Where to configure deep link URL schema in React Native / Expo - react-native

I want to create a deep link in my react native app so a user can share a URL and then the other person can open this url and have the intended app open.
I am following this tutorial and they say info.plist needs to be edited with a URL schema.
However, I believe this is only for IOS? And also I don't believe I have access to these files when using Expo?
How can I specify my url schema and achieve deep linking in Expo?


How to load a particular page shared as link in react native app webview (deep linking)

I have a react native app which uses react-native-webview to load my site. I have setup deep linking for both android. Now when we try to open a link shared via slack or any other app for example: https://example.com/some-link, it opens my app but does not navigate to the particular shared url or the correct page.
I have tried OnNavigationStateChange, OnLoadStart, onShouldStartLoadWithRequest but not able to get the url that has to be opened.
Any suggestion or help is much appreciated
Thanks you

My React Native Expo cli app rejected from app store due to the following causes “Guideline 5.1.1 — Legal — Privacy — Data Collection and Storage”

We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access the photos, but doesn’t sufficiently explain the use of the photos in the purpose string.
To help users make informed decisions about how their data is used, all permission request alerts need to explain how your app will use the requested information.
Next Steps
Please revise the purpose string in your app’s Info.plist file for the photos to explain why your app needs access and include an example of how the user’s data will be used.
You can modify your app’s Info.plist file using the property list editor in Xcode.
But my app is developed by “React Native” expo cli. the app.json file configuration is shown following below also I have attached the app.json file of my application
EXPO SDK Version is “expo”: “44.0.0”,
React Native Version is “react-native”: “0.64.3”,
How I can overcome it? please help me

Share Url from browser to React Native app

I want to share URLs from the browser to my React Native app and open them in the app, how can I do that?
This is called deep-linking, that your app launches and even does some actions depending on the called URL of your app. Many apps use it that's how you probably know it.
You can read about this and implement it.
Here is some articles and documentation about it:

Can I host my React Native app to my website using cpanel?

I'm currently developing a website using React Native, when I read about React Native I got the info that React Native can be used as both a web application and a mobile application, so I tried it.
Currently, my website is finished and can be run on localhost
but right now I have a problem when I want to host the website using Cpanel.
Previously I wanted to ask, can React Native be hosted as a website?
Run Following command in your project
expo build:web
it will generate web-build folder. inside build folder all your static, assets, js and html files are located.
now its time to upload you static file to c-panel
open your c-panel account and go file manager and select your domain where you want to go live with web-build (react-native-web).
Upload web-build's folder content to your it will take few minuts and you can visit your domain your site will be live on specific domain

Automate login, navigation and parse of web pages in React Native

I would like to get information from a specific website (https) from within a react native app.
For that, I need to:
Open and Login to the web page (https)
Make a simple navigation (known tag in html)
Parse the resulting page for data.
Present the data in a React native component (not webUI).
Any idea what would be the best way to do it?
Here is what I would do:
Use the following tutorial to use Browserify to wrap Zombie.js within a react-native app.
Navigate with Zombie.js to the data that you are seeking.
Display the data.
Happy coding.