bootstrap template 3 for two screens - twitter-bootstrap-3

I need to have a system on two screens, I have two div "col-lg-6" each using a screen and that by shrinking the screen to 1, the second div becomes a right side floating. Some idea occurs to them. Thank you.


Hiding header in React-Native app with TabBar on top staying visible

I've been trying to implement a rather common UI pattern. I've got a react-navigation MaterialTopTabNavigator that contains a number of ListViews. When the currently active ListView is scrolled down, the header above the Tabs is supposed to be hidden (by translating it up, out of the viewport), the tabs should as well move up.
Like in this picture
The problem I'm facing here is either
a) if i translate the header and the tabs up, i need a paddingTop in the lists to make sure the first item is completely visible. But if i scroll down and the header is hidden and then switch to the next tab (where the list is scrolled to the top) the padding will be visible.
b) If i translate the whole thing (header, tabbar, and ListView) the paddingTop is not necessary (I can add a padding at the bottom and hide it via a BottomTabNavigator) but the animation gets jerky on android.
There seems to be a bug in react-native causing this.
But there are apps around for Android that implement this pattern.
I'd be grateful for any ideas or pointers around this.

How to adjust content on different screen sizes in react native

I am using two different screens for a page but its not responsive.
I have used flex and percentage(%) to adjust margin but did not work for me.
Here is screenshot what actually my screens look like. click here

Displaying 2 screens side by side when horizontal with react-native-router-flux (RNRF)

Currently as I am using Redux, so react-native-router-flux is a natural choice of Navigation. (I don't mind using another library if it would be easier)
Problem: Imagine an iPad app, when it is vertical, there will be 3 tabs for 3 screens. When it is horizontal, there will only be 2 tabs, and the landing screen will be "split" in the middle to show the first 2 screens.
What I think:
I guess I have to duplicate the Routers -- one for portrait and one for landscape. Duplicate the (responsive) screens (1,2,3) and give them different keys to avoid collision between 2 routers...
Question: Is there a way to minimize duplication? I think there should be one which I create an extra screen, say index-landscape and the number of tabs and the component to be rendered can be controlled programmatically instead of a full duplication of <Router>.

View containers move around and change sizes

I have the same component in multiple screens, which I navigate to through React navigation. I'm using Tabnavigator.
On the first screen, the View containers move around if the text is too long. I have a fixed flex-size on my view containers, but it doesn't take that into consideration. The strange is, it's only on the first screen. A gif to show you what I mean.
I have linked a Snack to show you my code:
I've checked if it's because of the scrollview I have, and I was inconsistent with my design on the scrollviews. but they all have the same styling.
What the heck is going on?
EDIT: Uploaded new gif that shows that I navigate to same component through two different ways. And it makes the design screw up.

How to make logo over lay over 3 navbar using?

I'm using 3 navbar's one below the other and the first navbar is with link in the right.
My second navbar has logo towards right, and links towards left.
But I see that my logo doesn't come like the way I want. The second navbar takes the height of the logo.
What am I missing?
I made you a demo bootply demonstrating what I think youu're looking for.
It has 3 navbars, with a logo in the second, overlapping the third navbar.