Google colab issue importing ue using different class files - google-colaboratory

I am trying to use Google colab for my project for which I have to upload a few python files because I need those class files.But while executing the main function.It is constantly throwing me an error 'module object has no attribute' . Is there some memory issue with colab or what! Help would be much appreciated.
import numpy as np
import time
import tensorflow as tf
import NN
import Option
import Log
import getData
import Quantize
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'NN'
I uploaded all files using following code :
from google.colab import files
src = list(files.upload().values())[0]
import Option
But its always giving me error on some or the other files which I am importing.

The updated version (for a few weeks) can save the files without you having to call open(fname, 'wb').write(src)
So, you only have to upload your 5 files:,,,, and (and probably other dependency + data) then try importing each one e.g. import NN to see if there's any error.


pandas-read-xml has error on 'json-normalize'

I saw there is a way to directly read XML files using pandas. I followed and used this package. However, I keep getting errors.
import pandas as pd
import pandas_read_xml as pdx
from import json_normalize
The error was generated by last line and the error is
ImportError: cannot import name 'json_normalize'
I am using kernel python 3, can anyone tell me what was wrong with it?

Why can't I use Solver qpsolver anymore?

I just coded a quadratic programming and it has worked very well but after the someday it works not at all.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?
My code is:
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy import array, dot
from qpsolvers import solve_qp
Matrix10 = np.load(r'C:\Users\skqkr\Desktop\Semesterarbeit/Chiwan_Q7.npz')
start = time.time()
P = Matrix10['Q'] # quick way to build a symmetric matrix
q = Matrix10['p']
G = Matrix10['G']
h = Matrix10['h']
x = solve_qp(P, q, G, h )>print("QP solution: x = {}".format(x))
print("time :", time.time() - start)
And the result is:
ImportError: cannot import name 'solve_qp' from 'qpsolvers' (C:\Users\skqkr\
I don't understand why it isn't suddenly going well.
I do not think the code you shared is the one you are really using hence it is not easy to understand what is going on. However there are few reason for your problem to happen
The python ImportError: cannot import name error occurs when the import class is inaccessible or the imported class in circular dependence. The import keyword is used to load class and function. The keyword from is used to load the module. For any reason, if the import class is not available in the python class path, The “ImportError: cannot import name” python error is thrown.
The following are the reasons for the ImportError: cannot import name
The import class is not available or not created.
The import class name is mis-named or mis-spelled
The import class name and module name is mis-placed.
The import class is not available in python class path
The import class is not available in python library
The import class is in circular dependency
The python module is just a python file with the .py extension. The keyword from will be used to load the python module. A class in a python module is imported using the keyword import. If the imported class is not in the referred python file, the python interpreter will throw the error ImportError: Cannot import name.
If two python files refer to each other and attempt to load the other file, it will create the circular load dependence. That will cause error in heap memory. If the python interpreter detects the circular dependence, it throws the error ImportError: Can’t Import Name.

Reading csv in colab errors

I'm trying to import a file to c-lab. I've tried various versions
#import packages
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import io
print("Setup Complete")
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()
# Read the file into a variable power_data
#power_data ="DE_power prices historical.csv")
data = pd.read_csv('DE_power prices historical.csv', error_bad_lines=False)
Keep getting error:
enter image description here
Try using this method it works a bit easier:
Upload .csv files to your Google Drive
Run the following code in your Colab cell:
from google.colab import drive
Follow the link the output cell gives you and verify your Gmail account
Import using Pandas like:
power_data = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/My Drive/*filename.csv*')
Mount google drive in google-colab
from google.colab import drive
copy file path add into URL variable
import pandas as pd
url = 'add copy path your csv file'

How to implement SciBERT with pytorch; error while loading

I am trying to use SciBERT pre-trained model, namely: scibert-scivocab-uncased the following way:
!pip install pytorch-pretrained-bert
import torch
from pytorch_pretrained_bert import BertTokenizer, BertModel, BertForMaskedLM
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
indexed_tokens = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenized_text)
segments_ids = [1] * len(tokenized_text)
tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens])
segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids])
model = BertModel.from_pretrained('/Users/.../Downloads/scibert_scivocab_uncased-3.tar.gz')
And I get the following error:
EOFError: Compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached
I downloaded the file from the website (
I converted it from "tar" to gzip
Nothing worked.
Any hint on how to approach this?
Thank you!
In the new version of pytorch-pretrained-BERT i.e. in transformers, you can do the following to load a pretrained model after you un-tar:
import AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("/your/local/path/to/scibert_scivocab_uncased")
Need to unzip the package and rename the json file to config.json
Then just address the folder pathname where you have unzipped the package. It should work

from pyramid.arima import auto_arima not working

I am doing some timeseries forecasting, while at it I am trying to import auto_arima using pyramid but it throws an Module not found error as - ''No module named 'pyramid.arima'
from pyramid.arima import auto_arima
I also tried importing auto_arima from pmdarima :
from pmdarima.arima import auto_arima
but this throws an error as -
"type object 'pmdarima.arima._arima.array' has no attribute 'reduce_cython'"
What am I doing wrong?...
I'm using pmdarima package without any issues, but your error is highly probably related to your numpy version. I would recommend to you to upgrade it (in case you use pip):
pip install --upgrade numpy
You can also try to import numpy package before importing auto_arima (some people experience strange behavior).
You can follow discussion on github issues - (similar here or here). You're definitely not the first one with that issue.
If it doesn't help, please, paste your pmdarima and numpy versions.