pass shell variable into awk's patern search - awk

In a script I want to search connections established between some ports gathered with another command and set on PORT variable and specific systems.
the PORT variable is pass to awk using -vp=${PORT}
but I don't know how to use "p" it inside the rest of the pattern.
his does not work:
$ lsof -i -P|awk -vp=${PORT} '$(NF-1)~/vm7.+:'$p'->(vm9|vm11).+ESTABLISHED/{print $(NF-1)}'
$ lsof -i -P|awk -vp=${PORT} '$(NF-1)~/vm7.+:'p'->(vm9|vm11).+ESTABLISHED/{print $(NF-1)}'

give this a try:
awk -v p="$PORT" '{pat="yourHost(or whatever):"p}$(NF-1)~pat{print $(NF-1)}'
build the pattern(pat) with p and check the field (NF-1)
you don't need (shouldn't have) the ESTABLISHED in pattern, since it is the last field NF instead of NF-1

Use match:
$ awk -v p=$port 'match($(NF-1),"vm7.+:" p "->(vm9|vm11)"){print $(NF-1)}'
There might be some errors as there was no test material. Removed the ESTABLISHED as it is in $NF, not $(NF-1) (in my systems, at least).
... or don't:
$ awk -v p=$port '$(NF-1) ~ "vm7.+:" p "->(vm9|vm11)" {print $(NF-1)}'
Today I learned something.


How to insert argument in awk script?

I'm writing a shell script which shut down some services and trying to get its pid by using the following awk script.
However, this awk script can't get pid. What's wrong with that?
ps -ef | awk -v port_no=10080 '/[m]ilk.*port=port_no/{print $2}'
The result of ps -ef is like this:
username 13155 27705 0 16:06 pts/2 00:00:00 /home/username/.rbenv/versions/2.3.6/bin/ruby /home/username/.rbenv/versions/2.3.6/bin/milk web --no-browser --port=10080
This process is working with a different port argument as well, so I want to kill the process only working on port=10080.
The awk script below works fine, but when I specify the port no using awk -v like the above, it doesn't work well.
ps -ef | awk '/[m]ilk.*port=10080/{print $2}'
awk version: GNU Awk 4.0.2
The syntax for pattern matching with /../ does not work with variables in the regular expression. You need to use the ~ syntax for it.
awk -v port_no=10080 '$0 ~ "[m]ilk.*port="port_no{print $2}'
If you notice the regex carefully, the regex string on the r.h.s of ~ is under the double-quotes ".." except the variable name holding the port number which shouldn't be under quotes, for the expansion to happen.
This task is easily accomplished using pgrep:
$ pgrep -f '[m]ilk.*port=10080'
Have a look at man pgrep for details.

Grep / awk, match exact string

I need to find the ID of some container docker, but some containers have similar names:
$ docker images
app-node latest 620350b79c5a
app-node-temp latest 461c5143a985
If I run:
$ docker images | grep -w app-node-temp | awk -e '{print $3}'
If I run instead:
$ docker images | grep -w app-node | awk -e '{print $3}'
How can I match the exact name?
I'd say just use awk with exact string matching:
docker images | awk '$1 == "app-node" { print $3 }'
Dashes are considered non-word characters, so grep -w won't work when the difference is marked by a dash.
In context, grep '^app-node[[:space:]]' would work. It looks for the required name followed by a space.
Of course, grep | awk is an anti-pattern most of the time; it would be better to use:
docker images | awk '/^app-node[[:space:]]/ { print $3 }'
Or, an easier solution with awk again uses equality — as suggested by Tom Fenech in his answer:
for server in app-node app-node-temp
docker images | awk -v server="$server" '$1 == server { print $3 }'
If running docker images is too expensive, you can run it once and capture the output in a file and then scan the file. This shows how to pass a shell variable into the awk script.
The chances are the pipeline would be run to capture the container's image ID information:
image_id=$(docker images | awk -v server="$server" '$1 == server { print $3 }')
docker images -q is good for your case

Execute a command in the re-verse order of ids present in a file

I am running the following command using awk on file.txt ,currently its running the command on the ids present in file.txt from top to bottom..i want the commmand to be run in the reverse order for the ids present in file.txt..any inputs on how we can do this?
git command $(awk '{print $1}' file.txt)
file.txt contains.
If you aren't bound to using awk then tail with the -r (for reverse) argument will do the trick...
Now to print it in reverse...
$ tail -r myFile.txt
To output this to a file simply redirect it out...
$ tail -r myFile.txt > newFile.txt
Want to write to the same file? No problem!
tail -r myFile.txt > temp.txt; cat temp.txt > myFile.txt; rm temp.txt;
For some reason when I redirected tail -r to the same file it came back blank, this workaround avoids that issue by writing to a temporary "buffer" file.
To reverse the lines in a file using awk, use
awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' file
use $1 instead of $0 above to operate on the first field only instead of the whole line.

awk: passing variables from bash

I am getting syntax errors with the following code. Is there an awk version that does not support the "-v" option or am I missing something? Thanks.
awk -F "\t" -v s_date="$S_Date" -v e_date="$E_Date" 'BEGIN {print s_date,e_date}' $f_name
Your code completely works on my awk (GNU Awk 3.1.6).
There is another way though, If you export your variables you can use it in ENVIRON array
$ export f_name="crap.stat"
$ awk '{ print ENVIRON["f_name"] }' anyfile
The default awk program on Solaris 10 (aka oawk) does not seem to support the -v option; the alternative nawk program does support it. Some people switch the name awk so it is a link to nawk, so you can't readily predict which you'll find as awk.
The awk programs on HP-UX 11.x, AIX 6.x and Mac OS X (10.7.x) all support the -v notation, which isn't very surprising since POSIX expects support for -v.

piping to awk hangs

I am trying to pipe tshark output to awk. The tshark command works fine on its own, and when piped to other programs such as cat, it works fine (real time printing of output). However, when piped to awk, it hangs and nothing happens.
sudo tshark -i eth0 -l -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e
tcp.srcport -e tcp.dstport -e tcp.seq -e tcp.ack | awk '{printf("mz -A %s -B %s -tcp \"s=%s sp=%s
dp=%s\"\n", $2, $1, $5, $4, $3)}'
Here is a simplier version:
sudo tshark -i eth0 -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' | awk '{print $0}'
And to compare, the following works fine (although is not very useful):
sudo tshark -i eth0 -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' | cat
Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem.
I have found some partial "solutions" that are not completely portable.
Some of them point to use the fflush() or flush() awk functions or -W interactive option
I tried both and none works. So awk is not the appropriate command at all.
A few of them suggest to use gawk but it neither does the trick for me.
cut command has the same problem.
My solution: In my case I just needed to put --line-buffered in GREP and not touching awk command but in your case I would try:
sed -u
with the proper regular expression. For example:
sed -u 's_\(.*\) \(.*\) \(.*\) DIFF: \(.*\)_\3 \4_'
This expression gives you the 3rd and 4th columns separate by TAB (written with ctrl+v and TAB combination). With -u option you get unbuffered output and also you have -l option that gives you line buffered output.
I hope you find this answer useful although is late
Per our previous messages in comments, maybe it will work to force closing the input and emitting a linefeed.
sudo tshark -i eth0 -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' ...... \
| {
awk '{print $0}'
printf "\n"
Note, no pipe between awk and printf.
I hope this helps.
I found the solution here (by John1024).
It says:
"You don't see it in real time because, for purposes of efficiency, pipes are buffered. tail -f has to fill up the buffer, typically 4 kB, before the output is passed to awk."
The proposed solutions is to use "unbuffer" or "stdbuf -o0" commands to disable buffering. It worked for me like this:
stdbuf -o0 tshark -i ens192 -f "ip" | awk '{print $0}'