Creating an IntelliJ Module Programmatically - intellij-idea

I'm trying to make a proper project, like the one setup when you go through the Kotlin wizard or something, but I can't figure it out.
class SpigotKtWizard : ModuleBuilder() {
override fun setupRootModel(modifiableRootModel: ModifiableRootModel?) {}
override fun getModuleType(): ModuleType<*> {
return SpigotKtModuleType.instance
override fun createWizardSteps(wizardContext: WizardContext, modulesProvider: ModulesProvider): Array<ModuleWizardStep> {
return arrayOf(BuildOptionsStep())
override fun createProject(name: String?, path: String?): Project? {
val project = super.createProject(name, path) ?: return null
val d = project.baseDir.createChildData(this, "Test")
File(d.path).writeText("Testing boyyyy")
return project
This is what I have currently, and I'm getting this:
But other projects (and specifically, the same design I'm trying to achieve), look more like this:
Is there a page in the docs that I missed?

In pic 2 you're displaying a "project" instead of a "module", see the offical doc.
You may want to implement a DirectoryProjectGeneratorBase<YourSettingsBean> and register a (as an example you may refer to this file my julia plugin) directoryProjectGenerator in plugin.xml.
In your implementation of generateProject, you can create files, set files as source root/test root/excluded root by using:
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction {
val modifiableModel: ModifiableRootModel = ModifiableModelsProvider.SERVICE.getInstance().getModuleModifiableModel(module)
module.rootManager.modifiableModel.apply {
contentEntries.firstOrNull()?.apply {
addExcludeFolder(findOrCreate(baseDir, "out", module))
addSourceFolder(findOrCreate(baseDir, "src", module), false)
This should be missing in the doc, BTW. So it's not your fault. But I recommend you to take a look at the existing plugin projects (like the julia plugin mentioned above, the mathemetica plugin or the covscript plugin), which are extremely helpful for new comers.


Compose Desktop testing - how to check if something is visible?

Given some simple content:
fun MyContent() {
var showThing by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
if (showThing) {
Box(Modifier.testTag("thing")) {
Text("The Thing")
If I try to test whether the thing has been displayed:
class Scratch {
val compose = createComposeRule()
fun test() {
runBlocking(Dispatchers.Main) {
compose.setContent {
I get this:
An operation is not implemented.
kotlin.NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented.
at androidx.compose.ui.test.DesktopAssertions_desktopKt.checkIsDisplayed(DesktopAssertions.desktop.kt:23)
at androidx.compose.ui.test.AssertionsKt.assertIsNotDisplayed(Assertions.kt:49)
at Scratch$test$1.invokeSuspend(Scratch.kt:44)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
I thought testing whether something was displayed or not would be the most basic thing to test, but it isn't supported by the framework yet. The test framework is experimental, so I was expecting to find things missing, but not like this.
Is there another way to do this which I'm missing? All the tutorials out there talk about assertIsDisplayed() being the way, but maybe there is an alternative?
It's not a direct substitute, but unfortunately, JB Compose Desktop has these limitations in the UI test suite. Aside from using only JUnit 4, and not being compatible with the newer version, many assertion methods and also screen interaction methods are not implemented, such as the .assertIsNotDisplayed() that you tried to use, and also actions like .performTextInput().
An alternative for your problem would be using other methods like .assertDoesNotExist() and .assertExists().
It's not going to tell you if the element is in the boundaries of the screen and visible, but at least will tell you that your node exists and is instantiated, which is something, and it's better than nothing.
Until JetBrains implement the complete desktop test suite, we need to work with what we have, or maybe try implementing some things as a workaround.
In your case, this will work:
class Scratch {
val compose = createComposeRule()
fun test() {
runBlocking(Dispatchers.Main) {
compose.setContent {

Calling PCEnhancerTask from Kotlin in Gradle

I need to call the OpenJPA PCEnhancerTask class from Kotlin instead of Groovy. The following code works just fine (based on a previous solution documented here):
def openJPAClosure = {
def entityFiles = sourceSets.main.output.classesDirs.asFileTree.matching {
include 'com/company/persist/*Entity.class'
println "Enhancing with OpenJPA:"
entityFiles.getFiles().each {
println it
name : 'openjpac',
classpath : sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath,
classname : 'org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask'
classpath: sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath,
addDefaultConstructor: false,
enforcePropertyRestrictions: true) {
entityFiles.addToAntBuilder(ant, 'fileset', FileCollection.AntType.FileSet)
I was looking at the documentation on how to call Ant tasks from Gradle but I could not translate all the necessary steps using the GroovyBuilder. So instead I tough of calling the PCEnhancer directly:
fun openJPAEnrich() {
val entityFiles = sourceSets.main.get().output.classesDirs.asFileTree.matching {
println("Enhancing with OpenJPA, the following files...")
entityFiles.getFiles().forEach() {
But it complains about not being able to find org.apache.openjpa in the classpath (but is it listed as a compilation dependency)
My questions are:
What is the correct way to translate the original Groovy construct to Kotlin using groovyBuilder
If is not possible, how you can correctly call PCEnhancer from Kotlin in Gradle?
So I ended making it work with a custom JavaExec Gradle task:
tasks.create<JavaExec>("openJPAEnrich") {
val entityFiles = sourceSets.main.get().output.classesDirs.asFileTree.matching {
println("Enhancing with OpenJPA, the following files...")
entityFiles.files.forEach() {
classpath = sourceSets.main.get().runtimeClasspath
main = "org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer"
args(listOf("-enforcePropertyRestrictions", "true", "-addDefaultConstructor", "false"))
entityFiles.forEach { classFile -> args?.add(classFile.toString())}
I was tempted to build my own custom Gradle task but for this felt overkill.

How to register AndroidLintInspectionBase in IntellijIdea Plugin

I'm creating a costum Android Lint Inspection and I need to register the inspection, to be run. Where do I need to register it?
I've already tried to register the inspection which provides the inspection inside plugin.xml file.
The actual inspection:
class HardcodedDimensionsInspection : AndroidLintInspectionBase("Hardcoded dimensions", HardcodedDimensDetector.ISSUE) {
override fun getShortName(): String {
return "AndroidLintHardcodedDimension"
The entry in plugin.xml file
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<!-- Add your extensions here -->
<!-- <inspectionToolProvider implementation="JavaInspectionProvider"/>-->
<globalInspection shortName="AndroidLintHardcodedDimension" displayName="Hardcoded dimensions"
enabledByDefault="true" level="WARNING"
The actual detector
class HardcodedDimensDetector : LayoutDetector() {
override fun getApplicableAttributes(): Collection<String>? {
return Arrays.asList(
// Layouts
override fun appliesTo(folderType: ResourceFolderType): Boolean {
return (folderType == ResourceFolderType.LAYOUT ||
folderType == ResourceFolderType.MENU ||
folderType == ResourceFolderType.XML)
override fun visitAttribute(context: XmlContext, attribute: Attr) {
val value = attribute.value
companion object {
/** The main issue discovered by this detector */
val ISSUE = Issue.create(
id = "HardcodedDimension",
briefDescription = "Hardcoded dimens",
explanation = """
category = Category.I18N,
priority = 5,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
implementation = Implementation(,
I've expected to hit the breakpoints in any of the functions for Detector but the code is never called. Seems like my detector is not registered. Can you please point me to the missing part, is there a class where I should register my Detector?
Thank you.
The link to the full project:
I don't see anything obvious wrong from these snippets. Could you please post on our forum and link to the full sources of your plugin? Thanks.
I have a workaround for now, not sure it's the official way to do it. Android Lint has a registry with all the Issue classes (built-in), the class is called LintIdeIssueRegistry. When it runs the Android Lint, it's looking in this registry for Issue processors. Since the list is hardcoded, we need to inject ours in the list. I'm using the following code for that:
val registry = LintIdeIssueRegistry()
val issue = registry.getIssue(
if (issue == null) {
val list = registry.issues as MutableList<Issue>
Hopefully in future we will have a method called addIssue inside the LintIdeIssueRegistry.

How to use beforeProject in kotlintest?

I've implemented a TestListener as follows:
object IntegrationTest: TestListener {
override fun beforeProject() {
println("integration tests - beforeProject")
override fun beforeSpec(description: Description, spec: Spec) {
println("integration tests - beforeSpec")
And used it in a test:
class SimpleTest: StringSpec() {
override fun listeners() = listOf(IntegrationTest)
init {
"it - 1" {
println("it - 1")
"it - 2" {
println("it - 2")
The problem is that integration tests - beforeProject is never printed in the output.
The result is:
integration tests - beforeSpec
it - 1
it - 2
I tried it in intellij and using gradle CLI. Am I missing something?
beforeProject has to run before any tests are discovered, otherwise it's not really before the project but would kind of be "before any tests have executed" (The difference might not be important in your use class, but KotlinTest mantains the distinction).
Therefore overriding that method in a listener that's added to a test class doesn't do anything (as you have seen).
So instead you need to add your listener to ProjectConfig which is project wide configuration. You do this by subclassing AbstractProjectConfig and putting it in a special package name, like this:
package io.kotlintest.provided
object ProjectConfig : AbstractProjectConfig() {
// add listeners here
See full docs here:

Aspectj doesn't work with kotlin

i want to use aspectj aop in kotlin,here is my code:
my annotation in annotation.lazy_list:
package anotation
annotation class lazy_list
my aspectj aop class:
class ActiveListAop{
#Pointcut("execution(#annotation.lazy_list * *(..))")
fun profile() {
fun testModeOnly(joinPoint: JoinPoint) {
my usage:
fun all():List<T>{
return lazy_obj?.all() as List<T>
when i call all() function , no error,but wont't print "123", why?
EDIT 9-2021 - there is a nice updated plugin for android that works well as an alternate to my original 2018 answer below:
For what it's worth, we needed aspectJ weaving in our android project but really wanted to move to kotlin so we had to solve this problem. So the solutions in this thread using spring or maven didn't work for us. This is the solution for android gradle projects however, this WILL break incremental compilation and therefor slow down your build times and/or break something eventually. This gets us by until I can re-think our architecture and phase out aspectJ or (hopefully) android starts supporting it.
There is confusion in some of the answers and comments to the OP that kapt solves this, but kapt lets you do compile time annotation processing, not weaving. That is, annotation processors let you generate code based on annotations but do not let you inject logic into existing code.
This builds on top of this blog on adding aspectJ to android:
Your kotlin classes get compiled into byte code, just into a different directory. So this solution using the same process to weave the java classes but runs it again on the kotlin class files
at the top of your App/build.gradle add:
buildscript {
ext.aspectjVersion = '1.9.1'
dependencies {
classpath "org.aspectj:aspectjtools:$aspectjVersion"
At the bottom of your App/build.gradle add:
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// add the versionName & versionCode to the apk file name
variant.outputs.all { output ->
def newPath = outputFileName.replace(".apk", "-${variant.versionName}.${variant.versionCode}.apk")
outputFileName = new File(outputFileName, newPath)
def fullName = ""'-').eachWithIndex { token, index ->
fullName = fullName + (index == 0 ? token : token.capitalize())
JavaCompile javaCompile = variant.javaCompiler
MessageHandler handler = new MessageHandler(true)
javaCompile.doLast {
String[] javaArgs = ["-showWeaveInfo",
"-inpath", javaCompile.destinationDir.toString(),
"-aspectpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
"-d", javaCompile.destinationDir.toString(),
"-classpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
String[] kotlinArgs = ["-showWeaveInfo",
"-inpath", project.buildDir.path + "/tmp/kotlin-classes/" + fullName,
"-aspectpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
"-d", project.buildDir.path + "/tmp/kotlin-classes/" + fullName,
"-classpath", javaCompile.classpath.asPath,
new Main().run(javaArgs, handler)
new Main().run(kotlinArgs, handler)
def log = project.logger
for (IMessage message : handler.getMessages(null, true)) {
switch (message.getKind()) {
case IMessage.ABORT:
case IMessage.ERROR:
case IMessage.FAIL:
log.error message.message, message.thrown
case IMessage.WARNING:
case IMessage.INFO: message.message, message.thrown
case IMessage.DEBUG:
log.debug message.message, message.thrown
spring + kotlin + AOP work nice, just go to and generate a project with AOP support, you can see a piece of build.gradle here...
buildscript {
ext {
kotlinVersion = '1.2.30'
springBootVersion = '2.0.0.RELEASE'
repositories {
dependencies {
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-spring'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'
dependencies {
plugin kotlin-spring makes all classes open to allow AOP
Then, just declare your aspect as follows
class MyAspect {
Important: annotate your aspect class with #Aspect and #Component annotations
Piece of cake! :)
For annotation process in Kotlin, you must enable and use KAPT. Without this being added via Gradle or Maven plugin, nothing is going to work for annotation processing in Kotlin code.
The Kotlin plugin supports annotation processors like Dagger or DBFlow. In order for them to work with Kotlin classes, apply the kotlin-kapt plugin.
See also:
Pushing the limits of Kotlin annotation processing
kapt: Annotation Processing for Kotlin
Better Annotation Processing: Supporting Stubs in kapt
You can use freefair gradle plugin
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "io.freefair.gradle:aspectj-plugin:5.2.1"
apply plugin: ""
So I think I've got a good (but wordy) solution for Android. At the time of writing I'm using Gradle 6.7, Android plugin 4.1.0, and AspectJ tools 1.9.6.
The gist of the problem is that:
Java is compiled by task compileDebugJavaWithJavac
Kotlin is compiled by task compileDebugKotlin
Gradle can run either one of these tasks, or both of them, or none
compileDebugJavaWithJavac depends on compileDebugKotlin
weaving Kotlin usually requires Java classes.
If you look at these points closely, you'll see that you can't do weaving as part of compiling Kotlin, as Java classes can be missing at this point. If you do that, you'll get warnings such as:
WARN: incorrect classpath: C:\Users\user\StudioProjects\myapp\app\build\intermediates\javac\debug\classes
and errors such as
ERROR: can’t determine modifiers of missing type myapp.Foo.Bar
So the better approach would be to postpone weaving until Java classes are compiled. But as you would be modifying files not as a part of compilation task, you lose incremental builds... Besides, this postponed weaving is super hard to get right—remember, none of the compile tasks might be actually scheduled for running!
The real solution is to wrap weaving in a Transform, which will produce a Gradle task with its own inputs and outputs. This means that you will not be polluting the files of compile tasks, and those tasks, as well as this task, will be, so to say, UP-TO-DATE-able. This requires quite a bit of code, but it's rather sensible!
First, put this in your project build.gradle.kts:
buildscript {
dependencies {
This is needed to run weaving from inside “inside” the buildscript. If you want to run weaving in a separate process, which is a good idea on Windows, you will need the path of this jar, which you can get by adding the following to your app build.gradle.kts:
val weaving: Configuration by configurations.creating
dependencies {
Finally, put AspectJ runtime on the classpath (app build.gradle.kts, note that I only need weaving in debug builds):
dependencies {
Now, here's my setup. I have a local logging library, :cats, which containts aspects that I want to weave. Logging statements are only inside my project, and not anywhere else. Also, I only want to run these in debug builds. So here's the transformation that “weaves cats” into the app (app's build.gradle.kts):
class TransformCats : Transform() {
override fun getName(): String = TransformCats::class.simpleName!!
override fun getInputTypes() = setOf(QualifiedContent.DefaultContentType.CLASSES)
// only look for annotations in app classes
// transformation will consume these and put woven classes in the output dir
override fun getScopes() = mutableSetOf(QualifiedContent.Scope.PROJECT)
// ...but also have the rest on our class path
// these will not be touched by the transformation
override fun getReferencedScopes() = mutableSetOf(QualifiedContent.Scope.SUB_PROJECTS,
override fun isIncremental() = false
// only run on debug builds
override fun applyToVariant(variant: VariantInfo) = variant.isDebuggable
override fun transform(invocation: TransformInvocation) {
if (!invocation.isIncremental) {
val output = invocation.outputProvider.getContentLocation(name, outputTypes,
scopes, Format.DIRECTORY)
if (output.isDirectory) FileUtils.deleteDirectoryContents(output)
val input = mutableListOf<File>()
val classPath = mutableListOf<File>()
val aspectPath = mutableListOf<File>()
invocation.inputs.forEach { source ->
source.directoryInputs.forEach { dir ->
source.jarInputs.forEach { jar ->
invocation.referencedInputs.forEach { source ->
source.directoryInputs.forEach { dir ->
source.jarInputs.forEach { jar ->
if ( == ":cats") aspectPath.add(jar.file)
weave(classPath, aspectPath, input, output)
And here's the weaving code mentioned above:
// ajc gets hold of some files such as R.jar, and on Windows it leads to errors such as:
// The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
// to avoid these, weave in a process, which `javaexec` will helpfully launch for us.
fun weave(classPath: Iterable<File>, aspectPath: Iterable<File>, input: Iterable<File>, output: File) {
val runInAProcess = OperatingSystem.current().isWindows
val bootClassPath = android.bootClasspath
println(if (runInAProcess) ":: weaving in a process..." else ":: weaving...")
println(":: boot class path: $bootClassPath")
println(":: class path: $classPath")
println(":: aspect path: $aspectPath")
println(":: input: $input")
println(":: output: $output")
val arguments = listOf("-showWeaveInfo",
"-bootclasspath", bootClassPath.asArgument,
"-classpath", classPath.asArgument,
"-aspectpath", aspectPath.asArgument,
"-inpath", input.asArgument,
"-d", output.absolutePath)
if (runInAProcess) {
javaexec {
classpath = weaving
main = ""
args = arguments
} else {
val handler = MessageHandler(true)
Main().run(arguments.toTypedArray(), handler)
val log = project.logger
for (message in handler.getMessages(null, true)) {
when (message.kind) {
IMessage.DEBUG -> log.debug("DEBUG " + message.message, message.thrown)
IMessage.INFO ->"INFO: " + message.message, message.thrown)
IMessage.WARNING -> log.warn("WARN: " + message.message, message.thrown)
IMessage.ABORT -> log.error("ERROR: " + message.message, message.thrown)
val Iterable<File>.asArgument get() = joinToString(File.pathSeparator)
(The Windows part is using weaving configuration; you may not want either part of the if)
This is it!
Edit: As of AGP 4.2.0, doesn't return anything useful. For the time being, I used this fragile workaround:
if (jar.file.directoriesInsideRootProject().contains("cats")) {
fun File.directoriesInsideRootProject() = sequence {
var file = this#directoriesInsideRootProject
while (true) {
file = file.parentFile ?: break
if (file == rootProject.projectDir) break