How to update the FlatList immediately after state changed? - react-native

I am working with react native.
I have component listing by using
And, when the state to give data to update the list change. It won't update immediately. It take few seconds to re-render.
so, how can I update the component immeidately
const ListGlossary = ({glossaries, onPressGlossary, navigation, searchField}) => {
return (
keyExtractor={(item) => item.key}
renderItem={({item}) =>
onPress = {() => navigation.navigate('DetailGlossaryScreen', { searchField: searchField, word: item.word, translate: item.translate})}>
//And you can find here the home screen component
class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isLoading: true,
glossaries: [],
searchField: '',
componentDidMount () {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {this.setState({glossaries: JSONDataFromFile, isLoading: false})})
onSearchChange = (inputText) => {
this.setState({searchField: inputText});
let filteredWords = []
if(this.state.searchField != null) {
let searchField = this.state.searchField.toLowerCase(),
glossaries = this.state.glossaries;
for(let i = 0, l = glossaries.length; i < l; ++i) {
if(glossaries[i].word.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchField) === 0){
{this.state.isLoading ?
<View style={{flex: 1, paddingTop: 20}}>
<ActivityIndicator />
navigation = {this.props.navigation}
glossaries = {filteredWords}
searchField = {this.state.searchField}

Please show the whole component, and give the length of the list.
--- Edit
I suspect you're doing too much work in the render function. You're filtering every time it gets called, and since you're passing in the navigation prop (I assume you're using React-Navigation), it'll get called frequently. If you're using a stack navigator, all the other screens are also getting re-rendered every time you navigate to a new screen. Avoid passing navigation as much as possible, or use a HOC composition to ignore it.
You probably don't need to be filtering glossaries every time the user changes the search value. Use the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method.


loading on navigating between screens

I'm new in RN. When I want to navigate between screens I create this function:
displayScreen2 = () => {
and I call it in onPress={this.displayScreen2}
with TouchableOpacity or any Touchable when the user clicks he has to wait 1 second or 2 before displaying the screen. So what I want is to change the Touchable icon to an loader.
It's simple if I use a conditional rendering but I don't know how to do it now, when I have to change my state? Any suggestions?
this is my approach:
onPress= {() => {
this.setState({loading: 'load'},
() => {
// this.setState({loading: 'icone'})
<Text style={Styles.scoreListButtonTextRed}>{this.state.loading}</Text>
that not work, tha state change but visualy not because if I return to the first screen I have 'load' in the text component
You could create a custom component wrapping whatever Touchable you prefer, I've used this technique in my production apps before. The button has it's own state which allows you to automatically display a loading indicator when necessary.
export class ButtonWorker extends Component {
state = {
working: false
onButtonPress = () => {
{ working: true },
() => {
onWorkFinished = () => {
this.setState({ working: false });
render() {
return (
{this.state.working ? (
<ActivityIndicator />
) : (
And then use it like a normal button with additional logic!
export class NavigationScreen extends Component {
navigate = (done) => {
// ... Asynchronous logic goes here
render() {
return (
{/* ... */}
<ButtonWorker onPress={this.navigate} />

FlatList filter showing extra data

I have a FlatList in which I display some jobs that I get from my server. I recently added filters and want to display a filtered list of jobs whenever the user selects a filter. I use
extraData in my FlatList to signal that I want it to re-render. It does re-render, but with a glitch.
My problem is this:
The user applies filter A, which results in the list of jobs X.
Then user then deselects filter A and selects filter B. This should results in the list of jobs Y. However, in my case, jobs Y and X (from the previous filter) are displayed on the screen.
The issue is with FlatList . I added logging and saw that I am sending the correct list of jobs (Y), but FlatList concatenates that with the jobs from the previous filter.
I have a function, formatJobsData , that gets called whenever a filter is applied:
formatJobsData = (jobsData) => {
var json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jobsData));
if (this.state.isFilterActive == true ) {
if (filters.driving.under15Pressed == true) {
for (var _id in json) {
if (json[_id].duration_driving != null && json[_id].duration_driving.value > 899)
delete json[_id];
//additional logic for determining the list of jobs to be displayed.
for (var _id in json) {
_id: count++,
jobtitle: json[_id].jobtitle,
company: json[_id].company,
duration_driving_value: json[_id].duration_driving.value,
duration_transit_value: json[_id].duration_transit.value,
duration_walking_value: json[_id].duration_walking.value,
duration_driving: json[_id].duration_driving.text,
duration_transit: json[_id].duration_transit.text,
duration_walking: json[_id].duration_walking.text,
date: json[_id].date,
formatedDescription: json[_id].formatedDescription,
applyUrl: json[_id].applyUrl
return sort_array;
I then send the list of filtered jobs to my RenderJobs function, which is in charge of displaying the jobs:
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.bkg}>
In RenderJobs, I handle the data and feed it into the FlatList.
function RenderJobs(props) {
var mapObj = {
hour: "ora"
const renderJobItem = ({item}) => {
//handle data
return (
onPress={() =>
props.navigation.navigate('JobDetails', {
jobTitle: item.jobtitle,
durationCar: durationCarApi,
durationTram: durationPublicTransportApi,
durationWalking: durationWalkApi,
jobDescription: formattedJobDescription,
applyUrl: item.applyUrl
return (
keyExtractor={(item, index) => item._id}
style={{marginTop: 10}}
Any help will be highly appreciated!
The problem was that, in my PanelComponent, I was saving the props in the state in the constructor, and then using that state to render. Since the state was not changed, obviously the data that I was displaying was not being refreshed.
What I did was stop saving the props in the component's state and using the props directly in the render method to display data. So I went from:
class Panel extends Component{
this.state = {
onPress: props.onPress,
jobTitle: props.jobTitle,
durationCar: props.durationCar,
durationTram: props.durationTram,
durationWalking: props.durationWalking,
dateAdded: props.dateAdded,
this.icons = {
'car' : require('../../assets/car.png'),
'tram' : require('../../assets/tram.png'),
'walk' : require('../../assets/walk.png')
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.cardStyle}>
<Text style={styles.jobTitleStyle}>{this.**state**.jobTitle}</Text>
<Text style={styles.companyStyle}>{this.**state**.company} </Text>
//more code to display stuff
To this:
class Panel extends Component{
this.state = {
onPress: props.onPress
this.icons = {
'car' : require('../../assets/car.png'),
'tram' : require('../../assets/tram.png'),
'walk' : require('../../assets/walk.png')
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.cardStyle}>
<Text style={styles.jobTitleStyle}>{this.**props**.jobTitle}</Text>
<Text style={styles.companyStyle}>{this.**props**.company} </Text>
//more code to display stuff

Flat List not re-rendering even when I change a state

Expo-cli: 2.2.0
React-Navigation: 2.18.0
I have the following two screens for React Navigation, where one is to input the form details and another is the screen where the user can either edit on the submissions or confirm.
My Input interface looks like this:
export default class PickDropInterface extends
React.Component<NavigationProps<>> {
this.state = { tasks: [],
onSubmit = () => { this.props.navigation.navigate("Confirmation",
{tasks: this.state.tasks, deleteItem: this.deleteItem.bind(this)}); }
deleteItem = (key) => { var filteredTasks =
this.state.tasks.filter(function (item) { return (item.key !==key);
render() {
return (
<ItemDetail onSubmit={this.onSubmit} /> ) }
My Confirmation screen looks like this:
export default class Confirmation extends React.Component<NavigationProps<>> {
refresh: false,
deleteItem = (key) => {
refresh: !this.state.refresh
_renderItem =({ item }) =>
<View style={styles.cardStyle}>
label="Delete" onPress= {() => {this.deleteItem(item.key)}} /></View>
render() {
return (
<FlatList data={task}
renderItem= {this._renderItem}
keyExtractor= {(item) => item.key.toString()}
extraData={this.state} />
Expected Output:
The delete button to prompt refresh in the FlatList and show the new Task list.
Current Output:
I don't know why FlatList didn't re-render, but I found a much simpler solution to what I wanted.
I used conditional rendering instead and I kind of think it's the way to do it instead of navigating to the other screen.
What I did is:
I made a new state called 'orderComplete' and set it to false as default.
Whenever, it is 'false', I made inputInterface above to render whereas it was 'true', I made the above ConfirmationScreen render.
More on Conditional Rendering can be found in React's official documentation.
FlatList above works like a charm now.

How-to make React Native lists bounce only from the bottom?

I'm using a FlatList with a consequent ListHeaderComponent as the root component of my screen. I don't want the top of it to bounce on scroll, but I want to keep the bottom bouncing for UX'n'feel purpose as the FlatList supports infinite scroll.
Any ideas how-to?
A solution would be to listen to scroll events and check whether the bounces prop inherited from ScrollView should be enabled or not. Note that I personally find this solution to be a bit of an overkill, but it works as expected.
You can find a fully working example at the following URL: You can preview it right in the browser and you can also try it on your mobile device with the Expo app.
Here is the result (forget about the lag, as this was captured in the browser):
And here is the relevant source code:
export default class App extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = { bounces: false };
this.renderHeader = this.renderHeader.bind(this);
this._onScroll = this._onScroll.bind(this);
_onScroll (event) {
const scrollPosition = event && event.nativeEvent && event.nativeEvent.contentOffset && event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y;
let newBouncesValue;
if (scrollPosition < viewportHeight / 3) {
newBouncesValue = false;
} else {
newBouncesValue = true;
if (newBouncesValue === this.state.bounces) {
this.setState({ bounces: newBouncesValue });
renderHeader () {
const { bounces } = this.state;
const style = [
{ backgroundColor : bounces ? 'darkseagreen' : 'firebrick'}
return (
<Text style={style}>{ bounces ? 'CAN BOUNCE' : "WON'T BOUNCE"}</Text>
renderItem ({item}) {
return (
<Text style={styles.row}>{item.key}</Text>
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
{ this.renderHeader() }

Refresh overview scene after changing state in another scene with react / redux / react-native-router-flex

Most simplified working example provided in github !!!
I have a simple app to learn building apps with react native and redux. From my understanding if you display data from the redux state in your render method and then values of this state is changed, then the value will be changed as well and react rerenders all components which needs to be rerendered due to the state change.
I have the application available on github:
Its really simple. I have an overview, if you click on the status of an entry, you get to a detailed page. If you click on "Mark xxx" the status in changed in the redux state (according to logs) but its not refreshed in the overview scene.
Basically I have an Overview.js:
class Overview extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {fetching:false};
entries() {
// console.log("Overview");
// console.log(this.props);
// console.log(this.props.entries);
return Object.keys(this.props.entries).map(key => this.props.entries[key]);
componentDidMount() {
.then( (res) => {
this.setState({fetching: false});
handleChange(entryId) {
Actions.detail({id: entryId});
render() {
return (
{ !this.state.fetching && this.entries().map((entry) => {
return (
<TouchableHighlight key={}>
<View >
<TouchableHighlight onPress={(entryId ) => this.handleChange(}><Text>{entry.status}</Text></TouchableHighlight>
{this.state.fetching ? <Text>Searching </Text> : null }
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {entries: state.default.entries };
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {actions: bindActionCreators(actions,dispatch)};
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Overview);
When clicking on the Status ( {entry.status} ) I open another Scene Details.js:
class Detail extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {}
componentWillMount() {
entry: this.props.entries[]
patchEntry(newStatus) {
console.log("Details: patchEntry with " + +" and " + newStatus );
this.props.actions.patchEntry(, newStatus);
render() {
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.patchEntry('done')}><Text>Mark done</Text></TouchableHighlight>
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.patchEntry('cancelled')}><Text>Mark cancelled</Text></TouchableHighlight>
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {entries: state.default.entries };
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {actions: bindActionCreators(actions,dispatch)};
export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Detail);
And I have an action and a reducer which are called perfectly fine when one of the TouchableHighlights are pressed. I even see in the logs that the state is changed when outputting the whole state.
But my question is, how do I get the status refreshed on the Overview scene, once I got back (pop) from the Detail scene?
If you need anymore information let me know, but it should be simple to reproduce as I wrote a whole working app. Just clone, npm install and run it.
Thanks a lot for your help.
I did a quick look into your code and here are some suggestions/information.
In you Detail.js file you're setting your state once the component is mounted.
When you update your redux store and get the refreshed props, it won't update your UI because it's reflecting your state, and your state won't get the new value because you're only setting it on componentWillMount method. Check more information here in the docs.
Also it seems it's not very clear for you when to use the React component's state.
In this example, from Detail.js file you don't need the component's state at all. You can compute that value directly from the properties.
render() {
const entry = this.props.entries[];
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.patchEntry('done')}><Text>Mark done</Text></TouchableHighlight>
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.patchEntry('cancelled')}><Text>Mark cancelled</Text></TouchableHighlight>
You could even do that inside your mapStateToProps function. More info here.
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
entries: state.default.entries,
entry: state.default.entries[],
It seems your Overview.js file is OK regarding the UI being updated, because it's render method is reflecting the props and not it's state.
UPDATE 06/27
I've just checked your reducers and you may have some fixes to do there as well.
let patchedEntries = state.entries;
patchedEntries[].status =;
return {...state,
entries: patchedEntries
In this reducer you're mutation your state, and you must not do that. The redux store can't be mutated. You can check more details about it here
So, fix example:
const patchedEntry = {
return {
entries: {
[]: patchedEntry,