Weex - why can not I start the project - npm

I have a problem with weex. I wanted to start to learn to write a Vue app using weex, but I have a problem because I can not download the package. I have an empty folder and enter the command from the npm documentation install weex-toolkit -g, but it will give me such an error.
Image error:

The error is from an npm dependency, fsevents, not weex per-se.
Have you tried on a different platform, or see if the toolkit got installed anyway?


InView package not working in react native typescript mobile app

In my TypeScript React Native mobile app, I'm trying to detect elements appearing on the screen. I'm trying to use many packages such as react-native-inview and react-native-component-inview but they keep throwing typescript typing related errors. How can I resolve these errors or is there other ways or packages available which are typescript supported?
Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-native-inview'. 'PATH/node_modules/react-native-inview/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Try `npm i --save-dev #types/react-native-inview` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'react-native-inview';`
Note: The automatically specified type packages do not exist such as npm i --save-dev #types/react-native-inview.
It seems you didn't add these packages correctly to your app. Have you tried pod install command in your ios folder? If it is not the case, I recommend refreshing your node modules in your app directory.

VS Code does not suggest installed npm package

I've installed, through npm (npm install react-native-elements --save and npm i --save react-native-vector-icons) two packages in my react-native (Expo) project. But the VS Code does not suggest elements from this package and keep suggesting elements from react-native instead of react-native-elements with the same name.
Would you mind explaining to me how can I force VS code to find, suggest and import this packages.
Things I've tried:
1 - restart VS code
2 - restart computer
3 - start over again a new project and reinstall all the packages.
The following image refers to the VS Code displaying the packages correctly installed and the menu does not suggesting the same package.
I'm trying to make VS code recognize, suggest and import the installed packages through npm.
I use an extension called 'npm Intellisense' and it works great for me! It's an addon by Christian Kohler.
For some reason, I uninstalled VS code, proceed the entire configuration again and now it is working. I don't know if It is a problem with previous configuration or some VS code bug. I've done the same steps and this time it is working. Thank you Dwayne for your tip.

Error of spawn vue-cli-service ENOENT after updating vue cli?

My vue project started throwing errors last night. At first I thought it was some sort of node issue because my project wasn't fully loading, which wasn't an issue before and I kept getting an audit issue about my cli plugin. I update node to the latest version and it uploaded fully once, then later it stopped loading and showing anything on the screen. This morning, I tried loading it through the vue cli instead of the terminal and noticed they had updated the vue cli plugin. I updated my vue cli plugin and tried to build my project but now I'm getting this error
"spawn vue-cli-service ENOENT"
can anyone help me with this error and what to do to get my vue project back up and running? Everything was up and running fine before this. Not really sure what is going on. I also have the following plugins running on my project, not sure if that may be impacting anything: vuetify, axios, vuex, vue router, and I have firebase and firestore, as well.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Please use the following link. It worked for me right away.
I ran all this in Windows shell
in CMD into the project directory (this is very important!!)
execute NPM install
re-import in the visualization panel. (I just ran "vue ui")
Prior to doing this I had installed node using windows installer and then the following from the powershell
npm update -g #vue/cli
npm install -g #vue/cli-service-global
restart if you need to, go to the project directory in powershell and "vue ui" without quotes and it worked after that. I was able to compile and run the project without any issues. Once the task is built, you may open a new tab and goto localhost:8080
best of luck! (it was a witch-hunt for me)

I am not able to launch react app project

I followed all the instructions from https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app using yarn. For some reason when I am trying to launch the project yarn start, it gives me this error message
My node version is 8.16.0 and yarn -v 1.15.2. exactly what is required for creating the create react app. I do not have problem with creating the project, but I have with launching. Could you please help solving this issue.
Well probably you have to install events package.
yarn add events or npm install events
Should help :)

Installing npm modules makes flex crash with type errors

I'm attempting to use a component in my React Native project, specifically this one:
I run npm install react-native-grid-view in the project's directory, but as soon as I do that, after building I get:
Is the problem that I'm running npm install in the wrong location? I've tried other directories, but then React doesn't see the modules and says "unknown module".
The problem was that the component was pointing to an older version of React Native, 0.3.4. Manually updated to 0.4 and it worked.