How to bind data property to dynamic elements? - vue.js

After the page is loaded, the content of a SVG file will be injected to the page. How can I bind a data property to an element in the SVG to do something like this:
<g :data-type="type">...</g>
or this:
<g :class="{ active: isActive }">...</g>
Does Vue provide a way to do dynamic binding?

Something like this came up yesterday. You want to be able to transform a source over which you have no control into a template for Vue, by scripting the bindings. I think the easiest way out of this will be to inject your bindings into your svg using setAttribute() before initialising Vue. This works marvelously. setAttribute() does not validate your attribute, and doesn't care if it starts with : or #, so go for it.


Vue style (background-image) binding not reactive

I want to change some part of the site based on selected language without any refresh. All worked but I have tried multiple ways to bind background-image dynamically on no refresh site language change (i18n). But no success.
<div :style="{'background-image' : mainBackground}">
test div
I have created a computed to return currently used link based on language.
return this.isTurkishSite ? 'url(/images/home/home_bg_main_tr.jpg);' : 'url(/images/home/home_bg_main.jpg);'
But after change site language by dropdown all other elements src are updated to use the selected language image file. But only this background path is not updating. Also style attribute is deleted on the element itself. I can not figure out why this solution not worked properly. Also rendered mainBackground computed into the div element. And returned link is updated based on language.
I have solved the problem by using class binding. 1 class for Turkish lang, and main class for all other languages. And used them in conditional class binding. Solution:
:class="[isTurkishSite ? 'bg-turkish' : '']"
It's not working because of the semicolons you put at the end of url() directives, css rules set in object notation with Vue don't require semicolons :)

Initialize dynamic Component in Code using Vue.js

I am currently developing a web application that is used to display elements for events on a map provided by HERE Maps. I am using Vue.
I have some components, but the relevant component is the component HereMaps.vue which initializes the map using the HERE Maps Api.
The HERE Maps Api provides the possibility to place so called InfoBubbles on the map showing additional information. These InfoBubbles can be provided some HTML-code in order to customize their appearance.
Please refer to the documentation for additional information
Following the documentation the code looks something like this:
let bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(marker.getPosition(), {
content: "<div class='someClass'>Some Content</div>"
This is happening after mount in the "mounted" method from Vue in the "HereMaps" component.
The Bubbles are added in a "closed" (hidden) form and dynamically "opened" to reveal their content when the corresponding marker icon on the map is clicked. Therefore the HTML-code is present on the DOM after the component is mounted and is not removed at a later stage.
Now instead of supplying custom code within each bubble added to the UI i want to just add a component like this:
let bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(marker.getPosition(), {
content: "<myDynamicComponent></myDynamicComponent>"
It does not matter to me wether the component is initialized using props or if it is conditionally rendered depending on the state of a global variable. I just want to be able to use the "myDynamicComponent" in order to customize the appearance in a different file. Otherwise the design process gets very messy.
As far as i know this is not possible or at least i was not able to get it work. This is probably due to the fact that the "myDynamicComponent" is not used within the "template" of the "HereMaps" component und thus Vue does not know that it needs to render something here after the directive is added to the DOM in the "mounted" method.
This is what the InfoBubble looks using normal HTML as an argument:
This is what the InfoBubble looks using the component as an argument:
It appears to just be empty. No content of the "myDynamicComponent" is shown.
Does anyone have any idea how i could solve this problem.
Thank You.
Answer is a bit complicated and I bet you wouldn't like it:)
content param can accept String or Node value. So you can make new Vue with rendered your component and pass root element as content param.
BTW, Vue does not work as you think, <myDynamicComponent></myDynamicComponent> bindings, etc exists in HTML only in compile time. After that all custom elements(components) are compiled to render functions. So you can't use your components in that way.
Give us fiddle with your problem, so we can provide working example:)

Rendering an aurelia custom element in ag-grid header

Is there an "easy" way to render a custom element in ag-grid header cell? The headercomponent interface seems like an overly cumbersome approach to a seemingly simple problem and I have not been successful with this approach. The closest I have come is to use something like:
which is currently a function returning a string of HTML. While this "works" (though I understand it is deprecated), in the sense that the html is injected into the DOM, only primitive HTML renders. Meaning I can return something like:
<input type="checkbox" />
and it will render a checkbox, but I cannot return something like:
I can see that markup in the DOM, but the element doesn't "process", that is the Aurelia aspect of the control is not executed.
I am using the latest versions of ag-grid, ag-grid-aurelia.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is currently not possible out of the box with ag-grid-aurelia.
This is because ag-grid-aurelia makes no special handling for this binding. The proper way to handle this is using replaceable parts which allows you to specify a template for Aurelia to inject and consume. ag-grid makes this a bit harder since it seems the only native tool for injecting content into the header is by passing an HTML string or an HTML element in the column configuration. This can likely be added to the ag-grid-aurelia library by using a combination of replaceable parts and the #children decorator to gain access to the aurelia-rendered header element and pass it to the column configuration.

vueJs how to create angular like directive?

I'm trying to have an angular like directive in vue,
I will get some templates containing element and specific attribute like this one :
<div container-id=""></div>
When in the DOM I have an element with an attribute conatiner-id, I want to change the background color of my div for instance.
The fact is I don't want to have in my dom, attribute like : v-container-id
I can't actually modify the template

Compile string with custom elements

I have an Aurelia application in which I'm trying to build a CMS component. This component will load data from the server and this data mainly contains slug, title and content fields.
I also have several global components defined in my application, and I want to be able to use those components in the server so when I pull that data my CMS component is able to transform/compile those custom elements.
An example would be a tab component. I have the tab component with this structure defined:
<tab title="First"></tab>
<tab title="Second"></tab>
The CMS component will contain a content property which I use to pass a string like this: '<tab-panel><tab title="First"></tab><tab title="Second"></tab></tab-panel>'
The component needs to compile that string and render it in its view. I've checked the enhance API, but it doesn't worked, at least for me. Any other suggestion to dynamically compile/render custom elements??
Thanks a lot in advance.
I've found the solution. I've used a compose element and InlineViewStrategy and it worked well, the components are shows and binding works as expected.
If your custom elements are registered globally using globalResources you can actually using the TemplatingEngine to dynamically insert content into the DOM and then compile it after-the-fact. This blog post goes into detail in how you can do it.
However, I would use this as a last resort. As is mostly always the case, there are much better ways to do something in Aurelia. Using the <compose> element is a great way to dynamically render content in your Aurelia applications and should always be the first port of call.