SBT plugin for Intellij IDEA Build #IC-181 - intellij-idea

I downloaded Intellij IDEA Build #IC-181. When I want to import my SBT project, I do not find such option.
How can I add SBT support?

It looks like you did not install the Scala Plugin!
If you updated to Intellij - make sure that you also updated the Plugins.
If you have, you just can open a directory that contains a build.sbt and Intellij will automatically recognize it.


IntelliJ 2018.1 - Add Plug-in nature to project

I cloned a project from GitHub, but IntelliJ doesn't see it as a Plug-in development project. Can I attach a Plug-in nature to it?
I'm using IntelliJ 2018.1
Delete the old module in Project Settings, create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin module and mark directories as sources, test, etc.

I don't have sbt console in intellij

I have created my first Sbt project and I would like to open Sbt console. Perhaps I make a confusion on what is Sbt plugin. I have scala plugin so I suppose Sbt is embeded inside it since I have Sbt windows.
When I look inside View -> Tool Windows I don't see Sbt console but I see Sbt
Even In Sbt panel, I don't see it
In this blog
I find at section 2:
It’s now possible to build projects using SBT (instead of IntelliJ IDEA’s internal build system). As this option is still experimental, it should be manually enabled via Build / Execution / Deployment / Build Tools / SBT / Use SBT shell for build and import:
but I don't see Use SBT shell for build and import checkbox.
Do you have any idea?
You are running IntelliJ 2016.2. The integrated sbt shell and build by shell option is only available from 2017.1. I suggest you upgrade IntelliJ and the IntelliJ Scala plugin directly to 2017.3, where the options you are looking for are available.
You cannot access the sbt console from IntelliJ. For that you must run sbt in a terminal (even within IntelliJ), and once you’re inside the sbt shell type ‘console’ or ‘consoleQuick’ (runs the console without compiling the project you run it at).

Seemingly no gradle import support in IDEA

I have the full version of IDEA 12.1.6
I am trying to import the gradle project
The import doesn't recognise the project as a gradle project. No dependencies are linked, the java profile is ignored and there is no jetgradle window.
In the IDE settings the only thing that matches a search for "gradle" is the gradle plugin, which is installed by default.
I think I need to configure the IDE to support gradle imports, but can't find what or where.
That is strange. Anyway, the Gradle support in IntelliJ 12 is very limited. You are better off with Gradle's idea plugin or IntelliJ 13 (EAP), which has much better Gradle support.

Intellij Idea 12 gradle build

I am trying to build a project with gradle from within Intellij Idea 12 (commercial editon) but this keeps failing. I have the gradle plugin enabled and also the gradle gui plugin. The native project gradle import is working. (I'm not using gradle idea btw.)
When using the bash I only run gradle war to build my web application. Now I want to do the same from within Intellij.
The gradle gui plugin seems to be using the wrong JDK (I guess it's the one Idea uses, a 1.6 JDK) and therefor fails to compile because this is a JDK 1.7 project. And it doesn't integrate well into Idea because it seems like an external build process (like triggering external ant tasks).
What I have done so far is to configure my own artifact in a way that is equivalent to the one gradle war would have build. But that means a lot of configuration and simply feels wrong. There should be a better way?
So what do I have to do to make Idea compile a project in a way similar to the command line gradle task?
JetGradle plugin doesn't provide native tasks support at the moment. It's scheduled for v.12.1 - IDEA-95897. Feel free to track the plugin's news and update it manually as soon as corresponding support is provided.

SBT, dependencies, classpath and editors

I recently updated my sbt setup to version 0.11. As you may know, new SBT uses .ivy2 folder to store/cache all the retrieved jar files. I am using IntelliJ and I would like to know what is the recommended way of importing dependencies to the editor's classpath.
One option is to manually visit .ivy2 folder and select the dependencies. Is there a better/easier way to doing this?
I presume you use the SBT-plugin. According to the instructions on the linked page:
After each change to your dependencies, run gen-idea in the SBT Console. When prompted, reload the project.
I usually run
gen-idea no-classifiers no-sbt-classifiers
(see under "Usage" on github). IntelliJ (11 RC) will then ask you to reload the project, which is usually quite fast. Then the references to your SBT dependencies will be available.
You can try IvyIDEA plug-in.