DB2 PL/SQL structure, begin atomic including with query - sql

I'm trying to use db2 pl/sql script giving a template code.
--#set delimiter !
begin atomic
for S as
<query statement that finds quests, "swaps", with a donor/donation & recipient pair>
<update statement that fixes Loot with the swap 'S'>;
end for;
-- handle each swap
-- we're done once through
in my query statement i used something like this:
t1 (args) as (
select ...
where ... ;
in the update statement
update Loot set ... where ...
but the problem is, when i try to run the full sql code script on the database, I keep getting the message :
"An unexpected token "begin" was found following "<identifier>".
Expected tokens may include: "USER". SQLSTATE=42601 DB21007E End of file
reached while reading the command.
I want to know, how to use the proper syntax or format to include the "with queries" and also update statement to stop giving me the error. I have the "with query" working in a separate file, but when i combine both statements into the template, it would give me this error. Also as well, if I were to include triggers, which part of the code should i put it in. Thank you.

Here is an example that might help.
for c as with w(i,u) as(values (2,5)) select i,u from w
update eg set j = j + c.u where i = c.i;
end for;
If this does not help your problem, please post a version of your code that we can run and which returns the error message that you are struggling with.


Solving "The query returns a type that is currently not supported" in Connected Sheets?

I'm running into a challenge when using Connected Sheets to interact with BigQuery. The following query fails to execute.
SELECT "Some message" AS `msg`;
The Connected Sheets query editor invalidates this statement with the following error.
The query returns a type that is currently not supported.
Without the IF statement the query obviously runs just fine.
The same error is displayed when trying to run a BigQuery stored procedure for instance using something like this.
CALL my_dataset.my_sp()
What could be going on here?
From what I'm reading in the documentation, you need to return what you are trying to select outside of the if statement. So you would need something like this
SELECT "Some message" AS `msg`;
SET x = msg;
You will probably need to edit this to work though, I have never used bigquery before

Dynamically change project used in a SQL query

I am using BigQuery, Standard SQL, and I want to dynamically change parts of the FROM clause, such as the project id. I have been looking for a solution for this the last 3 years - the problem has been that parameters cannot be used as inputs in the FROM clause. The benefit would be to create a stored procedure, where the project id can be passed in as an argument and can query the appropriate project. The projects would have the same datasets and table names - this would be our way of building a Master query for easy development and implementation. Instead of changing 15 clients' views, we can change the Stored Procedure once and it will push out the changes to all clients' views. However, I have always gotten hung up on dynamically changing the FROM clause!
For example:
DECLARE ProjectId STRING DEFAULT 'test_project';
SELECT col_1 FROM `#ProjectId.Dataset.Table`;
would always error out due to parameters not being able to be used in the FROM clause. However, I saw a related post on using dynamic SQL to overcome this obstacle. I've been looking into the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE function within BigQuery, as this is what has been cited to be a solution. From that post I attempted to implement in several ways:
Attempt #1:
DECLARE ProjectId STRING DEFAULT 'test_project';
"SELECT * FROM ", #ProjectId, ".DataSet.`Table` " )
^ This gives an error "Query error: Undeclared query parameters at [2:19]"
Attempt #2:
"SELECT * FROM ", #ProjectId, ".DataSet.`Table` " )
USING 'my-project' as ProjectId, 'my-dataset' as DataSet;
^ which gives the error "Query error: Undeclared query parameters at [1:19]"
Third and final attempt was to try declaring the parameter within the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE:
"DECLARE ProjectId STRING DEFAULT 'test_project'; ",
"SELECT * FROM ", #ProjectId, ".DataSet.`Table` " )
USING 'my-project' as ProjectId, 'my-dataset' as DataSet;
^ which, you guessed it, results in the same error "Query error: Undeclared query parameters at [1:19]"
I am reaching out to see if anybody has had success with this? I see the value in the Dynamic SQL statements, and have read the documentation and some examples, but it still doesn't seem to work when trying to dynamically change the FROM clause. Any help is much appreciated, willing to try whatever is thrown out - excited to learn what can be done!
Just remove #:
DECLARE ProjectId STRING DEFAULT 'test_project';
"SELECT * FROM ", ProjectId, ".DataSet.`Table` " )

error in google datastudio on using custom query

I am using a simple sql block of statements to execute and return a set of results in big query, This is working fine in big query and getting the results,I need to export this data to data studio, so in data studio i use bigquery as connector and select the project and custom query and in that I paste the contents below:
Declare metricType String;
SET metricType="compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization";
IF (metricType="compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time")
SELECT m.value as InstanceName,metric.type as metricType,point.value.double_value as usagetime,point.interval.start_time as StartTime,point.interval.end_time as EndTime,h.value as instance_id FROM `myproject.metric_export.sd_metrics_export_fin`, unnest(resource.labels) as h,unnest(metric.labels) as m where metric.type='compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time' and h.key="project_id";
ELSE IF (metricType="compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization")
SELECT m.value as InstanceName,metric.type as metricType,point.value.double_value as utilizationrate,point.interval.start_time as
StartTime,point.interval.end_time as EndTime,h.value as instance_id FROM `myproject-.metric_export.sd_metrics_export_fin`,unnest(resource.labels) as h,unnest(metric.labels) as m where metric.type='compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization' and h.key="project_id";
but after click "ADD" button i get the below error:
I am not sure what is this error about? I have not used any stored procedure and I am just pasting it as custom query.
Also If I try to save the results of the BigQuery into a view from the Bigquery console results pane, it gives me the error,
Syntax error: Unexpected keyword DECLARE at [1:1]
I am extremely new to datastudio and also to bigquery. Kindly Help thanks
First, I would like to make some considerations about your query. You are using Scripting in order to declare and create a loop within your query. However, since you declare and set the metricsType in the beginning of the query, it will never enter in the first IF. This happens because the value is set and it is not looping through anything.
I would suggest you to use CASE WHEN instead, as below:
SELECT m.value as InstanceName,metric.type as metricType,
CASE WHEN metric.type = #parameter THEN point.value.double_value ELSE 0 END AS usagetime,
CASE WHEN metric.type = #parameter THEN point.value.double_value ELSE 0 END AS utilizationrate,
point.interval.start_time as StartTime,point.interval.end_time as EndTime,h.value as instance_id
FROM `myproject.metric_export.sd_metrics_export_fin`, unnest(resource.labels) as h,unnest(metric.labels) as m
WHERE metric.type=#parameter and h.key="project_id";
Notice that I am using the concept of Parameterized queries. Also, for this reason this query won't work in the console. In addition, pay attention that whem you set the #parameter to "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization", it will have a non-null column with the usagetime and a null column named utilizationrate.
Secondly, in order to add a new data source in DataStudio, you can follow this tutorial from the documentation. After, selecting New Report, click on the BigQuery Connector > Custom Query> Write your Project id, you need to click in ADD PARAMETER (below the query editor). In the above query, I would add:
Name: parameter
Display name: parameter
Data type: text
Default value: leave it in blank
Check the box Allow "parameter" to be modified in reports. This means you will be able to use this parameter as a filter and modify its value within the reports.
Following all the steps above, the data source will be added smoothly.
Lastly, I must point that if your query ran in the Console you are able to save it as a view by clicking on Save view, such as described here.

Adding an error message to return. SQL Server

Well, I'm trying to construct some error reporting.
Current snippet of code, which will put into a stored procedure after I get this code correct...
select *
from dbo.DIM_S17_Detail
Where ((LEN(New_Acc_Flag) >1 or ISNUMERIC (Substring(New_Acc_flag, 1, 1)) = 1))
So, the defined datatype is either a Y/N - Alphanumeric, so it picks out ISNUMERIC as 1, so it will bring up the selected records which ARE numeric - so these records are incorrect...
I hope you still follow...
So, if a 'New_Acc_Flag' is TRUE, it will bring up those record(s) and should return a message something like "Y/N not selected" or "Y/N Value only".
Thanks again.
Please bear in mind I'm a noobie to SQL.
If I understand what you want correctly you can use THROW or RAISERROR

Php mysql statement with set and select

I have a weird problem, when i use the query on phpmyadmin, it works. but when i use using a php script it returns an error.
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in
I tried to troubleshoot and discovered that the problem lies with the set statement.
this is my example code.
$sql = 'set #rank=0; select * from user;';
Please help somebody.
First Run
$sql = set #rank=0;
it will store value of rank
then run:
select * from user;
In sort you need to run both queries separately .
set statement stores values. that can be used by next executing query,
like code below :
$sql ="SET #id:=0";
$sql = "SELECT #id:=#id+1 as id,pes.* FROM profile_executive_summary as pes where profile_id=".$pid;
See what mysql_error returns after you run mysql_query('...'). That might help. In general, mysql_query only permits one query. You can't separate them by newlines or semicolons. mysqli will do it for you though.