How to airtap, hold and move in hololens emulator - hololens-emulator

How to "airtap, hold and move" in hololens emulator, especially in the direction in and out of the monitor? I am able to do airtap using right mouse button, but unable to achieve hold and move.
Can someone help me here?

Walk forward, back, left, and right - Use the W,A,S, and D keys on your keyboard, or the left stick on an Xbox controller.
Look up, down, left, and right - Click and drag the mouse, use the arrow keys on your keyboard, or the right stick on an Xbox controller.
Air tap gesture - Right-click the mouse, press the Enter key on your keyboard, or use the A button on an Xbox controller.
Bloom gesture - Press the Windows key or F2 key on your keyboard, or press the B button on an Xbox controller.
Hand movement for scrolling - Hold the Alt key, hold the right mouse button, and drag the mouse up / down, or in an Xbox controller hold the right trigger and A button down and move the right stick up and down.


Detect mouse clicks while form isn't focused?

I'm trying to make a key visualizer for my son when he plays video games. It's an overlay at the top of your screen that shows the W, A, S, D, SpaceBar, Shift, Right Mouse and Left Mouse which change color when the buttons are clicked.
The only problem is, you have to have the form focused to detect mouse clicks/key presses, and I'm not sure where to start or what to use to code this.
If anyone could help me with only the mouse clicks (I've already started to get the general idea of key presses) that would be great. Thank you in advance!

UIPageView swipe on dots transition in wrong direction

I have a UIPageView controller with three view. Now the probleem is if you swipe over the view, the page scroll in the swipe direction. But if you swipe over the Page indictor dots the page scroll in the opposite direction of the swipe. Does anyone know how I can fix that?
The page indicator does not recognize swipes, it recognizes only taps.
If you tap on the right side, the next page is shown.
If you tab on the left side, the previous page is shown.
iOS recognizes the tap position where you release your finger (not where you tap down).
So when you think you swipe to the right, you release your finger at the right side and this is recognized by iOS as a tap on the right side which shows the next page.
And vice versa.

How to ignore mouse moves over hidden part of NSView?

I have some window which in turn contains an NSView, v1. The view can receive events from mouse, like Mouse Down, Enter, Exit and so on. The view can be overlapped by other view (v2) (modal window not involved).
I want to be able receive events Enter/Exit in v1 when the mouse is over visible part of v1, and ignore those events when the mouse is over hidden region.
How? Enlighten me, please.
Eventually in my case solution was pretty simple: options for NSTrackingArea should include NSTrackingInVisibleRect

Objective-c call touch on screen without user touching the screen

Im going to be using a framework that allows a iphone app to control my app on iPad. When i add it im going to make the joystick move a image of a mouse, and when the user presses the A button, i want to make the device think the user is touching at that point. Is there any way to do this?
Example: I place a button on the ipad screen at 0,0 with height and width of 100. then mouse is at point 50,50 and when the user presses and holds A, that button is held down, and when user lifts up, it calls that buttons action.

ios simulator: simulate swipe and drag

I have a UIView within a UIScrollView. When i want to simulate the drag event on the UIView, swipe event on the UIScrollView is being triggered.
As per the documentation , there isn't much of a difference between swipe and drag.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the swipe direction and release the mouse button.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold down the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the drag direction.
On an ipad I can use two fingers two swipe and one finger to drag. Now, how do i go about doing something similar on the simulator; drag instead of a swipe?
Edit 1:
I should have been clearer first up. Anyway, my problem is that the mouse drag is firing the swipe instead of drag, thereby scrolling the scroll view instead of passing on the drag event to the UIView contained by the scroll view.
I am on macbook pro. Two-finger swipe on the touchpad is being ignored. Touch and drag is causing the same thing as mouse-drag.
See Jeff LaMarche's quick note on how to do this. It's documented in the same page you're reading, but Jeff's explanation is clearer.
If you want to simulate a two-finger gesture in the iPhone simulator, hold down the option key. You will get two dots on the screen instead of one. The two dots will default to pinching - if you bring the dot closer to the center of the screen, the other dot comes toward the center, making it easy to simulate a pinch in or pinch out.
If you want to do a different two-finger gesture, get the two dots the distance apart that you want them to be, then hold down the shift key, while still holding down the option key. That will lock the position of the two finger presses together so you can do, for example, a two-finger swipe.
see this documentation below:
iOS Simulator User Guide
Just use the mouse to drag the view, aka, left click the view then move the mouse
I ended up disabling the scrolling from the UI and added two buttons to scroll the scroll view. Since this is a work around only for the emulator, I have used #ifndef to hide the buttons while building for the device.