dictionary.Exists(key) always False - vba

I am trying to build a validation tool that consists of a header check, a dupe check, and a vLookup. In the DuplicateCheck subroutine, I am adding all unique values from a range to a dictionary using .Exists() = False; this check is failing consistantly and I am getting duplicate values added. Similar problems seemed to be fixed using lower() or upper(), but my testing has been with numbers such as "1", "2", "3", or values such as "k1", "k2", "k2".
Here is my code:
Option Explicit
Dim wbThis As ThisWorkbook
Dim wsOld, wsNew, wsValid As Worksheet
Dim lColOld, lColNew, lRowOld, lRowNew, iRow, iCol As Long
Dim cellTarget, cellKey As Variant
Dim cellValid, dataOld, dataNew As Range
Sub Execute()
Set wbThis = ThisWorkbook
Set wsOld = wbThis.Worksheets(1)
Set wsNew = wbThis.Worksheets(2)
Set wsValid = wbThis.Worksheets(3)
lColOld = wsOld.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lColNew = wsNew.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lRowOld = wsOld.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lRowNew = wsNew.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set dataOld = wsOld.Range("A1").Resize(lRowOld, lColOld)
Set dataNew = wsNew.Range("A1").Resize(lRowNew, lColNew)
Call Validation.HeaderCheck
Call Validation.DuplicateCheck
Call Validation.vLookup
End Sub
Sub HeaderCheck()
Application.StatusBar = "Checking headers..."
Dim i As Long
With wsNew
For i = 1 To lColNew
If (wsNew.Cells(1, i) <> wsOld.Cells(1, i)) Then
MsgBox ("Column " & i & " on New Data is not the same as Old Data. This tool will not work with differences in headers. Please reorder your fields and run the tool again.")
Application.StatusBar = False
End If
Next i
End With
With wsOld
For i = 1 To lColOld
If (wsOld.Cells(1, i) <> wsNew.Cells(1, i)) Then
MsgBox ("Column " & i & " on Old Data is not the same as New Data. This tool will not work with differences in headers. Please reorder your fields and run the tool again.")
Application.StatusBar = False
End If
Next i
End With
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Sub DuplicateCheck()
Dim iterator As Long
Dim dicKeys As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim dicDupes As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim key As Variant
Dim progPercent As Double
Dim keys As Range
Dim wsDupes As Worksheet
Set keys = wsNew.Range("A2").Resize(lRowNew, 1)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
iterator = 1
For Each key In keys
If dicKeys.Exists(key) = False Then
dicKeys.Add key, iterator 'HERE IS THE BUG----------------------
dicDupes.Add key, iterator
End If
progPercent = iterator / keys.Count
Application.StatusBar = "Identifying duplicates: " & Format(progPercent, "0%")
iterator = iterator + 1
Next key
If (dicDupes.Count <> 0) Then
Set wsDupes = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(, wsValid, 1)
wsDupes.Name = "Duplicates"
iterator = 1
For Each key In dicDupes
If (dicDupes(key) <> "") Then
wsDupes.Cells(iterator, 1).Value = dicDupes(key)
End If
progPercent = iterator / dicDupes.Count
Application.StatusBar = "Marking duplicates: " & Format(progPercent, "0%")
iterator = iterator + 1
Next key
End If
Set dicKeys = Nothing
Set dicDupes = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub vLookup()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim progPercent As Double
For iRow = 2 To lRowNew
Set cellKey = wsNew.Cells(iRow, 1)
For iCol = 1 To lColNew
Set cellTarget = wsNew.Cells(iRow, iCol)
Set cellValid = wsValid.Cells(iRow, iCol)
On Error GoTo errhandler
If (IsError(Application.vLookup(cellKey.Value, dataOld, iCol, False)) = False) Then
If (cellTarget = Application.vLookup(cellKey.Value, dataOld, iCol, False)) Then
cellValid.Value = cellTarget
cellValid.Value = "ERROR"
End If
If (cellValid.Column = 1) Then
If (cellValid.Column = 1) Then
cellValid.Value = cellKey
cellValid.Interior.ColorIndex = 46
End If
cellValid.Value = "ERROR"
End If
End If
Next iCol
progPercent = (iRow - 1) / (lRowNew - 1)
Application.StatusBar = "Progress: " & iRow - 1 & " of " & lRowNew - 1 & ": " & Format(progPercent, "0%")
Next iRow
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox (Err.Description)
End Sub

The problem is probably here:
Dim key As Variant
Dim progPercent As Double
Dim keys As Range
Then when you make the check here:
For Each key In keys
If dicKeys.Exists(key) = False Then
dicKeys.Add key, iterator 'HERE IS THE BUG----------------------
dicDupes.Add key, iterator
End If
It compares the key as Range and not as value.
Try something like this:
If dicKeys.Exists(key.Value2) = False Then
dicKeys.Add key.Value2, iterator
Or find another way not to work with the object, but with its value.


Application or object defined error in excel-vba

As you saw from the title I am getting error 1004. I am trying to make it iterate through cells B4 to B9 and at each one and if there is no sheet with the name in that cell it creates it and pastes the headers that are on the data entry page (C1:M3) and the data on that row from C to I onto the newly created sheet. If it does exist it looks at A1 of the sheet with that name and pastes the data into column B and the row that A1 specifies. And it does this for B4:B9 on each cell. Any help would be appreciated.
Function copyHeader(inputrange As String, inputsheet As String, outputcell As String, outputsheet As String)
Sheets(inputsheet).Range(inputrange).Copy Destination:=Sheets(outputsheet).Range(outputcell)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(1, 1).Value = 4 'probably better to make this dynamic
End Function
Function copyDetail(inputrange As String, inputsheet As String, outputcell As String, outputsheet As String)
Sheets(inputsheet).Range(inputrange).Copy Destination:=Sheets(outputsheet).Range(outputcell)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(1, 1).Value = 4 'probably better to make this dynamic
End Function
Function createTab(tabname As String)
Worksheets.Add.Name = tabname
End Function
Function shtExists(shtname As String) As Boolean
Dim sht As Worksheet
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
Set sht = Sheets(shtname)
shtExists = True
If Err.Number = 9 Then
shtExists = False
End If
End Function
Public Function lastCell(Col As String)
With ActiveSheet
lastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Row
End With
End Function
Sub AddData()
Dim teamname As String
Dim countery As Integer
Dim teamdata As String
Dim matchcounter As String
Dim resp As Boolean
Dim maxCounter As Integer
counter = 4
maxCounter = lastCell("B")
On Error GoTo eh
For counter = 4 To maxCounter
teamdata = "C" & counter & ":" & "N" & counter
teamname = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DataEntry").Range("B" & counter).Value
resp = shtExists(teamname)
If resp = False Then
createTab (teamname)
copyHeader "C1:M3", "DataEntry", "B1", teamname
matchcounter = CStr(Sheets(teamname).Range("A1").Value)
copyDetail teamdata, "DataEntry", "B" & matchcounter, teamname
ElseIf resp = True Then
copyDetail teamdata, "DataEntry", "B" & matchcounter, teamname
End If
Next counter
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source
End Sub
Here is what my data entry sheet looks like:
Here is what the sheets that I am creating for each team look like:
I've mocked this up here and tweaked your code to get it working. It isn't necessarily how I'd do it normally, (I wouldn't bother storing the destination row in A1 for instance - I'd detect the bottom and add there) but it works and should
a) make sense to you and
b) work with your data structure.
Option Explicit
Sub copyHeader(inputrange As String, inputsheet As String, outputcell As String, outputsheet As String)
Sheets(inputsheet).Range(inputrange).Copy Destination:=Sheets(outputsheet).Range(outputcell)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(1, 1).Value = 4 'probably better to make this dynamic
End Sub
Sub copyDetail(inputrange As String, inputsheet As String, outputcell As String, outputsheet As String)
Sheets(inputsheet).Range(inputrange).Copy Destination:=Sheets(outputsheet).Range(outputcell)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Sheets(outputsheet).Cells(1, 1).Value = Sheets(outputsheet).Cells(1, 1).Value + 1
End Sub
Sub createTab(tabname As String)
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = tabname
End Sub
Function shtExists(shtname As String) As Boolean
Dim sht As Worksheet
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
Set sht = Sheets(shtname)
shtExists = True
If Err.Number = 9 Then
shtExists = False
End If
End Function
Public Function lastCell(sht As Worksheet, Col As String)
With sht
lastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Row
End With
End Function
Sub AddData()
Dim teamname As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim teamdata As String
Dim matchcounter As String
Dim resp As Boolean
Dim maxCounter As Integer
Dim sourcesheet As Worksheet
counter = 4
Set sourcesheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DataEntry")
maxCounter = lastCell(sourcesheet, "B")
On Error GoTo eh
For counter = 4 To maxCounter
teamdata = "C" & counter & ":" & "N" & counter
teamname = sourcesheet.Range("B" & counter).Value
resp = shtExists(teamname)
If resp = False Then
createTab (teamname)
copyHeader "C1:M3", sourcesheet.Name, "B1", teamname
matchcounter = CStr(Sheets(teamname).Range("A1").Value)
copyDetail teamdata, sourcesheet.Name, "B" & matchcounter, teamname
ElseIf resp = True Then
matchcounter = CStr(Sheets(teamname).Range("A1").Value)
copyDetail teamdata, sourcesheet.Name, "B" & matchcounter, teamname
End If
Next counter
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source
End Sub

Subscript out of range (error 9) --- running debugger and going through code everything is fine

Basically, have this code which uses Vlookups and a match to find past order dates of a particular product. The sub fills text boxes in a userform with N/A if there are no past orders found in the sheet. Otherwise, finds the latest order and fills the information in the userform.
The program stops when this sub routine is called. Getting 'subscript out of range' (error 9), I run the debugger and go through the code and everything works the way it is supposed to. In both the N/A case and the case where there is past order info.
Sub PastOrderInfo()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim Date_Ordered As Variant
Dim PreviousDate As Variant
Dim Qty_Ordered As String
Dim Total_Cost As String
Dim Rng, RngCol As String
Dim Last_Row As Long
Dim i, NewRow As Integer
Set wks = Worksheets("Order Data")
With wks
Last_Row = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.count).Row
Rng = "A2:D" & Last_Row
RngCol = "A2:A" & Last_Row
For i = 2 To Last_Row
If i = 2 Then
On Error Resume Next
PreviousDate = Application.VLookup(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(Rng), 2, False)
On Error GoTo 0
If IsError(PreviousDate) Then
Me.TextBox4.Value = "N/A"
Me.TextBox5.Value = "N/A"
Me.TextBox6.Value = "N/A"
Exit Sub
End If
NewRow = Application.Match(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(RngCol), 0) + 2
Rng = "A" & NewRow & ":D" & Last_Row
RngCol = "A" & NewRow & ":A" & Last_Row
ElseIf i > 2 Then
On Error Resume Next
Date_Ordered = Application.VLookup(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(Rng), 2, False)
On Error GoTo 0
If IsError(Date_Ordered) Then
NewRow = NewRow - 1
Rng = "A" & NewRow & ":D" & Last_Row
Me.TextBox4.Value = CDate(PreviousDate)
Me.TextBox5.Value = Application.VLookup(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(Rng), 3, False)
Me.TextBox6.Value = Application.VLookup(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(Rng), 4, False)
Exit Sub
End If
NewRow = Application.Match(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(RngCol), 0) + NewRow
Rng = "A" & NewRow & ":D" & Last_Row
RngCol = "A" & NewRow & ":A" & Last_Row
If Date_Ordered > PreviousDate Then PreviousDate = Date_Ordered
End If
Next i
Me.TextBox4.Value = CDate(PreviousDate)
Me.TextBox5.Value = Application.VLookup(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(Rng), 3, False)
Me.TextBox6.Value = Application.VLookup(CStr(ProdNum), .Range(Rng), 4, False)
End With
End Sub
Here is the line which is the section of code which opens the userform, when I click to debug it highlights the ProDescription.Show line below the if .Range(cellselect)...:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i, r, c As Integer
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim cellselect As String
Set wks = Workbooks("Data Direct Orders2.xlsx").Worksheets("Direct Items")
With wks
If ProdNumberCmbBox.ListIndex = -1 Then
Unload Me
For r = 2 To 84
cellselect = "A" & r
If .Range(cellselect).Text = ProdNum Then
Unload Me
End If
Next r
If c = 0 Then
Unload Me
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Here is the sub routine where the userform is initialized:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox8.Value = ProdNum
Call PastOrderInfo
End Sub
Just figured it out.
The line:
Set wks = Worksheets("Order Data")
Sub PastOrderInfo()
Was the problem. Needed to specify the workbook, so after adding:
Set wks = Workbooks("VBA - Final Project.xlsm").Worksheets("Order Data")
It worked!

Loop to go through a list of values

I currently have a macro which goes through a column on my master spreadsheet, then exports all the rows where the value input at the start matches the value in the column. It then saves the new worksheet as the value. Here is the code I currently have:
Option Explicit
Public Const l_HeaderRow As Long = 2 'The header row of the data sheet
Public Const l_DistanceCol As Long = 5 'The column containing the distance values
Public Sub ExportDistance()
Dim ws_Data As Worksheet, wb_Export As Workbook, ws_Export As Worksheet
Dim l_InputRow As Long, l_OutputRow As Long
Dim l_LastCol As Long
Dim l_NumberOfMatches As Long
Dim s_Distance As String, l_Distance As Long
Dim s_ExportPath As String, s_ExportFile As String, s_PathDelimiter As String
Set ws_Data = ActiveSheet
s_Distance = InputBox("Enter Distance to Export to New File", "Enter Distance")
If s_Distance = "" Then Exit Sub
l_Distance = CLng(s_Distance)
l_NumberOfMatches = WorksheetFunction.Match(l_Distance, ws_Data.Columns(5), 0)
If l_NumberOfMatches <= 0 Then Exit Sub
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Call Application.Workbooks.Add
Set wb_Export = Application.Workbooks(Application.Workbooks.Count)
Set ws_Export = wb_Export.Worksheets(1)
Call wb_Export.Worksheets("Sheet2").Delete
Call wb_Export.Worksheets("Sheet3").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ws_Export.Name = GetNextSheetname(ws_Data.Name & "-" & s_Distance, wb_Export)
Call ws_Data.Rows(1).Resize(l_HeaderRow).Copy
Call ws_Export.Rows(1).Resize(l_HeaderRow).Select
Call ws_Export.Paste
l_OutputRow = l_HeaderRow + 1
l_LastCol = ws_Data.UsedRange.Columns.Count
For l_InputRow = l_HeaderRow + 1 To ws_Data.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_DistanceCol).Value = l_Distance Then
Call ws_Data.Range(ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, 1), ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_LastCol)).Copy
Call ws_Export.Rows(l_OutputRow).Select
Call ws_Export.Paste
l_OutputRow = l_OutputRow + 1
ElseIf ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_DistanceCol).Value = l_Distance Then
Call ws_Data.Range(ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, 1), ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_LastCol)).Copy
Call ws_Export.Rows(l_OutputRow).Select
Call ws_Export.Paste
l_OutputRow = l_OutputRow + 1
End If
Next l_InputRow
s_ExportPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
s_PathDelimiter = Application.PathSeparator
If Right(s_ExportPath, 1) <> s_PathDelimiter Then s_ExportPath = s_ExportPath & s_PathDelimiter
s_ExportPath = s_ExportPath & "Output" & s_PathDelimiter
If Dir(s_ExportPath) = Empty Then
Call MkDir(s_ExportPath)
End If
Select Case Application.DefaultSaveFormat
Case xlOpenXMLWorkbook
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xlsx"
Case xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xlsm"
Case xlExcel12
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xlsb"
Case xlExcel8
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xls"
Case xlCSV
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".csv"
Case Else
s_ExportFile = s_Distance
End Select
Call wb_Export.SaveAs(Filename:=s_ExportPath & s_ExportFile, FileFormat:=Application.DefaultSaveFormat)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Function GetNextSheetname(s_Name As String, Optional wb_Book As Workbook) As String
Dim l_FIndex As Long
Dim s_Target As String
If wb_Book Is Nothing Then Set wb_Book = ActiveWorkbook
s_Name = Left(s_Name, 31)
If IsValidSheet(wb_Book, s_Name) Then
l_FIndex = 1
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 27) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
Do While IsValidSheet(wb_Book, s_Target)
l_FIndex = l_FIndex + 1
If l_FIndex < 10 Then
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 27) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
ElseIf l_FIndex < 100 Then
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 26) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
ElseIf l_FIndex < 1000 Then
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 25) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
End If
GetNextSheetname = s_Target
GetNextSheetname = s_Name
End If
End Function
Public Function IsValidSheet(wbSearchBook As Workbook, v_TestIndex As Variant) As Boolean
Dim v_Index As Variant
On Error GoTo ExitLine
v_Index = wbSearchBook.Worksheets(v_TestIndex).Name
IsValidSheet = True
Exit Function
IsValidSheet = False
End Function
Please will you help me make this loop through a list of values, rather than my having manually to run the macro each time and input the value myself?
Download this example here.
This is a simple example of how to loop through one range and loop through another range to find the values.
It loops through Column D and then loops through column A, when it finds a match it does something, so basically Column D has taken the place of your inputbox.
run the macro
The code
Sub DblLoop()
Dim aLp As Range 'column A
Dim dLp As Range, dRw As Long 'column D
Dim d As Range, a As Range
Set aLp = Columns("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23)
dRw = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
Set dLp = Range("D2:D" & dRw)
'start the loop
'loops through column D and finds value
'in column A, and does something with it
For Each d In dLp.Cells 'loops through column D
For Each a In aLp.Cells 'loops through column A
If d = a Then
'When a match, then do something
'this is where your actual code would go
Range("A" & a.Row & ":B" & a.Row).Copy Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Offset(1)
End If
Next a 'keeps going through column A
Next d 'next item in column D
End Sub

Find if a given value is in a cell, if so then try next value until unique

I have the below sub that checks on a separate worksheet if the created number in textbox8 already exists, at the moment there is a message box that alerts the user that the part number already exists, they have to click OK, then the number is incremented by 1, the process is repeated until a unique number is found. This is the written to the worksheet along with some other data.
What I need to do is remove the message box so it will automatically search and find the next available number.
I added the following code to the sub, but this has no effect:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
MsgBox "This already exists"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Create part number and check
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
With TextBox26
If myreset = True Then
.Tag = 0
myreset = False
End If
.Tag = Val(.Tag) + 1
.Text = "-" & VBA.Format(Val(.Tag), "0000")
End With
Dim iNum(1 To 8) As String
iNum(1) = TextBox24.Value
iNum(2) = TextBox25.Value
iNum(3) = TextBox26.Value
TextBox8.Value = iNum(1) + iNum(2) + iNum(3)
'check article exists
Dim emptyRow As Long
Dim rcnt As Long
Dim i As Long
rcnt = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To rcnt
If TextBox8.Text = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & i).Value Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
MsgBox "This already exists"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
End If
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True
ActiveCell.Value = TextBox8.Text
To remove the message Box all you need to do is delete the following lines in your code
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
MsgBox "This already exists"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
I am not sure what the first part of the code is doing. if you could provide some example I can help with that. But I have rationalized the second part and this will now achieve what the original code was attempting to achieve with lesser lines.
'check article exists
Dim emptyRow As Long
Dim rcnt As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim varProdCode As Long
varProdCode = TextBox8.Text
rcnt = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Do Until varProdCode = 0
For i = 2 To rcnt
If varProdCode = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & i).Value Then
varProdCode = varProdCode + 1
Exit For
Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = varProdCode
varProdCode = 0
Exit Sub
End If
This is the code that works
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
With TextBox26
If myreset = True Then
.Tag = 0
myreset = False
End If
.Tag = Val(.Tag) + 1
.Value = VBA.Format(Val(.Tag), "0000")
End With
Dim emptyRow As Long
Dim rcnt As Long
Dim c As Long
rcnt = Sheets("existing").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For c = 2 To rcnt
Dim iNum(1 To 8) As String
iNum(1) = TextBox24.Value
iNum(2) = TextBox25.Value
iNum(3) = TextBox26.Value
'check if article exists
If Sheets("existing").Range("A" & c).Value = iNum(1) & iNum(2) & "-" & iNum(3) Then
TextBox26.Value = TextBox26.Value + 1
iNum(3) = TextBox26.Value
End If
Next c
'create article number
TextBox8.Value = iNum(1) + iNum(2) + "-" + iNum(3)
'select first column

VBA To Increment Sheets With The Same Name By 1

I currently have a spreadsheet that parses a HL7 message string using "|" as a delimiter. The String that comes before the first "|" becomes the sheet name (Segment). The code executes on each line of the string (Each segment is parsed). The problem is that sometimes there are multiple segments with the same name. So instead of a new sheet being created, all segments are lumped into the same sheet with that name. What I am trying to do is have the code create a new sheet for each segment and if there it is already present, add sheet name with an incremented number.
Sample Message:
PID|1|5000|50^^^USVHA&&0363^NI^FACILITY ID&500&L^^20140804~666^^^USSSA&&0363^SS^FACILITY ID&500&L~^^^USDOD&&0363^TIN^VA FACILITY ID&500&L~^^^USDOD&&0363^FI^FACILITY ID&500&L~736^^^USVHA&&0363^PI^VA FACILITY ID&500&L|736|DATA^PATIENT^^^^^L||19540214|M|||123 main Street^^SW RS^FL^33332^USA^P^^~^^^^^^N|||||||4221^764|666|||||N||||||N||
Option Explicit
Sub DoHL7Parsing(sMessage As String)
Dim vSegments As Variant, vCurSeg As Variant
Dim vFields As Variant, rCurField As Range, iIter As Integer
Dim wsSeg As Worksheet
vSegments = VBA.Split(sMessage, HL7_DELIMITER_SEGMENT)
For Each vCurSeg In vSegments
vFields = VBA.Split(vCurSeg, HL7_DELIMITER_FIELD)
If WorksheetExists(vFields(0), ThisWorkbook) Then
On Error Resume Next
For iIter = 1 To UBound(vFields)
Set rCurField = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(vFields(0)).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rCurField.Value = vFields(0)
rCurField.Offset(0, 1).Value = (rCurField.Row - 1)
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).Value = vFields(iIter)
Next iIter
On Error Resume Next
ElseIf Not WorksheetExists(vFields(0), ThisWorkbook) Then
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = vFields(0)
For iIter = 1 To UBound(vFields)
Set rCurField = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(vFields(0)).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rCurField.Value = vFields(0)
rCurField.Offset(0, 1).Value = (rCurField.Row - 1)
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).Value = vFields(iIter)
Next iIter
'MsgBox "Invalid or unkown segment: " & vFields(0)
End If
Next vCurSeg
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Public Function WorksheetExists(ByVal WorksheetName As String, Optional InWorkbook As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim Sht As Worksheet
WorksheetExists = False
If Not InWorkbook Is Nothing Then
For Each Sht In InWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name = WorksheetName Then WorksheetExists = True
Next Sht
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name = WorksheetName Then WorksheetExists = True
Next Sht
End If
On Error Resume Next
End Function
The trick here is to just count the number of sheets whose Left(ShtName,3) value is equal to vFields(0). Based on the count, add 1 and append to end of vField(0). With this approach, you don't even need the dirty On Error Resume Next because you won't be targeting the same sheet twice, which can bring down your line count considerably.
For the sheet counting, add the following function to your module:
Function CountSheetsWithName(ShtName As String) As Long
Dim WS As Worksheet, Res As Long
Res = 0
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If Left(WS.Name, 3) = ShtName Then
Res = Res + 1
End If
CountSheetsWithName = Res
End Function
Update your DoHL7Parsing subroutine as follows:
Sub DoHL7Parsing(sMessage As String)
Dim vSegments As Variant, vCurSeg As Variant
Dim vFields As Variant, rCurField As Range, iIter As Integer
Dim wsSeg As Worksheet, sShtName As String
vSegments = VBA.Split(sMessage, HL7_DELIMITER_SEGMENT)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each vCurSeg In vSegments
vFields = VBA.Split(vCurSeg, HL7_DELIMITER_FIELD)
For iIter = 1 To UBound(vFields)
sShtName = vFields(0) & (CountSheetsWithName(CStr(vFields(0))) + 1) ' Append the count + 1 to end of name.
Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = sShtName
Set rCurField = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sShtName).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rCurField.Value = vFields(0)
rCurField.Offset(0, 1).Value = (rCurField.Row - 1)
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).Value = vFields(iIter)
Next iIter
Next vCurSeg
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Hope this helps.