how can I specify a certain RadomVariableStream for RandomPropagatoinModel in ns3 - ns-3

I am going to use the ns3's propagation-loss-model to see the relationship between loss and distance.However, I noticed that in RandomPropagationModel,the default RandomVariableStream is ConstantRandomVariable.
This leads to the inability to see the loss.
I've searched the official documentation and found that the RandomPropagationModel class doesn't have an function to specify a certain RadomVariableStream.
By the way, there is a function named 'AssignStream' Mentioned RandomVariableStream.Although I tried to use it,values the model get were constant .
I wonder how to associate the RandomPropagationModel with a certain RandomVariableStream such as ExponentialRandomVariable?

I'v solved this problem.The class RandomPropagationModel provides an attribue 'Variable' which is bound with its private member m_variable.We can change the default value with function Config::SetDefault or the value of one object with function pointer->SetAttribute.
To find out the attribute bounded with a certain memeber,look the official documentation for it.There will always be a section named 'Attribute' to introduce that.
As for this question,we can change class that the m_variable points to using code blow:
//now the m_variable points to ConstantRandomVariable[constant=1.0]
//set attribute for exponential
//Bound and Mean are m_bound and m_mean separately
//change the m_varibule
random->SetAttribute("Variable",PointValue(exponential));//PointValue is used because exponential is a pointer.
//we can get the info which function shall be used for different attributes also in the section 'Attribute'
By the way, some .h files shall be included.
Yesterday I neglected functions inherit from the class Object,which leads to my confusion.


How to specify when giving a generic parameter that it should implement some specific creation method?

How to specify when giving a generic parameter that it should implement some specific creation method? as LIST[G -> create make end] doesn't work :-(
In my particular case,
* SMA_INVERTER_MANAGER_CSV has inherited from CONSUMPTION_SECTOR_MODBUS_DEVICE_CSVa list of devices as devices: LINKED_SET[G] as G -> MEASURING_POINT_MODBUS_DEVICE create make_from_file_path end.
I'd like the SMA_INVERTER_MANAGER_CSV class to be able into devices: LINKED_SET[G] to be able to have either JANITZA_DEVICE, SUNSPEC_DEVICE, ABB_DEVICE, etc. Giving the generic parameter as MEASURING_POINT_MODBUS_DEVICE seems to come out of a sense, but how do I specify that I'd like the creation method to be make_from_file_path
Hope the description is sufficient to understand, refactoring I think this question is linked -> explicit creation type not conforming to type of target
The only workaround for the moment I found working for the moment is
but I'd like it to be
which would generate a conformance problem because MEASURING_POINT_MODBUS_DEVICE generic parameter doesn't specify make_from_file_path as creation procedure as its deferred
There is more than a conformance problem. MEASURING_POINT_MODBUS_DEVICE is deferred. Therefore, it cannot be used as an actual parameter for CONSUMPTION_SECTOR_MODBUS_DEVICE_CSV. If it were allowed, how would CONSUMPTION_SECTOR_MODBUS_DEVICE_CSV create an instance of a deferred class?
One possible solution — supplying an effective class — is mentioned in the question. Another solution is to add a formal generic parameter to SMA_INVERTER_MANAGER_CSV with the corresponding constraint and to use it for the actual generic of CONSUMPTION_SECTOR_MODBUS_DEVICE_CSV.

Combine JsonDeserialize#contentAs with JsonDeserialize#contentConverter or JsonDeserialize#contentUsing for custom deserialization

In JsonDeserialize annotation documentation the contentAs field is supposed to define the "Concrete type to deserialize content".
I tried to use this in combination, with either a Converter (via contentConverter field of the same annotation) or a JsonDeserializer (via contentUsing field of the same annotation), by extending either StdConverter or StdDeserializer, respectively, in an attempt to create an agnostic custom deserializer.
I cannot find a way to access the JsonDeserialize#contentAs information inside any of these two classes.
I am aware that the classes I extend from have a type parameter, I just put an Object class there. Documentation states
contentAs Concrete type to deserialize content (elements of a Collection/array, values of Maps) values as, instead of type otherwise declared. Must be a subtype of declared type; otherwise an exception may be thrown by deserializer.
Apparently I am applying the #JsonDeserializer annotation on a Collection of some persistable Class. I want to deserialize each such object, solely by knowing its id. Well, if I could only get that very type I defined in the #JsonDeserializer#contentAs field...
Can anyone tell me if this is possible anyhow?
I managed to implement the agnostic deserializer withou the use of #JsonDeserializer#contentAs after all.
After reading the javadocs of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer I concluded that my custom deserializer should implement the com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ContextualDeserializer interface.
Inside the implementation of ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property)
I could finally get access to the class type of the content of the collection, which I applied the #JsonDeserialize annotation on,
by calling:
NOTE that the same call inside the implementation of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer#deserialize(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext) returned null, hence the need of the aforementioned interface.
All I had to do then is store the returned class in a member field (of type Class< ? >) of the custom deserializer and use it in the execution of JsonDeserializer#deserialize()
The only thing that remains to check is whether an instance of this custom deserializer is shared between threads. I only did some minor checks; I used the same implementation for two different collections of different types. I observed that ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) was called once (among multiple deserialization invokations), for each distinct type that was going to be deserialized. After checking during debugging, it seems that the same deserializer object is used for the same type. In my case, since what I store in the member field is this type itself, I don't mind if the same deserializer is used for the same java type to be deserialized because they should contain the same value. So we 're clear on this aspect as well.
EDIT: It appears all I have to do is update the com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer#_valueClass value to the now known class. Since it is final and since the ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) returns a JsonSerializer object, which is actually used,
instead of returning "this" serializer I can create a new one, passing the discovered class in the constructor, which actually sets the StdDeserializer#_valueClass to the class I actually want, and I'm all set!
Finally, NOTE that I didn't have to use the #JsonDeserializer#contentAs annotationfield as I get the value from the ctxt.getContextualType().getRawClass() statement inside ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) implementation

Yii CActiveRecord with Column Named "attributes"

I used the CRUD generator from a legacy database. When searching for a column value I get the following error:
htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given (/usr/local/share/yii/framework/web/helpers/CHtml.php:103)
The problem is that the model has an existing column named "attributes" which is creating a conflict. I removed the entry from the _search.php and commented out all instances in the model hoping to at least get it working but no luck. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Every CActiveRecord instance (or CModel instance for that matter) has a getter/setter named attributes with which all the attributes can be set. This leads to a conflict because the generated crud code uses the attributes attribute expecting it works as described before.
The controller does something like:
// or
This is meant to set al the (safe) attributes of the model at once. Instead this overwrites the database attribute attributes of your legacy DB model.
This in turn leads to the error you describe, because $_GET['ModelClassName'] and $_POST['ModelClassName'] typically contain arrays of data.
I guess the easiest fix would be to directly call the setter function for the "normal" attributes behavior which would lead to replacing the lines mentioned above with something like the following:
// in the controller
// and
I think rest of the generated CRUD code (the views) could and should be left untouched to make it work.
If you want to know how and why this works, it's best to do some research into the __get and __set magic functions and how they're used in the yii framework.

Whats is methodLists attribute of the structure objc_class for?

Looking inside the runtime.h, I found the definition of the structure objc_class.
Among various members, We have this :-
struct objc_method_list **methodLists
We definitely need to know what all methods a class has,
But a list of methods should be fine, but why do we have "lists" ?
Why not just one list ?
Also, can anyone specify that, Are methods inherited from superclass part of that list or we get to them via superclass pointer that points to parent class's structure.
Here is my detail investigation into struct objc_method_list **methodLists :
And in short, methodLists stores SEL-IMP mapping of the instance methods by default. In this situation, it has only one list.
As the name 'methodLists' suggests, it can contain more than one list. If you add a category to a class, the runtime system will insert one more list into methodLists, which points to the method-list of the category.
I tried to answer this question several months ago, but at that time SO discard my answer due to network problem. Now I meet it again :)
The purpose is explained in objc-class.m, as linked by Georg:
cls->methodLists may be in one of three forms:
NULL: The class has no methods.
non-NULL, with CLS_NO_METHOD_ARRAY set: cls->methodLists points
to a single method list, which is the class's only method list.
non-NULL, with CLS_NO_METHOD_ARRAY clear: cls->methodLists points to
an array of method list pointers. The end of the array's block
is set to -1. If the actual number of method lists is smaller
than that, the rest of the array is NULL.
Attaching categories and adding and removing classes may change
the form of the class list. In addition, individual method lists
may be reallocated when fixed up.
Classes are initially read as #1 or #2. If a category is attached
or other methods added, the class is changed to #3. Once in form #3,
the class is never downgraded to #1 or #2, even if methods are removed.
Classes added with objc_addClass are initially either #1 or #3.
The short answer is therefore "because of categories." When a category is injected, rather than try to combine its method list with the one existing list, a new entry is simply added to methodLists, and set to the list coming from the category. This probably makes category injection faster, since it avoids (potential) large reallocations and copying.

naming a method - using set() when *not* setting a property?

Is setX() method name appropriate for only for setting class property X?
For instance, I have a class where the output is a string of an html table. Before you can you can call getTable, you have to call setTable(), which just looks at a other properties and decides how to construct the table. It doesn't actually directly set any class property -- only causes the property to be set. When it's called, the class will construct strHtmlTable, but you can't specify it.
So, calling it setTable breaks the convention of get and set being interfaces for class properties.
Is there another naming convention for this kind of method?
Edit: in this particular class, there are at least two ( and in total 8 optional ) other methods that must be called before the class knows everything it needs to to construct the table. I chose to have the data set as separate methods rather than clutter up the __construct() with 8 optional parameters which I'll never remember the order of.
I would recommend something like generateTable() instead of setTable(). This provides a situation where the name of the method clearly denotes what it does.
I would probably still use a setTable() method to actually set the property, though. Ideally, you could open the possibility of setting a previously defined table for further flexibility.
Yes, setX() is primarily used for setting a field X, though setX() may have some additional code that needs to run in addition to a direct assignment to a field. Using it for something else may be misleading to other developers.
I would definitely recommend against having a public setTable() and would say that setTable() could be omitted or just an unused private method depending upon your requirements.
It sounds like the activity to generate the table is more of a view of other properties on the object, so you might consider moving that to a private method on the object like generateHtmlTable(). This could be done during construction (and upon updates to the object) so that any subsequent calls to getTable() will return the the appropriate HTML.