Append to Specific Array Index from another table dynamically SQL Server - sql

I have a json string that I need to modify
{"RecordCount":3,"Top":10,"Skip":0,"SelectedSort":"Seed asc","value":[{"AccountProductListId":22091612871138,"Name":"April 4th 2018","AccountId":256813438078643,"IsPublic":false,"Comment":"Test order sheet","Quantity":3},{"AccountProductListId":166305848801939,"Name":"test","AccountId":256813438078643,"IsPublic":false,"Comment":"","Quantity":1},{"AccountProductListId":21177711287586,"Name":"Test Order sheet","AccountId":256813438078643,"IsPublic":true,"Comment":"the very first sheet","Quantity":2}]}
Inside value the array looks like this:
"value": [{
"AccountProductListId": 22091612871138,
"Name": "April 4th 2018",
"IsPublic": false,
"Comment": "Test order sheet",
"Quantity": 3
}, {
"AccountProductListId": 166305848801939,
"Name": "test",
"IsPublic": false,
"Comment": "",
"Quantity": 1
}, {
"AccountProductListId": 21177711287586,
"Name": "Test Order sheet",
"IsPublic": true,
"Comment": "the very first sheet",
"Quantity": 2
What I need to do is append some data from another table:
AccountProductListId ProductID
21177711287586 97096131867163|32721319938943
22091612871138 97096131867163|145461009584740|130005306921282
166305848801939 8744071222157
As you can see the AccountProductListId is already in the JSON result so I should know which array it should go to. The only problem is I don't know the syntax to merge the ProductID data into its specific array index. The JSON array could have more than 3 items.
Essentially ending up with something like this:
"value": [{
"AccountProductListId": 22091612871138,
"Name": "April 4th 2018",
"IsPublic": false,
"Comment": "Test order sheet",
"Quantity": 3,
"ProductID": "97096131867163|145461009584740|130005306921282"
}, {
"AccountProductListId": 166305848801939,
"Name": "test",
"IsPublic": false,
"Comment": "",
"Quantity": 1,
"ProductID": "8744071222157"
}, {
"AccountProductListId": 21177711287586,
"Name": "Test Order sheet",
"IsPublic": true,
"Comment": "the very first sheet",
"Quantity": 2,
"ProductID": "97096131867163|32721319938943"
Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Process with SQL Server
Prior to SQL Server 2016, there is not in-built support to read or write JSON.
Starting SQL Server 2016, you can use OPENJSON rowset function to read JSON and FOR JSON clause to write JSON.
The approach would be to use OPENJSON to read the JSON string as a rowset, join it with the table to pickup ProductID and use FOR JSON to convert back to JSON.
Process outside SQL Server
Depending on your situation, it might be simpler to parse JSON outside SQL Server. If going that route, then you could
Collect all the AccountProductListIDs from the parsed JSON
Send the collected id to SQL Server via a stored procedure that takes a TVP input and outputs the AccountProductListID -> ProductID mapping
Inject the ProductIDs into JSON object and serialize back to string


Remove user selected item from the list in SAP conversational AI Chatbot

I am working on a chatbot project where I have to create a dynamic list option. There is a list of 15 Items (first step). When user selects one, selected item should be removed from the list. After that It will return to first step (list) and will display only 14 items. Where is the issue in step 3?
Step 1: I have created a "item_list" in the memory field of one skill.
[{"item": "product_1", "value": 5},{"item": "product_2", "value": 6},{"item": "product_3", "value": 4}]
Step 2: Choose custom list and enter the following script in the same skill.
"type": "list",
"delay": "",
"content": {
"elements": [
{{#eachJoin memory.item_list}}
"title": "{{this.item_list.item}}",
"subtitle": "{{this.item_list.value}}",
"imageUrl": "",
"status": "",
"statusState": "<''/none/information/error/success/warning>",
"description": "",
"buttons": [
"title": "{{this.item_list.item}}",
"value": "{{this.item_list.item}}",
"type": "postback"
Step 3: In another skill, set memory field where the user input is stored and set another memory "item_list" to match the user input within the array value to remove it from the item_list. For this, I have entered the following script. But there is some problem with that script. How can I remove the item from the array?
{{#inArray memory.item_list.title memory.user_input.raw}} "{{remove memory.item_list memory.user_input.raw}}" {{else}} "{{memory.lists}}"{{/inArray}}

Azure Data Factory JSON syntax

In Azure Data Factory, I have a copy activity. The data source is the response body from a REST API POST request.
The sink is a SQL table. The problem is that, even though my JSON data contains multiple rows, only the first row is getting copied.
The source data looks like the following:
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000,
"total": 65,
"loaded": 34,
"unloaded": 31,
"cubeCaches": [
"id": "MxMUVDN0Q1MzAk5MDg6RDkxREQxMUU5RDBDNzR2NMTk6YWNsZGxwMTJtc3QuY2952aXppZW50aW5==",
"projectId": "15D91DD11E9D0C74B3319",
"source": {
"name": "12302021",
"id": "07EF95111EC7F954158",
"type": "cube"
"state": {
"active": true,
"dirty": false,
"infoDirty": false,
"persisted": true,
"processing": false,
"loadedState": "loaded"
"lastUpdateTime": "2022-01-24T14:22:30Z",
"lastHitTime": "2022-02-14T20:02:02Z",
"hitCount": 1,
"size": 798720,
"creatorId": "D4E8BFD56085",
"lastUpdateJob": 18937,
"openViewCount": 0,
"creationTime": "2022-01-24T15:07:24Z",
"historicHitCount": 22,
"dataLanguages": [],
"rowCount": 2726,
"columnCount": 9
"projectId": "120D0C1480EF35D41B",
"source": {
"name": "All Clients (YTD)",
"id": "49E5B13466251CD0B54E8F",
"type": "cube"
"state": {
"active": true,
"dirty": false,
"infoDirty": false,
"persisted": true,
"processing": false,
"loadedState": "loaded"
"lastUpdateTime": "2022-01-03T01:00:01Z",
"hitCount": 0,
"size": 82488152,
"creatorId": "1E2AFB011E80EF35FF14",
"lastUpdateJob": 364091,
"openViewCount": 0,
"creationTime": "2022-02-14T01:04:55Z",
"historicHitCount": 0,
"dataLanguages": [],
"rowCount": 8146903,
"columnCount": 13
I want to add a row in the Sink table (SQL) for every "id" in the JSON. However, when I run the activity, only the first record gets copied. It's mapped correctly, but I want it to copy all rows in the JSON, not just 1.
My Mapping tab in Azure Data Factory looks like this:
What am I doing wrong here? I'm thinking there is something wrong with my "Source" syntax for each of the columns...
In $cubeCashes[0][...] you're explicitly mapping the first element from this array into columns, and that's why only one row lands in the Sink.
I don’t know a way to achieve what you intend with copy activity only. I would use the Mapping Data Flow here, and inlide I would flatten (Flatten activity) your data to get the array of objects.
Then from this flattened dataset you could use a Derived Column to map the fields in JSON into columns of your target, Select, to remove unwanted original fields, and Sink it into your target location.

SQL Server trim before and after specific values

I have a database that has a column with a long string and I'm looking for a way to extract just a certain portion of it.
Here is a sample:
"vendorId": 53,
"externalRef": "38828059 $567.82",
"lines": [{
"amount": 0,
"lineType": "PURCHASE",
"lineItemType": "INVENTORY",
"inventory": {
"cost": 0,
"quantity": 1,
"row": "6",
"seatType": "CONSECUTIVE",
"section": "102",
"notes": "http://testurl/0F005B52CE7F5892 38828059 $567.82 ,special",
"splitType": "ANY",
"stockType": "ELECTRONIC",
"listPrice": 0,
"publicNotes": " ",
"eventId": 3757669,
"eventMapping": {
"eventDate": "",
"eventName": "Brandi Carlile: Beyond These Silent Days Tour",
"venueName": "Gorge Amphitheatre"
"tickets": [{
"seatNumber": 1527
What I'm looking to extract is just http://testurl/0F005B52CE7F5892
Would someone be able to assist me with the syntax how to call my query that it will make a new temp column and give me just this extracted value for each row in this column?
I user SQL Server 2008 so some newer functions won't work for me.
Upgrade your SQL Server to a supported version.
But till then, we pity those who dare to face the horror of handling JSON with only the old string functions.
[notes_url] =
WHEN [json_column] LIKE '%"notes": "http%'
THEN substring([json_column],
patindex('%"notes": "http%', [json_column])+10,
charindex(' ', [json_column] ,
patindex('%"notes": "http%', [json_column])+15)
- patindex('%"notes": "http%', [json_column])-10)
from [YourTable];
db<>fiddle here

How to query a json string in Postgres

I want to get a specific string from a column. How can I get that.
Here is the json with column name json with table name my_table
I want to fetch "extensionAttribute.simSerial": "310240000029929".
"name": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"type": "DEVICE",
"sourceId": "P-n1000USCqT4",
"consumers": "CDM",
"crudStatus": {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"operation": "UPDATE"
"targetName": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"deviceTypeId": "dgs11b74714f7020ctoogu3zfugc6",
"createdUserId": "a8aacc5d978d494eb54ae4243e714646",
"onboardStatus": "DONE",
"consrStatus": "",
"deviceTypeName": "performance_device_type_2",
"lwm2mPskSecret": "49443",
"createdUserName": "manager",
"bootstrapRequest": true,
"lwm2mPskIdentity": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"boostrapPskSecret": "49443",
"deviceTypeVersion": 1,
"lastUpdatedUserId": "",
"lwm2mSecurityMode": "psk",
"consumersForUpdate": "",
"bootstrapPskIdentity": "urn:imei:930000001801583",
"pureCoapSecurityMode": "NONE",
"bootstrapSecurityMode": "psk",
"extensionAttribute.imsi": "310240000029929",
"extensionAttribute.msisdn": "310240000029929",
"extensionAttribute.simSerial": "310240000029929",
"extensionAttribute.msisdnStatus": "active"
You can do it as follows:
select column_name->>'extensionAttribute.simSerial' as simSerial from my_table;
where column_name is your column name in a table.
If you will have JSON with higher depth you can do something like:
JSON Functions and Operators
PostgreSQL JSON Tutorial

How to generate JSON array from multiple rows, then return with values of another table

I am trying to build a query which combines rows of one table into a JSON array, I then want that array to be part of the return.
I know how to do a simple query like
FROM public.template
WHERE id=1
And I have worked out how to produce the JSON array that I want
SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(to_json(fields)))
SELECT id, name, format, data
FROM public.field
WHERE template_id = 1
) fields
However, I cannot work out how to combine the two, so that the result is a number of fields from public.template with the output of the second query being one of the returned fields.
I am using PostGreSQL 9.6.6
Edit, as requested more information, a definition of field and template tables and a sample of each queries output.
Currently, I have a JSONB row on the template table which I am using to store an array of fields, but I want to move fields to their own table so that I can more easily enforce a schema on them.
Template table contains:
But I would like to remove data and replace it with the field table which contains:
At the moment the output of the first query is:
"id": 1,
"name": "Test Template",
"data": [
"id": "1",
"data": null,
"name": "Assigned User",
"format": "String"
"id": "2",
"data": null,
"name": "Office",
"format": "String"
"id": "3",
"data": null,
"name": "Department",
"format": "String"
"id_organisation": 1
This output is what I would like to recreate using one query and both tables. The second query outputs this, but I do not know how to merge it into a single query:
"id": 1,
"name": "Assigned User",
"format": "String",
"data": null
"id": 2,
"name": "Office",
"format": "String",
"data": null
"id": 3,
"name": "Department",
"format": "String",
"data": null
The feature you're looking for is json concatenation. You can do that by using the operator ||. It's available since PostgreSQL 9.5
SELECT to_jsonb(template.*) || jsonb_build_object('data', (SELECT to_jsonb(field) WHERE template_id = FROM template
Sorry for poorly phrasing what I was trying to achieve, after hours of Googling I have worked it out and it was a lot more simple than I thought in my ignorance.
SELECT id, name, data
FROM public.template, (
SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(to_json(fields)))
SELECT id, name, format, data
FROM public.field
WHERE template_id = 1
) fields
) as data
WHERE id = 1
I wanted the result of the subquery to be a column in the ouput rather than compiling the entire output table as a JSON.