IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate project loading issue - intellij-idea

So, today in the morning I closed down IntelliJ(2017.3.3) after doing some programming as usual and everything worked great. Now suddenly when I try to open any of my projects this is the view I am greeted with:
After searching for a solution for this issue I managed to get the projects working by doing the following steps:
File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> + -> Import -> The project .iml file
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project SDK -> Java 8 in my case
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project language level -> 8
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project compiler output -> The path to the out folder of the specific project(the whole path from D:\ to it)
Navigate to Main class in project structure and alt+enter to add it to run configurations.
Finally able to run the project
Now this would be fine if I had to do it once, configuration corruption or whatever happens, but I have to do this every single time I open a project for some reason. I tried restarting my PC, reinstalling 2017.3.3, installing 2018.1 and the issue persists whatever I do. Also there were no visible errors in relation to this issue in any of the above scenarios, steps, installs and so on.

Well it turns out the issue was related to me using OneDrive to backup my data. I assume OneDrive updated at some point and activated Files On-Demand. The issue is documented here. For me personally a solution that worked was:
Right click the OneDrive tray icon
Click settings
Click the settings tab
Disable the Save space and download files as you use them option under Files On-Demand.
Wait for your files to sync up completely, IntelliJ project load is back to normal.

I tried disabling Themed status bar in Material Theme Advanced Settings and it started working for me.
From: IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Material Theme > Advanced Settings > Other Tweaks Tab
Disable "Themed Title Bar" by unchecking the box here.


How to move project directory in IntelliJ IDEA EduTools?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA EduTools and chose a project from JetBrains Academy. The plugin decided to create the project directory at some arbitrary location. I tried moving it by choosing Refactor -> Move at project root but a message box pops up saying "This move operation can break the course". I tried deleting the project directory and re-open the project from JB Academy, but EduTools seems to remember the decision and created the project directory at the very same location.
So my question is, how do I move the project directory to somewhere else?
Thank you for reporting this.
You can move the project directory anywhere using your File Explorer and import it back to your IDE using Open or Import on the Welcome Screen.
You'll see the project with the previous location marked as unavailable on the left of the Welcome Screen. Please click ⨉ to remove this project.

How do you set up a 1.14.4 Minecraft Mod in the java IDE Eclipse?

I have set up a minecraft mod in eclipse before, only it was in 1.12.2. I installed the ´src´ forge for 1.12.2, but there is no src option for 1.14.4. I have heard that the code for minecraft was changed, so modding minecraft in 1.14.4 is different to modding 1.12.2 minecraft. Can somebody please help?
Go here:
Click this:
You may alternatively download the recommended build. Forge for 1.14 is still under active development and some features may not be present in the recommended build.
Create a folder where you would like your workspace to live, eg workspace (I name it with the Forge version number, personally). Inside it create another folder, I name it project, but the name isn't important, just that having this extra layer will make things play nice (I will use these names in this answer only to make it clear which folder I'm talking about).
Extract the downloaded zip into the project folder
Shift-right click on the project folder and "open power shell here."
Run the two commands listed in the readme: ./gradlew genEclipseRuns and ./gradlew eclipse (note: do not do steps 4 and 5 of the readme, they are outdated)
Open eclipse, switch workspace (File -> Switch Workspace -> Other) to the workspace folder. Eclipse will restart.
File -> Import...
General -> Existing projects into workspace
Where it says "select root directory" point it at the project folder and check "search for nested projects"
Pretty much hit next until its done (or you can hit Finish right away).
This should leave you with a Package Explorer that looks like this:
Your code and assets will go inside src/main/java and src/main/resources (note that assets will contain both "assets" and "data" folders, for client-side assets and datapack assets respectively). Minecraft read-only source is available in the Project and External Dependencies group, note that many of the vanilla assets (including data packs) are found in the client-extra.jar file.
Find the src/main/resources/META-INF/mods.toml file
Edit as necessary with your mod ID and other information. The file is well commented.
Any further issues should be directed to the Modder Support forum.

Change the default path of Import Project in intellij

I am trying to open an existing Maven project in Intellij. I am running intellij off of a development server because, directly running Intellij from windows would block me from accessing the databases, services etc.,
Now it opens /home/my-username by default in the open project popup. The problem is that /home is a nfs directory and it is the home folder of 3000+ developers and as soon as the popup opens, it starts indexing everything in that directory. I literally let it run for like an hour+ and it got no where. How do I set the default path of this popup so it only points to my home directory?
You can go to Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings and under Project Opening, set the Default directory.

PhpStorm Deployment menu greyed out

I've added a server in PhpStorm deployment settings but the Tools -> Deployment -> Upload to menu is still greyed out.
You need to specify a deployment path mapping in your server. Even if it's just the root path, you need to enter /. PhpStorm doesn't do it automatically.
Go to your server in deployment settings, click the 'Mappings' tab and enter slash (or your mapping) in the 'Deployment path on server' field. You don't need to enter a web path. Deployment menu should be ungreyed now.
In version 2019.2, if you dont set the path to / in mapping, it will grayed out.
Previous version, you could leave it blank
Also, if your local path (inside mappings configuration) is not your project root, you have to click on the deployable folder in the project tree to enable the menu.
Also, if the Deployment menu is completely missing at the bottom of the context menu, then set up a default server.
Click the server with the check mark to make a server the default option for a project.
Then you will get this additional menu when you right click on a file, folder, or the project.
I also encountered this issue in PyCharm Professional 2022.1.
Since the aforementioned solutions did not work for me, and it took me some time to resolve, I am providing the solution I found.
Clicking on Tools -> Deployment -> upload to servername was not working for me no matter what I tried.
However, I could right-click on the main project folder (on the left of the PyCharm window, where the project folder/file structure is visible). This right-click opens a menu, where there is an option for deployment -> upload to servername.
Once I clicked this, not only it worked, but the classical way (Tools -> Deployment -> upload to ) ceased to be grayed out also.
If deployment was available and suddenly no longer works, confirm that your credentials didn't get wiped from the deployment settings (Connection tab).
If any of these answers don't help, because you can't even see the server menu, you probably have the Remote Hosts Access plugin disabled.
Go to settings, go to the plugins, and enable Remote Hosts Access.
Please check if the following options are enabled in settings(Ctrl+Alt+S). It goes uncheck if Php Storm crashes. Check the below options and restart the editor.
This works for ver 2017.2.1
Also, check Windows->Store current layout as the default just to make sure in the future you can restore the layout.
It's possible the opened file in the editor belongs to a External Library (bottom of project tree).
These External library files can't be deployed.

Can't see project folders in IntelliJ IDEA

Every once in a while, I open an old project and I can't see any of the folders in the intelliJ project viewer. I can see all the files at the root.. but no folders. Yes I can delete the .iml file and .idea folder and re-create the project, but come on.. there's gotta be an easier way to fix this.
Is there?
If you look in project settings (ctrl-shift-alt-s), you should see a module structure. If you instead see "Nothing to see", do the following:
In Project Structure -> Modules, press the + button,
press enter (since, for some weird reason, it won't let me click on "New Module")
In the window that pops up, click on the "..." next to Content root, find your root folder, and select it
Press ok
ignore any warning that says the name is already in use (or to that effect)
the simplest solution worked from me, just delete the .idea folder
keep in mind this will delete all of idea's current project configuration, it'll create the folder with default settings when reload the project again... but all other configuration will be lost if not properly backed-up
It might be because the project didn't have any modules defined. Try adding existing source code by hitting File > New > Module from Existing Sources and select the parent directory of the project for source code
Go to pom.xml file -> right click -> maven -> generate source and update folders. You will see your files and folder structures in left hand side.
All the project-specific settings for a project opened through Intellij IDE are stored in the .idea folder.
The .idea folder (hidden on OS X) in the solution root contains
IntelliJ’s project-specific settings files. These include per-project
details such as VCS mapping and run and debug configurations, as well
as per-user details, such as currently open files, navigation history
and currently selected configuration.
So, if you are not able to see the project file structure in your Intellij IDE, just delete the .idea folder,
rm -rf .idea
and reload the project, then after reload you'll be easily able to get your project structure displayed.
Thank you very much. I just remove the .idea folder and works in my case.
rm -rf .idea
For me, the java folder was not showing up. I went into File->Project Structure. In the second column, I selected on _main. In the third column, I selected the tab "sources". In what I call the fourth column, where the "+Add Content Root" is shown, I verified, the java source/folder was present. In my case, there was an extra source folder, which was the current location. I removed this, applied and the java folder immediately showed up.
Right click on the Project name -> Open Module Setting -> Check the application context path set it up at your project location.
Check your idea.log -- it may have some details explaining why or what is happening (Help | Reveal log in Explorer). Possibly one of the config files got corrupted.
You can always backup and delete .idea subfolder (project settings) and re-create project from scratch. When it's wroking again (after basic configuration) you may copy some of the files from that folder back to recover some of your settings (if there were many).
This happened to me on a new computer when I opened up a Java project in the newly installed Intellij.
The problem was that I had not installed any JDK on the machine.
I had to install a JDK and then go into the settings at ctrl-shift-alt-s and add a JDK by specifying the folder where I installed it. It's possible that IntelliJ would have found it if I closed it and reopened it.
In my case the solution was to create a new project, specifying the project type and creating it within the same directory path as the project that does not load the project files correctly.
PhpStorm automatically detects that the directory exists and gives you the option to create project from existing sources.
This can be found under:
File --> New project...
For gradle users: "Reload All Gradle Projects" option should help.