Hive ORC File Format - hive

When we create an ORC table in hive we can see that the data is compressed and not exactly readable in HDFS. So how is Hive able to convert that compressed data into readable format which is shown to us when we fire a simple select * query to that table?
Thanks for suggestions!!

By using ORCserde while creating table. u have to provide package name for serde class.
What serde does is to serialize a particular format data into object which hive can process and then deserialize to store it back in hdfs.

Hive uses “Serde” (Serialization DeSerialization) to do that. When you create a table you mention the file format ex: in your case It’s ORC “STORED AS ORC” , right. Hive uses the ORC library(Jar file) internally to convert into a readable format. To know more about hive internals search for “Hive Serde” and you will know how the data is converted to object and vice-versa.


Why loading parquet files into Bigquery gives me back gibberish values into the table?

When I load parquet files into Bigquery table, values stored are wierd. It seems to be the encoding of BYTES fields or whatever else.
Here's the format of the create fields
So when I read the table with casted fields, I get the readable values.
I found the solution here
Ma question is WHY TF bigquery is bahaving like this?
According to this GCP documentation, there are some parquet data types that can be converted into multiple BigQuery data types. A workaround is to add the data type that you want to parse to BigQuery.
For example, to convert the Parquet INT32 data type to the BigQuery DATE data type, specify the following:
optional int32 date_col (DATE);
And another way is to add the schema to the bq load command:
bq load --source_format=PARQUET --noreplace --noautodetect --parquet_enum_as_string=true --decimal_target_types=STRING [project]:[dataset].[tables] gs://[bucket]/[file].parquet Column_name:Data_type

Read hive table (or HDFS data in parquet format) in Streamsets DC

Is it possible to read hive table (or HDFS data in parquet format) in Streamsets Data collector? I don't want to use Transformer for this.
Reading the raw files in parquet is counter to the way that data collector works so that would be a better use case for transformer.
But I have successfully used the jdbc origin either from Impala or hive to achieve this, there are some additional hurdles to jump with the jdbc source.

How can I SERDE to build generic file ingestion into Hive?

I need to build generic file ingestion into Hive. The files are very large (2GB+), can be fixed or comma-separated, ASCII or EBCDIC files. After trying various techniques using Talend, I am looking into SERDE. If I ingest the files as-is and use a schema file (containing ordinal position, column name, type, length), can I create a custom SERDE to de-serialize any input file into hive rows? How performant would it be?
Since asking this question, I found that I could use a COBOL custom SERDE.
I am also looking at regex SERDE for positional files.

Writing Avro to BigQuery using Beam

Q1: Say I load Avro encoded data using BigQuery load tool. Now I need to write this data to different table still in Avro format. I am trying to test out different partition in order to test the table performance. How do I write back SchemaAndRecord to BigQuery using Beam? Also would schema detection work in this case?
Q2: Looks like schema information is lost when converted to BigQuery schema type from Avro schema type. For example both double and float Avro type is converted to FLOAT type in BigQuery. Is this expected?
Q1: If the table already exists and the schema matches the one you're copying from you should be able to use CREATE_NEVER CreateDisposition ( and just write the TableRows directly from the output of readTableRows() of the original table. Although I suggest using BigQuery's TableCopy command instead.
Q2: That's expected, BigQuery does not have a Double type. You can find more information on the type mapping here: Also Logical Types will soon be supported as well:

ORC file format

I am new to Hive. Could you please let me know answer for below question?
Why do we need base table while loading the data in ORC?
Can't we directly create table as ORC and load data in it?
1. Why do we need base table while loading the data in ORC?
We need of the base table, because most of the time we get the data file in text file format, i.e. CSV, TXT, DAT or any other delimiter that we can open the file and see the content. But the file Format ORC maintain in a different way by using their algorithm to optimized the Row and Column.
Hence we need of a base table, so, Actually what happened in that case. We create a table with the textFile format and select the data over their and write it into ORC table.
2. Can't we directly create table as ORC and load data in it?
Yes, you can load the data into ORC file directly.
To understand more about ORC, you can refer to
Usually if you don't define file format , for hive it is textfile by default.
Need of base table arises because when you create a hive table with orc format and then trying to load data using command:
load data in path '' ..
it simply moves data from one location to another.
hive orc table won't understand textfile. that's when serde comes into picture. you define serde while creating table.
so when a operation like :
1. select * (read)
2. insert into (write)
serde will serialize and desiarlize various format to orc and map data to hive columns.