Is there a way to get more information for a Steam game through API like ratings or tags? - api

I know that you can get quite a lot of information with calling:
But it is still missing data which available on the store page like rating, tags, etc. is there a parameter or another way to get more information about a game?

Yes, you can extract ratings information with the Steamworks User Reviews - Get List endpoint.
For example, to get info about CS:GO:
"success": 1,
"query_summary": {
"num_reviews": 20,
"review_score": 9,
"review_score_desc": "Overwhelmingly Positive",
"total_positive": 25703,
"total_negative": 898,
"total_reviews": 26601
"reviews": [
"recommendationid": "122478997",
"author": {
"steamid": "76561198072280507",
"num_games_owned": 3,
"num_reviews": 2,
"playtime_forever": 503225,
"playtime_last_two_weeks": 0,
"playtime_at_review": 503224,
"last_played": 1663589422
"language": "english",
"review": "God dam what a game",
"timestamp_created": 1663588856,
"timestamp_updated": 1663588856,
"voted_up": true,
"votes_up": 11,
"votes_funny": 2,
"weighted_vote_score": "0.643105804920196533",
"comment_count": 0,
"steam_purchase": true,
"received_for_free": false,
"written_during_early_access": false,
"hidden_in_steam_china": true,
"steam_china_location": ""
"cursor": "AoIFP+vAcEAAAAB6htXVAw=="
The query_summary returns global rating information about the game.

No, there isn't a public api endpoint for rating/tags etc.
The link you send isn't even officially supported by Valve as an API endpoint and is rate limited.
You can read through here for all the API endpoints of Steam, but the one you are using now is the only one with most of the game data in detail.


big commerce Wish Lists not exposed on category template

I am trying to add wish list functionality to the Big Commerce category.html. I have exposed wish lists to the page using the below frontmatter, but customer.wishlists always returns null instead of a list of wish lists (my user has two created).
Frontmatter - category.html
shop_by_price: true
limit: {{theme_settings.categorypage_products_per_page}}
limit: 10
"customer": {
"id": 1,
"name": "user name",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"store_credit": {},
"shipping_address": {},
"recently_viewed_products": null,
"wishlists": null,
Anyone have ideas of why this isn't returning the correct data? Have I missed a step maybe?

How do I get info about a Youtube video's chapters from the API?

Recently, Youtube added the ability to break up their videos in the progress bar into sections called "chapters".
Currently I am able to get info about a video from the Youtube API. However, it doesn't seem like there's any info about a video's chapters, and I haven't found anything in the API documentation about chapters. Am I missing something, or is there simply no way to get chapter data yet?
As far as I know, such data is in plain text in the description of the video.
So, you can use the following example:
Video used in this demonstration: Top 10 Monsters with 2500 Attack in YuGiOh
"kind": "youtube#videoListResponse",
"etag": "YpVLmrSx1iP8hAJOnumaTBoKqqQ",
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#video",
"etag": "oIoJq5F3RHvBbtVohafaJ_1SThU",
"id": "NNgYId7b4j0",
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": "2020-09-14T18:37:46Z",
"channelId": "UC0roOaAn95Rtgoe078RkVXQ",
"title": "Top 10 Monsters with 2500 Attack in YuGiOh",
"description": "In this video we'll go over the best monsters that have 2500 attack, and attack threshold for a lot of boss monsters actually.\n\nCheck out my DnD channel #TheD&DLogs \n\n--The List--\nIntro: (0:00)\n10- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon: (0:00)\n9- Invoked Mechaba: (2:14)\n8- Number S39: Utopia the Lightning: (3:23)\n7- Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu: (4:35)\n6- Eldlich the golden Lord: (6:04)\n5- True King Lithosagym the Disaster: (7:34)\n4- Block Dragon: (8:54)\n3- Astrograph sorcerer: (10:25)\n2- Beatrice lady of the eternal: (12:36)\n1- Firewall Dragon: (14:37)\n- \n-----------------------------------------\n#yugioh #top10 \n\nDuels are all done on EDOpro, its completely free and updated all the time. If you want it, just look for the EDOpro discord and you'll find all you need to download it from there\n\nSome of the Video backgrounds in this video were made by \"Amitai Angor AA VFX\"\n\n\n\n",
"thumbnails": {
"default": {
"url": "",
"width": 120,
"height": 90
"medium": {
"url": "",
"width": 320,
"height": 180
"high": {
"url": "",
"width": 480,
"height": 360
"standard": {
"url": "",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
"maxres": {
"url": "",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
"channelTitle": "TheDuelLogs",
"tags": [
"auto-matic duels",
"top ten",
"categoryId": "20",
"liveBroadcastContent": "none",
"localized": {
"title": "Top 10 Monsters with 2500 Attack in YuGiOh",
"description": "In this video we'll go over the best monsters that have 2500 attack, and attack threshold for a lot of boss monsters actually.\n\nCheck out my DnD channel #TheD&DLogs \n\n--The List--\nIntro: (0:00)\n10- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon: (0:00)\n9- Invoked Mechaba: (2:14)\n8- Number S39: Utopia the Lightning: (3:23)\n7- Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu: (4:35)\n6- Eldlich the golden Lord: (6:04)\n5- True King Lithosagym the Disaster: (7:34)\n4- Block Dragon: (8:54)\n3- Astrograph sorcerer: (10:25)\n2- Beatrice lady of the eternal: (12:36)\n1- Firewall Dragon: (14:37)\n- \n-----------------------------------------\n#yugioh #top10 \n\nDuels are all done on EDOpro, its completely free and updated all the time. If you want it, just look for the EDOpro discord and you'll find all you need to download it from there\n\nSome of the Video backgrounds in this video were made by \"Amitai Angor AA VFX\"\n\n\n\n"
"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1,
"resultsPerPage": 1
Get the response:
"In this video we'll go over the best monsters that have 2500 attack, and attack threshold for a lot of boss monsters actually.
Check out my DnD channel #TheD&DLogs
--The List--
Intro: (0:00)
10- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon: (0:00)
9- Invoked Mechaba: (2:14)
8- Number S39: Utopia the Lightning: (3:23)
7- Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu: (4:35)
6- Eldlich the golden Lord: (6:04)
5- True King Lithosagym the Disaster: (7:34)
4- Block Dragon: (8:54)
3- Astrograph sorcerer: (10:25)
2- Beatrice lady of the eternal: (12:36)
1- Firewall Dragon: (14:37)
#yugioh #top10
Duels are all done on EDOpro, its completely free and updated all the time. If you want it, just look for the EDOpro discord and you'll find all you need to download it from there
Some of the Video backgrounds in this video were made by "Amitai Angor AA VFX""
One more time YouTube Data API v3 doesn't provide a basic feature.
I would suggest you to use my open-source YouTube operational API, indeed by requesting you would get a JSON with the video chapters (titles and timestamps) you are looking for in item['chapters']['chapters'].
Example of result with YouTube video id NNgYId7b4j0:
"kind": "youtube#videoListResponse",
"etag": "NotImplemented",
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#video",
"etag": "NotImplemented",
"id": "NNgYId7b4j0",
"chapters": {
"areAutoGenerated": false,
"chapters": [
"title": "10- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon",
"time": 0,
"thumbnails": [
"url": "https:\/\/\/vi\/NNgYId7b4j0\/hqdefault_4000.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLCoTrvu0Yu-iNxb7o4II-pxi5WVbQ",
"width": 168,
"height": 94
"url": "https:\/\/\/vi\/NNgYId7b4j0\/hqdefault_4000.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEjCNACELwBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJDeAE=&rs=AOn4CLCuupNwIgFIf9hXbjMsvpSGThFyhg",
"width": 336,
"height": 188
"title": "9- Invoked Mechaba",
"time": 134,
"thumbnails": [
"url": "https:\/\/\/vi\/NNgYId7b4j0\/hqdefault_135933.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLBe94BKNpQXvM2dUl75LtcgX0N03w",
"width": 168,
"height": 94
"url": "https:\/\/\/vi\/NNgYId7b4j0\/hqdefault_135933.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEjCNACELwBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJDeAE=&rs=AOn4CLBULUhlI1OOjJiW6mpFDUhPzh4Adw",
"width": 336,
"height": 188
I am replying with this answer to help people such as myself who ended up on this video wanting to find a youtube chapter parser / extractor for text rather than where to find the chapter data. Just to add some further information, currently, there is no way to get the chapters from the official YouTube API, so the only way to get the chapters from a text-description response (like the YouTube API provides) is to parse it in some way:
My answer is in Javascript but it can easily be converted: The idea is to extract the MIN:SEC and HR:MIN:SEC timestamps then to generate the title we remove the word that includes them (So this would typically remove however people aesthetically wrap them too [00:00] or (00:00)
It's far from perfect, but in my experience it's better than the other solutions I've seen on github/npm at the time of writing this. You might want to also trim away starting and ending spaces and punctuational separators such as (-, :, ~, |) too
const parseChapters = (description) => {
// Extract timestamps (either 00:00:00, 0:00:00, 00:00 or 0:00)
const lines = description.split("\n")
const regex = /(\d{0,2}:?\d{1,2}:\d{2})/g
const chapters = []
for (const line of lines) {
// Match the regex and check if the line contains a matched regex
const matches = line.match(regex)
if (matches) {
const ts = matches[0]
const title = line
.split(" ")
.filter((l) => !l.includes(ts))
.join(" ")
timestamp: ts,
title: title,
return chapters
Very late answer but it solved my problem.
You could use the code below. It's written in C# but it can easily be transcribed into another language. Since you can already get youtube video data, I assume you also have the description of the video.
private static IEnumerable<string> GetChaptersFromDescription(string text)
var lines = text.Split("\n");
var regex = new Regex(#"[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]");
foreach (var line in lines)
if (regex.IsMatch(line))
yield return line;

Get data Amadeus API Flight low fare search

I need parameters to get data that contains stops array. I tried about 100 different combinations, and i didn't get any response that returns stops array in results.
If anyone knows how to accomplish this, please provide your answer.
Having stops is not that common and it usually depends on the distance between origin and destination. For example, having London as origin and Sydney as destination:
You can check in the response that most of the segments contain stops:
"stops": [
"iataCode": "HKG",
"duration": "0DT1H0M",
"arrivalAt": "2019-08-28T12:00:00+08:00",
"departureAt": "2019-08-28T13:00:00+08:00"
"iataCode": "DOH",
"duration": "0DT1H0M",
"arrivalAt": "2019-08-28T14:00:00+03:00",
"departureAt": "2019-08-28T15:00:00+03:00"
"iataCode": "BAH",
"duration": "0DT1H0M",
"arrivalAt": "2019-08-28T16:00:00+03:00",
"departureAt": "2019-08-28T17:00:00+03:00"
Where stop means that an aircraft lands for refueling, for instance, but passengers don't necessary get out of the plane.

Is there a way to schedule assignments in google classroom API

Is there a way one can schedule assignments using classroom API?
As of now you can't set the schedule of when the assignment should be published through the API. There are a couple of open issues on apps-api-issues 4730 and 5262 stating this problem. You can star that issue and will be notified as soon as any changes occur. One work around might be is to set the state attribute to DRAFT until needing to change the state to PUBLISHED.
"courseId": string,
"id": string,
"title": string,
"description": string,
"materials": [
"state": enum(CourseWorkState),
"alternateLink": string,
"creationTime": string,
"updateTime": string,
"dueDate": {
"dueTime": {
"maxPoints": number,
"workType": enum(CourseWorkType),
"associatedWithDeveloper": boolean,
"submissionModificationMode": enum(SubmissionModificationMode),
// Union field details can be only one of the following:
"assignment": {
"multipleChoiceQuestion": {
// End of list of possible types for union field details.
Update as of 21 June 2017, the API has been updated to allow the setting of a scheduled time ( using the scheduledTime field of the CourseWork.
This issue has now been marked as Fixed.

Is it possible to turn an array returned by the Mongo GeoNear command (using Ruby/Rails) into a Plucky object?

As a total newbie I have been trying to get the geoNear command working in my rails application and it appear to be working fine. The major annoyance for me is that it is returning an array with strings rather than keys which I can call on to pull out data.
Having dug around, I understand that MongoMapper uses Plucky to turn the the query resultant into a friendly object which can be handled easily but I haven't been able to find out how to transform the result of my geoNear query into a plucky object.
My questions are:
(a) Is it possible to turn this into a plucky object and how do i do that?
(b) If it is not possible how can I most simply and systematically extract each record and each field?
here is the query in my controller
#mult = 3963 * (3.14159265 / 180 ) # Scale to miles on earth
#results = #db.command( {'geoNear' => "places", 'near'=> #search.coordinates , 'distanceMultiplier' => #mult, 'spherical' => true})
Here is the object i'm getting back (with document content removed for simplicity)
{"ns"=>"myapp-development.places", "near"=>"1001110101110101100100110001100010100010000010111010", "results"=>[{"dis"=>0.04356444023196527, "obj"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4ee6a7d210a81f05fe000001'),...}}], "stats"=>{"time"=>0, "btreelocs"=>0, "nscanned"=>1, "objectsLoaded"=>1, "avgDistance"=>0.04356444023196527, "maxDistance"=>0.0006301239824196907}, "ok"=>1.0}
Help is much appreciated!!
Ok so lets say you store the results into a variable called places_near:
places_near = t.command( {'geoNear' => "places", 'near'=> [50,50] , 'distanceMultiplier' => 1, 'spherical' => true})
This command returns an hash that has a key (results) which maps to a list of results for the query. The returned document looks like this:
"ns": "test.places",
"near": "1100110000001111110000001111110000001111110000001111",
"results": [
"dis": 69.29646421910687,
"obj": {
"_id": ObjectId("4b8bd6b93b83c574d8760280"),
"y": [
"category": "Coffee"
"dis": 69.29646421910687,
"obj": {
"_id": ObjectId("4b8bd6b03b83c574d876027f"),
"y": [
"stats": {
"time": 0,
"btreelocs": 1,
"btreelocs": 1,
"nscanned": 2,
"nscanned": 2,
"objectsLoaded": 2,
"objectsLoaded": 2,
"avgDistance": 69.29646421910687
"ok": 1
To iterate over the responses just iterate as you would over any list in ruby:
places_near['results'].each do |result|
# do stuff with result object