I've been working on the code below for a while now and I'm almost done. It's taking 3 cells of data from one sheet, copying it in another, saving a copy based on the name in the first sheet and then looping until completed for all filled rows.
The snag I'm hitting is that when the first loop completes and it needs to select the WB that holds the data (the selection is needed for the function) it can't select it due to a fault in WsStam.Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).EntireRow.Select. When I debug, switch to the WB and run code it does work.
It's probably something stupid I'm missing. I appreciate your help!
Sub motivatieFormOpmaken()
Dim wbMotivTemp As Workbook
Dim wsMotiv As Worksheet
Dim PathOnly, mot, FileOnly As String
Dim StrPadSourcenaam As String
Dim WsStam As Worksheet
Dim WbStam As Workbook
Dim LastRow As Long
Set wbMotivTemp = ThisWorkbook
Set wsMotiv = ActiveSheet
StrHoofdDocument = ActiveWorkbook.Name
StrPadHoofdDocument = ActiveWorkbook.Path
StrPadSourcenaam = StrPadHoofdDocument & "\" & c_SourceDump
If Not FileThere(StrPadSourcenaam) Then
MsgBox "Document " & StrPadSourcenaam & " is niet gevonden."
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open FileName:=StrPadSourcenaam
Set WbStam = ActiveWorkbook
Set WsStam = WbStam.Worksheets("Stambestand")
Application.Run "Stambestand.xlsm!unhiderowsandcolumns"
iLaatsteKolom = Worksheets("stambestand").Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
iLaatsteRij = Worksheets("stambestand").Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).row
If KolomControle = False Then Exit Sub
Cells(1, iKolomnrVerwijderen_uit_de_tellingen).AutoFilter Field:=iKolomnrVerwijderen_uit_de_tellingen, Criteria1:="0"
LastRow = Cells(1, iKolomnrCorpID).End(xlDown).row
Dim row As Long
row = 2
With WsStam
Do Until row > iLaatsteRij
If .Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).RowHeight > 0 Then
WsStam.Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).EntireRow.Select 'It crashes at this line, after the first loop
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_cid") = Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).Text
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_naam") = Cells(row, iKolomnrNaam).Text
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_ldg") = Cells(row, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende).Text
n = naamOpmaken
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=StrPadHoofdDocument & "\Docs\" & n & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
End If
row = row + 1
End With
End Sub
Function naamOpmaken() As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim row As Range
Set rng = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
iRijnummer = rng.row
If iRijnummer > 1 Then
naam = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrNaam).Text
ldg = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende).Text
cid = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrCorpID).Text
Dim Position As Long, Length As Long
Dim n As String
Position = InStrRev(naam, " ")
Length = Len(naam)
n = Right(naam, Length - Position)
End If
naamOpmaken = n + "-" + ldg + "-" + cid
End Function
you have to activate a worksheet before selecting a cell of
since you're jumping between sheets you have to add
right before
WsStam.Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).EntireRow.Select
BTW, you don't seem to need that selection at all so you may want to try and comment that line!
Hopefully you may find this useful for the future.
I've had a look through your code and made some updates so you shouldn't have to select any sheets and that problem line is removed completely. I've also added a new function at the bottom which will find the last cell on any sheet you reference.
Option Explicit 'Very important at top of module.
'Ensures all variables are declared correctly.
Sub motivatieFormOpmaken()
Dim wbMotivTemp As Workbook
Dim wsMotiv As Worksheet
' Dim PathOnly, mot, FileOnly As String
'New code.
Dim PathOnly As String, mot As String, FileOnly As String
Dim StrPadSourcenaam As String
'New code.
Dim StrHoofdDocument As String
Dim StrPadHoofdDocument As String
Dim c_SourceDump As String
c_SourceDump = "MyFileName.xlsx"
Dim KolomControle As Boolean
Dim WsStam As Worksheet
Dim WbStam As Workbook
Dim LastRow As Long
Set wbMotivTemp = ThisWorkbook
Set wsMotiv = ActiveSheet
StrHoofdDocument = ActiveWorkbook.Name
StrPadHoofdDocument = ActiveWorkbook.Path
StrPadSourcenaam = StrPadHoofdDocument & "\" & c_SourceDump
If Not FileThere(StrPadSourcenaam) Then
MsgBox "Document " & StrPadSourcenaam & " is niet gevonden."
' Exit Sub
' End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Workbooks.Open Filename:=StrPadSourcenaam
' Set WbStam = ActiveWorkbook
'New code.
Set WbStam = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=StrPadSourcenaam)
Set WsStam = WbStam.Worksheets("Stambestand")
' Application.Run "Stambestand.xlsm!unhiderowsandcolumns"
'New code as possible replacement for "unhiderowsandcolumns"
WsStam.Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
WsStam.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
' Worksheets("stambestand").Activate
' iLaatsteKolom = Worksheets("stambestand").Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
' iLaatsteRij = Worksheets("stambestand").Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).row
'New code. You may want to check for filters before finding last row?
iLaatsteKolom = LastCell(WsStam).Column
iLaatsteRij = LastCell(WsStam).row
VulKolomNr 'No idea - getting deja vu here.
' If KolomControle = False Then Exit Sub
'New code.
If KolomControle Then
WsStam.Cells(1, iKolomnrVerwijderen_uit_de_tellingen).AutoFilter Field:=iKolomnrVerwijderen_uit_de_tellingen, Criteria1:="0"
' LastRow = Cells(1, iKolomnrCorpID).End(xlDown).row
'New code. The function will return the last filtered row.
LastRow = LastCell(WsStam).row
Dim row As Long
row = 2
With WsStam
Do Until row > iLaatsteRij
If .Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).RowHeight > 0 Then
'I don't think you even need this line.
' WsStam.Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).EntireRow.Select 'It crashes at this line, after the first loop
' wsMotiv.Range("motiv_cid") = Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID).Text
' wsMotiv.Range("motiv_naam") = Cells(row, iKolomnrNaam).Text
' wsMotiv.Range("motiv_ldg") = Cells(row, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende).Text
'New code. Note the "." before "Cells" which tells it that cell is on "WsStam" (in the "With")
' Also formatting the cell to text - will need to update as required.
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_cid") = Format(.Cells(row, iKolomnrCorpID), "0000")
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_naam") = Format(.Cells(row, iKolomnrNaam), "0000")
wsMotiv.Range("motiv_ldg") = Format(.Cells(row, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende), "0000")
'Do you mean this to save on each loop?
' n = naamOpmaken
' wbMotivTemp.Activate
' ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=StrPadHoofdDocument & "\Docs\" & n & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
'New code. Combines the above three lines.
wbMotivTemp.SaveAs Filename:=StrPadHoofdDocument & "\Docs\" & naamOpmaken(WsStam) & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
End If
row = row + 1
End With
'New code. End of "If KolomControle" block.
End If
'New code - end of "If Not FileThere" block.
'Give procedure a single exit point.
End If
End Sub
'Added the worksheet as an argument to the procedure.
'This is then passed from the main procedure and you don't need to select the sheet first.
Function naamOpmaken(wrkSht As Worksheet) As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim row As Range
Set rng = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'New code
Dim naam As String
Dim ldg As String
Dim cid As String
iRijnummer = rng.row
If iRijnummer > 1 Then
' naam = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrNaam).Text
' ldg = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende).Text
' cid = Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrCorpID).Text
'New code - not reference to the worksheet, and using default value of cell.
' may need to add "FORMAT" to get numericals in correct format.
naam = wrkSht.Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrNaam)
ldg = wrkSht.Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrHuidigeLeidingGevende)
cid = wrkSht.Cells(iRijnummer, iKolomnrCorpID)
Dim Position As Long, Length As Long
Dim n As String
Position = InStrRev(naam, " ")
Length = Len(naam)
n = Right(naam, Length - Position)
End If
'If n and ldg are numbers this will add them rather than stick them together.
' naamOpmaken = n + "-" + ldg + "-" + cid
'New code
naamOpmaken = n & "-" & ldg & "-" & cid
End Function
'New function to find last cell containing data on sheet.
Public Function LastCell(wrkSht As Worksheet) As Range
Dim lLastCol As Long, lLastRow As Long
On Error Resume Next
With wrkSht
lLastCol = .Cells.Find("*", , , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
lLastRow = .Cells.Find("*", , , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).row
If lLastCol = 0 Then lLastCol = 1
If lLastRow = 0 Then lLastRow = 1
Set LastCell = wrkSht.Cells(lLastRow, lLastCol)
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
I have an output excel file from another macro which has multiple sheets (named 100,101,102... etc.) Sheet numbers will vary depending on prior macro's output.
Also there is a sheet named sheet1 which has info about how many random rows should be selected from 100,101,102... etc.
I tried to merge/combine what i could find from similar macros but i guess the loop part is way over my head.
I will run the macro from another "main" excel. which will open related output xls.
Then it will lookup for random rows amount from sheet1 and then select that number of random rows in related sheet and move to next sheet. (I'm getting the correct amount from lookup (used index match))
But for randomized part i was not able to make it work for multiple sheets.
It does not matter if it selects and colors the rows or copies and pastes them to another sheet/wb. Both is ok, but I need to automate this process since i have so much data waiting.
The macro i have managed so far is below, since I'm a newbie there may be unrelated or unnecessary things.
Is it possible?
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Durat As Long
StartTime = Now()
Dim mvn As Workbook
Dim FPath As String
Dim newWB As Workbook
Dim SheetN As Integer
Dim I As Long
FPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
Set mvn = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" &
Sheets("Data").Range("C2").Value & " " & Sheets("Data").Range("C3").Value
& " Muavinbol" & ".xls")
SheetN = mvn.Worksheets.Count
Set SampleS = mvn.Sheets("Sheet1")
For Each Sh In mvn.Worksheets
If Sh.Name <> "Sheet1" Then
Dim lookupvalue As Integer
Dim ranrows As Integer
Dim randrows As Integer
lookupvalue = Cells(1, 1).Value
ranrows = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(mvn.Sheets("Sheet1")_
.Range("S1:S304"), Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(lookupvalue,
mvn.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("$D$1:$D$304"), 0))
'MsgBox lookupvalue & " " & ranrows
End If
Next Sh
Durat = Round((Now() - StartTime) * 24 * 60 * 60, 0)
'MsgBox Durat & " seconds."
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here is an example (i have integrated some code, adapted from other places, and added the references in to the code itself) I would welcome feedback from other users and can refine.
Sheet1 has the number of rows to return and the sheet names (i have used a short list)
The other sheets have some random data e.g. Sheet2
The code reads the sheet names into one array and the number of rows to randomly choose from each sheet into another array.
It then loops the sheets, generates the number of required random rows by selecting between the first and the start row in the sheet (this currently doesn't have error handling in case specified number of random rows exceeds available number ,but then could set numRows to lastRow. Union is used to collect these for the given sheet and they are copied to the next available row in the target sheet of another workbook. Union can't be used across worksheets sadly so a workaround has to be found, i chose this copy for each worksheet.
I have made some assumptions about where to copy from and to but have a play. I have also left some of your code in and currently set mnv = ThisWorkbook and the workbook to copy to is called otherWorkbook. Yours may be differently named and targeted but this was aimed at showing you a process for generating numbers and copying them in a loop.
Have used a function by Rory to test if the worksheet exists.
Example result:
Option Explicit
Public Sub RANDOM()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Durat As Long
Dim mvn As Workbook
Dim FPath As String
Dim newWB As Workbook
'Dim SheetN As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim otherWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Dim startTime As Date
Dim mnv As Workbook
Dim SampleS As Worksheet
startTime = Now()
FPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
'Set mvn = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & Sheets("Data").Range("C2").Value & " " & Sheets("Data").Range("C3").Value & " Muavinbol" & ".xls")
Set mnv = ThisWorkbook
Set otherWorkbook = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\HarrisQ\Desktop\My Test Folder\Test.xlsx")
Set targetSheet = otherWorkbook.Sheets("TargetSheet")
Set SampleS = mnv.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim worksheetNames()
Dim numRandRows()
worksheetNames = SampleS.Range("$D$1:$D$3").Value
numRandRows = SampleS.Range("$S$1:$S$3").Value
Dim copyRange As Range
Dim currSheetIndex As Long
Dim currSheet As Worksheet
Dim selectedRows As Range
For currSheetIndex = LBound(worksheetNames, 1) To UBound(worksheetNames, 1)
If WorksheetExists(CStr(worksheetNames(currSheetIndex, 1))) Then
Set currSheet = mnv.Worksheets(worksheetNames(currSheetIndex, 1))
With currSheet
Dim firstRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim numRows As Long
firstRow = GetFirstLastRow(currSheet, 1)(0) 'I am using Column A (1) to specify column to use to find first and last row.
lastRow = GetFirstLastRow(currSheet, 1)(1)
numRows = numRandRows(currSheetIndex, 1)
Set selectedRows = RandRows(currSheet, firstRow, lastRow, numRows) 'Union cannot span different worksheets so copy paste at this point
Dim nextTargetRow As Long
If IsEmpty(targetSheet.Range("A1")) Then
nextTargetRow = 1
nextTargetRow = targetSheet.Cells(targetSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
End If
selectedRows.Copy targetSheet.Cells(nextTargetRow, 1)
Set selectedRows = Nothing
End With
End If
Next currSheetIndex
Durat = Round((Now() - startTime) * 24 * 60 * 60, 0)
'MsgBox Durat & " seconds."
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Function RandRows(ByRef currSheet As Worksheet, ByVal firstRow As Long, ByVal lastRow As Long, ByVal numRows As Long) As Range
Dim iArr As Variant
Dim selectedRows As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim temp As Long
ReDim iArr(firstRow To lastRow)
For i = firstRow To lastRow
iArr(i) = i
Next i
For i = lastRow To firstRow + 1 Step -1
r = Int(Rnd() * (i - firstRow + 1)) + firstRow
temp = iArr(r)
iArr(r) = iArr(i)
iArr(i) = temp
Next i
Dim currRow As Range
For i = firstRow To firstRow + numRows - 1
Set currRow = currSheet.Cells.Rows(iArr(i))
If Not selectedRows Is Nothing Then
Set selectedRows = Application.Union(selectedRows, currRow)
Set selectedRows = currRow
End If
Next i
If Not selectedRows Is Nothing Then
Set RandRows = selectedRows
MsgBox "No rows were selected for copying"
End If
End Function
Private Function GetFirstLastRow(ByRef currSheet As Worksheet, ByVal colNum As Long) As Variant
'colNum determine which column you will use to find last row
Dim startRow As Long
Dim endRow As Long
endRow = currSheet.Cells(currSheet.Rows.Count, colNum).End(xlUp).Row
startRow = FirstUsedCell(currSheet, colNum)
GetFirstLastRow = Array(startRow, endRow)
End Function
Private Function FirstUsedCell(ByRef currSheet As Worksheet, ByVal colNum As Long) As Long
'Finds the first non-blank cell in a worksheet.
Dim rFound As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rFound = currSheet.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=currSheet.Cells(currSheet.Rows.Count, colNum), _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
On Error GoTo 0
If rFound Is Nothing Then
MsgBox currSheet & ":All cells are blank."
FirstUsedCell = rFound.Row
End If
End Function
Function WorksheetExists(sName As String) As Boolean
'#Rory https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6688131/test-or-check-if-sheet-exists
WorksheetExists = Evaluate("ISREF('" & sName & "'!A1)")
End Function
Since QHarr's code needed to have all worksheet names should exist in the workbook did not work for me in the end. But with merging it some other project's function i made it work.
Opens an output xlsx file in same folder,
Index&Match to find the random rows amount
loop through all sheets with random function
then paste all randomized rows into Sheet named RASSAL
It may be unefficient since I really dont have much info on codes, but guess i managed to modify it into my needs.
Open to suggestions anyway and thanks to #QHarr very much for His/Her replies.
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim Durat As Long
startTime = Now()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim mvn As Workbook
Dim FPath As String
Dim newWB As Workbook
Dim SheetN As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lookupvalue As Long
Dim indexrange As Range
Dim matchrange As Range
Dim ranrows As Long
Dim firstRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim numRows As Long
Dim sayf As String
Dim nextTargetRow As Long
Dim Rassal As Worksheet
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Dim sampleCount As Long
Dim ar() As Long
Dim total As Long
Dim rowhc As Long
FPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
Set mvn = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" &
Sheets("Data").Range("C2").Value & " " & Sheets("Data").Range("C3").Value
& " Muavinbol" & ".xlsx")
SheetN = mvn.Worksheets.count
Set SampleS = mvn.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set Rassal = Worksheets.Add
Rassal.Name = "RASSAL"
Set indexrange = SampleS.Range("$S$8:$S$304")
Set matchrange = SampleS.Range("$D$8:$D$304")
For Each Sht In mvn.Worksheets
If Sht.Name = "Sheet1" Or Sht.Name = "Sayfa1" Or Sht.Name = "RASSAL"
'do nothing
lookupvalue = Sht.Cells(1, 1).Value
ranrows = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(indexrange,
Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(lookupvalue, matchrange, 0))
With Sht
firstRow = GetFirstLastRow(Sht, 1)(0)
lastRow = GetFirstLastRow(Sht, 1)(1)
numRows = ranrows
sayf = Sht.Name
'MsgBox sayf & " " & firstRow & " " & lastRow & " " &
If numRows = 0 Then
'do nothing
ar = UniqueRandom(numRows, firstRow, lastRow)
Set rngToCopy = .Rows(ar(0))
For i = 1 To UBound(ar)
Set rngToCopy = Union(rngToCopy, .Rows(ar(i)))
If IsEmpty(mvn.Sheets("RASSAL").Range("A1")) Then
nextTargetRow = 1
nextTargetRow =
"A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
End If
rngToCopy.Copy Rassal.Cells(nextTargetRow, 1)
Set rngToCopy = Nothing
End If
End With
End If
Next Sht
rowhc = Rassal.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Durat = Round((Now() - startTime) * 24 * 60 * 60, 0)
MsgBox rowhc & " " & "random selections made in" & " " & Durat & "
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Function GetFirstLastRow(ByRef Sht As Worksheet, ByVal colNum As
Long) As Variant
'colNum determine which column you will use to find last row
Dim firstRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = Sht.Cells(Sht.Rows.count, colNum).End(xlUp).Row
firstRow = FirstUsedCell(Sht, colNum)
GetFirstLastRow = Array(firstRow, lastRow)
End Function
Private Function FirstUsedCell(ByRef Sht As Worksheet, ByVal colNum As
Long) As Long
Dim rFound As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rFound = Sht.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
colNum), _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
On Error GoTo 0
If rFound Is Nothing Then
'do Nothing MsgBox Sh & ":All cells are blank."
FirstUsedCell = rFound.Row
End If
End Function
Function UniqueRandom(ByVal numRows As Long, ByVal a As Long, ByVal b As
Long) As Long()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, x As Long
ReDim arr(b - a) As Long
For i = 0 To b - a: arr(i) = a + i: Next
If b - a < count Then UniqueRandom = arr: Exit Function
For i = 0 To b - a 'Now we shuffle the array
j = Int(Rnd * (b - a))
x = arr(i): arr(i) = arr(j): arr(j) = x ' swap
' After shuffling the array, we can simply take the first portion
If numRows = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve arr(0)
ReDim Preserve arr(0 To numRows - 1)
On Error Resume Next
End If
'sorting, probably not necessary
For i = 0 To count - 1
For j = i To count - 1
If arr(j) < arr(i) Then x = arr(i): arr(i) = arr(j): arr(j) = x '
UniqueRandom = arr
End Function
I need a macro to split my data from one Excel file to few others. It looks like this:
User Role Location
I need, to copy data like this:
User Role
User Role
User Role
I need every user, to have his own file. The problem appeared when I was told that the files need to be filled using template (template.xls). Looks the same, but data in the source file starts in cell A2, and in the template file from cell A8.
To copy data without template I used this code:
Public Sub SplitToFiles()
' MACRO SplitToFiles
' Last update: 2012-03-04
' Author: mtone
' Version 1.1
' Description:
' Loops through a specified column, and split each distinct values into a separate file by making a copy and deleting rows below and above
' Note: Values in the column should be unique or sorted.
' The following cells are ignored when delimiting sections:
' - blank cells, or containing spaces only
' - same value repeated
' - cells containing "total"
' Files are saved in a "Split" subfolder from the location of the source workbook, and named after the section name.
Dim osh As Worksheet ' Original sheet
Dim iRow As Long ' Cursors
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iFirstRow As Long ' Constant
Dim iTotalRows As Long ' Constant
Dim iStartRow As Long ' Section delimiters
Dim iStopRow As Long
Dim sSectionName As String ' Section name (and filename)
Dim rCell As Range ' current cell
Dim owb As Workbook ' Original workbook
Dim sFilePath As String ' Constant
Dim iCount As Integer ' # of documents created
iCol = Application.InputBox("Enter the column number used for splitting", "Select column", 2, , , , , 1)
iRow = Application.InputBox("Enter the starting row number (to skip header)", "Select row", 5, , , , , 1)
iFirstRow = iRow
Set osh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set owb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
iTotalRows = osh.UsedRange.Rows.Count
sFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
If Dir(sFilePath + "\Split", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir sFilePath + "\Split"
End If
'Turn Off Screen Updating Events
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Get cell at cursor
Set rCell = osh.Cells(iRow, iCol)
sCell = Replace(rCell.Text, " ", "")
If sCell = "" Or (rCell.Text = sSectionName And iStartRow <> 0) Or InStr(1, rCell.Text, "total", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
' Skip condition met
' Found new section
If iStartRow = 0 Then
' StartRow delimiter not set, meaning beginning a new section
sSectionName = rCell.Text
iStartRow = iRow
' StartRow delimiter set, meaning we reached the end of a section
iStopRow = iRow - 1
' Pass variables to a separate sub to create and save the new worksheet
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1
' Reset section delimiters
iStartRow = 0
iStopRow = 0
' Ready to continue loop
iRow = iRow - 1
End If
End If
' Continue until last row is reached
If iRow < iTotalRows Then
iRow = iRow + 1
' Finished. Save the last section
iStopRow = iRow
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1
' Exit
Exit Do
End If
'Turn On Screen Updating Events
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
MsgBox Str(iCount) + " documents saved in " + sFilePath
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteRows(targetSheet As Worksheet, RowFrom As Long, RowTo As Long)
Dim rngRange As Range
Set rngRange = Range(targetSheet.Cells(RowFrom, 1), targetSheet.Cells(RowTo, 1)).EntireRow
End Sub
Public Sub CopySheet(osh As Worksheet, iFirstRow As Long, iStartRow As Long, iStopRow As Long, iTotalRows As Long, sFilePath As String, sSectionName As String, fileFormat As XlFileFormat)
Dim ash As Worksheet ' Copied sheet
Dim awb As Workbook ' New workbook
' Copy book
Set ash = Application.ActiveSheet
' Delete Rows after section
If iTotalRows > iStopRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iStopRow + 1, iTotalRows
End If
' Delete Rows before section
If iStartRow > iFirstRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iFirstRow, iStartRow - 1
End If
' Select left-topmost cell
ash.Cells(1, 1).Select
' Clean up a few characters to prevent invalid filename
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "/", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "\", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ":", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "=", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "*", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ".", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "?", " ")
' Save in same format as original workbook
ash.SaveAs sFilePath + "\Split\" + sSectionName, fileFormat
' Close
Set awb = ash.Parent
awb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
The problem in this one, is that I have no idea how to make name not DDAVIS.xls, but using WW_DDAVIS.xls (location_user.xls). Second problem - Use template. This code just copies whole workbook and erases all wrong data. All I need, is to copy value of the right data to this template.
Unfortunately I didn't find working code and I'm not so fluent in VBA to make it alone.
I tried other one, that worked only in half. It copied the template to every file and name it properly, but I couldn't figure out how to copy cells to the right files.
Option Explicit
Sub copyTemplate()
Dim lRow, x As Integer
Dim wbName As String
Dim fso As Variant
Dim dic As Variant
Dim colA As String
Dim colB As String
Dim colSep As String
Dim copyFile As String
Dim copyTo As String
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'dictionary to ensure that duplicates are not created
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'file scripting object for fiile system manipulation
colSep = "_" 'separater between values of col A and col B for file name
dic.Add colSep, vbNullString ' ensuring that we never create a file when both columns are blank in between
'get last used row in col A
lRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
x = 1
copyFile = "c:\location\Template.xls" 'template file to copy
copyTo = "C:\location\List\" 'location where copied files need to be copied
x = x + 1
colA = Range("G" & x).Value 'col a value
colB = Range("A" & x).Value ' col b value
wbName = colA & colSep & colB ' create new file name
If (Not dic.Exists(wbName)) Then 'ensure that we have not created this file name before
fso.copyFile copyFile, copyTo & wbName & ".xls" 'copy the file
dic.Add wbName, vbNullString 'add to dictionary that we have created this file
End If
Loop Until x = lRow
Set dic = Nothing ' clean up
Set fso = Nothing ' clean up
End Sub
sub test()
dim wb
dim temp
dim rloc
rloc= "result files location"
set wb =thisworkbook
set temp= workbook.open(template path)
' getting last row
for i=2 to lrow 'leaving out the header row
with wb.sheets(1)
if cells(i,1).value=cells(i,1).offset(1,1).value then
if icounter>0 then
wb.sheet(8,1).pastespecial xlvalues
filename=str(cells(i,1).value) & "_" & str(cells(i,3).value) & "".xls"
chdir rloc
wb.sheets(8,1).pastespecial xlvalues
filename=str(cells(i,1).value) & "_" & str(cells(i,3).value) & ".xls"
chdir rloc
end if
end if
end with
next i
wb.close savechanges:=false
temp.close savechanges:=false
end sub
this might work. i haven't tested the code. its a bit crude. i am also just a beginner in vba. forgive me if it contains errors.
look at the logic. if its all you want create a code from scratch yourself.
#Sivaprasath V
Thanks, looks like it should work. I've changed it a little bit, to look better and to fix some issues
Sub test()
Dim wb
Dim temp
Dim rloc
rloc = "C:\LOCATION\result\"
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set temp = Workbooks.Open("C:\LOCATION\Template.xls")
' getting last row
lRow = wb.Sheets(1).Range("A1:A" & Rows.Count).End(xlDown).Row 'changed xlUp for xlDown
icounter = 0
For i = 2 To lRow 'leaving out the header row
With wb.Sheets(1)
Range("C2").Value = Cells(i, 1).Value
If Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(i, 1).Offset(1, 0).Value Then 'changed offset from (1,1)
icounter = icounter + 1
If icounter > 0 Then
Range(cells(i,1):(cells(i,1).offset(-icounter,7)).Copy 'error
wb.Sheet(8, 1).PasteSpecial xlValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Filename = Str(Cells(i, 1).Value) & "_" & Str(Cells(i, 3).Value) & ".xls"
ChDir rloc
temp.SaveAs Filename, xlWorkbookDefault
Range(cells(i,1):cells(i,7)).Copy 'error
wb.Sheets(8, 1).PasteSpecial xlValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Filename = Str(Cells(i, 1).Value) & "_" & Str(Cells(i, 3).Value) & ".xls"
ChDir rloc
temp.SaveAs Filename, xlWorkbookDefault
End If
End If
End With
Next i
wb.Close savechanges:=False
temp.Close savechanges:=False
End Sub
I'm fighting with an error that i can't quite understand. In line:
and this:
There is an error saying:
Compile error:
Expected: list separator or )
Can't figure out how to fix it. Code looks good for me.
Went around the error using new variable ("C" & i & ":" & "F" & i - icounter)
after some minor changes it worked, thanks :)
I'm trying to copy a sheet by its code name and rename the copied sheets display name and code name,
I've come up with this but it only work one time and then it gets an error because there is already a sheet with that display name and codename, is there a why i can just add value + 1 to the end of the names?
Dim MySheetName As String
MySheetName = "Rename Me"
VBA_Copy_Sheet.Copy After:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = MySheetName
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = 3
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set wks = ActiveSheet
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(wks.CodeName).Name = "BidSheet"
End Sub
I wish, it helps to you
Dim MySheetName As String
Dim MyCodeName As String
Dim wks As Worksheet
MySheetName = "Rename Me"
MyCodeName = "BidSheet"
If VBA_Copy_Sheet = Empty Then
Set VBA_Copy_Sheet = ActiveSheet
End If
VBA_Copy_Sheet.Copy After:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = GetNewSheetName(MySheetName, 0)
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = 3
Set wks = ActiveSheet
MyCodeName = GetNewCodeName(MyCodeName, 0)
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(wks.CodeName).Name = MyCodeName
End Sub
Function GetNewSheetName(ByVal newName As String, ByVal n As Integer) As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim modifiedName As String
modifiedName = newName & n
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name = modifiedName Then
n = n + 1
modifiedName = GetNewSheetName(newName, n)
Exit For
End If
GetNewSheetName = modifiedName
End Function
Function GetNewCodeName(ByVal newName As String, ByVal n As Integer) As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim modifiedName As String
modifiedName = newName & n
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.CodeName = modifiedName Then
n = n + 1
modifiedName = GetNewCodeName(newName, n)
Exit For
End If
GetNewCodeName = modifiedName
End Function
You could store a counter in a range name and use that to increment your sheet, i.e:
Dim strName As String
Dim strCnt As String
Dim MySheetName As String
strName = "SheetCnt"
On Error Resume Next
strCnt = ActiveWorkbook.Names(strName).Value
On Error GoTo 0
If Len(strCnt) = 0 Then
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add strName, 1
strCnt = Replace(strCnt, "=", Chr(32)) + 1
ActiveWorkbook.Names(strName).RefersTo = strCnt
End If
MySheetName = "Rename Me " & strCnt
I currently have a macro which goes through a column on my master spreadsheet, then exports all the rows where the value input at the start matches the value in the column. It then saves the new worksheet as the value. Here is the code I currently have:
Option Explicit
Public Const l_HeaderRow As Long = 2 'The header row of the data sheet
Public Const l_DistanceCol As Long = 5 'The column containing the distance values
Public Sub ExportDistance()
Dim ws_Data As Worksheet, wb_Export As Workbook, ws_Export As Worksheet
Dim l_InputRow As Long, l_OutputRow As Long
Dim l_LastCol As Long
Dim l_NumberOfMatches As Long
Dim s_Distance As String, l_Distance As Long
Dim s_ExportPath As String, s_ExportFile As String, s_PathDelimiter As String
Set ws_Data = ActiveSheet
s_Distance = InputBox("Enter Distance to Export to New File", "Enter Distance")
If s_Distance = "" Then Exit Sub
l_Distance = CLng(s_Distance)
l_NumberOfMatches = WorksheetFunction.Match(l_Distance, ws_Data.Columns(5), 0)
If l_NumberOfMatches <= 0 Then Exit Sub
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Call Application.Workbooks.Add
Set wb_Export = Application.Workbooks(Application.Workbooks.Count)
Set ws_Export = wb_Export.Worksheets(1)
Call wb_Export.Worksheets("Sheet2").Delete
Call wb_Export.Worksheets("Sheet3").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ws_Export.Name = GetNextSheetname(ws_Data.Name & "-" & s_Distance, wb_Export)
Call ws_Data.Rows(1).Resize(l_HeaderRow).Copy
Call ws_Export.Rows(1).Resize(l_HeaderRow).Select
Call ws_Export.Paste
l_OutputRow = l_HeaderRow + 1
l_LastCol = ws_Data.UsedRange.Columns.Count
For l_InputRow = l_HeaderRow + 1 To ws_Data.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_DistanceCol).Value = l_Distance Then
Call ws_Data.Range(ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, 1), ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_LastCol)).Copy
Call ws_Export.Rows(l_OutputRow).Select
Call ws_Export.Paste
l_OutputRow = l_OutputRow + 1
ElseIf ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_DistanceCol).Value = l_Distance Then
Call ws_Data.Range(ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, 1), ws_Data.Cells(l_InputRow, l_LastCol)).Copy
Call ws_Export.Rows(l_OutputRow).Select
Call ws_Export.Paste
l_OutputRow = l_OutputRow + 1
End If
Next l_InputRow
s_ExportPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
s_PathDelimiter = Application.PathSeparator
If Right(s_ExportPath, 1) <> s_PathDelimiter Then s_ExportPath = s_ExportPath & s_PathDelimiter
s_ExportPath = s_ExportPath & "Output" & s_PathDelimiter
If Dir(s_ExportPath) = Empty Then
Call MkDir(s_ExportPath)
End If
Select Case Application.DefaultSaveFormat
Case xlOpenXMLWorkbook
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xlsx"
Case xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xlsm"
Case xlExcel12
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xlsb"
Case xlExcel8
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".xls"
Case xlCSV
s_ExportFile = s_Distance & ".csv"
Case Else
s_ExportFile = s_Distance
End Select
Call wb_Export.SaveAs(Filename:=s_ExportPath & s_ExportFile, FileFormat:=Application.DefaultSaveFormat)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Function GetNextSheetname(s_Name As String, Optional wb_Book As Workbook) As String
Dim l_FIndex As Long
Dim s_Target As String
If wb_Book Is Nothing Then Set wb_Book = ActiveWorkbook
s_Name = Left(s_Name, 31)
If IsValidSheet(wb_Book, s_Name) Then
l_FIndex = 1
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 27) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
Do While IsValidSheet(wb_Book, s_Target)
l_FIndex = l_FIndex + 1
If l_FIndex < 10 Then
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 27) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
ElseIf l_FIndex < 100 Then
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 26) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
ElseIf l_FIndex < 1000 Then
s_Target = Left(s_Name, 25) & " (" & l_FIndex & ")"
End If
GetNextSheetname = s_Target
GetNextSheetname = s_Name
End If
End Function
Public Function IsValidSheet(wbSearchBook As Workbook, v_TestIndex As Variant) As Boolean
Dim v_Index As Variant
On Error GoTo ExitLine
v_Index = wbSearchBook.Worksheets(v_TestIndex).Name
IsValidSheet = True
Exit Function
IsValidSheet = False
End Function
Please will you help me make this loop through a list of values, rather than my having manually to run the macro each time and input the value myself?
Download this example here.
This is a simple example of how to loop through one range and loop through another range to find the values.
It loops through Column D and then loops through column A, when it finds a match it does something, so basically Column D has taken the place of your inputbox.
run the macro
The code
Sub DblLoop()
Dim aLp As Range 'column A
Dim dLp As Range, dRw As Long 'column D
Dim d As Range, a As Range
Set aLp = Columns("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23)
dRw = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
Set dLp = Range("D2:D" & dRw)
'start the loop
'loops through column D and finds value
'in column A, and does something with it
For Each d In dLp.Cells 'loops through column D
For Each a In aLp.Cells 'loops through column A
If d = a Then
'When a match, then do something
'this is where your actual code would go
Range("A" & a.Row & ":B" & a.Row).Copy Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Offset(1)
End If
Next a 'keeps going through column A
Next d 'next item in column D
End Sub
I currently have a spreadsheet that parses a HL7 message string using "|" as a delimiter. The String that comes before the first "|" becomes the sheet name (Segment). The code executes on each line of the string (Each segment is parsed). The problem is that sometimes there are multiple segments with the same name. So instead of a new sheet being created, all segments are lumped into the same sheet with that name. What I am trying to do is have the code create a new sheet for each segment and if there it is already present, add sheet name with an incremented number.
Sample Message:
PID|1|5000|50^^^USVHA&&0363^NI^FACILITY ID&500&L^^20140804~666^^^USSSA&&0363^SS^FACILITY ID&500&L~^^^USDOD&&0363^TIN^VA FACILITY ID&500&L~^^^USDOD&&0363^FI^FACILITY ID&500&L~736^^^USVHA&&0363^PI^VA FACILITY ID&500&L|736|DATA^PATIENT^^^^^L||19540214|M|||123 main Street^^SW RS^FL^33332^USA^P^^~^^^^^^N|||||||4221^764|666|||||N||||||N||
Option Explicit
Sub DoHL7Parsing(sMessage As String)
Dim vSegments As Variant, vCurSeg As Variant
Dim vFields As Variant, rCurField As Range, iIter As Integer
Dim wsSeg As Worksheet
vSegments = VBA.Split(sMessage, HL7_DELIMITER_SEGMENT)
For Each vCurSeg In vSegments
vFields = VBA.Split(vCurSeg, HL7_DELIMITER_FIELD)
If WorksheetExists(vFields(0), ThisWorkbook) Then
On Error Resume Next
For iIter = 1 To UBound(vFields)
Set rCurField = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(vFields(0)).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rCurField.Value = vFields(0)
rCurField.Offset(0, 1).Value = (rCurField.Row - 1)
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).Value = vFields(iIter)
Next iIter
On Error Resume Next
ElseIf Not WorksheetExists(vFields(0), ThisWorkbook) Then
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = vFields(0)
For iIter = 1 To UBound(vFields)
Set rCurField = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(vFields(0)).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rCurField.Value = vFields(0)
rCurField.Offset(0, 1).Value = (rCurField.Row - 1)
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).Value = vFields(iIter)
Next iIter
'MsgBox "Invalid or unkown segment: " & vFields(0)
End If
Next vCurSeg
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Public Function WorksheetExists(ByVal WorksheetName As String, Optional InWorkbook As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim Sht As Worksheet
WorksheetExists = False
If Not InWorkbook Is Nothing Then
For Each Sht In InWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name = WorksheetName Then WorksheetExists = True
Next Sht
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name = WorksheetName Then WorksheetExists = True
Next Sht
End If
On Error Resume Next
End Function
The trick here is to just count the number of sheets whose Left(ShtName,3) value is equal to vFields(0). Based on the count, add 1 and append to end of vField(0). With this approach, you don't even need the dirty On Error Resume Next because you won't be targeting the same sheet twice, which can bring down your line count considerably.
For the sheet counting, add the following function to your module:
Function CountSheetsWithName(ShtName As String) As Long
Dim WS As Worksheet, Res As Long
Res = 0
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If Left(WS.Name, 3) = ShtName Then
Res = Res + 1
End If
CountSheetsWithName = Res
End Function
Update your DoHL7Parsing subroutine as follows:
Sub DoHL7Parsing(sMessage As String)
Dim vSegments As Variant, vCurSeg As Variant
Dim vFields As Variant, rCurField As Range, iIter As Integer
Dim wsSeg As Worksheet, sShtName As String
vSegments = VBA.Split(sMessage, HL7_DELIMITER_SEGMENT)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each vCurSeg In vSegments
vFields = VBA.Split(vCurSeg, HL7_DELIMITER_FIELD)
For iIter = 1 To UBound(vFields)
sShtName = vFields(0) & (CountSheetsWithName(CStr(vFields(0))) + 1) ' Append the count + 1 to end of name.
Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = sShtName
Set rCurField = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sShtName).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rCurField.Value = vFields(0)
rCurField.Offset(0, 1).Value = (rCurField.Row - 1)
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
rCurField.Offset(0, 2).Value = vFields(iIter)
Next iIter
Next vCurSeg
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Hope this helps.