graphql error: mutation with where not working - schema

I am using Prisma GraphqQL and I got this error for a mutation with where selector:
"You provided an invalid argument for the where selector on User"
mutation UpdateUserMutation($data: UserUpdateInput!, $where: UserWhereUniqueInput!) {
updateUser(data: $data, where: $where) {
"data": {
"name": "alan", "email": "", "role": "ADMIN"
"where": {
"id": "cjfsvcaaf00an08162sacx43i"
"data": {
"updateUser": null
"errors": [
"message": "You provided an invalid argument for the where selector on User.",
"locations": [],
"path": [
"code": 3040,
"requestId": "api:api:cjftyj8ov00gi0816o4vvgpm5"
data: UserUpdateInput!
where: UserWhereUniqueInput!
): User
type UserWhereUniqueInput {
id: ID
resetPasswordToken: String
email: String
Why this mutation is not working?
With colors:
Mutation GraphQL
Schema Graphql
Full code of this Project is here:
Graphql playground is here:
Console view (variable are empty):
Query for user (with id: cjfsvcaaf00an08162sacx43i). So user can be found with "where" operator in query, but not in mutation.

Your updateUser resolver is not implemented correctly:
async function updateUser(parent, { id, name, email, role }, ctx, info) {
// console.log( id, name, email)
await ctx.db.mutation.updateUser({
where: { id: id },
data: {name: name, email: email, role: role},
Your mutation has the two parameters data and where, but you expect the parameter list { id, name, email, role }.
Either update your schema, or your resolver accordingly.


Loopback 4 auto generated model with required id failing validation

I'm using an automated script that runs an auto-generation model using lb4 cli.
Looks like validation expects id to be provided, but swagger missing it in its schema. Why I can't see the id property in swagger?
PLEASE NOTE! I don't want to modify manually my models
lb4 model activity --dataSource DS --table activity
Created model:
export class Activity extends Entity {
type: 'string',
required: true,
id: 1,
postgresql: {
columnName: 'id',
dataType: 'uuid',
dataLength: null,
dataPrecision: null,
dataScale: null,
nullable: 'NO',
id: string;
When I run the swagger tool and try to POST new activity, it missing the id field and returns the following error:
"error": {
"statusCode": 422,
"name": "ValidationError",
"message": "The `Activity` instance is not valid. Details: `id` can't be blank (value: undefined).",
"details": {
"context": "Activity",
"codes": {
"id": [
"messages": {
"id": [
"can't be blank"
If I add a property id manually, then it throws a validation error:
"error": {
"statusCode": 422,
"name": "UnprocessableEntityError",
"message": "The request body is invalid. See error object `details` property for more info.",
"details": [
"path": "",
"code": "additionalProperties",
"message": "must NOT have additional properties",
"info": {
"additionalProperty": "id"
Change your #model() by #model({settings: {strict: false}}) and add this line [prop: string]: any; into your model
#model({settings: {strict: false}})
[prop: string]: any;

Join two collection in mongodb

I'm new in mongodb. Could you please tell me how to perform join operation in this. I've two collection:
Collection 1 ("user")
_id: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
userName: "XYZ User",
age: 12
Collection 2 ("square")
_id: "ef6f6ac2-a08a-4f68-a63c-0b4a70285427",
userId: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
side: 4,
area: 16
Now I want to retrieve the data from collection 2 is like this.
Expected output:
_id: "ef6f6ac2-a08a-4f68-a63c-0b4a70285427",
userId: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
userName: "XYZ User",
side: 4,
area: 16
Thanks in advance :)
Here's one way to do it.
"$lookup": {
"from": "user",
"localField": "userId",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "userDoc"
"$set": {
"userName": {
"$first": "$userDoc.userName"
{ "$unset": "userDoc" }
Try it on
You can keep the first documentid (_id) in the second document as userId for refrence and after that, you can use the join feature supported by MongoDB 3.2 and later versions. You can use joins by using an aggregate query.
You can do it using the below example :
// Join with square table
from: "square", // other table name
localField: "_id", // name of user table field
foreignField: "userId", // name of square table field
as: "square" // alias for userinfo table
{ $unwind:"$user_info" }, // $unwind used for getting data in object or for one record only
// define some conditions here
$and:[{"userName" : "XYZ User"}]
// define which fields are you want to fetch
_id: 1,
userId: "$square.userId",
userName: 1,
side: "$square.side",
area: "$square.area"
The Result will be
_id: "ef6f6ac2-a08a-4f68-a63c-0b4a70285427",
userId: "d04d53dc-fb88-433e-a1c5-dd41a68d7655",
userName: "XYZ User",
side: 4,
area: 16

How to create or update many-to-many relation in Prisma?

I have the following models, and many-to-many relation between them:
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
email String? #unique
followings Artist[]
model Artist {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String #unique
spotifyId String #unique
followers User[]
When a user logs into my app, I retrieve their current followed artists, and need to update my database.
I have managed to select artists data from database (for updating user <-> artist relation), sample data:
const followings = [
id: '...',
name: 'MARINA',
spotifyId: '6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A'
id: '...',
name: 'Dua Lipa',
spotifyId: '6M2wZ9GZgrQXHCFfjv46we'
Now, this is my user object:
const user = {
id: 'someId',
name: 'someName',
email: 'someEmail'
I tried to insert or update user <-> artist relation with this query but I'm getting Bad Request error:
await prisma.user.upsert({
where: {
create: {
followings: {
connectOrCreate: followings
update: {
followings: {
connectOrCreate: followings
Please advise what I need to do. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I took the idea of the query from Updating a many-to-many relationship in Prisma post, but it didn't work for me, so please don't mark duplicate.
connectOrCreate should specify where key with id (so Prisma could find this entity) and create key with all required model fields (so Prisma could create it if it not already present), but you just passing an array of models. Change your code to this one:
await prisma.user.upsert({
where: {
email: '',
create: {
name: '',
email: '',
followings: {
connectOrCreate: [
create: {
name: 'MARINA',
spotifyId: '6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A',
where: { id: '...' },
update: {
followings: {
connectOrCreate: [
create: {
name: 'MARINA',
spotifyId: '6CwfuxIqcltXDGjfZsMd9A',
where: { id: '...' },

Finding record which doesn't contain some value in array fields

I am using sequelize + typescript over node (with postgresql db) and I have the following model:
id: number,
someField: string,
arr1: number[],
arr2: number[]
and I'm trying to find all records in which arr1 and arr2 don't contain a certain value.
As far as I've seen my only option in one query is a mix between Op.not and Op.contains,
so I've tried the following queries:
/// Number 1
where: {
arr1: {
[Op.not] : {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}
arr2: {
[Op.not] : {[Op.contains]: [soemValue]}
/// Number 2
where: {
[Op.not]: [
{arr1: {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}},
{arr2: {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}}
Now, number 1 does compile in typescript but when trying to run it the following error returns:
"errorId": "db.failure",
"message": "Database error occurred",
"name": "SequelizeValidationError",
"message": "{} is not a valid array",
"type": "Validation error",
"path": "arr1",
"value": {},
"origin": "FUNCTION",
"instance": null,
"validatorKey": "ARRAY validator",
"validatorName": null,
"validatorArgs": []
So I tried number 2, which didn't compile at all with the following TS error:
Type '{ [Op.not]: ({ arr1: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; } | { arr2: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; })[]; }' is not assignable to type 'WhereOptions<any>'.
Types of property '[Op.not]' are incompatible.
Type '({ arr1: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; } | { arr2: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; })[]' is not assignable to type 'undefined'
So the question is what am I doing wrong, or in other words, how can I make that query without querying all records and filter using code
You have to use notIn and not contain maybe then it will work:
Official Docs:
where: {
arr1: {
[Op.notIn]: someValueArray
arr2: {
[Op.notIn]: someValueArray
Apparently the second option is the correct one, but what was incorrect was the types of sequelize, #ts-ignore fixes the problem

How to update the Strapi GraphQL cache, after creating new data?

How to update the cache, after creating new data?
Error message from Apollo
Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided id but the store already contains an id of UsersPermissionsUser:1 for this object. The selectionSet that was trying to be written is:
"kind": "Field",
"name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "user" },
"arguments": [],
"directives": [],
"selectionSet": {
"kind": "SelectionSet",
"selections": [
{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "username" }, "arguments": [], "directives": [] },
{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "__typename" } }
Nativescript-vue Front-end Details
1- Watch Book Mobile app in action on YouTube:
2- Watch Question video for details on YouTube:
{N}-vue AddBook.vue file
// Query
mutation: mutations.CREATE_BOOK,
// Parameters
variables: {
update: (store, { data }) => {
console.log("data ::::>> ",;
const bookQuery = {
query: queries.ALL_BOOKS,
// TypeScript detail: instead of creating an interface
// I used any type access books property without compile errors.
const bookData:any = store.readQuery(bookQuery);
console.log('bookData :>> ', bookData);
// I pin-pointed data objects
// Instead of push(createBook) I've pushed
store.writeQuery({ ...bookQuery, data: bookData })
.then((data) => {
// I can even see ID in Result
console.log("new id ::::: :>> ",;
.catch((error) => {
// Error
What are these "Book:9": { lines in the cache?
console.log store turns out:
"Book:9": {
"id": "9",
"name": "Hadi",
"year": "255",
"__typename": "Book"
"$ROOT_MUTATION.createBook({\"input\":{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Hadi\",\"year\":\"255\"}}})": {
You can see all front-end GitHub repo here
Download Android apk file
Our goal is to update the cache. Add Book Method is in here:
Back-end details
However, this is a frontend question a running Strapi GraphQL Server is here:
GraphQL Playground
USER: admin
PASSWORD: passw123
You can see GraphQL documentation
I have so much simple Strapi GrapQL Scheme:
If you want to test it using postman or insomnia you can use;
POST GraphQL Query URL:
Bearer Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNTkwODI3MzE0LCJleHAiOjE1OTM0MTkzMTR9.WIK-f4dkwVAyIlP20v1PFoflpwGmRYgRrsQiRFgGdqg
NOTE: Don't get confused with $navigateTo() it's just a custom method of nativescript-vue.
It turns out;
all code was correct accept bookData.push(createBook);
update: (store, { data }) => {
console.log("data ::::>> ",;
const bookQuery = {
query: queries.ALL_BOOKS,
// TypeScript detail: instead of creating an interface
// I used any type access books property without compile errors.
const bookData:any = store.readQuery(bookQuery);
console.log('bookData :>> ', bookData);
// I pin-pointed data objects
// Instead of push(createBook) I've pushed
store.writeQuery({ ...bookQuery, data: bookData })
Typescipt was helping
The point is; I shouldn't trust TypeScript errors, or at least I should read more about what it really says.
Typescript just asked me to be more specific while saying: Property 'push' does not exist on type 'unknown'
TypeScript was trying to tell me I need to be more specific while calling ROOT_MUTATION data. It said: Cannot find name 'createBook' But again I ignored it.
Solution Github Branch
how to update cache
Create interface for object Typescript