How to get the Selected Text from Active Control in VB.NET? -

Is there a way to get the selected text or highlighted text only from the Active Control? Active Control doesn't have .SelectedText option, so I used .Text
Example in the image.
I only highlighted "Rus" from the EnhacedTextBox.
ActiveControl.Text contains "Russia".
How do I get the SelectedText "Rus" to be set in Clipboard.SetDataObject() for copying?
Thanks a lot for your opinions and suggestions.

Do you mean you want to get selected text of a textbox ? If so,you can use TextBox.SelectedText property.
I am not sure if you are looking for this but if no, then i assume you are generating multiple textboxes from code behind/during design time ? If so, then try the following code to get the active textbox :
Private Sub GetTheText()
If Me.ActiveControl.[GetType]() = GetType(TextBox) Then
Dim textBox As TextBox = CType(Me.ActiveControl, TextBox)
Dim mytext = textbox.SelectedText
End If
End Sub
Hope this helps you

m_strGetText = Me.m_udtNavigationController.TemplateKeyAss.PrimaryTask.ActiveControl.Text.ToString()
Dim trial As EnhancedTextBox = TryCast(Me.m_udtNavigationController.TemplateKeyAss.PrimaryTask.ActiveControl, EnhancedTextBox)
Dim trial2 As String = trial.SelectedText().ToString()
Solution from #jmcilhinney.
trial2 now contains the Rus selected text. Thanks.


Append Strings and values together to target a form control in VBA

I'm so close to getting this code working, I just need a little push please. I would like to
take the name of a combo box and then add a string to the end, But then get the value of a textbox with that string. This is to create a dynamic function instead of pasting the same code over and over.
Here's what I have so far, after you select something in the dropdown, the data is then pulled to populate the boxes next to it. I have about 8 drop downs so far so that's why I need this to work.
'Combobox after update
Call GrabData(Me, Me.ActiveControl)
Private Sub GrabData(ctl As Control)
'name of ctl/combobox is "Kitchen"
data1 = (ctl.Name & "Size") '"KitchenSize"
'Here is where it all goes wrong
data1.Value = size.value
'size.value is just a textbox for example
End Sub
I can debug this with:
'outputs "KitchenSize"
But I cannot get the value of kitchensize's textbox with data1.value
Object Required
I have also added Dim As String / Dim As Control.
I will be assigning the variable to some other stuff in this 50 line code I wrote so please don't take the above example as exactly what I intend to do, I just need help appending the to a string, then use that to reference another control and so on.
For anyone who wants to know, I figured it out.
Dim Ctrl As Control
Dim CtrlName As String
CtrlName = ctl.Name & "Size"
Set Ctrl = Me.Controls(CtrlName)
Ctrl.Value = 'Wherever you want to send the values to
See the edit.
You need to dim it as a string, then use Set Ctrl

VB-write selected item from combo box into a text file

I have a list of items in my combo box. I need to save the selected item only into a text file. My idea is something like this.
Dim stream As New System.IO.FileStream("C:\CONFIG\PA.txt", IO.FileMode.Append, IO.FileAccess.Write)
Dim write As New System.IO.StreamWriter(stream)
Dim PA As String = (ComboBox1.SelectedItem)
But I couldn't figure out the correct way to do it. Can anyone help?
Thank you in advance.
It would be good to check for a selected item before proceeding.
Then write it like this:
If Not ComboBox1.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
File.WriteAllText("c:\config\pa.txt", ComboBox1.Text)
End If

String to Object as Expression

I have multiple TextBox controls Monday that will hold a value. I want to be able to add up all of the Monday textboxes and store that value as monTotal. I am getting an error message that says string cannot be converted to integer.
For i As Integer = 1 To rowCount Step 1
Dim var As Object
var = "txtMonday" & i & ".Text"
monTotal = monTotal + CInt(var)
The way you are attempting to obtain a reference to the text boxes is not idiomatic of VisualBasic .NET.
var = "txtMonday" & i & ".Text" ' this is not a way to obtain a reference to the text box's text
While it would be possible to accomplish something like that using reflection, you'd be much better off refactoring your code to use an array of text boxes.
Since you are probably using Windows Forms you could perhaps implement logic to find the text box control you are interested in on the form using something like this:
' assuming container is the control that contains the text boxes
For Each ctrl In container.Controls
If (ctrl.GetType() Is GetType(TextBox)) Then
If ctrl.Name.StartsWith("txtMonday") Then
Dim txt As TextBox = CType(ctrl, TextBox)
monTotal = monTotal + CInt(txt.Text)
End If
End If
The example above assumes that all the txtMonday.. text boxes are placed inside a control named container. That could be the form itself, or some other panel or table.
If all the textboxes live on the form and there are none being used for other text work you could use this. You could place all the textboxes that contain values your looking for in a separate container and get them like below, but use that control collection.
Dim amount As Double = 0
For Each tb As Textbox In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Textbox)()
amount += Convert.ToDouble(tb.Text)
Dim monTotal as double=0
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox AndAlso ctrl.Name.StartsWith("txtMonday") Then
monTotal = monTotal + val(ctrl.Text)
End If

show/hide textbox by change value of combobox

i'm having problem regarding combobox in,
im trying to show & hide specific text boxes, on the base of an item when it is selected from combobox,
here is the code i'm writing, whats mistake in it?
Dim PatSearchID, PatSearchName, PatSearchCat As String
PatSearchID = txtSearchID.Text
PatSearchCat = cmbSearchPat.SelectedItem.ToString()
If PatSearchCat = "RegNo" Then
End if
kindly correct what the problem is?
txtSearchName.Visible = False
instead of this (txtSearchID.Show() txtSearchName.Hide()) try to use the visible property of textbox

Put text into a textbox from a website in VB.NET

I want to know how to put text to a website's textbox with VB.NET.
Like when you complete a textbox and press enter.
Something like this:
Dim web as webbrowser
it would look something like this:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("login_password").SetAttribute("value", TextBox2.Text)
As giuseppe has suggested, you need to search for the element in the document and then set it's value property. for example following code logins into website by setting its userId and password textboxes and clicking the submit button.
Dim htmlDoc=WebBrowser1.Document
Dim elem_Input_UsrName As HtmlElement = htmlDoc.GetElementById("username")
Dim elem_Input_PssWrd As HtmlElement = htmlDoc.GetElementById("password")
Dim elem_Input_Submit As HtmlElement = getElementByClassName("Submit", "Input", htmlDoc)
If elem_Input_UsrName IsNot Nothing AndAlso elem_Input_PssWrd IsNot Nothing Then
elem_Input_UsrName.SetAttribute("value", "")
elem_Input_PssWrd.SetAttribute("value", "yourpassoword")
End If
This will help 100%:
webbrowser1.document.getElementById("yourtextboxidinwebsite").innertext = textbox1.text
I get a way that if u want to receive from the website itself another way I need to receive results from the website into the text box. U can use this method.
first, make a web browser to load the page
then this
TextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("geoResult").InnerText