In tensorflow estimator class, what does it mean to train one step? - tensorflow

Specifically, within one step, how does it training the model? What is the quitting condition for the gradient descent and back propagation?
Docs here:
mnist_classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=cnn_model_fn)
train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
x={"x": X_train},
I understand that training one step means that we feed the neural network model with batch_size many data points once. My questions is, within this one step, how many times does it perform gradient descent? Does it do back propagation and gradient descent just once or does it keep performing gradient descent until the model weights reach a optimal for this batch of data?

In addition to #David Parks answer, using batches for performing gradient descent is referred to as stochastic gradient descent. Instead of updating the weights after each training sample, you average over the sum of gradients of the batch and use this new gradient to update your weights.
For example, if you have 1000 trainings samples and use batches of 200, you calculate the average gradient for 200 samples, and update your weights with it. That means that you only perform 5 updates overall instead of updating your weights 1000 times. On sufficiently big data sets, you will experience a much faster training process.
Michael Nielsen has a really nice way to explain this concept in his book.

1 step = 1 gradient update. And each gradient update step requires one forward pass and one backward pass.
The stopping condition is generally left up to you and is arguably more art than science. Commonly you will plot (tensorboard is handy here) your cost, training accuracy, and periodically your validation set accuracy. The low point on validation accuracy is generally a good point to stop. Depending on your dataset validation accuracy may drop and at some point increase again, or it may simply flatten out, at which point the stopping condition often correlates with the developer's degree of impatience.
Here's a nice article on stopping conditions, a google search will turn up plenty more.
Another common approach to stopping is to drop the learning rate every time you compute that no change has occurred to validation accuracy for some "reasonable" number of steps. When you've effectively hit 0 learning rate, you call it quits.

The input function emits batches (when num_epochs=None, num_batches is infinite):
num_batches = num_epochs * (num_samples / batch_size)
One step is processing 1 batch, if steps > num_batches, the training will stop after num_batches.


Does SGD in Tensorflow make a move with each data point?

I assumed the "stochastic" in Stochastic Gradient Descent came from the random selection of samples within each batch. But the articles I have read on the topic seem to indicate that SGD makes a small move (weight change) with every data point. How does Tensorflow implement it?
Yes, SGD is indeed randomly sampled, but the point here is a little different.
SGD itself doesn't do the sampling. You do the sampling by batching and hopefully shuffling between each epoch.
GD means you generate gradients for each weight after forward propping the entire dataset (batchsize = cardinality, and steps per epoch = 1). If your batch size is less than the cardinality of the dataset, then you are the one doing sampling, and you are running SGD not GD.
The implementation is pretty simple, and something like
Forward prop a batch / step.
Find the gradients.
Update weights with those gradients
Back to step 1

Different between fit and evaluate in keras

I have used 100000 samples to train a general model in Keras and achieve good performance. Then, for a particular sample, I want to use the trained weights as initialization and continue to optimize the weights to further optimize the loss of the particular sample.
However, the problem occurred. First, I load the trained weight by the keras API easily, then, I evaluate the loss of the one particular sample, and the loss is close to the loss of the validation loss during the training of the model. I think it is normal. However, when I use the trained weight as the inital and further optimize the weight over the one sample by, the loss is really strange. It is much higher than the evaluate result and gradually became normal after several epochs.
I think it is strange that, for the same one simple and loading the same model weight, why the and model.evaluate() return different results. I used batch normalization layers in my model and I wonder that it may be the reason. The result of model.evaluate() seems normal, as it is close to what I seen in the validation set before.
So what cause the different between fit and evaluation? How can I solve it?
I think your core issue is that you are observing two different loss values during fit and evaluate. This has been extensively discussed here, here, here and here.
The fit() function loss includes contributions from:
Regularizers: L1/L2 regularization loss will be added during training, increasing the loss value
Batch norm variations: during batch norm, running mean and variance of the batch will be collected and then those statistics will be used to perform normalization irrespective of whether batch norm is set to trainable or not. See here for more discussion on that.
Multiple batches: Of course, the training loss will be averaged over multiple batches. So if you take average of first 100 batches and evaluate on the 100th batch only, the results will be different.
Whereas for evaluate, just do forward propagation and you get the loss value, nothing random here.
Bottomline is, you should not compare train and validation loss (or fit and evaluate loss). Those functions do different things. Look for other metrics to check if your model is training fine.

[MXNet]Periodic Loss Value when training with "step" learning rate policy

When training deep CNN, a common way is to use SGD with momentum with a "step" learning rate policy (e.g. learning rate set to be 0.1,0.01,0.001.. at different stages of training).But I encounter an unexpected phenomenon when training with this strategy under MXNet.
That is the periodic training loss value
The above is the training loss at a fixed learning rate 0.01, where the loss is decreasing normally
However, at the second stage of training (with lr 0.001) , the loss goes up and down periodically, and the period is exactly an epoch
So I thought it might be the problem of data shuffling, but it cannot explain why it doesn't happen in the first stage. Actually I used ImageRecordIter as the DataIter and reset it after every epoch, is there anything I missed or set mistakenly?
train_iter =
The codes for training and loss evaluation:
while True:
for i,databatch in enumerate(train_iter):
globalIter += 1
if globalIter % 100 == 0:
loss = metric.get()[1]
Actually the loss can converge, but it takes too long.
I've suffered from this problem for a long period of time, on different network and different datasets.
I didn't have this problem when using Caffe. Is this due to the implementation difference?
Your loss/learning curves look suspiciously smooth, and I believe you can observe the same oscillation in the loss even when the learning rate is set to 0.01 just at a smaller relative scale (i.e. if you 'zoomed in' to the chart you'd see the same pattern). You may have an issue with your data iterator passing the same batch for example. And your training loop looks wrong but this could be due to formatting (e.g. mod.update() only performed every 100 batches isn't correct).
You can observe periodicity in your loss when you're traveling across a valley in the loss surface, up and down the sides rather than down the valley. Choosing a lower learning rate can help fix this, and make sure you are using momentum too.

Does Stochastic Gradient Descent even work with TensorFlow?

I designed a MLP, fully connected, with 2 hidden and one output layer.
I get a nice learning curve if I use batch or mini-batch gradient descent.
But a straight line while performing Stochastic Gradient Descent (violet)
What did I get wrong?
In my understanding, I do stochastic gradient descent with Tensorflow, if I provide just one train/learn example each train step, like:
X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, amountInput],name="Input")
Y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, amountOutput],name="TeachingInput")
m, i =[merged, train_op], feed_dict={X:[input],Y:[label]})
Whereby input is a 10-component vector and label is a 20-component vector.
For testings I run 1000 iterations, each iterations contains one of 50 prepared train/learn example.
I expected an overfittet nn. But as you see, it doesn't learn :(
Because the nn will perform in an online-learning environment, a mini-batch oder batch gradient descent isn't an option.
thanks for any hints.
The batch size influences the effective learning rate.
If you think to the update formula of a single parameter, you'll see that it's updated averaging the various values computed for this parameter, for every element in the input batch.
This means that if you're working with a batch size with size n, your "real" learning rate per single parameter is about learning_rate/n.
Thus, if the model you've trained with batches of size n have trained without issues, this is because the learning rate was ok for that batch size.
If you use pure stochastic gradient descent, you have to lower the learning rate (usually by a factor of some power of 10).
So, for example, if your learning rate was 1e-4 with a batch size of 128, try with a learning rate of 1e-4 / 128.0 as see if the network learn (it should).

Difference of training steps or complete run through

on in the beginner-mnist tutorial they train with 1000 steps, 100 examples. Which is more than the training set which only includes 55,000 points ? In the expert-mnist tutorial they train with 20000 steps, 50 examples.
I think the training steps are done, so that one could every training step make a print-output what loss or/and accuracy one got without waiting till the end or processing.
But could one also simply pipe all examples through the train_operation in 1 step and then look at the outcome, or is not possible ?
Training on the whole dataset at each iteration is called batch gradient descent. Training on minibatches (e.g. 100 samples at a time) is called stochastic gradient descent. You can read more about the two and the reasons for choosing larger or smaller batch sizes in this question on Cross Validated.
Batch gradient descent typically isn't feasible because it requires too much RAM. Each iteration will also take significantly longer and the tradeoff often isn't worth it even if you have the computational resources.
That said, the batch size is a hyperparameter that you can play around with to find a value that works well.