using the AWS CLI I'm trying to run
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name FullstackLambda --template-url --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region us-west-2
but I get the error
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: S3 error: Access Denied
I have already set my credential with
aws configure
PS I got the create-stack command from the AppSync docs (
Looks like you accidentally skipped l letter at the end of template file name:
LambdaCFTemplate.yam -> LambdaCFTemplate.yaml
First make sure the S3 URL is correct. But since this is a 403, I doubt it's the case.
Yours could result from a few different scenarios.
1.If both APIs and IAM user are MFA protected, you have to generate temporary credentials using aws sts get-session-token and use it
2.Use a role to provide cloudformation read access to the template object in S3. First create a IAM role with read access to S3. Then create a parameter like below and ref it in resource properties IamInstanceProfile block
"Description":"Instance Profile Name",
I have a Netcore api code that includes retrieving and uploading files to aws S3. It works when I run it locally since I have saved IAM credentials locally in another folder. However, when I deploy it with aws lambda function and try to access S3 I get AmazonS3Exception "access denied". I'm wondering how can I setup access to IAM credentials remotely as I have done locally?
You should be assigning an IAM role as the Lambda function's execution role. Your code should be able to pick that up and use it automatically. If your code isn't picking that up automatically then edit your question to show the relevant code.
I am trying to access a private S3 bucket that I've created in the console with boto3. However, when I try any action e.g. to list the bucket contents, I get
s3Client = boto3.client('s3')
blist = s3Client.list_objects(Bucket=f'{bucketName}')['Contents']
ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjects operation: Access Denied
I am using my default profile (no need for IAM roles). The Access Control List on the browser states that the bucket owner has list/read/write permissions. The canonical id listed as the bucket owner is the same as the canonical id I get when I go to 'Your Security Credentials'.
In short, it feels like the account permissions are ok, but boto is not logging in with the right profile. In addition, running similar commands from the command line e.g.
aws s3api list-buckets
also gives Access Denied. I have no problem running these commands at work, where I have a work log-in and IAM roles. It's just running them on my personal 'default' profile.
Any suggestions?
It appears that your credentials have not been stored in a configuration file.
You can run this AWS CLI command:
aws configure
It will then prompt you for Access Key and Secret Key, then will store them in the file. That file is automatically used by the AWS CLI and boto3.
It is a good idea to confirm that it works via the AWS CLI first, then you will know that it should work for boto3 also.
I would highly recommend that you create IAM credentials and use them instead of root credentials. It is quite dangerous if the root credentials are compromised. A good practice is to create an IAM User for specific applications, then limit the permissions granted to that application. This avoids situations where a programming error (or a security compromise) could lead to unwanted behaviour (eg resources being used or data being deleted).
I've got a S3 access key and secret set up. I've tried the credentials locally with the aws cli program. However, when run on Appveyor it got permission denied as follows
Deploying using S3 provider
Uploading artifact "NOpenType/bin/Release/NOpenType.0.1.4-ci0187.nupkg" (25,708 bytes) to S3 bucket "nrasterizer-artifacts" as "master/NOpenType/bin/Release/NOpenType.0.1.4-ci0187.nupkg"
Access Denied
How do I resolve this and let appveyor upload to my bucket?
This could be due to any number of reasons
Is S3 provider properly configured? Obvious, but please recheck the key& secret and bucket names etc.
Does the user have appropriate permissions? You did mention that you tested the credentials locally. But it could be that there is a S3 bucket policy which restricts uploads etc. to a set to specific IP addresses.
As I was using set_public: true setting I needed the s3:PutObjectAcl permission in addition to s3:PutObject.
After messing around with S3 bucket permission, I can't access the s3 bucket from AWS console and CLI. Always getting this error from the console
Sorry! You do not have permissions to view this bucket.
Using the CLI on any s3api call, would get Access Denied.
A client error (AccessDenied) occurred when calling the GetBucketVersioning operation: Access Denied
A client error (AccessDenied) occurred when calling the PutObjectAcl operation: Access Denied
Anyone know how to fix this issue.
I solved the problem in the end it was the bucket policy where my IP was in the blocked instead of allow access. I used a different ip and able to update bucket policy.
I have a bucket (let's call it bucket-1) on AWS S3 from which I cannot read. I have another bucket (let's call it bucket-2) from which I can read.
I can list the contents of both buckets, but I cannot copy any of the contents of bucket-1.
% aws s3 ls s3://bucket-1/ | grep 0046
2016-03-09 15:39:50 4413909 0046f326-6e7d-4c16-80e4-491fa0b19dd7
% aws s3 cp s3://bucket-1/0046f326-6e7d-4c16-80e4-491fa0b19dd7 .
A client error (403) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden
In the course of trying to figure this out I switched back to using Access Keys of the AWS Account not an IAM User (assuming that the AWS Account has basically all privileges).
Start digging
Assuming the cause is in the permissions, I run
% aws s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket my-bucket-1
% aws s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket my-bucket-2
It shows my AWS Account as the owner of both buckets.
bucket-2 has one permission: FULL_CONTROL for my AWS Account.
bucket-1 lists several permissions, FULL_CONTROL is not among these. It lists
for my AWS Account.
In the web console the objects in bucket-1 don't have any permission set. The objects in bucket-2 have the same permission as the bucket they are in.
It is likely that different methods were used to store the files in the two buckets. The objects in bucket-2 were likely created via the API, while the objects in bucket-1 originate from a anonymous POST. (Yes, bucket-1 has the permission WRITE for Everyone.)
Digging deeper
Even with the credentials of my AWS Account I don't have the permission to query the acl of the object.
% aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket bucket-1 --key 0046f326-6e7d-4c16-80e4-491fa0b19dd7
A client error (AccessDenied) occurred when calling the GetObjectAcl operation: Access Denied
% aws s3api get-object --bucket bucket-1 --key 0046f326-6e7d-4c16-80e4-491fa0b19dd7 local.file
A client error (AccessDenied) occurred when calling the GetObject operation: Access Denied
% aws s3api head-object --bucket bucket-1 --key 0046f326-6e7d-4c16-80e4-491fa0b19dd7
A client error (403) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden
On a helpful site on the internet I found that one can use put-object-acl to set the acl to bucket-owner-full-control. I tried that. But you have to do this with the credentials of the owner of the file - and how can you do that if the file was posted anonymously?
What else can I try?
Do objects on S3, like buckets, have an owner?
If so, where in the web console can I find that information?
Don't allow anonymous uploads to your bucket. If you do, and the uploader doesn't set the permissions correctly, the only action available to you is to delete the object.
It is possible to set the bucket policy so that the anonymous upload is denied unless the uploaded sets the ACL to bucket-owner-full-control, but that's only useful for future uploads.
In event... is there a legitimate application for anonymous uploads? Highly dubious.