How to retrieve all wikipedia articles containing at least one table? - wikipedia-api

The API doesn't seem to be very clear in how to retrieve all articles containing a "wikitable" class.
What's the best way to do this?

Probably because there is no such API. You can try searching for class="wikitable".

Tables are unstructured and can appear in unexpected places, such as manually aligning images. You can try the searching insource:" class=wikitable", as Tgr suggests.


Is there a way to group up multiple fields in Tableau to use as on data piece?

I am trying to learn all about Data Visualization and Tableau, so I was wondering if one can combine multiple fields into one, and how to do that?
Yes, Tableau is quite versatile. There are many ways to combine multiple fields, for many meanings of the word "combine". If you just want to add some numeric fields together to make a new variable, or string some text fields together to make a larger text field, you can do that by defining a "computed field".
These videos are free and you can watch them to get an idea of what can be done.
Here's a 23 minute overview:
I see the short intro video on Tableau's site isn't working right now.
Here's another walk-through of what's possible

How to use Alignment API to generate a Alignment Format file?

I am going to attend the Instance Matching of OAEI, now I need to make my results to Alignment Format. In order to achieve it, I have learned official tutorials.(link:
But there are many differences between the method taught and the method I want. In other words, I can't understand the API.
This is my situation:
I have 2 rdf file(person11.rdf and person12.rdf link is, the PR dataset), each file has information of many person. I want to find the coreferent entities, the results must be printed in Alignment Format. I find the results by using SPARQL, but I don't know how to print it in Alignment Format.
So, I have three questions:
First, if I want to generate a Alignment Format file, is the method taught the only way?
Second, can you give me your method(code better) to generate the Alignment Format file? Maybe I am wrong from the beginning, can you give me some suggestions?
Third, if you attended OAEI or know something about Instance Matching, can you give me some advice? I want to find the coreferent entities.
Thank you!
First question: I guess that the "mentioned method" is the one in tutorial1. It is not the appropriate one since you have to write a program to output the alignment format and this is a command line interface tutorial. In this case, you'd better look at
Then, there are basically two ways to do:
The advised one (for several reasons and for participating to OAEI) is to follow these tutorials, to create an empty alignment in it, to create the correspondences from the results of your SPARQL query and to render it. Everything is covered by the tutorials but the part concerning your SPARQL queries. This assumes that you are programming in Java.
The non-advised solution (primarily non advised because you will have to debug your own renderer), is to write, in any programming language that you want a program that output the format (which corresponds to what you cite).
Think about it: how would you expect that the Alignment API knows the results of your SPARQL query? If you come up with a nice solution, contact the API developers, they may integrate it and others could benefit.
Second question: I cannot do better than what is above.
Third question: too general. Read the OAEI results ( and look at the code of others.
Good luck!

Use the Apple Search API to search by genre?

Is it possible to use the Apple Search API to search by genre ? I'm thinking specifically games in the app store. Using Obj-c.
As has been pointed out in the comments of this question...
Search Apple App store by genre with iOS/Obj-c
There seems to be a problem with trying to search by genre, so I'm looking for answers which of examples of that actually working, not just links to the docs.
It's not actually documented on the Search API documentation, but you can add a genreId parameter to the search URL and it restricts the search to a particular genre.
If you look at the JSON returned from a search for "Yelp", there are 4 interesting things:
"genreIds":["6005", "6001"]
"genres":["Social Networking", "Weather"]
"primaryGenreName":"Social Networking"
Adding &genreId=6001 to a URL will find apps in the US in the "Weather" category. I'm using the search term "Check" in the URL.
Because it's not documented, you can't rely on it working forever. You may also be able to use the primaryGenreName as a parameter, I didn't try that. You'll have to figure out what numbers correspond to what categories too.
The Search API is documented here:
You can use this link to generate an RSS Feed of your liking. Without knowing too much about how you intend to use it, I would suggest looking at these two solutions and using the best one that suits your needs.

Sharepoint: Using multiple content types in list. Pros and Cons

I newbie in Sharepoint development.
I has some hierarchical structure like internet forum:
For each of this entities I create content type.
I see, that Sharepoint allow store in list different content types and I can store all forums with their posts and comments in single list (Forum and Post will be 'Folder', Comment - Item).
From other side, I can create separate lists for each content type:
Forums List, Posts List, Comments List and link them in some way.
Is anybody can outline Pros and Cons for both solutions? I have about 2 weeks experience in Sharepoint and can't select best way.
P.S. Sorry for my English.
The short answer is: it depends.
First, they need to logically fit together. A user should expect items of these various types to be grouped together (or at least wouldn't be surprised that they have been grouped together). And in terms of design, they should have some common intersection of list type and fields. Combining Documents, Discussions, and Events into a single list wouldn't be a good idea. Likewise, I'm not sure Posts and Comments (as you mention above) would be a good fit for a single list. They just don't logically fit and their schemas probably do not have enough in common.
Once that has been determined, I would put multiple Content Types in the same list if they are meant to be used together. Will you want to show all of these items, regardless of Content Type, together in a view? Do all of these items share the same workflows, policies, permissions, etc? If the answer is no for any of these, then split the Content Types into different lists.
As I said, it depends. I'm not sure there really is a hard or fast rule for this. I see it a little like database normalization. We know the forms and the options. But depending on the project, sometimes we normalize a little more, sometimes we denormalize a little more, but we almost never (I hope) have one, monster table that contains every type of row in the database.

What is the purpose of SpanQuery in Lucene?

Can someone explain what a SpanQuery is, and what are typical use cases for it?
The documentation is very laconic, and keeps mentioning the concept of "span", which I'm not quite sure I get.
Spans provide a proximity search feature to Lucene. They are used to find multiple terms near each other, without requiring the terms to appear in a specified order. You can specify the terms that you want to find, and how close they must be. You can combine these span queries with each other or with other types of Lucene queries.
Found this all about the SpanQuery
A span query is a query that returns infomation about where in a document each match took place. You use the getSpans() method to get the locations.
The following deck of slides (unfortunately in Powerpoint) contain an example:
The javadocs you linked to are for a class in the " " package. if you had clicked on the "package" link on those javadocs you would have been taken to...
...where the concept of Spans and what a Span is are explained in depth.