Can i create animated resize content as in react native docs - react-native

I want to create the same animation content but I don't know how to do this. Using just KeyboardAvoidingView don't do that effect

It's not exactly component you want to animate. But this article could help you.
You'll find the GitHub repository there.
Don't miss to check official doc for animations.


Liquid button animation in React Native

Is it possible to achieve this kind of animation for custom control in React Native using reanimated and SVG?
yes. you can achieve this with Lottie animation. this is the package for this. lottie-react-native. you can find some sample animation here. for ask your designer to design a custom animation like this.

How to Flip Pages in React Native ScrollView/Flatlist

I want to achieve the flipping transition between pages in ScrollView, just like it's done in iBooks reader. I looked at the docs for ScrollView but didn't see how it can be achieved. Is this something that's achievable? How? Thanks in advance.
It can be achieved with Animations in React Native, You can read more about in the React native Animation docs.
You can achieve transition, rotation as you need it.
Below link contains an example for ScrollView with Animation.

How to make a duration slider for a camera view in react native

I want to create a time duration component for a camera view like this in react native (please see the image below).
Is there a library that I could use if not, can you help how could I do it? Thanks in advance.
Just to answer this question since I manage to solved it.
I used React Native Snap Carousel to make it work.

React Native support for tooltip

Not able to find the answer anywhere, does react native support tooltips or iOS and Android?
I need tooltip on longpress on a button, but not finding any relevant info.
I did see third party libraries, and it seems offical RN doesnt doesn't support it. Can somebody confirm?
You can actually use share with uncommented prop anchor or modal with presentationStyle props :)

Slide-out vertical nav in UIExplorer example?

I'm interested in using a slide-out vertical navigation in an app using react-native. Is there a trick to this, or is it just a matter of creating a View and adding CSS that makes it respond to a button-tap or a swipe motion?
I've gone through the UIExplorer example in the Github repo, and did not see this style of navigation within it. I am new to react (and react-native, of course). I'm not having trouble with the tutorials I've gone through, just curious if there's a "React Way" to do this, or if I ought to just hack along until I get something working. Thanks.
I work on the <Navigator> component for React Native, and I think it might fit your needs.
Check out the documentation here:
And the example code in UIExplorer:
The navigator is still a work in progress, so feedback is welcome! (you can file an issue on Github and tag me, #ericvicenti)