimateNo or
Window function such as ROW_NUMBER to select only records with row number of 1
For example, using a ROW_NUMBER would look something like below:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY EstimateNo ORDER BY EstimateRevision DESC) AS "LastRevisionForEstimate",
-- rest of the needed columns
-- query above goes here
You can then wrap the query above in a simple select with a where predicate filtering out a specific value of LastRevisionForEstimate, for instance
SELECT --needed columns
FROM -- result set above
WHERE LastRevisionForEstimate = 1
Please note that this is to a certain extent, pseudocode, as I do not have your schema and cannot test the query
If you dislike the nested selects, check out the Common Table Expressions

MS Access Query to output all values and treat unavailable values as zero

I've created a query MS Access 2010 that is intended to take all fuel types (all values) for each date. I have the query relationship below: ) and have the following 6 values for fuel type: Diesel #2, MSFO, ULSD, Biodiesel, Used Oil, Heat Recovery.
I'm trying to output the fuel delivery for each fuel type for each date regardless if there's any fuel delivered that date
. What I'm getting as my output is below
I have tried to change the relationships such that all values on tbl_FuelType would output. This gave me the output on the figure above. I've tried entering a criteria to look for the specific fuel type (e.g. "ULSD") but if there's no data for that day, it will output with Null values, which I don't want. See criteria below
I've tried some program flow functions such as IIF and Switch but still getting null values. Is there an easy way to do this without having to go into the table and filling out values as zero's for all the different fuel types on the tbl_FuelDelivery? The SQL view is as follows:
SELECT tbl_FuelDelivery.DateLog, Sum(Nz([tbl_FuelDelivery].[F_FO_gal_Gross],0)) AS Fuel_Delivery_Gross, Sum(Nz([tbl_FuelDelivery].[F_FO_gal_Net],0)) AS Fuel_Delivery_Net, tbl_FuelType.FuelType
FROM tbl_FuelType LEFT JOIN tbl_FuelDelivery ON tbl_FuelType.ID = tbl_FuelDelivery.FuelType
GROUP BY tbl_FuelDelivery.DateLog, tbl_FuelType.FuelType
ORDER BY tbl_FuelDelivery.DateLog;
What you need to add to your query is a table with all dates. You can have a separate table where all dates are entered, such a calendar table or have it derived from your tbl_FuelDelivery like this:
SELECT DISTINCT tbl_FuelDelivery.DateLog
FROM tbl_FuelDelivery;
Now, you need to CROSS JOIN this table with tbl_FuelType. Access does not natively support cross joins, so you'll have to use a workaround: just add the cross join as a comma separated table to your FROM clause:
SELECT a.DateLog, tbl_FuelType.FuelType, tbl_FuelType.ID
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT tbl_FuelDelivery.DateLog FROM tbl_FuelDelivery) a,
The query above will give you the all fuel types for all dates. You can save it as a new query (let's call it allDatesFuels). Now, all you need to do is to join it with your query:
Sum(Nz([tbl_FuelDelivery].[F_FO_gal_Gross],0)) AS Fuel_Delivery_Gross,
Sum(Nz([tbl_FuelDelivery].[F_FO_gal_Net],0)) AS Fuel_Delivery_Net,
FROM allDatesFuels LEFT JOIN tbl_FuelDelivery ON allDatesFuels.ID = tbl_FuelDelivery.FuelType And allDatesFuels.DateLog = tbl_FuelDelivery.DateLog
GROUP BY allDatesFuels.DateLog, allDatesFuels.FuelType
ORDER BY allDatesFuels.DateLog;

Oracle Group by issue

I have the below query. The problem is the last column productdesc is returning two records and the query fails because of distinct. Now i need to add one more column in where clause of the select query so that it returns one record. The issue is that the column i need
to add should not be a part of group by clause.
SELECT product_billing_id,
SUM(round(summary_net_amt_excl_gst/100)) gross,
(SELECT DISTINCT description
FROM RES.tariff_nt
WHERE product_billing_id = aa.product_billing_id
AND billing_ele = aa.billing_ele) productdescr
FROM bil.bill_sum aa
WHERE file_id = 38613 --1=1
AND line_type = 'D'
AND (product_billing_id, billing_ele) IN (SELECT DISTINCT
FROM bil.bill_l2 )
AND trans_type_desc <> 'Change'
GROUP BY product_billing_id, billing_ele
I want to modify the select statement to the below way by adding a new filter to the where clause so that it returns one record .
(SELECT DISTINCT description
FROM RRES.tariff_nt
WHERE product_billing_id = aa.product_billing_id
AND billing_ele = aa.billing_ele
AND (rate_structure_start_date <= TO_DATE(aa.p_effective_date,'yyyymmdd')
AND rate_structure_end_date > TO_DATE(aa.p_effective_date,'yyyymmdd'))
) productdescr
The aa.p_effective_date should not be a part of GROUP BY clause. How can I do it? Oracle is the Database.
So there are multiple RES.tariff records for a given product_billing_id/billing_ele, differentiated by the start/end dates
You want the description for the record that encompasses the 'p_effective_date' from bil.bill_sum. The kicker is that you can't (or don't want to) include that in the group by. That suggests you've got multiple rows in bil.bill_sum with different effective dates.
The issue is what do you want to happen if you are summarising up those multiple rows with different dates. Which of those dates do you want to use as the one to get the description.
If it doesn't matter, simply use MIN(aa.p_effective_date), or MAX.
Have you looked into the Oracle analytical functions. This is good link Analytical Functions by Example