Counting amount of '//' in a dataset (SQL Server) - sql

I have a question related to a SQL Server query.
I want to count all '//' in a dataset. The dataset contains a code. Through counting the '//' i want to declare it as a Comment, IF EVERY SINGLE ROW contains at least one time the string '//'.
Actually I've count the amount of '//' in a dataset, but i don't know how should i continue.
select col1, col2, LEN(col3) - LEN(REPLACE(col3, '//', '' )) AS col3counter
from #tmp

You are going to get twice the count. So either divide by 2 or:
select col1, col2,
( LEN(col3) - LEN(REPLACE(col3, '//', 'x' )) ) AS col3counter
from #tmp

Sorry for double-posting but I solved the issue on my own :-). Code is...
select col1, col2, col3, col4,
LEN(col3) - LEN(REPLACE(col3, '//', ' ' )) AS col3commentcount,
LEN(col3) - LEN(Replace(col3,(char(13)+char(10)),' '))+1 as col3rowcount,
LEN(col4) - LEN(REPLACE(col4, '//', ' ')) AS col4commentcount,
LEN(col4) - LEN(REPLACE(col4,(char(13)+char(10)),' '))+1 as col4rowcount
from #tmp
where LEN(col3) - LEN(REPLACE(col3, '//', ' ' )) =
LEN(col3) - LEN(Replace(col3,(char(13)+char(10)),' '))+1 OR
LEN(col4) - LEN(REPLACE(col4, '//', ' ')) =
LEN(col4) - LEN(REPLACE(col4,(char(13)+char(10)),' '))+1
and idcheck=0
order by col1


Concatenate SQL columns with comma separated

Is there any alternate way to concatenate SQL columns with comma separated. I am using below logic for concatenation. The columns (col1,col2,col3) can have null values.
len(concat(col1,',',col2,',',col3)) -
from mytable
Sample data/output
In more recent versions of SQL Server you can use concat_ws():
select concat_ws(',', col1, col2, col3)
In earlier versions, there are various approach. A pretty simple one is:
select stuff( concat(',' + col1, ',' + col2, ',' + col3), 1, 1, '')
You can concat separators conditionally. This will output an empty string if either of the columns are null or empty.
select concat(col1,
case when len(col2)>1 then ',' else '' end,
case when len(col3)>1 then ',' else '' end,
from your_table;
To output null if either of the columns are null or empty, wrap the concat inside a nullif like this
select nullif(concat(col1,
case when len(col2)>1 then ',' else '' end,
case when len(col3)>1 then ',' else '' end,
from your_table;

Exclude Null Entries when concatenate

I have columns
My result should look like
I tried this with the common '+' way of concatenation like
Select Col1 + ', ' + Col2 + ', ' + Col3
but with this statement I do get Nulls in the resultset if there is a Null in one of the columns. I could do something like
ISNULL(Col1, ' ')
but this end up in having ',' signs messing around
Can anyone help me out here?
The CONCAT() function solves your problem:
Select CONCAT(Col1, ', ', Col2, ', ', Col3)
It ignores NULL values.
The most recent versions of SQL Server support CONCAT_WS():
CONCAT_WS(', ', col1, col2, col3)
This produces slightly different results. For instance, if the second two values are NULL, the first returns 'A,,' but the second returns 'A'. I'm not sure which you really want.

How to insert character in between a string in SQL

I have a col1 in tbl1 which has data as under:
now I want to insert a '\' after C:\ABC\1245_PQR\125\xyz\ROW and before '20MAOSAD12\'
and the data format is same but it changes in all row, for example -
Can someone please help.
You can use replace function
SELECT REPLACE('C:\ABC\1245_PQR\125\xyz\ROW20MAOSAD12\', '\ROW', '\ROW\')
To be more precise
SELECT REPLACE(col1, '\ROW', '\ROW\') from tbl1
Alternatively you could consider the STUFF operator:
STUFF ( character_expression , start , length , replaceWith_expression )
SELECT STUFF('C:\ABC\1245_PQR\125\xyz\ROW20MAOSAD12\',28,0, '\')
SELECT STUFF('SomeColumn',28,0, '\') FROM SomeTable WHERE SomeColumn=SomeValue
Also, I made this one - a bit lengthy
-- Step 1
Select all rows that have in col1 and col2 is xyz
select * from tbl where col2 = 'row' and col1 like '%xyz%'
-- Step 2
-- From the rows above, calculate the start index of in col1
select charindex('xyz', col1) from (select col1 from tbl where col2 = 'xyz' and col1 like '%xyz%') tmp
-- Step 3
-- Split the col1 from CharIndex + 3 (size of xyz)
select left(col1, charindex('xyz', col1) + 2 ), substring(col1, charindex('xyz', col1) + 3, LEN(col1) ), ( left(col1, charindex('xyz', col1) + 2 ) + '\' + substring(col1, charindex('xyz', col1) + 3, LEN(col1) ))
from (select col1 from tbl where name = 'xyz' and col1 like '%xyz%') tmp
-- Step 4
-- Update !!
update tbl
SET col1 = ( left(col1, charindex('xyz', col1) + 2 ) + '\' + substring(col1, charindex('xyz', col1) + 3, LEN(col1) ))
where col2 = 'xyz' and col1 like '%xyz%' and col1 not like '%xyz\%'

SQL Server : Reuse calculated variable in select clause

I have the following table structure:
col1 col2 col3 col4
aK Mbcd ABc defgh
col2, col3 and col4 columns are of type varchar(100) and col1 has type varchar(500).
I need a select query to have the output as following
col1 col2 col3 col4
aK,Mb cd,A Bc,d efgh
Logic is explained as mentioned below:
In the result, Col2, col3 and col4 can have maximum 4 characters but col1 can have more than 4 characters upto 100.
If any column has more characters, last 4 characters will be retained in the same column and other extra columns will be concatenated with previous column's value separated by comma , and the same rule will be applied on the concatenated values as well.
I've written the following T-SQL statement. It works fine for last two columns. But I want to use new calculated value of col3 to strip out extra characters after adding some from col4
WHEN X.Col4Length > 4
THEN concat(X.col3, ',', substring(x.col4, 0, X.Col4Length - 3))
ELSE X.col3
END AS col3,
WHEN X.Col4Length > 4
THEN substring(x.col4, X.Col4Length - 3, x.Col4Length)
ELSE X.col4
END AS col4
Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4,
Len(Col1) AS Col1Length,
Len(Col2) AS Col2Length,
Len(Col3) AS Col3Length,
Len(Col4) AS Col4Length
mytable) X
My try with a simple sub-query
with t1 as (
select 'aK' col1, 'Mbcd' col2, 'ABc' col3, 'defgh' col4
SELECT LEFT(col, LEN(col) - 12) col1,
RIGHT(LEFT(col, LEN(col) - 8), 4) col2,
RIGHT(LEFT(col, LEN(col) - 4), 4) col3,
RIGHT(col, 4) AS col4
SELECT col1+','+col2+','+col3+','+col4 AS col
) t;
You want to reuse calculated variables
There are two set-based /inline / adhoc approaches (and many more ugly procedural):
CTEs to do this for the whole set in advance
CROSS APPLY for the same on row level
Try it like this (CTE approach)
DECLARE #tbl TABLE(col1 VARCHAR(100),col2 VARCHAR(100),col3 VARCHAR(100),col4 VARCHAR(100));
WITH ResolveCol4 AS
,RIGHT(col4,4) AS Col4_resolved
,col3 + ',' + CASE WHEN LEN(col4)>4 THEN SUBSTRING(col4,1,LEN(col4)-4) ELSE '' END AS col3_New
FROM #tbl
,ResolveCol3 AS
,RIGHT(col3_New,4) AS Col3_resolved
,col2 + ',' + CASE WHEN LEN(col3_New)>4 THEN SUBSTRING(col3_New,1,LEN(col3_New)-4) ELSE '' END AS col2_New
FROM ResolveCol4
,ResolveCol2 AS
,RIGHT(col2_New,4) AS Col2_resolved
,col1 + ',' + CASE WHEN LEN(col2_New)>4 THEN SUBSTRING(col2_New,1,LEN(col2_New)-4) ELSE '' END AS col1_New
FROM ResolveCol3
SELECT col1_new,Col2_resolved,Col3_resolved,Col4_resolved
FROM ResolveCol2
The result
aK,Mb cd,A Bc,d efgh
123456,abc,34 56,1 2345 6789

SQL Server: select value, split on a delimiter, then update two columns

I have a SQL Server 2008 database table with three varchar Columns - Col1, Col2, Col3. Col1 has data in it with a single space in between, Col2 and Col3 are empty.
I need to write a query to select the data from Col1, break up each value using the space as the delimiter, and inserting the data on either side of the space into Col2 and Col3 respectively.
I am not too sure how to proceed. Can this be accomplished in SQL, or should I create a small program to do the work for me? I'd appreciate a pointer in the right direction if this can be accomplished via SQL.
Col2 = SUBSTRING(Col1, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', Col1)-1),
Col3 = SUBSTRING(Col1, CHARINDEX(' ', Col1)+1, 8000)
WHERE Col1 LIKE '% %';
If you can guarantee there is only one space:
create table #temp (col1 varchar(50),col2 varchar(50), col3 varchar(50))
insert into #temp (col1)
select 'test 1'
union all
select 'test 2'
union all
select 'test 3'
update #temp
set col2 = left(col1, charindex (' ', col1)),
col3 = substring(col1,charindex (' ', col1)+1, len(col1))
from #temp