How to set canOverrideExistingModule=true in React Native? - react-native

I build an android app using React Native,build got success but when i run app in my AVD it show up a error:
How can I fix this issue?

What you can try is first remove the duplicate declarations in method getPackages() of your file.
If you're using Android Studio this file is in app > java otherwise you can find it in android/app/src/main/java/com/yourAppName/yourProjectName/
Then try again react-native run-android


React-Navigation and installation error and first-usage

I am new to react-native or you can say new to React and I am working on react-native navigation I have installed all the required libraries as instructed in but when I am running my code it is giving an error as '#react-navigation/native could not be found within the project or in this directories.' What should I do is there any way to get started with my code? Help me
If you have installed your app following the react native cli guide you might want to try running
gradle clean
in your android folder und then try to run your app in the emulator again.
On my first steps with react native I stumpled upon the same issue. :-)

How to fix React-Native Error 'could not unzip'

I have created a project HelloWorld in react native by using react-native init HelloWorld
When I run the project by using react-native run-android command, i am facing error
could not unzip
I have tried the following
1.updated react native
2.wipe the data from Emulator.
To resolve this kind of error the following steps are used
Open My computer.
Navigate the following folder
Delete the '' folder
Run React-native project by using react-native run-android command.
The system will download updated file so
internet connection must be ON

React Native missing script Android

I added a vector icon package in my React Native app. But After adding vector icon library I am trying to rebuild project using
**npm run android
react-native link**
But it's giving me an error
npm err missing script android react native
I have tried many solutions of updating package.json file from Github and I have tried to change the path of the environment but still same
I think you are using the wrong command to make debug build.
Following these steps:
install vector icon
link it from your project root directory using the command react-native link your_package_name
Use this command from your project root directory to make build react-native run-android

cannot able to run react native project by android emulator

Error when try to run
I am having react native project and iam trying on android emulator via below command
react-native run-android
but its not working getting the error like in the image
From your log, it's clear that you haven't configured SDK location
You must add SDK location
Create a new file named inside the android folder of your react-native app.
Add the SDK location.
Hope this helps

React Native AwesomeProject error: could not find source file at index.ios.js

I did a fresh installation of latest React Native and tried the AwesomeProject. But I got a red screen on iOS 6 simulator with the following error message:
could not find source file at index.ios.js
I used the following command to create the default project:
react-native init AwesomeProject2
And I didn't change a single line of code. Is this an installation issue?
I rebooted my machine and it worked fine now.