How to use THREE js TextureLoader() in React native? - react-native

I am trying to create a 3D model in React-Native using Three.js, for that I have to use an image for texture but TextureLoader() function using 'document' and 'canvas' object creation logic, which can't be used in react-native.
so, how can I use an image as texture in react-native using three.js ?

Short summary: the Textureloader didnt work because it required an imageloader which required the inaccesible DOM.
Apparantly there's a THREE.Texture function which i used like this:
let texture = new THREE.Texture(
url //URL = a base 64 JPEG string in this case
var img = new Image(128, 128);
img.src = url;
texture.normal = img;
As you can see i used an Image constructor, this is from React Native and is imported like this:
import { Image } from 'react-native';
In the react native documentation it will explain how it can be used, it supports base64 encoded JPEG.
and finally map the texture to the material: = texture;
Note: i havent tried to show the end result in my webglview yet, but in the element inspector it seems to show proper THREEjs objects.

(Note: this is not the answer)
EDIT: made the code a bit shorter and use DOMParser, still doesnt work because:
"image.addEventListener is not a function"
Which implies the image object which is created in this method doesnt seem to be able to be used in THREEjs,..
var DOMParser = require('react-native-html-parser').DOMParser;
var myDomParser = new DOMParser();
window.document = {};
window.document.createElementNS = (x,y) => {
if (y === "img") {
let doc = myDomParser.parseFromString("<html><head></head><body><img class='image' src=''></img></body></html>");
return doc.getElementsByAttribute("class", "image")[0];
Edit: be careful with this, because it also overrides the other createElemensNS variants in which they create canvas or other things.


Vue Leaflet Setting custom TileLayer bounds

I'm trying to display a large number of images using leaflet and I'm having problems making the tileLayers display properly.
I'm extending the TileLayer class and overriding the createTile function like this:
let imageLayer = TileLayer.extend({
createTile: function (coords, done) {
const image = window.L.DomUtil.create("img");
image.src = ``;
image.crossOrigin = "";
image.onload = function () {
this.onload = function () {};
done(null, image);
return image;
I want to change the position of the images and to only display them in areas I have already defined (for example between offsetting the image at 0,0 to be at 1,1 or using latLng
([8273.300000000001, 10618.02] , [9232.653535353536, 9658.666464646465])).
Ive tried a bunch of different methods and almost always came back to bounds, which don't work and setting the bounds doesn't change anything.
I don't want to use ImageOverlays because the images I'm trying to display are sliced and named with the leaflet naming scheme (0_0_1.png).

Semantic Tokens in MarkupString / MarkupContent

Is it possible to use MarkdownString/MarkupContent with code or pre with span to emulate semantic tokens in Hover? If so, is it possible to access the colors from the user's theme using only the CSS on the span elements? Ideally I would like to avoid using anything VSCode specific.
I saw but there was no solution.
If you want to manually set colors for code you can try this:
// using your fileSelector
let disposable = vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider('plaintext', {
provideHover(document, position) {
const codeBlock = `<code><span style="color:#f00;background-color:#fff;">const</span> a = 12</code>`;
const markdown = new vscode.MarkdownString();
// markdown.appendCodeblock(codeBlock, "javascript");
markdown.supportHtml = true;
markdown.isTrusted = true;
return new vscode.Hover(markdown, new vscode.Range(position, position));
<pre> also works, instead of <code>, but I think <code> looks better.

I am designing a function in JS for scrolling dynamic page how can I pass document as an argument?

I am designing a JS function to achieve scrolling of dynamic page so I created a function in Scroll.feature as
* def ScrollFunction()=
var height = document.body.scrollHeight
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)
var newHeight = document.body.scrollHeight
if (newHeight === height) {
height = newHeight ;
And From another feature file, I will call this function for scrolling, but how will I pass the document parameter to this function?
Sorry, you need to spend some time reading and understanding this:
Even your understanding of Karate functions needs clarity:
Now, document should always work as long as a driver has been initialized.
One hint is you can break up into pieces like this:
* def getHeight = function(){ return script("document.body.scrollHeight") }
And then you can use getHeight() in some other function. Also refer
So please open a new question once you have tried again.

How do I create easily a PDF from an SVG with jsPDF?

I'm trying to create a pdf but I have some SVG pictures. I found information about this problem, but I just have to use JavaScript, that's to say, no jQuery.
I found jsPDF here :
There is the plugin jspdf.plugin.sillysvgrenderer.js (in the same folder) and where we can find an exemple of PDF created in the folder test.
But when I try to generate the PDF on my own, it doesn't work and I don't understand why.
Do you know how to do it?
I got this plugin working, but only with SVG file from the tests and the I saw in the doc that only PATHs are supported :(
There is already the issue on github
If paths are ok for here is my code (it's more or less the code from the tests):
function demoSvgDocument() {
var doc = new jsPDF();
var test = $.get('013_sillysvgrenderer.svg', function(svgText){
var svgAsText = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgText.documentElement);
doc.addSVG(svgAsText, 20, 20, doc.internal.pageSize.width - 20*2)
// Save the PDF'TestSVG.pdf');
Another point to consider, you have to run all examples on a server. Otherwise you won't see any results probably because of the security
Try canvg for that to covert SVG to Canvas. Then convert the canvas to base64 string using .toDataURL().
More detailed answer is here
Check the demo here
Canvg Repo:
There now is svg2pdf.js which uses a fork of jsPDF.
It has been created to solve this exact task: Exporting an SVG to a PDF.
Also in the meantime, jsPDF also added a demo that shows how to possibly export SVG using canvg and the jsPDF canvas implementation.
The two solutions have different advantages and disadvantages, so you might want to try both and see if one of them suits your needs.
You can use the canvas plugin that comes with jsPDF to render the SVG on the PDF with canvg. I've had to set a few dummy properties on the jsPDF canvas implementation, and disable the interactive/animation features of canvg for this to work without errors:
var jsPdfDoc = new jsPDF({
// ... options ...
// ... whatever ...
// hack to make the jspdf canvas work with canvg
jsPdfDoc.canvas.childNodes = {};
jsPdfDoc.context2d.canvas = jsPdfDoc.canvas;
jsPdfDoc.context2d.font = undefined;
// use the canvg render the SVG onto the
// PDF via the jsPDF canvas plugin.
canvg(jsPdfDoc.canvas, svgSource, {
ignoreMouse: true,
ignoreAnimation: true,
ignoreDimensions: true,
ignoreClear: true
This seems to me a much better solution than the SVG plugin for jsPDF, as canvg has much better support of SVG features. Note that the width and height properties should be set on the <svg/> element of your SVG for canvg to render it correctly (or at least so it seemed to me).
I modified this from:
var yourSVG = document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0];
//or use document.getElementById('yourSvgId'); etc.
yourSVG.setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns', '');
yourSVG.setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:xlink', '');
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
var serialSVG = serializer.serializeToString(yourSVG);
var svg = serialSVG;
var blob = new Blob([svg], {type: 'image/svg+xml'});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var image = document.createElement('img');
// image.addEventListener('load', () => URL.revokeObjectURL(url), {once: true});
//changed above line using babel to code below;
image.addEventListener('load', function () {
return URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
}, { once: true });
image.src = url;
//Then just use your pdf.addImage() function as usual;

how to reach to a variable in another js file in appcelerator alloy

I have a small problem.
I have index.js
var loc = require('location');
function doClick (){
in location.js I have these
var dee = 12;
exports.doIt = function() {
Which means that when I click on the button I can get the alert, however, I want to reach these information without a need of click - onLoad - besides I want to return two values not only one.
How I can fix this maybe it has really an easy solution but because I have been working for a while my mind stopped working :)
you should move your location.js to inside app/lib (as module). for example :
// app/lib/helper.js
exports.callAlert = function(text) {
alert('hello'+ text);
and then call it in your controller like this :
var helper = require("helper"); // call helper without path and .js extension
and your problem should be solved :)