Microsoft translator hub- added document doesn't appear in Training Dataset - training-data

I've added a number of documents in various formats (.pdf, .txt) both monolingual and bi-lingual and although they appear in the documents tab they do not appear in the Training, Tuning, Testing or Dictionary windows so I can't select them to perform an initial training.

The document selection is automatically filtered by the language pair for this project. Only documents that match the language pair are listed.
For document files that are not labeled internally, the documents need to include a language ID in the name, the same language you applied to the project you are working on. The naming rule is
For example:
for a French PDF document.
PDF, TXT, DOC and DOCX files are not internally labeled, they need to follow the naming rule. TMX, XLIFF and XLSX are labeled internally. In the XLSX you just have the language ID in the first row.
Tuning, Testing and Dictionary must be available in both languages. For the not internally named files you must have a pair
Only for training it is acceptable use monolingual documents. They must be in the target language and labeled accordingly.


PDF Copy Text Issue: Weird Characters

I tried to copy text from a PDF file but get some weird characters. Strangely, Okular can recoqnize the text, but not with Sumatra PDF or Adobe, all three applications are installed in Windows 10 64 bit. To better explain my issue, here is the video The "text layer workaround file" is one solution I got. Any help is greatly appreciated. Regards
In short: The (original) PDF does not contain the information required for regular text extraction as described in the PDF specification. Depending on the exact nature of your task, you might try to add the required information to the existing text objects and fonts or you might go for OCR.
Mapping character codes to Unicode as described in the PDF specification
The PDF specification ISO 32000-1 (and similarly ISO 32000-2, too) describes an algorithm for mapping character codes to Unicode values using information available directly inside the PDF.
It has been quoted very often in other stack overflow answers (see here, here, here, here, here, or here), so I won't quote it here again.
Essentially this is the algorithm used by Adobe Acrobat during copy&paste and also by many other text extractors.
In PDFs which don't contain the information required for text extraction, you eventually get to this point in the algorithm:
If these methods fail to produce a Unicode value, there is no way to determine what the character code represents in which case a conforming reader may choose a character code of their choosing.
What happens if the algorithm above fails to produce a Unicode value
This is where the text extraction implementations differ, they try to determine the matching Unicode value by using heuristics or information from beyond the PDF or applying OCR to the glyph in question.
That the different programs you tried returned so different results shows that
your PDF does not contain the information required for the algorithm above from the PDF specification and
the heuristics used by those programs differ relevantly and Okular's heuristics work best for your document.
What to do in such a case
There are multiple options, more or less feasible depending on your concrete case:
Ask the source of the PDF for a version that contains proper information for text extraction.
Unless you have a contract with that source that requires them to supply the PDFs in a machine readable form or the source is otherwise obligated to do so, they usually will decline, though...
Apply OCR to the PDF in question.
Depending on the quality of the OCR software and the glyphs in the PDF, the results can be of a questionable quality; e.g. in your "PDF copy text issue-Text layer workaround.pdf" the header "Chapter 1: Derivative Securities" has been recognized as "Chapter1: Deratve Securites"...
You can try to interactively add manually created ToUnicode maps to the PDF, e.g. as described by Tilman Hausherr in his answer to "how to add unicode in truetype0font on pdfbox 2.0.0".
Depending on the number of different fonts you have to create the mappings for, this approach might easily require way too much time and effort...

Extract embedded PDF file without a full parse

I want to build a utility to extract embedded files from a PDF (see section 7.11.4 of the spec). However I want the utility to be "small" and not depend on a full PDF parsing framework. I'm wondering if the file format is such that a simple tool could scan through the document for some token or sequence, and from that know where to start extracting the embedded file(s).
Potential difficulties include the possibility that the token or sequence that you scan for could validly exist elsewhere in the document leading to spurious or corrupt document extraction.
I'm not that familiar with the PDF spec, and so I'm looking for
confirmation that this is possible
a general approach that would work
There are at least two scenarios that are going to make your life difficult: encrypted files, and object streams (a compressed object that contains a collection of objects inside).
About the second item (object streams), some PDF generation tools will take most of the objects (dictionaries) inside a PDF file, put them inside a single object, and compress this single object (usually with deflate compression). These means that you cannot just skim through a PDF file looking for some particular token in order to extract some piece of information that you need while ignoring the rest. You will need to actually interpret the structure of PDF files at least partially.
Note that the embedded files that you want to extract are very likely to be compressed as well, even if an objects stream is not used.
Your program will need to be able to do at least the following:
- Processing xref tables
- Processing object streams
- Applying decoding/decompression filters to a data stream.
Once you are able to get all objects from the file, you could in theory go through all of them looking for dictionaries of type EmbeddedFile. This approach has the disadvantage that you might extract files that are not been referenced from anywhere inside the document (because a user deleted it at some point of the file's history for example)
Another approach could be to actually navigate through the structure of the file looking for embedded files on the locations specified by the PDF spec. You can find embedded files in at least the following elements (this list is from the top of my head, there might be a lot more that these):
- Names dictionary
- Document outlines
- Page annotations

Understanding the PDF DOM

I am writing an application that has to read and interpret data stored in some PDF files. The reading part is done but I am only able to get a dump of all the words on a page and not the format of the words. What I mean is that if I have to extract a table, I am getting the numbers in the table but not the markup which defines the table.
Further, there is some formatting used which displays a few of these numbers within parentheses (meaning that those numbers are negative) but the parentheses themselves are not part of the text. Hence, I am not able to distinguish between positive and negative numbers present in the PDF table!
How do you get the PDF markup along with the text? Is a PDF similar in structure to an XML with tags used to markup tables etc.? If not, then, is there a resource which describes the salient features of the PDF DOM?
I am using VBA and the Acrobat library (AcroExch etc.)
There is no such thing as "PDF markup" in the sense of HTML etc. A table in PDF cannot be distinguished from line art, other than by using OCR, which can be error-prone if the layout is complex. It is simply drawn using geometrical shapes, like in a vector-based graphics program.
"Is a PDF similar in structure to an XML with tags used to markup tables etc.?"
No, not at all.
And there is no such thing as a 'DOM' either. Google for a file named *PDF32000_2008.pdf*. The current PDF specification for v1.7 (ISO spec) is that file. You should be able to locate it on the Adobe website.
As omz stated, text inside PDF does not really have a structure. You can take a look on the specification here. However, for some very specific files, there is something called PDF Tags, or PDF Marked Content, which is fairly new, and it aims to give PDF documents some kind of structure. If you target this kind of files specifically, you might be able to achieve something. Take a look on chapter 10 (Document Interchange) of the Adobe's specification for further details.
Maybe what you want to achieve can be done with less effort and faster by using TET, the Text Extraction Toolkit made by the fine folks from ( ) ??
AFAIR, the TET has some (limited) support for table detection as well....

Search MS Word binary file for specific content

I have some .doc binary files stored in my database and i would like to now search them all (without converting them to .doc) to see which one contains the word "hello" for instance.
Is there any way to do this search in the binary file?
You could go down the route of using commercial tools. Aspose.Words can load a document from a stream and has all sorts of methods for finding text within the document.
If you have the stream from the DB, then you code would look like this:
Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(streamObjectFromDatabase);
if (doc.GetText().ToLower().Contains("hello world"))
MessageBox.Show("Hello World exists");
Note: The benefit of this tool is that it does not require Word objects to be installed and it can work with streams in memory.
Not without a lot of pain, as far as I can tell. According to Wikipedia, Microsoft has within the past few years finally released the .doc specification. So you could create a parser based on the spec if you have the time, assuming all of your documents are in the same version of the .doc format.
Of course you could just search for the text you're looking for amid all the binary data, on the assumption that the actual text is stored as plain text. But even if that assumption were true, how could you be sure that the plain text you found was the actual document text, and not some of the document meta data that's also stored in plain text? And there's always the off chance that the binary data will match your text pattern.
If the Word libraries are available to you, I would go that route. If not, a homegrown parser may be your least bad option.

Generating PDF documents from LISP

I want to generate a technical report from lisp (AllegroCL in my case) and I studied various packages/project to help me do this.
Need to generate a PDF
May create an intermediate format like RTF, Restructured TEXT, HTML, Word DOC or Latex
Need to be flexible to be able to add content throughout my application
Need to handle Multi-Page, Headers, Footers, Tables, inclusion of Images.
cl-pdf and cl-typesetting: I checked this one out and it works for now, but is there a better alternative?
Some Latex generator, but ???
Do you know alternatives to easily generate (PDF) reports from lisp. What is the best workflow to go for?
we are using cl-pdf and cl-typesetting for the last 3 years and it has numerous issues... (like its confusion around encodings, or silently not rendering things that don't fit, or...) so, i don't recommend new development based on them.
currently we are in the process of moving all our export mechanisms to open document format. openoffice is all happy with it, and there's a plugin for ms office, too.
there's .fodt, the so called flat open document text format, which is a mere xml file describing a document. generating it is as easy as generating xml files.
you can also make parts of your document read-only with a password (insert a section and mark it read-only and protected by a password. when generating the xml, you can generate random hashes as password...).