Get the row values as column in SQL - sql

I have below table,and need to get row values as an output.
This is a part of a view in Oracle Database.
I need to get the output using SQL as,address,regionare taking from another table by referringID .
Looking for much simple way since full query have more than 15 columns and below also need to be added as columns.

"Looking for much simple way since full query have more than 15 columns"
Sorry, you can have a complex query or no query at all :)
The problem is the structure of the posted table mandates a complex query. That's because it uses a so-called "generic data model", which is actually a data anti-model. The time saved in not modelling the requirement and just smashing values into the table is time you will have to spend writing horrible queries to get those values out again.
I assume you need to drive off the other table you referred to, and the posted table contains attributes supplementary to the core record.
, ano.address
, ano.region
, t1.value as alt_id
, t2.value as birth_date
, t3.value as contact_no
from another_table ano
left outer join ( select id, value
from generic_table
where key = 'alt_id' ) t1
on =
left outer join ( select id, value
from generic_table
where key = 'birth_date' ) t2
on =
left outer join ( select id, value
from generic_table
where key = 'contact_no' ) t3
on =
Note the need to use outer joins: one of the problems with generic data models is the enforcement of integrity constraints. Weak data typing can also be an issue (say if you wanted to convert the birth_date string into an actual date).

PIVOT concept fits well for these types of problems :
SQL> create table person_info(id int, key varchar2(25), value varchar2(25));
SQL> create table person_info2(id int, name varchar2(25), address varchar2(125), region varchar2(25));
SQL> insert into person_info values(4150521,'contact_no',772289317);
SQL> insert into person_info values(4150522,'alt_id','98745612V');
SQL> insert into person_info values(4150522,'birth_date',date '1990-04-21');
SQL> insert into person_info values(4150522,'contact_no',777894561);
SQL> insert into person_info2 values(4150521,'ABC','AAAAAA','ASD');
SQL> insert into person_info2 values(4150522,'XYZ','BBBBB','WER');
SQL> select, name, address, region, alt_id, birth_date, contact_no
from person_info
max(value) for key in ('alt_id' as alt_id,'birth_date' as birth_date,'contact_no' as contact_no)
) p1 join person_info2 p2 on ( =;
------- ------- ------- ------ --------- ---------- ----------
4150521 ABC AAAAAA ASD 12345678V 21-APR-89 772289317
4150522 XYZ BBBBB WER 98745612V 21-APR-90 777894561


Pivoting on table with huge number of records

I have the following tables:
Create Table A
(rpt_id number,
Acct_id number,
type vatchar2(10));
Create Table 2
(rpt_id number,
Acct_id number,
tp varchar2(10),
information varchar2(100));
Insert into A1 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TYPE) values (1,11,'type1');
Insert into A1 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TYPE) values (2,22,'type2');
Insert into A2 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TP,INFORMATION) values (1,11,'billnum','2341');
Insert into A2 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TP,INFORMATION) values (1,11,'billname','abcd');
I need to take information as below:
RPT_ID ACCT_ID billnum billname
------ ------- ------- --------
1 11 2341 abcd
This table will have a huge amount of data, around 200000 records in A1 and related records in A2 - atleast 4 to 5 rows for each RPT_ID.
Should I be creating a pivot direct from these two joins to improve performance?
So far I have used this approach:
Insert into t3
as select a2.*
from a1
join a2 on a1.rpt_id = a2.rpt_id and a1.ACCT_ID = a2.ACCT_ID
where a1.type = 'type1';
Pivot on t3 to make the following structure and insert into t4 to use it later in the code.
RPT_ID ACCT_ID billnum billname
------ ------- ------- --------
1 11 2341 abcd
This is going full scan for the A2 table. Are there any ways to avoid a full scan? Will pivot have performance issues with huge data?
This is going full scan for A2 table, is there anything we can about
this ot avoid full scan
Have you created any indexes on the tables in question? If not, then a full table scan is the only option!
And remember: a full table scan can be the fastest way to get the rows. To see if that's the case, you need to get the execution plan for your query.
That said, the current process of loading the join into a third table, then pivoting the results into a forth is convoluted. And likely to be a lot slower than just running query.
If you want to pre-compute the pivot, you're better off with a materialized view. This stores the result of your query. And - provided you can make it fast refresh on commit - the database will update it after you run DML.
For example:
Create Table A1 (
rpt_id number,
Acct_id number,
type varchar2(10)
Create Table A2 (rpt_id number,
Acct_id number,
tp varchar2(10),
information varchar2(100)
Insert into A1 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TYPE) values (1,11,'type1');
Insert into A1 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TYPE) values (2,22,'type2');
Insert into A2 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TP,INFORMATION) values (1,11,'billnum','2341');
Insert into A2 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TP,INFORMATION) values (1,11,'billname','abcd');
create materialized view log on a1
with rowid, sequence ( rpt_id,acct_id,type )
including new values;
create materialized view log on a2
with rowid, sequence ( rpt_id,acct_id,tp,information )
including new values;
create materialized view mv
refresh fast on commit
with rws as (
select a1.type, a2.*
from a1
join a2 on a1.rpt_id = a2.rpt_id
and a1.ACCT_ID = a2.ACCT_ID
select type, rpt_id, acct_id,
max ( case when tp = 'billnum' then information end ) billnum,
max ( case when tp = 'billname' then information end ) billname,
from rws
group by type, rpt_id, acct_id;
Insert into A2 (RPT_ID,ACCT_ID,TP,INFORMATION) values (2,22,'billname','abcd');
select * from mv;
type1 1 11 2341 abcd 2
type2 2 22 <null> abcd 1
If necessary you can create indexes on the materialized view itself, further improving performance.
NB - Oracle Database does have a pivot clause, but this doesn't work with fast refresh on commit. You need the old-fashioned version.

One SQL statement for counting the records in the master table based on matching records in the detail table?

I have the following master table called Master and sample data
1 2014-09-07
2 2014-09-07
3 2014-09-08
The following details table called Details
1 John Walsh
1 John Jones
2 John Carney
1 Peter Lewis
3 John Wilson
Now I want to find out the count of Master records (grouped on the Date column) whose corresponding details record with Name having the value "John".
I cannot figure how to write a single SQL statement for this job.
**Please note that join is needed in order to find master records for count. However, such join creates duplicate master records for count. I need to remove such duplicate records from being counted when grouping on the Date column in the Master table.
The correct results should be:
count: grouped on Date column
2 2014-09-07
1 2014-09-08
Thanks and regards!
This answer assumes the following
The Name field is always FirstName LastName
You are looking once and only once for the John firstname. The search criteria would be different, pending what you need
SELECT Date, Count(*)
FROM tblmaster
INNER JOIN tbldetails ON tblmaster.ID=tbldetails.masterId
GROUP BY Date, tbldetails.masterId
What we're doing here is using a wilcard character in our string search to say "Look for John where any characters of any length follows".
Also, here is a way to create table variables based on what we're working with
DECLARE #tblmaster as table(
ID int,
[date] datetime
DECLARE #tbldetails as table(
masterID int,
name varchar(50)
INSERT INTO #tblmaster (ID,[date])
INSERT INTO #tbldetails(masterID, name) VALUES
(1,'John Walsh'),
(1,'John Jones'),
(2,'John Carney'),
(1,'Peter Lewis'),
(3,'John Wilson')
Based on all comments below, this SQL statement in it's clunky glory should do the trick.
SELECT date,count(t1.ID) FROM #tblmaster mainTable INNER JOIN
SELECT ID, COUNT(*) as countOfAll
FROM #tblmaster t1
INNER JOIN #tbldetails t2 ON t1.ID=t2.masterId
as t1 on t1.ID =
Is this what you want?
select date, count(distinct
from master m join
details d
on d.masterid =
where name like '%John%'
group by date;

Custom Ordering of SELECT Results

I'm working with a Pro*C query, but this question should be general SQL. My research has been a dead end, but I think I'm missing something.
Suppose my server has an array of students' names, {"Alice","Charlie","Bob"}. I query the Student_Ids table for the students' ID numbers:
SELECT id_no FROM student_ids
WHERE student_name IN ('Alice','Charlie','Bob');
To simplify server-side processing, I want to sort the result set in the same order as the students' names. In other words, the result set would be {alice_id_no, charlie_id_no, bob_id_no} regardless of the actual ordering of the table or the behavior of any particular vendor's implementation.
The only solution I can think of is:
. . .
CASE WHEN student_name='Alice' THEN 0
WHEN student_name='Charlie' THEN 1
WHEN student_name='Bob' THEN 2 END;
but that seems extremely messy and cumbersome when trying to dynamically generate/run this query.
Is there a better way?
UPDATE I gave a terrible example by pre-sorting the students' names. I changed the names to be deliberately unsorted. In other words, I want to sort the names in a non-ASC or DESC-friendly way.
UPDATE II Oracle, but for knowledge's sake, I am looking for more general solutions as well.
The ORDER BY expression you've given for your sample data is equivalent to ORDER BY student_name. Is that what you intended?
If you want a custom ordering that is not alphabetical, I think you might have meant something like this:
WHEN student_name = 'Alice' THEN 0
WHEN student_name = 'Charlie' THEN 1
WHEN student_name = 'Bob' THEN 2
You can use a derived table as well, that holds the names as well as the ordering you want. This way you only have to put the names in a single time:
SELECT S.id_no
student_ids AS S
SELECT Name = 'Alice', Seq = 0 FROM DUAL
) AS N
ON S.student_name = N.Name
You could also put them into a temp table, but in Oracle that could be somewhat of a pain.
Can you do this?
order by student_name
To do a custom sort, you only need one case:
ORDER BY (CASE WHEN student_name = 'Alice' THEN 1
WHEN student_name = 'Bob' THEN 2
WHEN student_name = 'Charlie' THEN 3
why not this :
SELECT id_no FROM student_ids
WHERE student_name IN ('Alice','Bob','Charlie')
ORDER BY student_name
You can ORDER BY any columns, not necessary those in SELECT list or WHERE clause
SELECT id_no
FROM student_ids
WHERE student_name IN ('Alice','Bob','Charlie)
ORDER BY id_no;
Add a table to hold the sort priorities then you can use the sort_priorities in whatever query you want (and easily update the priorities):
CREATE TABLE student_name_sort_priorities (
student_name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT student_name_sort_priority__pk PRIMARY KEY,
sort_priority NUMBER(10) CONSTRAINT student_name_sort_priority__nn NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT student_name_sort_priority__u UNIQUE
(If you want two values to be equivalently sorted then don't include the UNIQUE constraint.)
INSERT INTO student_name_sort_priorities VALUES ( 'Alice', 0 );
INSERT INTO student_name_sort_priorities VALUES ( 'Charlie', 2 );
INSERT INTO student_name_sort_priorities VALUES ( 'Bob', 1 );
Then you can join the sort priority table with the student_ids table and use the extra column to perform ordering:
SELECT id_no
FROM student_ids s
student_name_sort_priorities p
ON (s.student_name = p.student_name)
sort_priority NULLS LAST;
I've used a LEFT OUTER JOIN so that if a name is not contained on the student_name_sort_priorities table then it does not restrict the rows returned from the query; NULLS LAST is used in the ordering for a similar reason - any student names that aren't in the sort priorities table will return a NULL sort priority and be placed at the end of the ordering. If you don't want this then just use INNER JOIN and remove the NULLS LAST.
How about using a 'table of varchar' type like the build-in below:
TYPE dbms_debug_vc2coll is table of varchar2(1000);
SQL> select customer_id, cust_first_name, cust_last_name from customers where cust_first_name in
2 (select column_value from table(sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll('Frederic','Markus','Dieter')));
----------- -------------------- --------------------
154 Frederic Grodin
149 Markus Rampling
152 Dieter Matthau
That seems to force the order, but that might just be bad luck. I'm not really a sql expert.
The execution plan for this uses 'collection iterator' instead of a big 'or' in the typical:
select customer_id, cust_first_name, cust_last_name from customers where cust_first_name in ('Frederic','Markus','Dieter');
hth, Hein.

Matching a set of child records between two similar table hierarchies

I have two similar table hierarchies:
Owner -> OwnerGroup -> Parent
Owner2 -> OwnerGroup2
I would like to determine if there is an exact match of Owners that exists in Owner2 based on a set of values. There are approximately a million rows in each Owner table. Some OwnerGroups contain up to 100 Owners.
So basically if there is an OwnerGroup than contains Owners "Smith", "John" and "Smith, "Jane", I want to know the id of the OwnerGroup2s that are exact matches.
The first attempt at this was to generate a join per Owner (which required dynamic sql being generated in the application:
from owner_group2 og
-- dynamic bit starts here
join owner2 o1 on
( = o1.og_id) AND
(o1.given_names = 'JOHN' and o1.surname='SMITH')
-- dynamic bit ends here
join owner2 o2 on
( = o2.og_id) AND
(o2.given_names = 'JANE' and o2.surname='SMITH');
This works fine until for small numbers of owners, but when we have to deal with the 100 Owners in a group scenario as this query plan means there 100 nested loops and it takes almost a minute to run.
Another option I had was to use something around the intersect operator. E.g.
select * from (
select o.surname, o.given_names
from owner1 o1
join owner_group1 og1 on o1.og_id =
og1.parent_id = 1936233
select o.surname, o.given_names
from owner2 o2
join owner_group2 og2 on = o2.og_id;
I'm not sure how to suck out the in this scenario either - and it was still running in the 4-5 second range.
I feel like I am missing something obvious - so please feel free to provide some better solutions!
You're on the right track with intersect, you just need to go a bit further. You need to join the results of it back to the owner_groups2 table to find the ids.
You can use the listagg function to convert the groups into comma-separated lists of the names (note - requires 11g). You can then take the intersection of these name lists to find the matches and join this back to the list in owner_groups2.
I've created a simplified example below, in it "Dave, Jill" is the group that is present in both tables.
create table grps (id integer, name varchar2(100));
create table grps2 (id integer, name varchar2(100));
insert into grps values (1, 'Dave');
insert into grps values(1, 'Jill');
insert into grps values (2, 'Barry');
insert into grps values(2, 'Jane');
insert into grps2 values(3, 'Dave');
insert into grps2 values(3, 'Jill');
insert into grps2 values(4, 'Barry');
with grp1 as (
SELECT id, listagg(name, ',') within group (order by name) n
FROM grps
group by id
), grp2 as (
SELECT id, listagg(name, ',') within group (order by name) n
FROM grps2
group by id
where n in (
-- find the duplicates
select n from grp1
select n from grp2
Note this will still require a full scan of owner_groups2; I can't think of a way you can avoid this. So your query is likely to remain slow.

Comparison Query to Compare Two SQL Server Tables [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
sql query to return differences between two tables
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I would like to know how to compare two different database table records. What I mean is I will compare two database tables which may have different column names but same data. But one of them may have more records than the other one so I want to see what the difference is between those two tables. To do that how to write the sql query ? FYI : these two databases are under the same SQL Server instance.
|name |lastname|
|John |rose |
|Demy |Sanches |
|John |rose |
|Demy |Sanches |
|Ruby |Core |
Then when after comparing table 1 and table 2, it should return Ruby Core from Table2.
Select * from Table1
Select * from Table2
It will show all mismatch records between table1 and table2
Late answer but can be useful to other readers of this thread
Beside other solutions, I can recommend SQL comparison tool called ApexSQL Data Diff.
I know you'd prefer the solution not based on the software, but for other visitors, who may want to do this in an easier way, I strongly suggest reading this article:
The article explains how to use the Object mapping feature in ApexSQL Data Diff, which is particularly useful in situations where two tables share the same name, but their column names are different.
To handle such a case - each column pair needs to be mapped manually in order for the data stored within them to be included when comparing SQL database tables for differences.
If you do an outer join from T1 to T2 you can find rows in the former that are not in the latter by looking for nulls in the T2 values, similarly an outer join of T2 to T1 will give you rows in T2. Union the two together and you get the lot... something like:
SELECT 'Table1' AS TableName, name, lastname FROM
Table1 OUTER JOIN Table2 ON = Table2.name2
AND Table1.lastname = Table2.lastname
WHERE Table2.name2 IS NULL
SELECT 'Table2' AS TableName, name2 as name, lastname2 as lastname FROM
Table2 OUTER JOIN Table1 ON Table2.name2 =
AND Table2.lastname2 = Table1.lastname
That's off the top of my head - and I'm a bit rusty :)
If you are using Sql server use a full join. it does exactly the same as Murph said but in one command.
SELECT 'Table1' AS TableName, name, lastname
FROM Table1
FULL JOIN Table2 ON = Table2.name2
AND Table1.lastname = Table2.lastname
You could use the CHECKSUM function if you're confident that the data is expressed identically.
if not OBJECT_ID('Table1', 'Table') is null drop table Table1
if not OBJECT_ID('Table2', 'Table') is null drop table Table2
create table table1
( id int identity(0, 1),
name varchar(128),
lastname varchar(128)
create table table2
( id int identity(0, 1),
name varchar(128),
lastname varchar(128)
insert into table1 (name, lastname) values ('John', 'rose')
insert into table1 (name, lastname) values ('Demy', 'Sanches')
insert into table2 (name, lastname) values ('John', 'rose')
insert into table2 (name, lastname) values ('Demy', 'Sanches')
insert into table2 (name, lastname) values ('Ruby', 'Core')
from table1
right outer join table2 on CHECKSUM(, table1.lastname) = CHECKSUM(, table2.lastname)
where is null
See the CHECKSUM MSDN topic for more information.
Try dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server. It can compare and synchronize any database data. Quick, easy, always delivering a correct result. See how it flies on your database!
create table #test
ExpDate VARCHAR(50),
Amt INT,
Amt1 INT,
Amt2 INT,
SumoAmt INT
create table #test1
ExpDate VARCHAR(50),
Amt INT,
Amt1 INT,
Amt2 INT,
SumoAmt INT
INSERT INTO #test(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',10,20,10,40)
INSERT INTO #test(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',10,20,20,50)
INSERT INTO #test(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',10,20,30,60)
INSERT INTO #test(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',NULL,20,40,70)
INSERT INTO #test1(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',10,20,10,40)
INSERT INTO #test1(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',10,20,20,50)
INSERT INTO #test1(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',10,20,30,60)
INSERT INTO #test1(Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt) values ('30-07-2012',NULL,20,40,70)
SELECT MIN(TableName) as TableName, Sno,Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt
SELECT '#test' as TableName,Sno,Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt
FROM #test
SELECT '#test1' as TableName,Sno,Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt
FROM #test1
) tmp
GROUP BY Sno,Expdate,Amt,Amt1,Amt2,SumoAmt
If you want the differences from both the table.
(SELECT *, 'in Table1' AS Comments
FROM Table1
SELECT * , 'in Table1' AS Comments
FROM Table2)
(SELECT *, 'in Table2' AS Comments
FROM Table2
SELECT *, 'in Table2' AS Comments
FROM Table1)
Firefly will do exactly what you're looking for. It lets you build two sql statements then compare the results of the sql queries showing missing rows and data differences. Each query can even come from a different database like oracle / sql server.