How is the execution of the WHERE clause in a SQL statement determined?
For example:
This first query executes in 8 seconds.
SELECT c.claimnum,
FROM claim c WITH(nolock)
INNER JOIN claimdetail cd WITH(nolock)
ON cd.fk_claim = c.pk_claim
WHERE c.dateprocessed BETWEEN dbo.Fn_datenotime(Getdate()) AND Replace(
Cast(dbo.Fn_datenotime(Getdate()) AS
VARCHAR), '12:00AM', '11:59PM')
ORDER BY c.claimnum
This second query executes in 10 seconds.
FROM (SELECT c.claimnum,
dbo.Fn_getfeeschedamount(cd.pk_claimdetail) AS [CalcAmount]
FROM claim c WITH(nolock)
INNER JOIN claimdetail cd WITH(nolock)
ON cd.fk_claim = c.pk_claim
WHERE c.dateprocessed BETWEEN dbo.Fn_datenotime(Getdate()) AND Replace(
VARCHAR), '12:00AM',
'11:59PM')) AS
WHERE c1.contractamount <> c1.[calcamount]
ORDER BY c1.claimnum
This third query takes much longer to execute (I didn't wait to see how long; over 4 minutes).
SELECT c.claimnum,
FROM claim c WITH(nolock)
INNER JOIN claimdetail cd WITH(nolock)
ON cd.fk_claim = c.pk_claim
WHERE c.dateprocessed BETWEEN dbo.Fn_datenotime(Getdate()) AND Replace(
Cast(dbo.Fn_datenotime(Getdate()) AS
VARCHAR), '12:00AM', '11:59PM')
AND cd.contractamount <> dbo.Fn_getfeeschedamount(cd.pk_claimdetail)
ORDER BY c.claimnum
I am running this on a SQL Server 2016 database.
The first query shows all claims for today with their processed amounts and their recalculated amounts.
The last query was my goal of adding one more condition to my where clause to only show claims where the recalculated amount does not match the amount calculated at processing time.
It appears that in the last query, SQL Server is executing the second part of the where clause before the first causing the query to run much longer.
Is there a way to force SQL Server to execute the first part of the where clause first without having to resort to the second query?
We have a SQL Server 2012 database with our live project including multiple tables and records, Basically We are facing a problem with SQL queries on a table where two same SQL queries. The first SQL query is taking less execution time and second SQL query is getting tremendously slow to execute.
I don't know why it is happening someone could help me to solve this problem?
Our two queries are given below....
First query (taking so much time to execute):
SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 10 TrackerResponse.EventName,TrackerResponse.ReceiveTime,ISNull(TrackerResponse.InputStatus,0) AS InputStatus,
UserCar.CarNo FROM TrackerResponse
INNER JOIN UserCar ON (UserCar.TrackerID = TrackerResponse.TrackerID)
WHERE (TrackerResponse.EventName IS NOT NULL AND TrackerResponse.EventName<>'')
AND TrackerResponse.TrackerID = 112 Order By ID DESC) AS Events)
Second query (taking less execution time):
SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 10 TrackerResponse.EventName,TrackerResponse.ReceiveTime,ISNull(TrackerResponse.InputStatus,0) AS InputStatus,
UserCar.CarNo FROM TrackerResponse
INNER JOIN UserCar ON (UserCar.TrackerID = TrackerResponse.TrackerID)
WHERE (TrackerResponse.EventName IS NOT NULL AND TrackerResponse.EventName<>'')
AND TrackerResponse.TrackerID = 56 Order By ID DESC) AS Events
I see Both queries are similar with an exception of tracker my best guess would be ,this query might be a victim of Parameter sniffing..
Try using Option(Recompile) like below to see if this is the cause and follow article referred in above link for resolution
SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 10 TrackerResponse.EventName,TrackerResponse.ReceiveTime,ISNull(TrackerResponse.InputStatus,0) AS InputStatus,
UserCar.CarNo FROM TrackerResponse
INNER JOIN UserCar ON (UserCar.TrackerID = TrackerResponse.TrackerID)
WHERE (TrackerResponse.EventName IS NOT NULL AND TrackerResponse.EventName<>'')
AND TrackerResponse.TrackerID = 56 Order By ID DESC
AS Events)
I have a query against a table that contains like 2 million rows using linked server.
Select * from OPENQUERY(LinkedServerName,
LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl1 PV
INNER JOIN LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl2 VTR
ON PV.col_id = VTR.col_id
INNER JOIN LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl3 CTR
ON PV.col_id = CTR.col_id
INNER JOIN LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl4 PSR
ON PV.col_id = PSR.col_id
PV.col_id = ''80C53C9B-6272-11DA-BB34-000E0C7F3ED2''')
That query results into 365 rows and is executed within 0 second.
However when I make that query into a view it runs for about minimum of 20 seconds and sometimes it reaches to 40 seconds tops.
Here's my create view script
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[myview]
Select * from OPENQUERY(LinkedServerName,
LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl1 PV
INNER JOIN LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl2 VTR
ON PV.col_id = VTR.col_id
INNER JOIN LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl3 CTR
ON PV.col_id = CTR.col_id
INNER JOIN LinkedDbName.dbo.tbl4 PSR
ON PV.col_id = PSR.col_id')
Select * from myview where PV.col_id = '80C53C9B-6272-11DA-BB34-000E0C7F3ED2'
Any idea ? Thanks !
Your queries are quite different. In the first, the where clause is part of the SQL statement passed to OPENQUERY(). This has two important effects:
The amount of data returned is much smaller, only being the rows that match the condition.
The query can be optimized with the WHERE clause.
If you need to share the table, I might suggest that you make a copy on the local server -- either using replication or scheduling a job to copy it over.
I am baffled as to why selecting my SQL View is so slow when using a table alias (25 seconds) but runs so much faster when the alias is removed (2 seconds)
-this query takes 25 seconds.
SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[ProjectId] AS [ProjectId],
[Extent1].[ProjectWorkOrderId] AS [ProjectWorkOrderId],
[Extent1].[Project] AS [Project],
[Extent1].[SubcontractorId] AS [SubcontractorId],
[Extent1].[Subcontractor] AS [Subcontractor],
[Extent1].[ValuationNumber] AS [ValuationNumber],
[Extent1].[WorksOrderName] AS [WorksOrderName],
[Extent1].[CreateByName] AS [CreateByName],
[Extent1].[CreateDate] AS [CreateDate],
[Extent1].[FinalDateForPayment] AS [FinalDateForPayment],
[Extent1].[CreateByEmail] AS [CreateByEmail],
[Extent1].[Deleted] AS [Deleted],
[Extent1].[ValuationStatusCategoryId] AS [ValuationStatusCategoryId]
FROM [dbo].[ValuationsTotal] AS [Extent1]
-this query takes 2 seconds.
FROM [dbo].[ValuationsTotal]
this is my SQL View code -
WITH ValuationTotalsTemp(Id, ProjectId, Project, SubcontractorId, Subcontractor, WorksOrderName, NewGross, ProjectWorkOrderId, ValuationNumber, CreateByName, CreateDate, CreateByEmail, Deleted, ValuationStatusCategoryId, FinalDateForPayment)
AS (SELECT vi.ValuationId AS Id,
b.Id AS Expr1,
b.NAME AS Expr2,
SUM(vi.ValuationQuantity * pbc.BudgetRate) AS 'NewGross',
up.FirstName + ' ' + up.LastName AS Expr3,
FROM dbo.ValuationItems AS vi
INNER JOIN dbo.ProjectBudgetCosts AS pbc
ON vi.ProjectBudgetCostId = pbc.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.Valuations AS v
ON vi.ValuationId = v.Id
INNER JOIN dbo.ProjectSubcontractorApplications AS sa
ON sa.Id = v.ProjectSubcontractorApplicationId
INNER JOIN dbo.Projects AS p
ON p.Id = v.ProjectId
INNER JOIN dbo.ProjectWorkOrders AS wo
ON wo.Id = sa.ProjectWorkOrderId
INNER JOIN dbo.ProjectSubcontractors AS sub
ON sub.Id = wo.ProjectSubcontractorId
INNER JOIN dbo.Businesses AS b
ON b.Id = sub.BusinessId
INNER JOIN dbo.UserProfile AS up
ON up.Id = v.CreateBy
WHERE ( vi.Deleted = 0 )
AND ( v.Deleted = 0 )
GROUP BY vi.ValuationId,
up.FirstName + ' ' + up.LastName,
(SELECT SUM(NewGross) AS Expr1
FROM ValuationTotalsTemp AS tt
WHERE ( ProjectWorkOrderId = t.ProjectWorkOrderId )
AND ( t.ValuationNumber >= ValuationNumber )
GROUP BY ProjectWorkOrderId) AS CumulativeGross
FROM ValuationTotalsTemp AS t
Any ideas why this is?
The SQL query runs with table alias as this is generated from Entity Framework so I have no way of changing this. I will need to modify my SQL view to be able to handle the table alias without affecting performance.
The execution plans are very different.
The slow one has a part that leaps out as being problematic. It estimates a single row will be input to a nested loops join and result in a single scan of ValuationItems. In practice it ends up performing more than 1,000 such scans.
SQL Server 2014 introduced a new cardinality estimator. Your fast plan is using it. This is shown in the XML as CardinalityEstimationModelVersion="120" Your slow plan isn't (CardinalityEstimationModelVersion="70").
So it looks as though in this case the assumptions used by the new estimator give you a better plan.
The reason for the difference is probably as the fast one is running cross database (references [ProbeProduction].[dbo].[ValuationsTotal]) and presumably the database you are executing it from has compatility level of 2014 so automatically gets the new CardinalityEstimator.
The slow one is executing in the context of ProbeProduction itself and I assume the compatibility level of that database must be < 2014 - so you are defaulting to the legacy cardinality estimator.
You can use OPTION (QUERYTRACEON 2312) to get the slow query to use the new cardinality estimator (changing the database compatibility mode to globally alter the behaviour shouldn't be done without careful testing of existing queries as it can cause regressions as well as improvements).
Alternatively you could just try and tune the query working within the limits of the legacy CE. Perhaps adding join hints to encourage it to use something more akin to the faster plan.
The two queries are different (column order!). It is reasonable to assume the first query uses an index and is therefore much faster. I doubt it has anything to do with the aliassing.
For grins would take out the where and give this a try?
I might be doing a bunch of loop joins and filtering at the end
This might get it to filter up front
FROM dbo.ValuationItems AS vi
INNER JOIN dbo.Valuations AS v
ON vi.ValuationId = v.Id
AND vi.Deleted = 0
AND v.Deleted = 0
-- other joins
-- NO where
If you have a lot of loop joins going on then try inner hash join (on all)
The whole query below runs incredibly slowly.
The subquery query [alias Stage_1] takes only 1.37 minutes returning 9514 records, however the whole query takes over 20 minutes, returning 2606 records.
I could use a #temp table to hold the subquery to improve the performance however I would prefer not to.
An overview of the query is that table WeeklySpace inner joins to Spaceblock_Name_to_PG table on SpaceblockName_SID, this cuts down the results in WeeklySpace and includes PG_Code with the results in WeeklySpace. WeeklySpace is then Full Outer Joined to Sales_PG_Wk across 3 fields. The where clause focuses the results, and may be changed. The results from the subquery are then sum'd. You cannot do the final sum'ing in the subquery due to the group by and sum over used.
I believe the issue is due to the subquery re calculation repeatedly during the group by in the final sum'ing. The field SpaceblockName_SID also appears to be involved in causing the issue as without it the run time with a group by in the subquery isn't affected.
I have read though loads of suggestion, trying them all to resolve the issue.
These include;
Adding TOP 2147483647 with Order by to force intermediate
materialization, both in the subquery and using a CTE.
Adding a join after stage_1.
Cast'ing SpaceblockName_SID from an int to a varchar and back again
The execution plan (cut in two parts, shown below the code) for both the subquery and the whole query appear similar. The cost is around the Full Outer Join (Hash Match), which I expected.
The query is running on T-SQL 2005.
Any help greatly appreciated!
, Fin_week
, SpaceblockName_SID
, sum(Propor_rep_SRV) as Total_SpaceblockName_SID_SRV
coalesce(space_side.fin_week , sales_side.fin_week) as Fin_week
,coalesce(space_side.cost_centre , sales_side.cost_Centre) as Cost_centre
when space_side.SpaceblockName_SID is null
then sales_side.SalesExVAT
else sum(space_side.TLM)
/nullif(sum (sum(space_side.TLM) ) over (partition by coalesce(space_side.fin_week , sales_side.fin_week)
, coalesce(space_side.cost_centre , sales_side.cost_Centre)
, coalesce( Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.PG_Code, sales_side.PG_Code)) ,0)*sales_side.SalesExVAT
end as Propor_rep_SRV
WeeklySpace as space_side
ON space_side.SpaceblockName_SID = Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.SpaceblockName_SID
and Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.PG_Code < 10000
full outer join
sales_pg_wk as sales_side
on space_side.fin_week = sales_side.fin_week
and space_side.Cost_Centre = sales_side.Cost_Centre
and Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.PG_code = sales_side.pg_code
coalesce(space_side.fin_week, sales_side.fin_week) between 201538 and 201550
coalesce(space_side.cost_centre, sales_side.cost_Centre) in (3, 2800)
group by
coalesce(space_side.fin_week, sales_side.fin_week)
,coalesce(space_side.cost_centre, sales_side.cost_Centre)
,coalesce( Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.PG_Code, sales_side.PG_Code)
) as stage_1
group by
, Fin_week
, SpaceblockName_SID
Execution plan left hand side
Execution plan right hand side
You didn't mentioned about indices are created or not on those columns those you used in your query. If not then create and check performance of the query
In looking at you logic I think you split this in two with a UNION
One with Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.PG_Code < 10000 and the other with Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.PG_Code >= 10000
And consider this change
If may be doing a bunch of join that you are going to throw out anyway
full outer join sales_pg_wk as sales_side
on space_side.fin_week = sales_side.fin_week
and space_side.Cost_Centre = sales_side.Cost_Centre
and Spaceblock_Name_to_PG.PG_code = sales_side.pg_code
and space_side.fin_week between 201538 and 201550
and sales_side.fin_week between 201538 and 201550
and space_side.cost_centre in (3, 2800)
and sales_side.cost_Centre in (3, 2800)
The following SQL query returns no data for the LEFT JOIN in MS Access.
SELECT Operation_Part.PPC,
Operation_Part.TargetOperationsPerHour as JPH,
Operation_Part.Misc1 as [JPh Alt 1],
STR(Operation_Part.SeqNr) as Sequence,
Operation.OperationType as Operation,
tblOperationType.OperationType as [Operation Type]
FROM tblOperationType
RIGHT JOIN (Operation INNER JOIN Operation_Part ON Operation.idOperation = Operation_Part.idOperation)
ON tblOperationType.idOpType = Operation.OperationTID
WHERE Operation_Part.VsbLDq = 0
AND Operation_Part.idPart <> 0 AND Operation_Part.idPart = 1271)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT Sum([Cptotal]) AS DownTime,
STR(TransactionDetail.seq_number) as Sequence
FROM ([Transaction] INNER JOIN TransactionDetail ON [Transaction].idTransaction = TransactionDetail.idTransaction)
WHERE [Transaction].idTransactionType=29
AND TransactionDetail.WorkOrderNumber = 'PR23144'
GROUP BY TransactionDetail.idPart, STR(TransactionDetail.seq_number))
ON AA.idPart = EE.idPart AND EE.Sequence=AA.Sequence
In SQL Server the query does return the downtime value of 1.08 as required (see pics below).
First select returns:
Second select returns:
MS Access result:
SQL server result:
How do I make it work in MS Access?
This is only a guess, but it may well have something to do with the nulls in the applicable columns of the rows you dont really want.
Suggest you change
SELECT Sum([Cptotal]) AS DownTime,
SELECT Sum(IIf(IsNull([CpTotal]), 0, [CpTotal])) AS DownTime
In Access I always use CStr(...) instead of Str(...)
Aside from this, painful though it may be, I'd suggest turning the left-joined component into a separate query, or if you dont use queries, building a temporary table with this data which is then left joined into the original query.