[proxy_fcgi:error](70007)The timeout specified has expired - apache

I am facing a weared issue with my Magento webstite... its goes down after every 1-2 days. Error is Error 503 Backend Fetch Failed. Guru Meditation.
When I check apache logs it shows "[proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 3910:tid 140273111668480] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: [client] AH01075: Error dispatching request to :81: (polling)"
I doubts that it is issue with apache as it cannt return responce to varnish... I have checked few blogs and as per them Timeout need to be increased in apache.But i dont see any configuration like this.
After restating the server website works fine for 1-2 days.

Add these two lines into your httpd.conf file:
Timeout 600
ProxyTimeout 600


PHPMyAdmin Internal Server Error - Internal Error or Misconfiguration

I have the latest MAMP Pro and it woks great most of the time.
Besides other development activities I do WordPress Core and Plugin updates on 22 websites. I always run the updates on a local (MAMP) version before updating the Live site to verify that there are no conflicts that might break the website. Every couple of months I refresh my local copy of the website.
5 out of the 22 sites error when importing the database. These aren't large sites so SQL file size isn't the issue.
Here's the error message I get from PHPMyAdmin:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, you#example.com and inform
them of the time the error occured, and anything you might have done
that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error
There was only this error in the Apache Log (no errors in MySQL or PHP logs.)
[Sun Feb 26 11:13:47 2017] [error] [client ::1] FastCGI: comm with
server "/Applications/MAMP/fcgi-bin/php5.6.28.fcgi" aborted: idle
timeout (30 sec) [Sun Feb 26 11:13:47 2017] [error] [client ::1]
FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server
I was wondering if this is an issue with MySQL Version mismatch. The live sites are running Version 5.7.15 but MAMP Pro is back on 5.6.34. Other websites with the same version import OK, but these 5 sites do not.
I'm reasonably competent, but no expert when dealing with server issues. Any help would be appreciated.
David R

Apache LimitRequestFieldSize Directive does not work

I'm running my website on apache 2.2 and when the HTTP request header size is above 8K I get a HTTP 400 error -
Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.
cookie /n
And the error in Apache error_log is -
[Fri Jul 24 18:52:56 2015] [error] [client XX.XX.XX.XX] request failed: error reading the headers
This is expected but when I set allowed limit to 16k by -
LimitRequestFieldSize 16380
I still get the same HTTP 400 error on the browser but this time I don't see any error apache error_log.
I have tried using higher values with LimitRequestLine and LimitRequestFields but it doesn't work. Is there any thing I'm missing here ?

ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE When trying to access phpmyadmin

When accessing http://domain.com/phpmyadmin
I get the following error (this one is in chrome, but it is not working in any other browser either):
No data received
When trying to access, apache's error log shows:
apache2: /build/buildd/xcache-1.3.2/stack.c:47: xc_stack_count: Assertion `stack != ((void *)0)' failed.
[Sat Apr 18 23:41:18 2015] [notice] child pid 31027 exit signal Aborted (6)
All worked well a week ago, can't figure out what went wrong.
Rebooted, reinstalled, reconfiugured phpmyadmin, nothing works :(
Working under Ubuntu 10.04,
Any ideas?
Was facing same error. Fixed it by removing a php module: php5-xcache
Received same error in browser.
Apache's error_log shows:
/usr/sbin/httpd: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libnsssysinit.so: undefined symbol: PR_GetEnvSecure
Fixed by restarting Apache via stop and start (apachectl restart is not sufficient).

apache mod_fcgid problems

I have a problem on multiple servers than use Apache module mod_fcgid to serve a cgi script that processes the request (ticket validation and similar processing) then serves files on the server based on the result of the processing.
I keep getting the following errors repeatedly in the logs:
[Mon Jan 30 23:11:41 2012] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: error reading data, FastCGI server closed connection
[Mon Jan 30 23:11:41 2012] [warn] [client] (32)Broken pipe: mod_fcgid: ap_pass_brigade failed in handle_request_ipc function
[Mon Jan 30 23:13:34 2012] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /var/www/cgi-bin/assetx.fcgi
These problems cause the server to be slow and other times result in service temporarily unavailable error.
The servers have large traffic on them, I have currently configured the following fcgi directives as below:
FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 0
FcgidMaxProcesses 300
FcgidMinProcessesPerClass 0
FcgidIdleTimeout 240
FcgidIOTimeout 240
FcgidBusyTimeout 300
the average load on the servers is normal, the number of processes is on average 250 processes.
I have done research for days about this issue, some say it is a permission problem, I've followed their suggestion, didn't help. I tried to tune the parameters above, these are the final values I tried, but they didn't work as well. I am also trying out nginx to be used instead of apache but I cannot find a suitable way to run the cgi script with this high load on the server using nginx.
What can I do to fix this problem?
Your app is dying before Apache can contact it successfully. The answer is to find out why the app is dying.
FastCGI process should never die or quit, even in an error condition. Apache expects FastCGI script to just keep on being there.
You mention you have a cgi script. How did you modify it to support FastCGI?
Usually you need to switch to something like CGI::Fast, remove all calls to die and exit, and refactor your script to run using the CGI::Fast while loop.

Restricting access to website, allowing only a single IP access

For testing purposes, I set this in my htacces:
order deny, allow
deny from all
allow from 123.456.789.000
But Firefox shows:
Internal Server Error The server
encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to
complete your request.
Error log shows:
[Thu Feb 24 04:05:12 2011] [alert]
[client 123.456.789.000]
order takes one argument,
'allow,deny', 'deny,allow', or
What does this mean? What am i doing wrong?
Thanks for helping with this.
You have a space in your Order directive argument.