models/research/gan/pix2pix : bazel-bin error no such file or directory - tensorflow

I'm having issue with for pix2pix sample in models/research/gan/pix2pix
After looking into the script, it stuck at these lines
bazel build "${git_repo}/research/slim:download_and_convert_imagenet"
"./bazel-bin/download_and_convert_imagenet" ${DATASET_DIR}
I've looked up previous questions (both here and Issues in Tensorflow's models repo, and many said that it's because bazel configurations, mismatching between where bazel looks and where bazel generates. But after looking up all directories created by bazel, there's no directories of what I've been missing
I'm doing this on my Azure VM on Linux Ubuntu 16.04. This is my first time working with bazel. So sorry for lack of knowledge in bazel. I'd be very thankful if someone can help solve this problem


ResolvePackageNotFound when trying to create conda environment (Conda Version 4.5.11)

I am trying to reproduce the experiments in the paper Cross Modal Focal Loss for RGBD Face Anti-Spoofing. I have downloaded the source codes from gitlab and moved it to my linux (ubuntu) remote server . I am following the installation steps as given in the gitlab repo . The link to the gitlab repo is as follows :
I am getting an error (ResolvePackageNotFound) when I try to build the environment as mentioned on step 2 . It is worthy mentioning that the Bob package isn't installed because I see that it is contained in the 'environment.yml'. The 'environment.yml' file I used is the newest version.
Error result is here.
I hope anyone would be able to assist me in solving this issue. It is very important for me.
I hope anyone would be able to assist me in solving this issue. It is very important for me.

TFLite cross-compiling arm64 build error?

As I am currently trying to Tensorflow lite for ARM64 architecture, I just try to follow the instructions from below:
But I simply get a compilation error:
tensorflow/lite/tools/make/downloads/ruy/ruy/ fatal error: cpuinfo.h: No such file or directory
I am surprised this starting build not working out of the box.
Btw, I am trying to do the above in Ubuntu 16.04 VM.
Anybody had the same issues?
Solved now. You need to explicity install Bazel for this.
The tensorflow-lite dependencies script does not do this. Not sure why, should have been part of this.

How can I build for the Tensorflow Rust bindings without SSE?

I've been trying to use the Tensorflow Rust community bindings on Ubuntu 16.04 32bit. The compilation succeeds, and I have a working file that
links properly with the Rust program, but as soon as I run the program I get the following error:
F tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library was compiled to use SSE instructions, but these aren't available on your machine.
I've tried several solutions, and I've successfully gotten the shared library to work, but the same solutions that worked for that don't work for the shared library. I'm trying to compile the r1.0 tag from the main tensorflow github repository.
The tensorflow.bzl doesn't have the line referenced in this answer, so that solution wouldn't apply. I've also tried compiling with bazel build --copt=-mno-sse ..., but that also did not work. Any ideas as to how to fix this?

Install Tensorflow pip wheel without internet

I do not have internet access on my linux computer therefore I installed TF from source by following TensorFlow Get Started.
I ran into a few trouble to build trainer_example due to the lack of internet connection hopefully someone from tensorflow helped me through it by creating local repositories for re2, gemmlowp, jpegsrc v9a, libpng and six and modifying WORKSPACE accordingly.
When I try to bazel build pip_package to create the wheel then I think I run into the same problem but :
-the list of repositories is insanely long (to manually install each of them) even if they seem to be mostly part of PolymerElements
Is there an easy workaround ?
If you are happy to create a PIP package without TensorBoard, you should be able to avoid rewriting the Polymer dependencies by removing this line ("//tensorflow/tensorbaord" in the build_pip_package dependencies) from tensorflow/tools/pip_package/BUILD.

Forced to install GDAL 1.11 framework by package for QGIS, and failing

To install QGIS on my MacBook Pro I need to install the gdal framework; however, the 1.11 framework package needed for QGIS is an empty file at kyngchaos. I tried installing GDAL 1.10 complete, but QGIS is requiring 1.11. I have Mavericks. I've installed each individual package: UnixImageIO, PROJ, GEOS, SQLite2, numpy, rgdal, and on... Now when I run the GDAL 1.11 framework install, everything seems to run until the last page, where an "Install Fail" page shows up. When I try to view the error, I'm taken out of the installer.
After some googling, I tried installing using homebrew. (brew install gdal)... I got a little further, but it tells me to "brew link libpng libtiff" -- and when I run that command, I get:
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.5.14... Warning: Could not link libpng. Unlinking...
Error: Could not symlink file: /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.5.14/share/man/man3/libpngpf.3
/usr/local/share/man/man3 is not writable. You should change its permissions.
After some more searching, it seems I could change permissions from usr/local to me, but I'm not sure how to (exactly) and don't want to mess anything up. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and my apologies if I'm missing something painfully obvious! I'm a novice at the programming end of things, so am just kind of pushing through everything like a bull in a china shop.
Okay, I found the answer, even though it didn't seem to be working initially--
I ran the following commands from the GDAL help documentation:
export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Programs:$PATH
sudo ln -sfh [ver] /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/Current
in Terminal, and the framework was updated. If I run the GDAL 1.11 installer it still shows up as a failed installation, BUT QGIS recognizes 1.11 as the installed, so that's great.
(I just needed to install matplotlib in addition, and QGIS was installed successfully.)
It seems that the GDAL Complete framework was just updated 3 days ago, so it should be a temporary error until they realize the package is empty.