zxing asp.net 4.0 BarcodeReader - zxing.net

I'm trying to use zxing.net in a test project, this is my code:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsPostBack)
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath(Image1.ImageUrl));
BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader
AutoRotate = true,
TryInverted = true,
Options = new ZXing.Common.DecodingOptions
TryHarder = true,
PossibleFormats = new List<BarcodeFormat>
Result result = reader.Decode(bitmap);
string decoded = "???";
if (result != null)
decoded = result.ToString().Trim();
this.TextBox1.Text = decoded;
This return always null... why? ean.png is the following:
ean13 sample
Thank you very much.

You have to provide a quiet zone at the left and right of the barcode.
A seven pixel wide white area at the right side should be enough.


Extract images of signatures contained in a pdf file with iText7

I am wondering how we can use ITEXT7 to extract image info associated to digital signatures. I know there have been similar questions asked in the past, but they were mostly around ITEXT5, which is quite different from the ITEXT7 after all the updates and modifications to the software.
You can extract the image from a signature appearance using low-level API.
Complete Java code:
private void saveImageFromSignature(PdfDocument document, String fieldName) throws IOException {
PdfAcroForm acroForm = PdfAcroForm.getAcroForm(document, false);
PdfDictionary xObject = acroForm.getField(name)
.getAsStream(new PdfName("FRM"))
PdfStream stream = xObject.getAsStream(new PdfName("Im1"));
PdfImageXObject image = new PdfImageXObject(stream);
BufferedImage result = createImageFromBytes(image.getImageBytes());
//pdf allows using masked image in the signature appearance
PdfStream maskStream = (PdfStream) stream.getAsStream(PdfName.SMask);
if (maskStream != null) {
PdfImageXObject maskImage = new PdfImageXObject(maskStream);
BufferedImage maskBimage = createImageFromBytes(maskImage.getImageBytes());
String fileMask = String.format(getOutputFolder() + "/file_mask_%d.%s",
new File(fileMask));
//the mask defines an alfa channel
Image transpImg = transformToTransperency(maskBimage);
result = applyTransperency(result, transpImg);
String filenameComp = String.format(getOutputFolder() + "/file_comp_%d.%s",
new File(filenameComp));
private Image transformToTransperency(BufferedImage bi) {
ImageFilter filter = new RGBImageFilter() {
public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) {
return (rgb << 8) & 0xFF000000;
ImageProducer ip = new FilteredImageSource(bi.getSource(), filter);
return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(ip);
private BufferedImage applyTransperency(BufferedImage bi, Image mask) {
BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage(
bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(),
Graphics2D g2 = dest.createGraphics();
g2.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null);
AlphaComposite ac = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.DST_IN, 1.0F);
g2.drawImage(mask, 0, 0, null);
return dest;
Upd: This works for a very limited number of cases. Thanks for #mkl.
First of all, thank you for the proposals which personally guided me.
After several tries, here is the code that worked for me:
public void extract(String inputFilename, String fieldName) throws IOException {
try (PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(inputFilename))){
PdfAcroForm acroForm = PdfAcroForm.getAcroForm(document, false);
final PdfFormField signatorySignature1 = acroForm.getField(fieldName);
final PdfDictionary appearanceDic = signatorySignature1.getPdfObject().getAsDictionary(PdfName.AP);
final PdfStream normalAppearance = appearanceDic.getAsStream(PdfName.N);
final PdfDictionary ressourceDic = normalAppearance.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Resources);
PdfResources resources = new PdfResources(ressourceDic);
final ImageRenderInfo imageRenderInfo = extractImageRenderInfo(normalAppearance.getBytes(), resources);
Path.of(inputFilename + "_" + fieldName + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".png"),
} catch (Exception e) {
public ImageRenderInfo extractImageRenderInfo(byte[] contentBytes, PdfResources pdfResource) {
MyLocationExtractionStrategy strategy = new MyLocationExtractionStrategy();
PdfCanvasProcessor parser = new PdfCanvasProcessor(strategy, new HashMap<>());
parser.processContent(contentBytes, pdfResource);
return strategy.getImageRenderInfo();
class MyLocationExtractionStrategy implements ILocationExtractionStrategy {
private ImageRenderInfo imageRenderInfo;
#Override public Collection<IPdfTextLocation> getResultantLocations() {
return null;
#Override public void eventOccurred(IEventData iEventData, EventType eventType) {
if (eventType.equals(EventType.RENDER_IMAGE)) {
imageRenderInfo = (ImageRenderInfo)iEventData;
#Override public Set<EventType> getSupportedEvents() {
return null;
public ImageRenderInfo getImageRenderInfo() {
return this.imageRenderInfo;

Pdf generation in arabic language is printing garbage values

I am using component one library to generate pdf document and save in phone storage. Here is my code to print just one line.
public ViewStatementDetails()
this.navigationHelper = new NavigationHelper(this);
this.navigationHelper.LoadState += this.NavigationHelper_LoadState;
this.navigationHelper.SaveState += this.NavigationHelper_SaveState;
pdf = new C1PdfDocument(PaperKind.Letter);
private void Print_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
LoadingProgress.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
async void PDFTest_Loaded()
WriteableBitmap writeableBmp = await initializeImage();
pdf = new C1PdfDocument(PaperKind.Letter);
StorageFile Assets = await Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync("Salik Statement.pdf", CreationCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName);
PdfUtils.Save(pdf, Assets);
LoadingProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
catch (Exception ex)
LoadingProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
async void CreateDocumentText(C1PdfDocument pdf)
pdf.Landscape = false;
// measure and show some text
var text = App.GetResource("RoadAndSafetyheading")
var font = new Font("Segoe UI Light", 36, PdfFontStyle.Bold);
var fmt = new StringFormat();
fmt.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
// measure it
var sz = pdf.MeasureString(text, font, 72 * 3, fmt);
var rc = new Rect(0, 0, pdf.PageRectangle.Width, sz.Height);
rc = PdfUtils.Offset(rc, 0, 0);
// draw the text
pdf.DrawString(text, font, Colors.Orange, rc, fmt);
catch (Exception e)
The above code is working perfect but my application supports two languages, English and Arabic. And when I am in arabic mode and generate same pdf it prints garbage values in pdf file. attaching image of printed characters.
Use of Arabic characters would require to use Unicode symbols and embed the Unicode font into PDF (as PDF format does not provide support for Unicode using its built-in fonts). If you are using ComponentOne then try to set .EmbedTrueTypeFonts = true (see details here)

Save InkManager images to byte array

I'm new to win8 app programming but has been assigned to write a windows store app to capture customers' signature and save it to SQL Server. After some research I found a great tutorial
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/416878/Metro-Paint which shows how to draw and save the image locally. My question is how do I use the InkManager class in the tutorial to save the image to byte arrays so that I can save the image to SQLServer? Thanks!
private async void btnSaveWritingAsImage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (MyInkManager.GetStrokes().Count > 0)
Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker SavePicker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
SavePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.Desktop;
SavePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".png";
SavePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("PNG", new string[] { ".png" });
SavePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JPG", new string[] { ".jpg" });
StorageFile filesave = await SavePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
IOutputStream ab = await filesave.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
if (ab != null)
await MyInkManager.SaveAsync(ab);
catch (Exception)
var MsgDlg = new MessageDialog("Only handwriting can be saved as image.", "Error while saving");
var MsgDlg = new MessageDialog("Only handwriting can be saved as image.", "Error while saving");
await MsgDlg.ShowAsync();
add: (IBuffer.ToArray() is defined in WindowsRuntimeBufferExtensions)
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;
then just do:
var buffer = await FileIO.ReadBufferAsync(image);//replace ab instead of image
var bytes = buffer.ToArray();

Sharing video and photo in metro apps through share charm

i am trying to take a picture and video from within the app and trying to share it through share charm but i am having a problem doing that. After i take the pic ,the share charm says it has trouble sharing the image. This is my code .Can anybody please let me know what i am doing wrong.
namespace Temp
/// <summary>
/// An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame.
/// </summary>
public sealed partial class Page1 : Page
private StorageFile _photo; // Photo file to share
private StorageFile _video; // Video file to share
private async void OnCapturePhoto(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
var camera = new CameraCaptureUI();
var file = await camera.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Photo);
if (file != null)
_photo = file;
private async void OnCaptureVideo(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
var camera = new CameraCaptureUI();
camera.VideoSettings.Format = CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat.Wmv;
var file = await camera.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Video);
if (file != null)
_video = file;
void OnDataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs args)
var request = args.Request;
if (_photo != null)
request.Data.Properties.Description = "Component photo";
var reference = Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(_photo);
request.Data.Properties.Thumbnail = reference;
_photo = null;
else if (_video != null)
request.Data.Properties.Description = "Component video";
List<StorageFile> items = new List<StorageFile>();
_video = null;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested += OnDataRequested;
In order for your app to share, you must set the Title of the DataPackagePropertySet and at least one of the "SetXXX" methods. If you do not, you'll see the following message when trying to share "There was a problem with the data from ."
So add request.Data.Properties.Title = "Title_of_photo_or_video"; in OnDataRequested event.

How to add a list of UIelement in Windows Phone

I want to create a page with dynamic control in windows phone.
While doing this I also want to show a progress bar
Below is my code
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
progressstackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;//progress bar
formScreen = this;
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
if (!isfst)
//xTitlePanel is only stack panel in my xaml with vertical orientation
isfst = true;
progressstackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
//Code of DrawScreen which is adding control to my stack panels
private void DrawScreen()
if (frm_getset.ChildList != null)
String[] arr = frm_getset.ChildList.Split(',');
PrepareControls prepcontrol = new PrepareControls();
foreach (AttributeGetSet a in _Attribute)
//this will return a stackpanel containing
// button/textbox etc.depending on a
StackPanel sp = prepcontrol.getControl(i, a.Label, a, formScreen);
///Here I get a eception only one control is added first one
/// for anyone it is getting a exception Argument
catch(Exception ex)
i += 1;
The system is adding only one control and when ever it try to execute xTitlePanel.Children.Add(sp); it will get an exception.
I solved the problem ,"xTitlePanel" is a StackPanel I created in my XAML. I found you can not add more that one element from Dispatcher to a control crated on xaml. Like that. so I have to create local stack and add controls to the that local stack panel then and after complete I add the local stack panel to xTitlePanel. NOW my code looks like below
filteredList = new List<FormGetSet>();
if (frm_getset.ChildList != null)
String[] arr = frm_getset.ChildList.Split(',');
foreach (String x in arr)
filteredList.Add(_template.list_fromgetset.Where(p => p.FormID.Contains(x.Trim())).ToList()[0]);
xTbox_FormNameHeader.Text = frm_getset.NAME;
_Attribute = new List<AttributeGetSet>();
_Attribute = frm_getset.list_attributegetset;
StackPanel spPanel = new StackPanel();
spPanel.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical;
spPanel.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
//xTitlePanel.Children.Add(PrepareControls.getControl(1, "LABEL", "16"));
int i = 1;
// List<AttributeGetSet> _Attribute2 = new List<AttributeGetSet>();
foreach (AttributeGetSet a in _Attribute)
PrepareControls prepcontrol = new PrepareControls();
StackPanel sp= prepcontrol.getControl(i, a.Label, a, this);
catch(Exception ex)
//xTitlePanel.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
i += 1;